What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

Huh, and here I thought you leftists were for choice.
Show me one middle class man who looks like Donald and who's wife looks like trumps wife. Whore. But I'd be a whore too for that kind of money. Remember when you were a kid and asked how much it would take to blow a guy or let him f u? Most say $1 million. Don's got billions.

So that's a 'no' on the choice thing?
If it was legal for Anna Nicole Smith it should be legal for trump.

My buddy has a Russian mail-order bride. No biggy

Then pipe down. Her choice. Doesn't affect you.
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

Huh, and here I thought you leftists were for choice.
Show me one middle class man who looks like Donald and who's wife looks like trumps wife. Whore. But I'd be a whore too for that kind of money. Remember when you were a kid and asked how much it would take to blow a guy or let him f u? Most say $1 million. Don's got billions.

So that's a 'no' on the choice thing?
If it was legal for Anna Nicole Smith it should be legal for trump.

My buddy has a Russian mail-order bride. No biggy

Then pipe down. Her choice. Doesn't affect you.
And it's Hillary's choice if she puts up with Bill.
Huh, and here I thought you leftists were for choice.
Show me one middle class man who looks like Donald and who's wife looks like trumps wife. Whore. But I'd be a whore too for that kind of money. Remember when you were a kid and asked how much it would take to blow a guy or let him f u? Most say $1 million. Don's got billions.

So that's a 'no' on the choice thing?
If it was legal for Anna Nicole Smith it should be legal for trump.

My buddy has a Russian mail-order bride. No biggy

Then pipe down. Her choice. Doesn't affect you.
And it's Hillary's choice if she puts up with Bill.

We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
Responding to it even though you won't understand it, much less debate it.

First: personal freedom. Every person is entitled to unlimited rights and unfettered action when he is born. Government can infringe on all of those only for very specific reasons. So gov't can outlaw murder and other crimes against person and property because a society that doesnt wont last long.BUt they have to be clearly aimed at dangers among members in society. No outlawing private behavior to save you from yourself.
Property: Allied with personal rights are property rights. People have an absolute right to theoir own property, to do with what they want. Gov't can regulate aspects that pose dangers of health and safety to others. For example requiring doctors to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
Taxation: Taxation to fund limited specific purposes of gov't to benefit society that are not easily appotionable are valid. So taxes to support a court system to adjudicate contract disputes and the like are fine. But public officials have a fiduciary duty to taxpayers to see the money is well spent.

We have a republic, if we can keep it. In a republican form of government law is made by men/women who have been elected by the people to act for them. In fact elected representatives have no fiduciary duty to the voter; CU & McCutcheon have made a mockery of the concept as laws today are made to benefit the representatives job security and the highest bidder; ideologues are worthless pieces of human excrement - of course this is my not so humble opinion.
Thanks for posting totally off topic and derailing your own thread. You don't have a fucking clue.
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
Responding to it even though you won't understand it, much less debate it.

First: personal freedom. Every person is entitled to unlimited rights and unfettered action when he is born. Government can infringe on all of those only for very specific reasons. So gov't can outlaw murder and other crimes against person and property because a society that doesnt wont last long.BUt they have to be clearly aimed at dangers among members in society. No outlawing private behavior to save you from yourself.
Property: Allied with personal rights are property rights. People have an absolute right to theoir own property, to do with what they want. Gov't can regulate aspects that pose dangers of health and safety to others. For example requiring doctors to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
Taxation: Taxation to fund limited specific purposes of gov't to benefit society that are not easily appotionable are valid. So taxes to support a court system to adjudicate contract disputes and the like are fine. But public officials have a fiduciary duty to taxpayers to see the money is well spent.

We have a republic, if we can keep it. In a republican form of government law is made by men/women who have been elected by the people to act for them. In fact elected representatives have no fiduciary duty to the voter; CU & McCutcheon have made a mockery of the concept as laws today are made to benefit the representatives job security and the highest bidder; ideologues are worthless pieces of human excrement - of course this is my not so humble opinion.
Thanks for posting totally off topic and derailing your own thread. You don't have a fucking clue.

That my post was too abstract for you is not a surprise, nor is your myopic vision always clouded by bias and prejudice. The following seem to me to be the most common characteristic of today's iteration of conservative. Try to belie the facts, or be your usual self and respond foolishly.

  • Efforts to deny the right of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • Efforts to suppress the vote of citizens
  • Efforts to deny social justice (equal treatment) to citizens & non citizens
  • Efforts to deny contraceptives to women
  • Callous disregard for the working poor
  • Efforts to deny collective bargaining
  • Efforts to bust labor unions
  • Efforts to keep and put more dark money into politics
  • Bigotry, prejudice + hate and fear rhetoric
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
Responding to it even though you won't understand it, much less debate it.

First: personal freedom. Every person is entitled to unlimited rights and unfettered action when he is born. Government can infringe on all of those only for very specific reasons. So gov't can outlaw murder and other crimes against person and property because a society that doesnt wont last long.BUt they have to be clearly aimed at dangers among members in society. No outlawing private behavior to save you from yourself.
Property: Allied with personal rights are property rights. People have an absolute right to theoir own property, to do with what they want. Gov't can regulate aspects that pose dangers of health and safety to others. For example requiring doctors to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
Taxation: Taxation to fund limited specific purposes of gov't to benefit society that are not easily appotionable are valid. So taxes to support a court system to adjudicate contract disputes and the like are fine. But public officials have a fiduciary duty to taxpayers to see the money is well spent.

We have a republic, if we can keep it. In a republican form of government law is made by men/women who have been elected by the people to act for them. In fact elected representatives have no fiduciary duty to the voter; CU & McCutcheon have made a mockery of the concept as laws today are made to benefit the representatives job security and the highest bidder; ideologues are worthless pieces of human excrement - of course this is my not so humble opinion.
Thanks for posting totally off topic and derailing your own thread. You don't have a fucking clue.

That my post was too abstract for you is not a surprise, nor is your myopic vision always clouded by bias and prejudice. The following seem to me to be the most common characteristic of today's iteration of conservative. Try to belie the facts, or be your usual self and respond foolishly.

  • Efforts to deny the right of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • Efforts to suppress the vote of citizens
  • Efforts to deny social justice (equal treatment) to citizens & non citizens
  • Efforts to deny contraceptives to women
  • Callous disregard for the working poor
  • Efforts to deny collective bargaining
  • Efforts to bust labor unions
  • Efforts to keep and put more dark money into politics
  • Bigotry, prejudice + hate and fear rhetoric
Thanks for demonstrating you cannot reason or express yourself appropriately. Have you been checked for Alzheimer's recently?
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
Responding to it even though you won't understand it, much less debate it.

First: personal freedom. Every person is entitled to unlimited rights and unfettered action when he is born. Government can infringe on all of those only for very specific reasons. So gov't can outlaw murder and other crimes against person and property because a society that doesnt wont last long.BUt they have to be clearly aimed at dangers among members in society. No outlawing private behavior to save you from yourself.
Property: Allied with personal rights are property rights. People have an absolute right to theoir own property, to do with what they want. Gov't can regulate aspects that pose dangers of health and safety to others. For example requiring doctors to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
Taxation: Taxation to fund limited specific purposes of gov't to benefit society that are not easily appotionable are valid. So taxes to support a court system to adjudicate contract disputes and the like are fine. But public officials have a fiduciary duty to taxpayers to see the money is well spent.

We have a republic, if we can keep it. In a republican form of government law is made by men/women who have been elected by the people to act for them. In fact elected representatives have no fiduciary duty to the voter; CU & McCutcheon have made a mockery of the concept as laws today are made to benefit the representatives job security and the highest bidder; ideologues are worthless pieces of human excrement - of course this is my not so humble opinion.
Thanks for posting totally off topic and derailing your own thread. You don't have a fucking clue.

That my post was too abstract for you is not a surprise, nor is your myopic vision always clouded by bias and prejudice. The following seem to me to be the most common characteristic of today's iteration of conservative. Try to belie the facts, or be your usual self and respond foolishly.

  • Efforts to deny the right of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • Efforts to suppress the vote of citizens
  • Efforts to deny social justice (equal treatment) to citizens & non citizens
  • Efforts to deny contraceptives to women
  • Callous disregard for the working poor
  • Efforts to deny collective bargaining
  • Efforts to bust labor unions
  • Efforts to keep and put more dark money into politics
  • Bigotry, prejudice + hate and fear rhetoric
Thanks for demonstrating you cannot reason or express yourself appropriately. Have you been checked for Alzheimer's recently?

Non responsive, ad hominem and lacking substance. That's your genre, on every topic in every post.

BTW, efforts to deny the legal right of abortion, and or to put roadblocks in their way making a difficult decision for women much harder; efforts to cut funding to grants issued under the violence against women act; efforts to reduce or eliminate efforts to provide job training and equal access to employment for women and minorities; efforts to require the working poor to pay income tax; efforts to deny US citizens born in the US by immigrants the right to attend college.

Enough substance for you to rebut? That you can't feel free to lie (of course you usually do and don't need my permission). Being a callous conservative (is there any other kind?) I'm sure you don't give a damn about anyone but yourself, so these values (so to speak) are the ones you support, yet you are too dishonest to admit that you do.
Responding to it even though you won't understand it, much less debate it.

First: personal freedom. Every person is entitled to unlimited rights and unfettered action when he is born. Government can infringe on all of those only for very specific reasons. So gov't can outlaw murder and other crimes against person and property because a society that doesnt wont last long.BUt they have to be clearly aimed at dangers among members in society. No outlawing private behavior to save you from yourself.
Property: Allied with personal rights are property rights. People have an absolute right to theoir own property, to do with what they want. Gov't can regulate aspects that pose dangers of health and safety to others. For example requiring doctors to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
Taxation: Taxation to fund limited specific purposes of gov't to benefit society that are not easily appotionable are valid. So taxes to support a court system to adjudicate contract disputes and the like are fine. But public officials have a fiduciary duty to taxpayers to see the money is well spent.

We have a republic, if we can keep it. In a republican form of government law is made by men/women who have been elected by the people to act for them. In fact elected representatives have no fiduciary duty to the voter; CU & McCutcheon have made a mockery of the concept as laws today are made to benefit the representatives job security and the highest bidder; ideologues are worthless pieces of human excrement - of course this is my not so humble opinion.
Thanks for posting totally off topic and derailing your own thread. You don't have a fucking clue.

That my post was too abstract for you is not a surprise, nor is your myopic vision always clouded by bias and prejudice. The following seem to me to be the most common characteristic of today's iteration of conservative. Try to belie the facts, or be your usual self and respond foolishly.

  • Efforts to deny the right of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • Efforts to suppress the vote of citizens
  • Efforts to deny social justice (equal treatment) to citizens & non citizens
  • Efforts to deny contraceptives to women
  • Callous disregard for the working poor
  • Efforts to deny collective bargaining
  • Efforts to bust labor unions
  • Efforts to keep and put more dark money into politics
  • Bigotry, prejudice + hate and fear rhetoric
Thanks for demonstrating you cannot reason or express yourself appropriately. Have you been checked for Alzheimer's recently?

Non responsive, ad hominem and lacking substance. That's your genre, on every topic in every post.

BTW, efforts to deny the legal right of abortion, and or to put roadblocks in their way making a difficult decision for women much harder; efforts to cut funding to grants issued under the violence against women act; efforts to reduce or eliminate efforts to provide job training and equal access to employment for women and minorities; efforts to require the working poor to pay income tax; efforts to deny US citizens born in the US by immigrants the right to attend college.

Enough substance for you to rebut? That you can't feel free to lie (of course you usually do and don't need my permission). Being a callous conservative (is there any other kind?) I'm sure you don't give a damn about anyone but yourself, so these values (so to speak) are the ones you support, yet you are too dishonest to admit that you do.
Bush LIED US INTO WAR!! What about that do you NOT understand???
Conservative principles are everything Donald Trump isn't....a 4 times divorced, non christian, who imports his women, exports his jobs, who loves immigrants who work for cheap, who will hob nob with a Clinton or Klan member, if it gives him tv time and favors, who will no doubt be our next nightmare.
I don't think the list of "conservative principles" is all that difficult to identify.

What's fascinating is how one (1) guy has caused so much of the party that has so diligently tried for so long to represent & promote those principles to toss them under the bus.
"We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives", true enough but doesn't it seem strange that true liberals keep their values and principles secret until they get the spring them on the unsuspecting public? Who in the world ever thought that we would be having a national debate about hairy pervert men being allowed in the ladies room? It must be relatively easy for a democrat to run in the party of no values or no principles. He/she can never be accused of being a hypocrite.
You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?


Pal, who the hell got a life time of google search? You butt fucks don't have any scruples, principals or agenda.
well said ...
How so? She said she can't be bothered educating herself on what conservativism means and hurled insults as a substitute. LOL, and YOU think it was well said.

We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?

It is a subjective topic, as many who I dont think are conservative claim the title, and I dont consider myself a conservative in the American sense of the word and yet people call me a conservative all the time, and a liberal, and a commie and a Mother....never mind.

I tried to get a thread going on this topic and the link is in my sig if you want to go into that.

Basically the most common use of the word conservative means 'reactionary' and they prefer the time of their childhood to the latest Progressive changes to society. Thus we have different kinds of reactionaries, some of whom want to get rid of Social Security, some are segregationists, some are anti-feminist, some are mostly pro-life, etc, each having the hallmarks of a reactionary movement of a particular year.

But some are NeoConservatives, and that is an intellectual outgrowth of leftwing ideology but applied to conservative axioms. They have PAx Americana as their most distinct goal, but the pay lip service to the entire range of reactionary groups, with no intention of doing anything other than syumbolic gestures as they strengthen their political/donor network.

A very few conservatives are conservatives in the classic liberal, western European Christian context. We are loyal to eternal values that transcend our time and universe, and simply try to apply those values to whatever nation we happen to be passing through.
  1. what is a conservative ... a conservative is a person who doesn't like change who makes up their version of the constitution and uses just part of it to justify their views just like they do with the bible ... a conservative is a person who feels his party is the only party that's paying taxes and he feels only liberals get freebees by the taxes that the republican part pays for ...
  2. heres the sad part the most people on welfare live in conservative states ... the most people trying to get off welfare are people in Blue states ... but to hear if from conservatives we liberal/dems are sucking the cash out of the country from all the freebee we get... sad but thats their believe system ... we are seeing Lincoln republican party destruction ... soon to be something of the past
You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?


Pal, who the hell got a life time of google search? You butt fucks don't have any scruples, principals or agenda.
well said ...
How so? She said she can't be bothered educating herself on what conservativism means and hurled insults as a substitute. LOL, and YOU think it was well said.

the retard is you .. he clearly stated what a conservative is ... you're too retarded to grasp it ... the one who needs to be educated its you...
conservative are against any kind of social program cause it might cost them to pay .10 cents more in taxes
they are against medicare, they are against medicaid, they are against social security, they are against the american affordable care act ... they are against everything that helps the people ... this person stated it well by saying "any scruples, principals or agenda". ... i realize you conservatives need it spelled out for them, but this person took a short cut and you couldn't grasp it ...
"We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives", true enough but doesn't it seem strange that true liberals keep their values and principles secret until they get the spring them on the unsuspecting public? Who in the world ever thought that we would be having a national debate about hairy pervert men being allowed in the ladies room? It must be relatively easy for a democrat to run in the party of no values or no principles. He/she can never be accused of being a hypocrite.
how many transgender people been arrested for doing some sort of perverted act ??? to date none have been arrested of doing anything to any one in any bathroom ... none, nada, zilch !!! the sad part here is your phobia of transgender people like all conservatives have clouded your ability to understand the differences or what a transgender person is ... you think they are men dress up like women so the can go in and see women viginas ... thats it in a nutshell ... or women that dress up like men so the can see if you have a big or small dick... sad but true ...thats the mentality of a CONSERVATIVE ...
Ask a partisan from either side to describe their ideology and you'll get a lovely, flowing, passionate list of heart-warming goals and platitudes.

Ask that person to describe the ideology of the other side and you'll get a dark, distorted, frightful list of a nightmarish and hopeless dystopia.

We all know this, right?

We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?

It is a subjective topic, as many who I dont think are conservative claim the title, and I dont consider myself a conservative in the American sense of the word and yet people call me a conservative all the time, and a liberal, and a commie and a Mother....never mind.

I tried to get a thread going on this topic and the link is in my sig if you want to go into that.

Basically the most common use of the word conservative means 'reactionary' and they prefer the time of their childhood to the latest Progressive changes to society. Thus we have different kinds of reactionaries, some of whom want to get rid of Social Security, some are segregationists, some are anti-feminist, some are mostly pro-life, etc, each having the hallmarks of a reactionary movement of a particular year.

But some are NeoConservatives, and that is an intellectual outgrowth of leftwing ideology but applied to conservative axioms. They have PAx Americana as their most distinct goal, but the pay lip service to the entire range of reactionary groups, with no intention of doing anything other than syumbolic gestures as they strengthen their political/donor network.

A very few conservatives are conservatives in the classic liberal, western European Christian context. We are loyal to eternal values that transcend our time and universe, and simply try to apply those values to whatever nation we happen to be passing through.
  1. what is a conservative ... a conservative is a person who doesn't like change who makes up their version of the constitution and uses just part of it to justify their views just like they do with the bible ... a conservative is a person who feels his party is the only party that's paying taxes and he feels only liberals get freebees by the taxes that the republican part pays for ...
  2. heres the sad part the most people on welfare live in conservative states ... the most people trying to get off welfare are people in Blue states ... but to hear if from conservatives we liberal/dems are sucking the cash out of the country from all the freebee we get... sad but thats their believe system ... we are seeing Lincoln republican party destruction ... soon to be something of the past
It's always amusing to watch little Billy try to think. Like a chimp flinging poo at the zoo. No, little Billy, that's not the definition, look it up.

Then come back and explain how California and the "blue" states being obscenely in debt demonstrates their fiscal responsibility.

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