What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.


Top 10 pay 40. The bottom 47 pay nothing thanks to republicans. (The EITC was a republican gift)

So 60% of the taxes are paid by 43% of the middle. Whose wages have been flat. And net worth took a beating.

While the top 10% have seen tremendous increases in earnings and net worth.

And you want to bitch about the taxes the top 10% pay?

Fuck you. You ain't in the top 10%.
What's the matter bear cub? Doesn't your great SC employer offer you all health care coverage through the company plan?

If they do, why you being such a little bitch?
Some extreme conservatives see it this way..."you don't need a college education to get ahead. Then they look at low wage earners and say "get your college degree...get formally trained.". Then they call for massive cuts to education. But that is not all conservatives as most are able to see just how stupid that way of thinking is. Painting with a broad brush doesn't work. Extreme liberals are the same....can't figure it out.
Some extreme conservatives see it this way..."you don't need a college education to get ahead. Then they look at low wage earners and say "get your college degree...get formally trained.". Then they call for massive cuts to education. But that is not all conservatives as most are able to see just how stupid that way of thinking is. Painting with a broad brush doesn't work. Extreme liberals are the same....can't figure it out.
Some liberals make shit up. No wait, they all do.

Many trades don't require a college education, you are better off landing a job and working your way up. Some, like electrical will require education but you need a trade school for that. Massive cuts to education? I don't know what specifically you are referring to. I'd like the government to get out of higher education and let the market determine the value.
Doesn't your great SC employer offer you all health care coverage through the company plan?

Yep there was my question.

You have company paid insurance. But choose to bitch about Obama care for those who need it to have what your company provides you. Insurance.

Hypocrite much?
  1. what is a conservative ... a conservative is a person who doesn't like change who makes up their version of the constitution and uses just part of it to justify their views just like they do with the bible ... a conservative is a person who feels his party is the only party that's paying taxes and he feels only liberals get freebees by the taxes that the republican part pays for ...
  2. heres the sad part the most people on welfare live in conservative states ... the most people trying to get off welfare are people in Blue states ... but to hear if from conservatives we liberal/dems are sucking the cash out of the country from all the freebee we get... sad but thats their believe system ... we are seeing Lincoln republican party destruction ... soon to be something of the past
It's always amusing to watch little Billy try to think. Like a chimp flinging poo at the zoo. No, little Billy, that's not the definition, look it up.

Then come back and explain how California and the "blue" states being obscenely in debt demonstrates their fiscal responsibility.
as always when you can't refute my post with out the insults ... my post came from the dictionary definition of conservative ... as for the california debt ... this debt came from all the tax cuts from Arnold ... when you cut taxes and don't get a revenue to pay for all the programs need in the state, you go into debt ...something you idiots don't see to understand Much of ... the state’s debt comes from general obligation bonds — funds for public works — totaling $73.1 billion, unemployment insurance loans totaling $10.9 billion, and lease-revenue bonds totaling $11.3 billion.

The debt of K-12 public school districts was estimated at $49.7 billion, city government debt was $68.1 billion, county government debt was $22.1 billion, redevelopment agencies and special districts was $110.4 billion, unfunded pension liabilities at 7.5 percent interest was $128.3 billion and unfunded retiree healthcare liability was $136.8 billion. this was all created by the tax cut Arnold made and now you want to blame democrats for it ... just like the trillions of dollars creaded by bush you blame Obama ... if we had a republican as president instead of obama we would have lost big time we would have gone into a great depression you would be standing in a soup line or a bread line ...but thanks to Obama he save us all from a disaster that was created by you republicans and yo'rte too stupid to grasp it ... your appreciation of this president is he's the worst president ever ... whats not amusing is your stupidity ... the only one here that slings poo in you in the world of a republican zoo ...

as for welfare still california has a lower percentage of people on welfare then any red state ... you seem to have forgot that one ... the least amount of debt came from people on unemployment and thats really not a government tax its a tax you and your company pay ...

its like everything you do and say... your stupidity out shine us all ... here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit ... who thinks government is the problem ... when we have a democrat come into office, raises taxes on everybody the republican cry is were going to fail it will cause a disaster in the country ... what happens ??? we Dems balance the budget and have money to pay on the national debt ... what does your wonderful republicans leadership do ??? they take the pay down for the national debt and give it back to corporation... with their wonderful wisdom by cutting taxes again what happens they nearly cause another great depression again ... thats great leadership I wouldn't say ... just like the first great depression, you republicans cause that with all of your tax cuts ... way to go ass hole ... you stay blind of the facts and keep slinging your poo, thats all ya got ...
Liar. I said to go look up the word conservative since it was misrepresented and you agreed. That doesn't equate to me not refuting your pearls of wisdom. obama turned around trickle down bullshit? You're a moron, little Billy.

The rich are richer, the poor poorer and the economy is still limp dicking along.
you see to have a comprehension problem ... I never said obama turned around trickle down bullshit ... never!!!! I clearly said and you couldn't comprehend it which isn't unusual for you ... I said "here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit" correct me if Im wrong but do you see Obama's name there anywhere ??? I don't ... seems you have Obama on the brain...

the rich get richer because they don't pay taxes ... the poor get poorer because the rich doesn't pay their fair share and the poor have to try and make up the difference ... which we all know they can't ... so the national debt gets bigger ...pull you head out of your ass Iceweene
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.

and the poor and the middle class pay the 60% rest ....what your point other then the pointy hat you have on your head that says
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.


Top 10 pay 40. The bottom 47 pay nothing thanks to republicans. (The EITC was a republican gift)

So 60% of the taxes are paid by 43% of the middle. Whose wages have been flat. And net worth took a beating.

While the top 10% have seen tremendous increases in earnings and net worth.

And you want to bitch about the taxes the top 10% pay?

Fuck you. You ain't in the top 10%.

Iceweasel's stats are wrong. The top 1% pay 40% of the taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. Those are IRS statistics.
It's always amusing to watch little Billy try to think. Like a chimp flinging poo at the zoo. No, little Billy, that's not the definition, look it up.

Then come back and explain how California and the "blue" states being obscenely in debt demonstrates their fiscal responsibility.
as always when you can't refute my post with out the insults ... my post came from the dictionary definition of conservative ... as for the california debt ... this debt came from all the tax cuts from Arnold ... when you cut taxes and don't get a revenue to pay for all the programs need in the state, you go into debt ...something you idiots don't see to understand Much of ... the state’s debt comes from general obligation bonds — funds for public works — totaling $73.1 billion, unemployment insurance loans totaling $10.9 billion, and lease-revenue bonds totaling $11.3 billion.

The debt of K-12 public school districts was estimated at $49.7 billion, city government debt was $68.1 billion, county government debt was $22.1 billion, redevelopment agencies and special districts was $110.4 billion, unfunded pension liabilities at 7.5 percent interest was $128.3 billion and unfunded retiree healthcare liability was $136.8 billion. this was all created by the tax cut Arnold made and now you want to blame democrats for it ... just like the trillions of dollars creaded by bush you blame Obama ... if we had a republican as president instead of obama we would have lost big time we would have gone into a great depression you would be standing in a soup line or a bread line ...but thanks to Obama he save us all from a disaster that was created by you republicans and yo'rte too stupid to grasp it ... your appreciation of this president is he's the worst president ever ... whats not amusing is your stupidity ... the only one here that slings poo in you in the world of a republican zoo ...

as for welfare still california has a lower percentage of people on welfare then any red state ... you seem to have forgot that one ... the least amount of debt came from people on unemployment and thats really not a government tax its a tax you and your company pay ...

its like everything you do and say... your stupidity out shine us all ... here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit ... who thinks government is the problem ... when we have a democrat come into office, raises taxes on everybody the republican cry is were going to fail it will cause a disaster in the country ... what happens ??? we Dems balance the budget and have money to pay on the national debt ... what does your wonderful republicans leadership do ??? they take the pay down for the national debt and give it back to corporation... with their wonderful wisdom by cutting taxes again what happens they nearly cause another great depression again ... thats great leadership I wouldn't say ... just like the first great depression, you republicans cause that with all of your tax cuts ... way to go ass hole ... you stay blind of the facts and keep slinging your poo, thats all ya got ...
Liar. I said to go look up the word conservative since it was misrepresented and you agreed. That doesn't equate to me not refuting your pearls of wisdom. obama turned around trickle down bullshit? You're a moron, little Billy.

The rich are richer, the poor poorer and the economy is still limp dicking along.
you see to have a comprehension problem ... I never said obama turned around trickle down bullshit ... never!!!! I clearly said and you couldn't comprehend it which isn't unusual for you ... I said "here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit" correct me if Im wrong but do you see Obama's name there anywhere ??? I don't ... seems you have Obama on the brain...

the rich get richer because they don't pay taxes ... the poor get poorer because the rich doesn't pay their fair share and the poor have to try and make up the difference ... which we all know they can't ... so the national debt gets bigger ...pull you head out of your ass Iceweene
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.

and the poor and the middle class pay the 60% rest ....what your point other then the pointy hat you have on your head that says

So when 47% of the country pay no taxes you think half the country plus is poor? Of the United States of America? You're a fucking idiot
Doesn't your great SC employer offer you all health care coverage through the company plan?

Yep there was my question.

You have company paid insurance. But choose to bitch about Obama care for those who need it to have what your company provides you. Insurance.

Hypocrite much?
you nailed it ....the only reason they rag about the ACA is their handlers pull their puppet strings to reguratate their mantra ... everybody I know thats on the ACA in a state that accepts the ACA are elated with it ... the ones you hear that governor won't accept the ACA pays the full cost of a health care plan .... the ones who can't afford it go without health care because they can't afford it... these bozo's can't seem to grasp what the plan does they only repeat what their conservative handlers tell them to say ...obama care bad no health care good ...
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.


Top 10 pay 40. The bottom 47 pay nothing thanks to republicans. (The EITC was a republican gift)

So 60% of the taxes are paid by 43% of the middle. Whose wages have been flat. And net worth took a beating.

While the top 10% have seen tremendous increases in earnings and net worth.

And you want to bitch about the taxes the top 10% pay?

Fuck you. You ain't in the top 10%.

Iceweasel's stats are wrong. The top 1% pay 40% of the taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. Those are IRS statistics.
Icedweenee never gets it right but whats new
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.


Top 10 pay 40. The bottom 47 pay nothing thanks to republicans. (The EITC was a republican gift)

So 60% of the taxes are paid by 43% of the middle. Whose wages have been flat. And net worth took a beating.

While the top 10% have seen tremendous increases in earnings and net worth.

And you want to bitch about the taxes the top 10% pay?

Fuck you. You ain't in the top 10%.

Iceweasel's stats are wrong. The top 1% pay 40% of the taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. Those are IRS statistics.
Icedweenee never gets it right but whats new

In that case, his stats were way better for you than the real ones and the real stats just destroyed your argument. The top 10% of taxpayers pay over 75% of the taxes, not 40%. The next 40% pay less than 25% of the taxes. The bottom 50% pay about zero.

While the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes, they actually earn about 20% of the income. You can stop fighting the war that you already won now. I thought you said you aren't a Democrat hack? The statistics contradict that
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...

I will only address two issues of your misguided babbling post

1. The full obama care law is yet to take effect in 2018 the Union caddilac health care plans are taxed at over 40%

2. only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost

Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????

The States that didn't take obama care the only thing that happened is they didn't expand Medicare.

You sir are retarded and full of shit.

Edit: it was changed to 2020

The Cadillac Tax


1) really you don't know, you said (Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????) its how it works ... if you can't afford health care in a republican state you can't get medicaid, sorry its not medicare, which show us you haven't a clue in what you are talking about..

2) if your state refuses the ACA you don't get the subsidy that the federal government gives you and your state .. the retarded one here is you cause you didn't know this...

example: you look up on the web for your plan it says it will cost you 600 dollars, you will pay 600 dollars in a state that doesn't take ACA ... you look up your cost in a state that dose take the ACA, it say your cost is 600 dollars and you get a subsidy of 400 dollars ... you out of pocket expense is 200 dollars a month ... now this is how it work the cost are just numbers I used as an example ...

in 2020 thats when they close the donut whole and yes if your state doesn't accept the ACA your cost will go up 40% thats a fact that I can't deny so my cost will cost me 280 dollars a month and your cost will cost you 840 a month cause your governor a republican still refuses the ACA ... try and learn something here

you can't afford health care in a republican state you can't get medicaid, sorry its not medicare, which show us you haven't a clue in what you are talking about..

What ever that's what I fucking meant tard.

And quit with the god damn propaganda saying it is only being raised in the red States .

Obamacare's 2017 Insurer Rate Requests Are Starting to Stream in, and the Figures Are Scary -- The Motley Fool

Obamacare's 2017 Insurer Rate Requests Are Starting to Stream in, and the Figures Are Scary
If you thought healthcare premium price hikes were high in 2016, you haven't seen anything yet, based on this preliminary data for 2017.
heres how stupid you are I said this
"our cost will go up 40% thats a fact that I can't deny so my cost will cost me 280 dollars a month and your cost will cost you 840 a month cause your governor a republican still refuses the ACA ... try and learn something here"

now if you have any kind of math skills 40 dollars is 40% of 200 dollars ...240 dollars is the 40% cost for ACA states ... 240 dollars is the 40% mark up of your 600 dollars cost ...try and keep up ,never said never implied never said only red states it goes up ... I said and implied that it goes up on all states, you idiot ....thats what Ive said ...

now, I see you seem to have a comprehension problem ... I was talking about Welfare ... welfare is the highest percentage of people in red states ,thats not propaganda, thats facts ... blue states are lower with welfare cost then red states ... try and keep up with the big boys ...
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.


Top 10 pay 40. The bottom 47 pay nothing thanks to republicans. (The EITC was a republican gift)

So 60% of the taxes are paid by 43% of the middle. Whose wages have been flat. And net worth took a beating.

While the top 10% have seen tremendous increases in earnings and net worth.

And you want to bitch about the taxes the top 10% pay?

Fuck you. You ain't in the top 10%.

Iceweasel's stats are wrong. The top 1% pay 40% of the taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. Those are IRS statistics.
Icedweenee never gets it right but whats new

In that case, his stats were way better for you than the real ones and the real stats just destroyed your argument. The top 10% of taxpayers pay over 75% of the taxes, not 40%. The next 40% pay less than 25% of the taxes. The bottom 50% pay about zero.

While the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes, they actually earn about 20% of the income. You can stop fighting the war that you already won now. I thought you said you aren't a Democrat hack? The statistics contradict that
never said that try and keep up
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.


Top 10 pay 40. The bottom 47 pay nothing thanks to republicans. (The EITC was a republican gift)

So 60% of the taxes are paid by 43% of the middle. Whose wages have been flat. And net worth took a beating.

While the top 10% have seen tremendous increases in earnings and net worth.

And you want to bitch about the taxes the top 10% pay?

Fuck you. You ain't in the top 10%.

Iceweasel's stats are wrong. The top 1% pay 40% of the taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. Those are IRS statistics.
Icedweenee never gets it right but whats new

In that case, his stats were way better for you than the real ones and the real stats just destroyed your argument. The top 10% of taxpayers pay over 75% of the taxes, not 40%. The next 40% pay less than 25% of the taxes. The bottom 50% pay about zero.

While the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes, they actually earn about 20% of the income. You can stop fighting the war that you already won now. I thought you said you aren't a Democrat hack? The statistics contradict that
never said that try and keep up

Here you go. It's like three posts up, dumb ass. When 47% of taxpayers pay zero, you say the poor are still paying taxes. Are you reading your own posts?

and the poor and the middle class pay the 60% rest ....what your point other then the pointy hat you have on your head that says
Top 10 pay 40. The bottom 47 pay nothing thanks to republicans. (The EITC was a republican gift)

So 60% of the taxes are paid by 43% of the middle. Whose wages have been flat. And net worth took a beating.

While the top 10% have seen tremendous increases in earnings and net worth.

And you want to bitch about the taxes the top 10% pay?

Fuck you. You ain't in the top 10%.

Iceweasel's stats are wrong. The top 1% pay 40% of the taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. Those are IRS statistics.
Icedweenee never gets it right but whats new

In that case, his stats were way better for you than the real ones and the real stats just destroyed your argument. The top 10% of taxpayers pay over 75% of the taxes, not 40%. The next 40% pay less than 25% of the taxes. The bottom 50% pay about zero.

While the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes, they actually earn about 20% of the income. You can stop fighting the war that you already won now. I thought you said you aren't a Democrat hack? The statistics contradict that
never said that try and keep up

Here you go. It's like three posts up, dumb ass. When 47% of taxpayers pay zero, you say the poor are still paying taxes. Are you reading your own posts?

and the poor and the middle class pay the 60% rest ....what your point other then the pointy hat you have on your head that says
apparently you have a comprehension problem too ... you see what you want to see ... I clearly said the poor and the middle class
you seem to have missed that .... thats what you get when a
is involved

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