What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

Ask a partisan from either side to describe their ideology and you'll get a lovely, flowing, passionate list of heart-warming goals and platitudes.

Ask that person to describe the ideology of the other side and you'll get a dark, distorted, frightful list of a nightmarish and hopeless dystopia.

We all know this, right?

And we can also point out the smug, superior asshole that pretends to be above it all so they can freely throw shit all around. AND somehow be above reproach. LOL.
Ask a partisan from either side to describe their ideology and you'll get a lovely, flowing, passionate list of heart-warming goals and platitudes.

Ask that person to describe the ideology of the other side and you'll get a dark, distorted, frightful list of a nightmarish and hopeless dystopia.

We all know this, right?

And we can also point out the smug, superior asshole that pretends to be above it all so they can freely throw shit all around. AND somehow be above reproach. LOL.
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?


Pal, who the hell got a life time of google search? You butt fucks don't have any scruples, principals or agenda.
well said ...
How so? She said she can't be bothered educating herself on what conservativism means and hurled insults as a substitute. LOL, and YOU think it was well said.

the retard is you .. he clearly stated what a conservative is ... you're too retarded to grasp it ... the one who needs to be educated its you...
conservative are against any kind of social program cause it might cost them to pay .10 cents more in taxes
they are against medicare, they are against medicaid, they are against social security, they are against the american affordable care act ... they are against everything that helps the people ... this person stated it well by saying "any scruples, principals or agenda". ... i realize you conservatives need it spelled out for them, but this person took a short cut and you couldn't grasp it ...
First off, little Billy, he's a she and she did nothing but fling poo. The kind that stinks especially good to you. We pay too much in taxes, many are riding off the coat tails of others so you bet conservatives are against spending even more.

More spending hasn't proven to be effective. The more we do the worse it gets. Conservatives are results oriented, liberals are purely ideologically driven, fueled by emotion. Results don't even show up on the radars.
Ask a partisan from either side to describe their ideology and you'll get a lovely, flowing, passionate list of heart-warming goals and platitudes.

Ask that person to describe the ideology of the other side and you'll get a dark, distorted, frightful list of a nightmarish and hopeless dystopia.

We all know this, right?

And we can also point out the smug, superior asshole that pretends to be above it all so they can freely throw shit all around. AND somehow be above reproach. LOL.
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

I'm not upset. I pointed out that you are a smug asshole, how is that a reflection on me? Now you are lying claiming you know my state of mind, which you THINK makes it about me but you just proved the point! LOL.
Ask a partisan from either side to describe their ideology and you'll get a lovely, flowing, passionate list of heart-warming goals and platitudes.

Ask that person to describe the ideology of the other side and you'll get a dark, distorted, frightful list of a nightmarish and hopeless dystopia.

We all know this, right?

And we can also point out the smug, superior asshole that pretends to be above it all so they can freely throw shit all around. AND somehow be above reproach. LOL.
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

I'm not upset. I pointed out that you are a smug asshole, how is that a reflection on me? Now you are lying claiming you know my state of mind, which you THINK makes it about me but you just proved the point! LOL.
Okay, so I guess I can assume that you don't disagree with my post, but you still felt a need to get nasty. Okay, we are what we are.

What I find so ironic about the "smug" thing is that reality is just the opposite. Wingers represent the minority, yet they're convinced they have all the answers. They're just louder and meaner and angrier and more aggressive, so they have more influence than the majority and cause more of the destruction.

The majority knows that the best answers come from honest intellectual curiosity and ideas across the spectrum. Wingers get angry when a mirror is shoved in their face.
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We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?

It is a subjective topic, as many who I dont think are conservative claim the title, and I dont consider myself a conservative in the American sense of the word and yet people call me a conservative all the time, and a liberal, and a commie and a Mother....never mind.

I tried to get a thread going on this topic and the link is in my sig if you want to go into that.

Basically the most common use of the word conservative means 'reactionary' and they prefer the time of their childhood to the latest Progressive changes to society. Thus we have different kinds of reactionaries, some of whom want to get rid of Social Security, some are segregationists, some are anti-feminist, some are mostly pro-life, etc, each having the hallmarks of a reactionary movement of a particular year.

But some are NeoConservatives, and that is an intellectual outgrowth of leftwing ideology but applied to conservative axioms. They have PAx Americana as their most distinct goal, but the pay lip service to the entire range of reactionary groups, with no intention of doing anything other than syumbolic gestures as they strengthen their political/donor network.

A very few conservatives are conservatives in the classic liberal, western European Christian context. We are loyal to eternal values that transcend our time and universe, and simply try to apply those values to whatever nation we happen to be passing through.
  1. what is a conservative ... a conservative is a person who doesn't like change who makes up their version of the constitution and uses just part of it to justify their views just like they do with the bible ... a conservative is a person who feels his party is the only party that's paying taxes and he feels only liberals get freebees by the taxes that the republican part pays for ...
  2. heres the sad part the most people on welfare live in conservative states ... the most people trying to get off welfare are people in Blue states ... but to hear if from conservatives we liberal/dems are sucking the cash out of the country from all the freebee we get... sad but thats their believe system ... we are seeing Lincoln republican party destruction ... soon to be something of the past
It's always amusing to watch little Billy try to think. Like a chimp flinging poo at the zoo. No, little Billy, that's not the definition, look it up.

Then come back and explain how California and the "blue" states being obscenely in debt demonstrates their fiscal responsibility.
as always when you can't refute my post with out the insults ... my post came from the dictionary definition of conservative ... as for the california debt ... this debt came from all the tax cuts from Arnold ... when you cut taxes and don't get a revenue to pay for all the programs need in the state, you go into debt ...something you idiots don't see to understand Much of ... the state’s debt comes from general obligation bonds — funds for public works — totaling $73.1 billion, unemployment insurance loans totaling $10.9 billion, and lease-revenue bonds totaling $11.3 billion.

The debt of K-12 public school districts was estimated at $49.7 billion, city government debt was $68.1 billion, county government debt was $22.1 billion, redevelopment agencies and special districts was $110.4 billion, unfunded pension liabilities at 7.5 percent interest was $128.3 billion and unfunded retiree healthcare liability was $136.8 billion. this was all created by the tax cut Arnold made and now you want to blame democrats for it ... just like the trillions of dollars creaded by bush you blame Obama ... if we had a republican as president instead of obama we would have lost big time we would have gone into a great depression you would be standing in a soup line or a bread line ...but thanks to Obama he save us all from a disaster that was created by you republicans and yo'rte too stupid to grasp it ... your appreciation of this president is he's the worst president ever ... whats not amusing is your stupidity ... the only one here that slings poo in you in the world of a republican zoo ...

as for welfare still california has a lower percentage of people on welfare then any red state ... you seem to have forgot that one ... the least amount of debt came from people on unemployment and thats really not a government tax its a tax you and your company pay ...

its like everything you do and say... your stupidity out shine us all ... here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit ... who thinks government is the problem ... when we have a democrat come into office, raises taxes on everybody the republican cry is were going to fail it will cause a disaster in the country ... what happens ??? we Dems balance the budget and have money to pay on the national debt ... what does your wonderful republicans leadership do ??? they take the pay down for the national debt and give it back to corporation... with their wonderful wisdom by cutting taxes again what happens they nearly cause another great depression again ... thats great leadership I wouldn't say ... just like the first great depression, you republicans cause that with all of your tax cuts ... way to go ass hole ... you stay blind of the facts and keep slinging your poo, thats all ya got ...
Ask a partisan from either side to describe their ideology and you'll get a lovely, flowing, passionate list of heart-warming goals and platitudes.

Ask that person to describe the ideology of the other side and you'll get a dark, distorted, frightful list of a nightmarish and hopeless dystopia.

We all know this, right?

And we can also point out the smug, superior asshole that pretends to be above it all so they can freely throw shit all around. AND somehow be above reproach. LOL.
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

I'm not upset. I pointed out that you are a smug asshole, how is that a reflection on me? Now you are lying claiming you know my state of mind, which you THINK makes it about me but you just proved the point! LOL.
Okay, so I guess I can assume that you don't disagree with my post, but you still felt a need to get nasty. Okay, we are what we are.

What I find so ironic about the "smug" thing is that reality is just the opposite. Wingers represent the minority, yet they're convinced they have all the answers. They're just louder and meaner and angrier and more aggressive, so they have more influence than the majority and cause more of the destruction.

The majority knows that the best answers come from ideas across the spectrum. Wingers get angry when a mirror is shoved in their face.
YOU got nasty. Don't put it on me. Anyone with an ideological belief is substandard to you, you made that crystal clear. I have a life long reason to believe what I do and you don't get some kind of free pass if you are going to sling shit so shove the mirror up your ass.

Ideas come from all over, that's not even the point. Conservativism is an ideology, not an idea. A way of looking at the world, look before you leap. Weigh the consequences first, examine the results. Change what you need to not what you can.

I don't give a shit if you approve of it or not, but when you come here and insult people for it, it's coming right back atcha!
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?

It is a subjective topic, as many who I dont think are conservative claim the title, and I dont consider myself a conservative in the American sense of the word and yet people call me a conservative all the time, and a liberal, and a commie and a Mother....never mind.

I tried to get a thread going on this topic and the link is in my sig if you want to go into that.

Basically the most common use of the word conservative means 'reactionary' and they prefer the time of their childhood to the latest Progressive changes to society. Thus we have different kinds of reactionaries, some of whom want to get rid of Social Security, some are segregationists, some are anti-feminist, some are mostly pro-life, etc, each having the hallmarks of a reactionary movement of a particular year.

But some are NeoConservatives, and that is an intellectual outgrowth of leftwing ideology but applied to conservative axioms. They have PAx Americana as their most distinct goal, but the pay lip service to the entire range of reactionary groups, with no intention of doing anything other than syumbolic gestures as they strengthen their political/donor network.

A very few conservatives are conservatives in the classic liberal, western European Christian context. We are loyal to eternal values that transcend our time and universe, and simply try to apply those values to whatever nation we happen to be passing through.
  1. what is a conservative ... a conservative is a person who doesn't like change who makes up their version of the constitution and uses just part of it to justify their views just like they do with the bible ... a conservative is a person who feels his party is the only party that's paying taxes and he feels only liberals get freebees by the taxes that the republican part pays for ...
  2. heres the sad part the most people on welfare live in conservative states ... the most people trying to get off welfare are people in Blue states ... but to hear if from conservatives we liberal/dems are sucking the cash out of the country from all the freebee we get... sad but thats their believe system ... we are seeing Lincoln republican party destruction ... soon to be something of the past
It's always amusing to watch little Billy try to think. Like a chimp flinging poo at the zoo. No, little Billy, that's not the definition, look it up.

Then come back and explain how California and the "blue" states being obscenely in debt demonstrates their fiscal responsibility.
as always when you can't refute my post with out the insults ... my post came from the dictionary definition of conservative ... as for the california debt ... this debt came from all the tax cuts from Arnold ... when you cut taxes and don't get a revenue to pay for all the programs need in the state, you go into debt ...something you idiots don't see to understand Much of ... the state’s debt comes from general obligation bonds — funds for public works — totaling $73.1 billion, unemployment insurance loans totaling $10.9 billion, and lease-revenue bonds totaling $11.3 billion.

The debt of K-12 public school districts was estimated at $49.7 billion, city government debt was $68.1 billion, county government debt was $22.1 billion, redevelopment agencies and special districts was $110.4 billion, unfunded pension liabilities at 7.5 percent interest was $128.3 billion and unfunded retiree healthcare liability was $136.8 billion. this was all created by the tax cut Arnold made and now you want to blame democrats for it ... just like the trillions of dollars creaded by bush you blame Obama ... if we had a republican as president instead of obama we would have lost big time we would have gone into a great depression you would be standing in a soup line or a bread line ...but thanks to Obama he save us all from a disaster that was created by you republicans and yo'rte too stupid to grasp it ... your appreciation of this president is he's the worst president ever ... whats not amusing is your stupidity ... the only one here that slings poo in you in the world of a republican zoo ...

as for welfare still california has a lower percentage of people on welfare then any red state ... you seem to have forgot that one ... the least amount of debt came from people on unemployment and thats really not a government tax its a tax you and your company pay ...

its like everything you do and say... your stupidity out shine us all ... here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit ... who thinks government is the problem ... when we have a democrat come into office, raises taxes on everybody the republican cry is were going to fail it will cause a disaster in the country ... what happens ??? we Dems balance the budget and have money to pay on the national debt ... what does your wonderful republicans leadership do ??? they take the pay down for the national debt and give it back to corporation... with their wonderful wisdom by cutting taxes again what happens they nearly cause another great depression again ... thats great leadership I wouldn't say ... just like the first great depression, you republicans cause that with all of your tax cuts ... way to go ass hole ... you stay blind of the facts and keep slinging your poo, thats all ya got ...
Liar. I said to go look up the word conservative since it was misrepresented and you agreed. That doesn't equate to me not refuting your pearls of wisdom. obama turned around trickle down bullshit? You're a moron, little Billy.

The rich are richer, the poor poorer and the economy is still limp dicking along.
Ask a partisan from either side to describe their ideology and you'll get a lovely, flowing, passionate list of heart-warming goals and platitudes.

Ask that person to describe the ideology of the other side and you'll get a dark, distorted, frightful list of a nightmarish and hopeless dystopia.

We all know this, right?

And we can also point out the smug, superior asshole that pretends to be above it all so they can freely throw shit all around. AND somehow be above reproach. LOL.
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

I'm not upset. I pointed out that you are a smug asshole, how is that a reflection on me? Now you are lying claiming you know my state of mind, which you THINK makes it about me but you just proved the point! LOL.
Okay, so I guess I can assume that you don't disagree with my post, but you still felt a need to get nasty. Okay, we are what we are.

What I find so ironic about the "smug" thing is that reality is just the opposite. Wingers represent the minority, yet they're convinced they have all the answers. They're just louder and meaner and angrier and more aggressive, so they have more influence than the majority and cause more of the destruction.

The majority knows that the best answers come from ideas across the spectrum. Wingers get angry when a mirror is shoved in their face.
YOU got nasty. Don't put it on me. Anyone with an ideological belief is substandard to you, you made that crystal clear. I have a life long reason to believe what I do and you don't get some kind of free pass if you are going to sling shit so shove the mirror up your ass.

Ideas come from all over, that's not even the point. Conservativism is an ideology, not an idea. A way of looking at the world, look before you leap. Weigh the consequences first, examine the results. Change what you need to not what you can.

I don't give a shit if you approve of it or not, but when you come here and insult people for it, it's coming right back atcha!
I got nasty? I see. You must be referring to the point where I called you a "smug, superior asshole".

Oh, wait, that was you saying it.

And you certainly do seem to give a shit, judging by the way you have reacted to a post you don't disagree with.

A partisan ideologue's biggest enemy is not a partisan ideologue from the other "side", they're easy. It's someone who chooses to think for themselves.

So I guess I can understand your behavior.
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.
And we can also point out the smug, superior asshole that pretends to be above it all so they can freely throw shit all around. AND somehow be above reproach. LOL.
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

I'm not upset. I pointed out that you are a smug asshole, how is that a reflection on me? Now you are lying claiming you know my state of mind, which you THINK makes it about me but you just proved the point! LOL.
Okay, so I guess I can assume that you don't disagree with my post, but you still felt a need to get nasty. Okay, we are what we are.

What I find so ironic about the "smug" thing is that reality is just the opposite. Wingers represent the minority, yet they're convinced they have all the answers. They're just louder and meaner and angrier and more aggressive, so they have more influence than the majority and cause more of the destruction.

The majority knows that the best answers come from ideas across the spectrum. Wingers get angry when a mirror is shoved in their face.
YOU got nasty. Don't put it on me. Anyone with an ideological belief is substandard to you, you made that crystal clear. I have a life long reason to believe what I do and you don't get some kind of free pass if you are going to sling shit so shove the mirror up your ass.

Ideas come from all over, that's not even the point. Conservativism is an ideology, not an idea. A way of looking at the world, look before you leap. Weigh the consequences first, examine the results. Change what you need to not what you can.

I don't give a shit if you approve of it or not, but when you come here and insult people for it, it's coming right back atcha!
I got nasty? I see. You must be referring to the point where I called you a "smug, superior asshole".

Oh, wait, that was you saying it.

And you certainly do seem to give a shit, judging by the way you have reacted to a post you don't disagree with.

A partisan ideologue's biggest enemy is not a partisan ideologue from the other "side", they're easy. It's someone who chooses to think for themselves.

So I guess I can understand your behavior.
I addressed your idiotic claims and insults above and explained that I don't care what your opinion about it is. Dumb fuck. Learn how to read.
ok mac heres what I know about liberals
Liberals/Dems are for food manufactures to have to have government testers to make sure the food we eat aren't filled with with contaminants that could harm you ... we are for clean air and clean water and clean land .. we are against child labor ...we are for a way to provide for the elderly when they are too old to work ... we are for health care for the elderly when they can't afford the cost of health care ... we believe if a person works over 40 hours a week you as a company will pay over time ... when you say when we liberals post about conservative we make a list of things that are negative... well tell us here why the republicans were and are still agains all of these things that I've listed ... where they are still against all of these things Ive listed...
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

I'm not upset. I pointed out that you are a smug asshole, how is that a reflection on me? Now you are lying claiming you know my state of mind, which you THINK makes it about me but you just proved the point! LOL.
Okay, so I guess I can assume that you don't disagree with my post, but you still felt a need to get nasty. Okay, we are what we are.

What I find so ironic about the "smug" thing is that reality is just the opposite. Wingers represent the minority, yet they're convinced they have all the answers. They're just louder and meaner and angrier and more aggressive, so they have more influence than the majority and cause more of the destruction.

The majority knows that the best answers come from ideas across the spectrum. Wingers get angry when a mirror is shoved in their face.
YOU got nasty. Don't put it on me. Anyone with an ideological belief is substandard to you, you made that crystal clear. I have a life long reason to believe what I do and you don't get some kind of free pass if you are going to sling shit so shove the mirror up your ass.

Ideas come from all over, that's not even the point. Conservativism is an ideology, not an idea. A way of looking at the world, look before you leap. Weigh the consequences first, examine the results. Change what you need to not what you can.

I don't give a shit if you approve of it or not, but when you come here and insult people for it, it's coming right back atcha!
I got nasty? I see. You must be referring to the point where I called you a "smug, superior asshole".

Oh, wait, that was you saying it.

And you certainly do seem to give a shit, judging by the way you have reacted to a post you don't disagree with.

A partisan ideologue's biggest enemy is not a partisan ideologue from the other "side", they're easy. It's someone who chooses to think for themselves.

So I guess I can understand your behavior.
I addressed your idiotic claims and insults above and explained that I don't care what your opinion about it is. Dumb fuck. Learn how to read.
I just wish you could learn what you have read ...
You're upset.

Perhaps you could describe what about my post is incorrect.

I'm not upset. I pointed out that you are a smug asshole, how is that a reflection on me? Now you are lying claiming you know my state of mind, which you THINK makes it about me but you just proved the point! LOL.
Okay, so I guess I can assume that you don't disagree with my post, but you still felt a need to get nasty. Okay, we are what we are.

What I find so ironic about the "smug" thing is that reality is just the opposite. Wingers represent the minority, yet they're convinced they have all the answers. They're just louder and meaner and angrier and more aggressive, so they have more influence than the majority and cause more of the destruction.

The majority knows that the best answers come from ideas across the spectrum. Wingers get angry when a mirror is shoved in their face.
YOU got nasty. Don't put it on me. Anyone with an ideological belief is substandard to you, you made that crystal clear. I have a life long reason to believe what I do and you don't get some kind of free pass if you are going to sling shit so shove the mirror up your ass.

Ideas come from all over, that's not even the point. Conservativism is an ideology, not an idea. A way of looking at the world, look before you leap. Weigh the consequences first, examine the results. Change what you need to not what you can.

I don't give a shit if you approve of it or not, but when you come here and insult people for it, it's coming right back atcha!
I got nasty? I see. You must be referring to the point where I called you a "smug, superior asshole".

Oh, wait, that was you saying it.

And you certainly do seem to give a shit, judging by the way you have reacted to a post you don't disagree with.

A partisan ideologue's biggest enemy is not a partisan ideologue from the other "side", they're easy. It's someone who chooses to think for themselves.

So I guess I can understand your behavior.
I addressed your idiotic claims and insults above and explained that I don't care what your opinion about it is. Dumb fuck. Learn how to read.
Yes, I can tell you don't care about my opinion.

ok mac heres what I know about liberals
Liberals/Dems are for food manufactures to have to have government testers to make sure the food we eat aren't filled with with contaminants that could harm you ... we are for clean air and clean water and clean land .. we are against child labor ...we are for a way to provide for the elderly when they are too old to work ... we are for health care for the elderly when they can't afford the cost of health care ... we believe if a person works over 40 hours a week you as a company will pay over time ... when you say when we liberals post about conservative we make a list of things that are negative... well tell us here why the republicans were and are still against all of these things that I've listed ... where they are still against all of these things Ive listed...
It would depend upon the kind of "conservative" you're talking about - the more pragmatic conservative who wouldn't argue with any of the above, or the more radicalized, absolutist talk-radio conservative who has taken over the party. Holy shit, I'll bet you could get many of the latter to argue with you on all of that stuff. But those people don't represent basic conservatism any more than the Regressive Left represent basic liberalism.

So characterizing them as "conservatism" really isn't accurate, in my estimation. They're much louder, yes, but they don't represent the ideology.
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Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

If there is a dictatorship it has been the obstructionism of the House and Senate. It's why their approval rating is 6%. Don't be such a dipshit.
Huh, and here I thought you leftists were for choice.
Show me one middle class man who looks like Donald and who's wife looks like trumps wife. Whore. But I'd be a whore too for that kind of money. Remember when you were a kid and asked how much it would take to blow a guy or let him f u? Most say $1 million. Don's got billions.

So that's a 'no' on the choice thing?
If it was legal for Anna Nicole Smith it should be legal for trump.

My buddy has a Russian mail-order bride. No biggy

Then pipe down. Her choice. Doesn't affect you.
And it's Hillary's choice if she puts up with Bill.
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.
cause they believe religion is the answer that makes them greater then anyone ... I wonder if denny hastert will enjoy his moral stay in his new digs
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

If there is a dictatorship it has been the obstructionism of the House and Senate. It's why their approval rating is 6%. Don't be such a dipshit.

Your obstructionist is my freedom fighters of Obama's 8 year reign of pissing on the constitution and dividing the nation


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