What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...
ok mac heres what I know about liberals
Liberals/Dems are for food manufactures to have to have government testers to make sure the food we eat aren't filled with with contaminants that could harm you ... we are for clean air and clean water and clean land .. we are against child labor ...we are for a way to provide for the elderly when they are too old to work ... we are for health care for the elderly when they can't afford the cost of health care ... we believe if a person works over 40 hours a week you as a company will pay over time ... when you say when we liberals post about conservative we make a list of things that are negative... well tell us here why the republicans were and are still against all of these things that I've listed ... where they are still against all of these things Ive listed...
It would depend upon the kind of "conservative" you're talking about - the more pragmatic conservative who wouldn't argue with any of the above, or the more radicalized, absolutist talk-radio conservative who has taken over the party. Holy shit, I'll bet you could get many of the latter to argue with you on all of that stuff. But those people don't represent basic conservatism any more than the Regressive Left represent basic liberalism.

So characterizing them as "conservatism" really isn't accurate, in my estimation. They're much louder, yes, but they don't represent the ideology.
thats something you'll have a hard time to prove ... you come up with all the twist and turns but you fails to say yes your brand of confervative is for this or agains it ... you try to spin it in a direction of yes it is our no its not but we get told about us liberals/dems all of the time in what we feel is our beliefs.. and you for some reason take the trump words of reaction ... you deny what your party has done in the past, present, and what they are saying is for the future... but you for some reason you will not say one way or the other, you just type mombojumbo ... we get it you're to cerebral for us
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...

I will only address two issues of your misguided babbling post

1. The full obama care law is yet to take effect in 2018 the Union caddilac health care plans are taxed at over 40%

2. only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost

Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????

The States that didn't take obama care the only thing that happened is they didn't expand Medicare.

You sir are retarded and full of shit.

Edit: it was changed to 2020

The Cadillac Tax


Last edited:
ok mac heres what I know about liberals
Liberals/Dems are for food manufactures to have to have government testers to make sure the food we eat aren't filled with with contaminants that could harm you ... we are for clean air and clean water and clean land .. we are against child labor ...we are for a way to provide for the elderly when they are too old to work ... we are for health care for the elderly when they can't afford the cost of health care ... we believe if a person works over 40 hours a week you as a company will pay over time ... when you say when we liberals post about conservative we make a list of things that are negative... well tell us here why the republicans were and are still against all of these things that I've listed ... where they are still against all of these things Ive listed...
It would depend upon the kind of "conservative" you're talking about - the more pragmatic conservative who wouldn't argue with any of the above, or the more radicalized, absolutist talk-radio conservative who has taken over the party. Holy shit, I'll bet you could get many of the latter to argue with you on all of that stuff. But those people don't represent basic conservatism any more than the Regressive Left represent basic liberalism.

So characterizing them as "conservatism" really isn't accurate, in my estimation. They're much louder, yes, but they don't represent the ideology.
thats something you'll have a hard time to prove ... you come up with all the twist and turns but you fails to say yes your brand of confervative is for this or agains it ... you try to spin it in a direction of yes it is our no its not but we get told about us liberals/dems all of the time in what we feel is our beliefs.. and you for some reason take the trump words of reaction ... you deny what your party has done in the past, present, and what they are saying is for the future... but you for some reason you will not say one way or the other, you just type mombojumbo ... we get it you're to cerebral for us
I'm a left-leaning independent. I'll most likely vote Democrat in 2016.

If you don't want an answer to your question, why do you ask the question?
Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

If there is a dictatorship it has been the obstructionism of the House and Senate. It's why their approval rating is 6%. Don't be such a dipshit.

Your obstructionist is my freedom fighters of Obama's 8 year reign of pissing on the constitution and dividing the nation

please enlighten us all what did obama do to cause you to feel he's pissing on the constitution... are you trying to tell us as a president he can't use his executive powers ??? if so then it is you and your types saying he can't use the constitution as it was designed to be used ... the real reason here he'd trying for the first 6 years to work with republicans and the republicans said they will filibuster everything just so he wouldn't get a second term ... and yet obama still tried to work with republicans ... where they refuse to work with him ... then when he had all of his constitutional lawyers look into what he could do or couldn't do and forced the republican hand ... that pissed you republicons off because he's way smarter then you republicans are ... so now he use the constitution to do what he felt was right and now your trying to say he pissed on it ... the problem you have is to many republicans have been pissing on your leg and telling you its raining
Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...

I will only address two issues of your misguided babbling post

1. The full obama care law is yet to take effect in 2018 the Union caddilac health care plans are taxed at over 40%

2. only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost

Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????

The States that didn't take obama care the only thing that happened is they didn't expand Medicare.

You sir are retarded and full of shit.

Edit: it was changed to 2020

The Cadillac Tax


1) really you don't know, you said (Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????) its how it works ... if you can't afford health care in a republican state you can't get medicaid, sorry its not medicare, which show us you haven't a clue in what you are talking about..

2) if your state refuses the ACA you don't get the subsidy that the federal government gives you and your state .. the retarded one here is you cause you didn't know this...

example: you look up on the web for your plan it says it will cost you 600 dollars, you will pay 600 dollars in a state that doesn't take ACA ... you look up your cost in a state that dose take the ACA, it say your cost is 600 dollars and you get a subsidy of 400 dollars ... you out of pocket expense is 200 dollars a month ... now this is how it work the cost are just numbers I used as an example ...

in 2020 thats when they close the donut whole and yes if your state doesn't accept the ACA your cost will go up 40% thats a fact that I can't deny so my cost will cost me 280 dollars a month and your cost will cost you 840 a month cause your governor a republican still refuses the ACA ... try and learn something here
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ok mac heres what I know about liberals
Liberals/Dems are for food manufactures to have to have government testers to make sure the food we eat aren't filled with with contaminants that could harm you ... we are for clean air and clean water and clean land .. we are against child labor ...we are for a way to provide for the elderly when they are too old to work ... we are for health care for the elderly when they can't afford the cost of health care ... we believe if a person works over 40 hours a week you as a company will pay over time ... when you say when we liberals post about conservative we make a list of things that are negative... well tell us here why the republicans were and are still against all of these things that I've listed ... where they are still against all of these things Ive listed...
It would depend upon the kind of "conservative" you're talking about - the more pragmatic conservative who wouldn't argue with any of the above, or the more radicalized, absolutist talk-radio conservative who has taken over the party. Holy shit, I'll bet you could get many of the latter to argue with you on all of that stuff. But those people don't represent basic conservatism any more than the Regressive Left represent basic liberalism.

So characterizing them as "conservatism" really isn't accurate, in my estimation. They're much louder, yes, but they don't represent the ideology.
thats something you'll have a hard time to prove ... you come up with all the twist and turns but you fails to say yes your brand of confervative is for this or agains it ... you try to spin it in a direction of yes it is our no its not but we get told about us liberals/dems all of the time in what we feel is our beliefs.. and you for some reason take the trump words of reaction ... you deny what your party has done in the past, present, and what they are saying is for the future... but you for some reason you will not say one way or the other, you just type mombojumbo ... we get it you're to cerebral for us
I'm a left-leaning independent. I'll most likely vote Democrat in 2016.

If you don't want an answer to your question, why do you ask the question?
you haven gaven a answer you just tip toe around the questions like you're doing now ... so you saying you'll vote for bernie or hillary ??? i know I will ...
ok mac heres what I know about liberals
Liberals/Dems are for food manufactures to have to have government testers to make sure the food we eat aren't filled with with contaminants that could harm you ... we are for clean air and clean water and clean land .. we are against child labor ...we are for a way to provide for the elderly when they are too old to work ... we are for health care for the elderly when they can't afford the cost of health care ... we believe if a person works over 40 hours a week you as a company will pay over time ... when you say when we liberals post about conservative we make a list of things that are negative... well tell us here why the republicans were and are still against all of these things that I've listed ... where they are still against all of these things Ive listed...
It would depend upon the kind of "conservative" you're talking about - the more pragmatic conservative who wouldn't argue with any of the above, or the more radicalized, absolutist talk-radio conservative who has taken over the party. Holy shit, I'll bet you could get many of the latter to argue with you on all of that stuff. But those people don't represent basic conservatism any more than the Regressive Left represent basic liberalism.

So characterizing them as "conservatism" really isn't accurate, in my estimation. They're much louder, yes, but they don't represent the ideology.
thats something you'll have a hard time to prove ... you come up with all the twist and turns but you fails to say yes your brand of confervative is for this or agains it ... you try to spin it in a direction of yes it is our no its not but we get told about us liberals/dems all of the time in what we feel is our beliefs.. and you for some reason take the trump words of reaction ... you deny what your party has done in the past, present, and what they are saying is for the future... but you for some reason you will not say one way or the other, you just type mombojumbo ... we get it you're to cerebral for us
I'm a left-leaning independent. I'll most likely vote Democrat in 2016.

If you don't want an answer to your question, why do you ask the question?
you haven gaven a answer you just tip toe around the questions like you're doing now ... so you saying you'll vote for bernie or hillary ??? i know I will ...
Hillary yes, Bernie no, I'd vote third party.

I gave you a complete and honest answer.
Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

If there is a dictatorship it has been the obstructionism of the House and Senate. It's why their approval rating is 6%. Don't be such a dipshit.

Your obstructionist is my freedom fighters of Obama's 8 year reign of pissing on the constitution and dividing the nation

Like I said, don't be a dipshit. No one has divided the country more than the 90% white GOP.

Even the GOP leadership has admitted they practice voter suppression in an attempt to steal elections.

The "kill the gays" rallies.

Mexicans are rapists.

Blacks live on a Democratic plantation.

Women need to have their bodies legislated.

Ban Muslims.

The list goes on and one. You can't have an odious party that goes around attacking everyone not them and then they complain it's the fault of their victims.

Don't be a fucktard any longer. Give it up.
Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...

I will only address two issues of your misguided babbling post

1. The full obama care law is yet to take effect in 2018 the Union caddilac health care plans are taxed at over 40%

2. only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost

Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????

The States that didn't take obama care the only thing that happened is they didn't expand Medicare.

You sir are retarded and full of shit.

Edit: it was changed to 2020

The Cadillac Tax


Texas Democrats say Rick Perry left more than 1 million Texans without affordable health care
Texas Democrats say Rick Perry left more than 1 million Texans without affordable health care
Mission accomplished for lowering the bar, that no one cares anymore..you libs should be proud.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...

I will only address two issues of your misguided babbling post

1. The full obama care law is yet to take effect in 2018 the Union caddilac health care plans are taxed at over 40%

2. only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost

Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????

The States that didn't take obama care the only thing that happened is they didn't expand Medicare.

You sir are retarded and full of shit.

Edit: it was changed to 2020

The Cadillac Tax



Healthcare expenses were growing at double percentage rates annually and costs to those with serious medical conditions continued to put more and more Americans in debt and or losing their life savings. Something needed to be done, but for political reasons the Republican Party roadblocked every effort to make life better for the many (remember the attacks on Hillarycare?) and continued to allow the redistribution of the savings and life earnings from the ill and injured to the investment class.

Now the Conservative meme is to restore a system which harms the many to benefit the few has become a singular talking point, since no effort to provide comprehensive, affordable healthcare has been put forward by the The Congress or any member of the clown car (all of whom called for the repeal of the PPACA).

The devil is in the details, pay more for insurance or risk losing everything one worked for over a lifetime.

Let's not forget the hate and fear rhetoric which framed the argument and convinced the biddable there is a sheep (a Democrat) in wolf's clothing (a Communist) behind the effort to reform healthcare in America: SOCIALISM!!!
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
It's very simple, really. If a policy works, it's a conservative policy; if it doesn't, it's a Liberal policy. If a politician is successful, he or she is a conservative; if they failed, they're a Liberal. All politicians who get convicted of a crime are Liberal because conservatives never break the law. Anyone who does drugs is a Liberal because conservatives never do drugs. Anyone who is gay, transgender, bi, etc., is Liberal because conservatives are always straight as an arrow. Anyone who votes Democrat is a Liberal. Liberals are godless socialist Marxist commies whereas conservatives are U.S. patriots who serve their country. Hope that clears up for you how conservatives think; who by the way, are the only thinkers.
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?

It is a subjective topic, as many who I dont think are conservative claim the title, and I dont consider myself a conservative in the American sense of the word and yet people call me a conservative all the time, and a liberal, and a commie and a Mother....never mind.

I tried to get a thread going on this topic and the link is in my sig if you want to go into that.

Basically the most common use of the word conservative means 'reactionary' and they prefer the time of their childhood to the latest Progressive changes to society. Thus we have different kinds of reactionaries, some of whom want to get rid of Social Security, some are segregationists, some are anti-feminist, some are mostly pro-life, etc, each having the hallmarks of a reactionary movement of a particular year.

But some are NeoConservatives, and that is an intellectual outgrowth of leftwing ideology but applied to conservative axioms. They have PAx Americana as their most distinct goal, but the pay lip service to the entire range of reactionary groups, with no intention of doing anything other than syumbolic gestures as they strengthen their political/donor network.

A very few conservatives are conservatives in the classic liberal, western European Christian context. We are loyal to eternal values that transcend our time and universe, and simply try to apply those values to whatever nation we happen to be passing through.
I think you nailed it dude.

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We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
It's very simple, really. If a policy works, it's a conservative policy; if it doesn't, it's a Liberal policy. If a politician is successful, he or she is a conservative; if they failed, they're a Liberal. All politicians who get convicted of a crime are Liberal because conservatives never break the law. Anyone who does drugs is a Liberal because conservatives never do drugs. Anyone who is gay, transgender, bi, etc., is Liberal because conservatives are always straight as an arrow. Anyone who votes Democrat is a Liberal. Liberals are godless socialist Marxist commies whereas conservatives are U.S. patriots who serve their country. Hope that clears up for you how conservatives think; who by the way, are the only thinkers.

One point of contention, strike the word "think" (how conservatives think) and add believe (what conservatives are told to believe). Otherwise, a spot on post on 21st Century Conservatism (aka Callous Conservatism).
Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...

I will only address two issues of your misguided babbling post

1. The full obama care law is yet to take effect in 2018 the Union caddilac health care plans are taxed at over 40%

2. only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost

Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????

The States that didn't take obama care the only thing that happened is they didn't expand Medicare.

You sir are retarded and full of shit.

Edit: it was changed to 2020

The Cadillac Tax



Healthcare expenses were growing at double percentage rates annually and costs to those with serious medical conditions continued to put more and more Americans in debt and or losing their life savings. Something needed to be done, but for political reasons the Republican Party roadblocked every effort to make life better for the many (remember the attacks on Hillarycare?) and continued to allow the redistribution of the savings and life earnings from the ill and injured to the investment class.

Now the Conservative meme is to restore a system which harms the many to benefit the few has become a singular talking point, since no effort to provide comprehensive, affordable healthcare has been put forward by the The Congress or any member of the clown car (all of whom called for the repeal of the PPACA).

The devil is in the details, pay more for insurance or risk losing everything one worked for over a lifetime.

Let's not forget the hate and fear rhetoric which framed the argument and convinced the biddable there is a sheep (a Democrat) in wolf's clothing (a Communist) behind the effort to reform healthcare in America: SOCIALISM!!!
the reason is they have been blocking the healthcare to their states ... they know the people in their state will pay through the nose for healthcare ... the states that accepted the ACA to their state they love the ACA ... its cheeper then they ever have had their healthcare cost they don't have these huge Copays they don't have these huge deductibles ... but when you hear a person ragging about the cost of healthcare ask them this one question does your state accept the ACA to their state ... not 9 time out of 10 but, 10 times out of 10 they don't get the ACA in their state... and 10 times out of 10 their state has a republican house and senate and a republican governor... until they change that they won't like the ACA and the benefits they would get if their state accepted it ... it like all republicans they tend to slit their own throats because of the fear their party has put into their heads ...
You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?


Pal, who the hell got a life time of google search? You butt fucks don't have any scruples, principals or agenda.
well said ...
How so? She said she can't be bothered educating herself on what conservativism means and hurled insults as a substitute. LOL, and YOU think it was well said.

the retard is you .. he clearly stated what a conservative is ... you're too retarded to grasp it ... the one who needs to be educated its you...
conservative are against any kind of social program cause it might cost them to pay .10 cents more in taxes
they are against medicare, they are against medicaid, they are against social security, they are against the american affordable care act ... they are against everything that helps the people ... this person stated it well by saying "any scruples, principals or agenda". ... i realize you conservatives need it spelled out for them, but this person took a short cut and you couldn't grasp it ...
First off, little Billy, he's a she and she did nothing but fling poo. The kind that stinks especially good to you. We pay too much in taxes, many are riding off the coat tails of others so you bet conservatives are against spending even more.

More spending hasn't proven to be effective. The more we do the worse it gets. Conservatives are results oriented, liberals are purely ideologically driven, fueled by emotion. Results don't even show up on the radars.
talk about stupidity you have to be the stupidest poster to date ... lets see, first of little icedweene thoughts ... lets look at medicare part "D" a republican result oriented bill that Iceweene feels is a great plan or no child left behind for examples ...but some reason for one tiny little problem what they did like all of their bills they didn't allocate any money for it ... they didn't put in a tax for it to be paid for ... when people use it what happens Iceweene we get a larger national debt ... no money bigger national debt something for some reason you missed... way to go Iceweene ... every bill that has been put into play by us liberals we put a tax in for it so it will work ... whats does these republicans do ??? they get control of the congress, they start defunding these programs by taking the tax that was put into place to make it run did ya forget to tell us about that too??? then they say with all of their brilliance see government doesn't know how to run a program ... they strip it of its funding then rag to us how government isn't hear to help ... every program that has failed in this country the republicans have their hands all over it to make it fail ... then tell you see we pay too much in taxes for programs that won't work and fools like you kiss their ass

just recent the republicans went after the tax that we Dems put on medical equipment ... a 2% tax ... that tax plus the money you pay for healthcare helps you pay for healthcare each month .. that tax goes to the ACA and the ACA only... what the republicans tried to do is repeal that 2% tax ... not because it was a tax that would bankrtupt the medical equipment companies at all, but republicans knew if they repealed that 2% tax the ACA would fail ... the republicans fought them tooth and nail and the republicans failed to repeal it .... then the republicans tired to tell us the tax is unconstitutinal ... they tried to get it reversed by the supreme court ... they failed their too ... so Iceweene... when you see a federal program fail you bet your bottom dollar Iceweene the republicans have defunded it and have their hands all over it to make it fail ....

here's a fool Iceweene who say more spending hasn't proven to be effective ... first you have to have the money to spend to make that assumption on spending to work ... like always you spew the republican banter and you don't know why they do it...
Last edited:
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?

It is a subjective topic, as many who I dont think are conservative claim the title, and I dont consider myself a conservative in the American sense of the word and yet people call me a conservative all the time, and a liberal, and a commie and a Mother....never mind.

I tried to get a thread going on this topic and the link is in my sig if you want to go into that.

Basically the most common use of the word conservative means 'reactionary' and they prefer the time of their childhood to the latest Progressive changes to society. Thus we have different kinds of reactionaries, some of whom want to get rid of Social Security, some are segregationists, some are anti-feminist, some are mostly pro-life, etc, each having the hallmarks of a reactionary movement of a particular year.

But some are NeoConservatives, and that is an intellectual outgrowth of leftwing ideology but applied to conservative axioms. They have PAx Americana as their most distinct goal, but the pay lip service to the entire range of reactionary groups, with no intention of doing anything other than syumbolic gestures as they strengthen their political/donor network.

A very few conservatives are conservatives in the classic liberal, western European Christian context. We are loyal to eternal values that transcend our time and universe, and simply try to apply those values to whatever nation we happen to be passing through.
  1. what is a conservative ... a conservative is a person who doesn't like change who makes up their version of the constitution and uses just part of it to justify their views just like they do with the bible ... a conservative is a person who feels his party is the only party that's paying taxes and he feels only liberals get freebees by the taxes that the republican part pays for ...
  2. heres the sad part the most people on welfare live in conservative states ... the most people trying to get off welfare are people in Blue states ... but to hear if from conservatives we liberal/dems are sucking the cash out of the country from all the freebee we get... sad but thats their believe system ... we are seeing Lincoln republican party destruction ... soon to be something of the past
It's always amusing to watch little Billy try to think. Like a chimp flinging poo at the zoo. No, little Billy, that's not the definition, look it up.

Then come back and explain how California and the "blue" states being obscenely in debt demonstrates their fiscal responsibility.
as always when you can't refute my post with out the insults ... my post came from the dictionary definition of conservative ... as for the california debt ... this debt came from all the tax cuts from Arnold ... when you cut taxes and don't get a revenue to pay for all the programs need in the state, you go into debt ...something you idiots don't see to understand Much of ... the state’s debt comes from general obligation bonds — funds for public works — totaling $73.1 billion, unemployment insurance loans totaling $10.9 billion, and lease-revenue bonds totaling $11.3 billion.

The debt of K-12 public school districts was estimated at $49.7 billion, city government debt was $68.1 billion, county government debt was $22.1 billion, redevelopment agencies and special districts was $110.4 billion, unfunded pension liabilities at 7.5 percent interest was $128.3 billion and unfunded retiree healthcare liability was $136.8 billion. this was all created by the tax cut Arnold made and now you want to blame democrats for it ... just like the trillions of dollars creaded by bush you blame Obama ... if we had a republican as president instead of obama we would have lost big time we would have gone into a great depression you would be standing in a soup line or a bread line ...but thanks to Obama he save us all from a disaster that was created by you republicans and yo'rte too stupid to grasp it ... your appreciation of this president is he's the worst president ever ... whats not amusing is your stupidity ... the only one here that slings poo in you in the world of a republican zoo ...

as for welfare still california has a lower percentage of people on welfare then any red state ... you seem to have forgot that one ... the least amount of debt came from people on unemployment and thats really not a government tax its a tax you and your company pay ...

its like everything you do and say... your stupidity out shine us all ... here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit ... who thinks government is the problem ... when we have a democrat come into office, raises taxes on everybody the republican cry is were going to fail it will cause a disaster in the country ... what happens ??? we Dems balance the budget and have money to pay on the national debt ... what does your wonderful republicans leadership do ??? they take the pay down for the national debt and give it back to corporation... with their wonderful wisdom by cutting taxes again what happens they nearly cause another great depression again ... thats great leadership I wouldn't say ... just like the first great depression, you republicans cause that with all of your tax cuts ... way to go ass hole ... you stay blind of the facts and keep slinging your poo, thats all ya got ...
Liar. I said to go look up the word conservative since it was misrepresented and you agreed. That doesn't equate to me not refuting your pearls of wisdom. obama turned around trickle down bullshit? You're a moron, little Billy.

The rich are richer, the poor poorer and the economy is still limp dicking along.
you see to have a comprehension problem ... I never said obama turned around trickle down bullshit ... never!!!! I clearly said and you couldn't comprehend it which isn't unusual for you ... I said "here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit" correct me if Im wrong but do you see Obama's name there anywhere ??? I don't ... seems you have Obama on the brain...

the rich get richer because they don't pay taxes ... the poor get poorer because the rich doesn't pay their fair share and the poor have to try and make up the difference ... which we all know they can't ... so the national debt gets bigger ...pull you head out of your ass Iceweene
Pal, who the hell got a life time of google search? You butt fucks don't have any scruples, principals or agenda.
well said ...
How so? She said she can't be bothered educating herself on what conservativism means and hurled insults as a substitute. LOL, and YOU think it was well said.

the retard is you .. he clearly stated what a conservative is ... you're too retarded to grasp it ... the one who needs to be educated its you...
conservative are against any kind of social program cause it might cost them to pay .10 cents more in taxes
they are against medicare, they are against medicaid, they are against social security, they are against the american affordable care act ... they are against everything that helps the people ... this person stated it well by saying "any scruples, principals or agenda". ... i realize you conservatives need it spelled out for them, but this person took a short cut and you couldn't grasp it ...
First off, little Billy, he's a she and she did nothing but fling poo. The kind that stinks especially good to you. We pay too much in taxes, many are riding off the coat tails of others so you bet conservatives are against spending even more.

More spending hasn't proven to be effective. The more we do the worse it gets. Conservatives are results oriented, liberals are purely ideologically driven, fueled by emotion. Results don't even show up on the radars.
talk about stupidity you have to be the stupidest poster to date ... lets see, first of little icedweene thoughts ... lets look at medicare part "D" a republican result oriented bill that Iceweene feels is a great plan or no child left behind for examples ...but some reason for one tiny little problem what they did like all of their bills they didn't allocate any money for it ... they didn't put in a tax for it to be paid for ... when people use it what happens Iceweene we get a larger national debt ... no money bigger national debt something for some reason you missed... way to go Iceweene ... every bill that has been put into play by us liberals we put a tax in for it so it will work ... whats does these republicans do ??? they get control of the congress, they start defunding these programs by taking the tax that was put into place to make it run did ya forget to tell us about that too??? then they say with all of their brilliance see government doesn't know how to run a program ... they strip it of its funding then rag to us how government isn't hear to help ... every program that has failed in this country the republicans have their hands all over it to make it fail ... then tell you see we pay too much in taxes for programs that won't work and fools like you kiss their ass

just recent the republicans went after the tax that we Dems put on medical equipment ... a 2% tax ... that tax plus the money you pay for healthcare helps you pay for healthcare each month .. that tax goes to the ACA and the ACA only... what the republicans tried to do is repeal that 2% tax ... not because it was a tax that would bankrtupt the medical equipment companies at all, but republicans knew if they repealed that 2% tax the ACA would fail ... the republicans fought them tooth and nail and the republicans failed to repeal it .... then the republicans tired to tell us the tax is unconstitutinal ... they tried to get it reversed by the supreme court ... they failed their too ... so Iceweene... when you see a federal program fail you bet your bottom dollar Iceweene the republicans have defunded it and have their hands all over it to make it fail ....

here's a fool Iceweene who say more spending hasn't proven to be effective ... first you have to have the money to spend to make that assumption on spending to work ... like always you spew the republican banter and you don't know why they do it...
You posted your opinion but no facts. Hatred is an emotion, not a fact.
It is a subjective topic, as many who I dont think are conservative claim the title, and I dont consider myself a conservative in the American sense of the word and yet people call me a conservative all the time, and a liberal, and a commie and a Mother....never mind.

I tried to get a thread going on this topic and the link is in my sig if you want to go into that.

Basically the most common use of the word conservative means 'reactionary' and they prefer the time of their childhood to the latest Progressive changes to society. Thus we have different kinds of reactionaries, some of whom want to get rid of Social Security, some are segregationists, some are anti-feminist, some are mostly pro-life, etc, each having the hallmarks of a reactionary movement of a particular year.

But some are NeoConservatives, and that is an intellectual outgrowth of leftwing ideology but applied to conservative axioms. They have PAx Americana as their most distinct goal, but the pay lip service to the entire range of reactionary groups, with no intention of doing anything other than syumbolic gestures as they strengthen their political/donor network.

A very few conservatives are conservatives in the classic liberal, western European Christian context. We are loyal to eternal values that transcend our time and universe, and simply try to apply those values to whatever nation we happen to be passing through.
  1. what is a conservative ... a conservative is a person who doesn't like change who makes up their version of the constitution and uses just part of it to justify their views just like they do with the bible ... a conservative is a person who feels his party is the only party that's paying taxes and he feels only liberals get freebees by the taxes that the republican part pays for ...
  2. heres the sad part the most people on welfare live in conservative states ... the most people trying to get off welfare are people in Blue states ... but to hear if from conservatives we liberal/dems are sucking the cash out of the country from all the freebee we get... sad but thats their believe system ... we are seeing Lincoln republican party destruction ... soon to be something of the past
It's always amusing to watch little Billy try to think. Like a chimp flinging poo at the zoo. No, little Billy, that's not the definition, look it up.

Then come back and explain how California and the "blue" states being obscenely in debt demonstrates their fiscal responsibility.
as always when you can't refute my post with out the insults ... my post came from the dictionary definition of conservative ... as for the california debt ... this debt came from all the tax cuts from Arnold ... when you cut taxes and don't get a revenue to pay for all the programs need in the state, you go into debt ...something you idiots don't see to understand Much of ... the state’s debt comes from general obligation bonds — funds for public works — totaling $73.1 billion, unemployment insurance loans totaling $10.9 billion, and lease-revenue bonds totaling $11.3 billion.

The debt of K-12 public school districts was estimated at $49.7 billion, city government debt was $68.1 billion, county government debt was $22.1 billion, redevelopment agencies and special districts was $110.4 billion, unfunded pension liabilities at 7.5 percent interest was $128.3 billion and unfunded retiree healthcare liability was $136.8 billion. this was all created by the tax cut Arnold made and now you want to blame democrats for it ... just like the trillions of dollars creaded by bush you blame Obama ... if we had a republican as president instead of obama we would have lost big time we would have gone into a great depression you would be standing in a soup line or a bread line ...but thanks to Obama he save us all from a disaster that was created by you republicans and yo'rte too stupid to grasp it ... your appreciation of this president is he's the worst president ever ... whats not amusing is your stupidity ... the only one here that slings poo in you in the world of a republican zoo ...

as for welfare still california has a lower percentage of people on welfare then any red state ... you seem to have forgot that one ... the least amount of debt came from people on unemployment and thats really not a government tax its a tax you and your company pay ...

its like everything you do and say... your stupidity out shine us all ... here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit ... who thinks government is the problem ... when we have a democrat come into office, raises taxes on everybody the republican cry is were going to fail it will cause a disaster in the country ... what happens ??? we Dems balance the budget and have money to pay on the national debt ... what does your wonderful republicans leadership do ??? they take the pay down for the national debt and give it back to corporation... with their wonderful wisdom by cutting taxes again what happens they nearly cause another great depression again ... thats great leadership I wouldn't say ... just like the first great depression, you republicans cause that with all of your tax cuts ... way to go ass hole ... you stay blind of the facts and keep slinging your poo, thats all ya got ...
Liar. I said to go look up the word conservative since it was misrepresented and you agreed. That doesn't equate to me not refuting your pearls of wisdom. obama turned around trickle down bullshit? You're a moron, little Billy.

The rich are richer, the poor poorer and the economy is still limp dicking along.
you see to have a comprehension problem ... I never said obama turned around trickle down bullshit ... never!!!! I clearly said and you couldn't comprehend it which isn't unusual for you ... I said "here we have a democrat that turns around the down fall of trickle down bull shit" correct me if Im wrong but do you see Obama's name there anywhere ??? I don't ... seems you have Obama on the brain...

the rich get richer because they don't pay taxes ... the poor get poorer because the rich doesn't pay their fair share and the poor have to try and make up the difference ... which we all know they can't ... so the national debt gets bigger ...pull you head out of your ass Iceweene
The top 10% pay 40% of the federal taxes.

Isnt it amazing that libtards defend every grotesque act of moral degeneracy, then pretend to be offended at a professional model doing a photoshoot?

lol, then its all BUT THATS A SIN! from these losers.

Which proves that for some libtards, there is no shame that restrains them from being the biggest hypocrits in the universe.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's the GOP who defends let him die and feed the poor and they will breed. It's the GOP that defends tax cuts on corporations but fights against the minimum wage.
It was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy and didn't see a problem.

The GOP definition of what is moral is so far from what the rest of the world believes.
And yet, the GOP believes they carry the "moral's torch" for the world.

t was the GOP under Bush that that made medical bills the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It still is 8 years under the dictatorship of the messiah...

I don't know what you're talking about it took until 2012 for obama care to become the law of the land ... only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost ... as for filing bankruptcy because of their health care debt thats because they could afford the cost of health care... so they have to file bankruptcy ... if their governor had accepted the ACA in their state they wouldn't be filing Bankruptcy ... the would have had a low cost for health care or no cost at all ..they would still have their homes cars or what ever... the problem you have is you have no Idea what your talking about...

I was debating health care cost with this person on this web site ... he was saying his health care for just him went up to 1200 dollars a month .. he implied he lived in the same state I live in .... I myself was paying 170 dollars a month with a 500 dollar deductible and no copays ... now he's trying to tell me he's paying through the nose... I said to him let me set you up with my health care broker, cause you have something wrong here ... to find out he wasn't living in my state anymore and he Moved to Louisiana ...whose governor we all know refused any kind of ACA health care ... he was too stubborn to admit that the person he voted for was the cause of his high health care... he just couldn't believe that was the reason ... he felt it was because of obama care because thats what he has been told...

I will only address two issues of your misguided babbling post

1. The full obama care law is yet to take effect in 2018 the Union caddilac health care plans are taxed at over 40%

2. only people who have conservative governors who wouldn't take the American affordable care act are still paying hight health care cost

Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????

The States that didn't take obama care the only thing that happened is they didn't expand Medicare.

You sir are retarded and full of shit.

Edit: it was changed to 2020

The Cadillac Tax


1) really you don't know, you said (Lmao what kind of ignorant propaganda is this????) its how it works ... if you can't afford health care in a republican state you can't get medicaid, sorry its not medicare, which show us you haven't a clue in what you are talking about..

2) if your state refuses the ACA you don't get the subsidy that the federal government gives you and your state .. the retarded one here is you cause you didn't know this...

example: you look up on the web for your plan it says it will cost you 600 dollars, you will pay 600 dollars in a state that doesn't take ACA ... you look up your cost in a state that dose take the ACA, it say your cost is 600 dollars and you get a subsidy of 400 dollars ... you out of pocket expense is 200 dollars a month ... now this is how it work the cost are just numbers I used as an example ...

in 2020 thats when they close the donut whole and yes if your state doesn't accept the ACA your cost will go up 40% thats a fact that I can't deny so my cost will cost me 280 dollars a month and your cost will cost you 840 a month cause your governor a republican still refuses the ACA ... try and learn something here

you can't afford health care in a republican state you can't get medicaid, sorry its not medicare, which show us you haven't a clue in what you are talking about..

What ever that's what I fucking meant tard.

And quit with the god damn propaganda saying it is only being raised in the red States .

Obamacare's 2017 Insurer Rate Requests Are Starting to Stream in, and the Figures Are Scary -- The Motley Fool

Obamacare's 2017 Insurer Rate Requests Are Starting to Stream in, and the Figures Are Scary
If you thought healthcare premium price hikes were high in 2016, you haven't seen anything yet, based on this preliminary data for 2017.

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