What are democrats going to do for a candidate now that Biden is done? Michelle and Newsome have as much chance as Biden. That's how bad off


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
they are. Not that they were ever good candidates to begin with. Trump is going to crush democrats. Polls will not matter as we know they are not accurate. Trump is beyond polls or rigged elections now. How doe democrats feel now that they are beyond being able to steal an election?
they are. Not that they were ever good candidates to begin with. Trump is going to crush democrats. Polls will not matter as we know they are not accurate. Trump is beyond polls or rigged elections now. How doe democrats feel now that they are beyond being able to steal an election?
wouldn't be the first time Democrats elected a dead man.
they are. Not that they were ever good candidates to begin with. Trump is going to crush democrats. Polls will not matter as we know they are not accurate. Trump is beyond polls or rigged elections now. How doe democrats feel now that they are beyond being able to steal an election?
The sentiment of the country seems to agree with you. However I always remember the wise old words "Never underestimate your opponent".
Mike Obama and Newsom have no chance of beating Trump... no way no how... Biden has a better chance....
All we can do is have more eyes on the ground and at the polls. The margins have to be so large for Trump that their cheating won't matter.
Poll watchers for the RNC who watch polls in blue districts are all lawyers this year... they hopefully won't be pushed around by ballot staffers like the nonlawyer volunteers in the last two elections....
Poll watchers for the RNC who watch polls in blue districts are all lawyers this year... they hopefully won't be pushed around by ballot staffers like the nonlawyer volunteers in the last two elections....

Great so no excuses after the race is called this year, right?

Let me guess...if the blob loses, you’ll be screaming “fraud” yet again.
they are. Not that they were ever good candidates to begin with. Trump is going to crush democrats. Polls will not matter as we know they are not accurate. Trump is beyond polls or rigged elections now. How doe democrats feel now that they are beyond being able to steal an election?

Since Democrats have never stolen any election, and Trump's numbers are dropping like a stone, I don't think Democrats feel any differently today than they did yesterday.
Trump is going to lose. All these polls that started on January 21st, 2021 giving trump a lead and MAGATS running their mouths about Trump 2024 is nothing but hot air. The majority of the people were not paying attention. But as I have been saying, after the conventions when things really get serious, people will not be giving a convict the ability to uphold and enforce our laws.
They would have to start cheating for you guys to stop it.

Instead...all of the audits, re-counts, and court cases proved that Joe won.
All the videos that have been summarily ignored by the courts prove the Democrats cheated their asses off. They stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out poll observers and manipulated Dominion voting systems results among other tampering events.
Trump will need +4% in battle ground states minimum just to overcome Dem ballot box stuffing.
There has been no dem ballot box stuffing. Trump is going to lose because he has no plan, and that nobody is going to vote for an ex con.

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