What are democrats running on


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
Well we have the ever popular I hate trump and am butt hurt really bad platform

Then we have the nyc democrats banning hot dog sales .

Lets not forget the cow fart group .

And the new green deal we only need a 100 trillion to make it work.

.o yes the lets 16 year olds vote along with felons in jail illegal aliens and the dead.

Free health care and College tuition for illegals

Pay check if you dont want to work

Free healthcare and college tuition for all Americans

15.00 a hour minimum wage.

Open boarders

The right to kill 9 month old pregnancy

N9 guns to protect your self with

Hate for jews .

Yes demos will do away with all internal combustion engines make you home more effecent and build a solar foot print the size of california
Raise taxes by 70 to 90 percent .

Destroy our military bu defunding it

Yes democrats have some great plans o my I wonder how they will effect you
Well we have the ever popular I hate trump and am butt hurt really bad platform

Then we have the nyc democrats banning hot dog sales .

Lets not forget the cow fart group .

And the new green deal we only need a 100 trillion to make it work.

.o yes the lets 16 year olds vote along with felons in jail illegal aliens and the dead.

Free health care and College tuition for illegals

Pay check if you dont want to work

Free healthcare and college tuition for all Americans

15.00 a hour minimum wage.

Open boarders

The right to kill 9 month old pregnancy

N9 guns to protect your self with

Hate for jews .

Yes demos will do away with all internal combustion engines make you home more effecent and build a solar foot print the size of california
Raise taxes by 70 to 90 percent .

Destroy our military bu defunding it

Yes democrats have some great plans o my I wonder how they will effect you

All true, however look for the "news" to put positive spins on every one of those issue IF they are even talked about in between the race baiting about Charlottesville and Trump the nazi now that plugs Biden has made it a campaign issue, the "news" will also be filling time telling us about the other dem candidates and their all american stories, "people of color" being the heart and soul of America, the people who make it work, immigrants who toil blah blah blah blah (puke) blah.

They'll have no time to bring up those issues, and if they are brought up on Fox, those facts don't matter because they are "right wing" and "partisan" in nature.

Because there is still a good portion of the country who get thier "news" from CNN, MSNBC, etc, BELIEVE them, and there is no overriding standard telling the "news" industry A) you will tell the truth and only the truth and B) you will always give an opposing opinion, even if you have to travel to the North Pole to find one, it's never going to change.

We have asterisks on every amendment to the bill of rights, asterisks cheerleaded for by the press, who like to stay insulated from asterisks.

We can go right down the line, our free speech isn't as free as the press, "you're not allowed to say that" is almost as common a phrase these days as "play ball". The clergy had a muzzle on only up until an EO by Trump that still needs solidified through congress otherwise it will revert to where we were, the press prefers to be the only people preaching about candidates around election time.

So the 1st amendment is pretty well swiss cheese, except for thier 1/3 of it that they are rock ribbed about never letting anything happen to it even though they cheerlead the swiss cheeseification of all the other amendments suspicious.....suspicious.

The second amendment? "Shall not be infringed" is infringed daily, with the help of the press, and the origional intent of the second which was a check on government, has now morphed in the mind of too many of the public (also with the help of the press) to be there "so people can go hunting on weekends" (but only if in a designated area, not wetland or otherwise).

The 4th amendment? Unreasonable search and seizure? Not if you've been deemed to be a terrorist in any way. The 5th amendment? Only if you're deep state in any way. THEY get to plead the 5th on the stand all day long then go home to have filet mignon while watching the "news" bloviate over what wasn't learned that day "he didn't want to talk, what are you gonna do??".

You throw thier ass in jail until they DO want to talk, which is what would happen to me or you.

So I have a hard time with people arguments (not yours, just people I've debated this subject on) that the 1st amendment is SO precious that we need to make sure the only people who have full unfettered access to it are the press who like to use it to lie to us and sway public opinion in key areas especially around election time.

They will tell the truth and only the truth, they will find opposing opinions even if they have to travel to a lunar base to find one. I see how neither of those are a RESTRICTION on the 1st amendment. I challenge anyone to explain to me how they are, and how the presstitutes do not deserve to have them applied.

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That sum it up for you?
What's really unbelievable, is that the dimwit's are being taken seriously.

People age 45 and above have to go back to when their parents and/or even further back to when their parents raised them out of the ashes of war, famine, financial crisis, corruption etc, and this while tending a family farm, fighting evil in the world, providing for them their basic foundational needs in which created solid citizens out of them, and therefore built this nation into what it had become through it all.

Yes, the nation has had some bumps in the road sure, and I ask what nation hasn't ? But this newly created notion that everything was bad prior to this day and age, otherwise that is being spun by the evil crats, uhh won't be taken sitting down quietly anymore.

Biden is an old washed up laughable race baiting nut job that will of course ensure Trump the win in 2020. The rest of the field are just a bunch of crazies that have already proven themselves as such, especially when opening their ridiculous pie holes daily.

Garantee you that Trump (just like he will in this up coming 2020 election), took the fire out of that correspondence Demon-crat dinner last night, just like he did to the them on November 8th in which had them hollering and crying their eyes out when the gig was finally up on them. They're still hollering and crying about it.

Trump makes his base confident in him daily, and that base is growing by leaps, and with no bounds. The defections from the other side will be huge once the fence riders finally realize that they were being led to their destruction by the crats.
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That sum it up for you?
I can see them all sitting in their circle being instructed by their chosen evil idiot cult leader with his megaphone, telling them to keep chanting that over and over again like some evil cult bullcrap they do when see them on the streets or on TV at these events they attend.. LOL
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That sum it up for you?
I can see them all sitting in their circle being instructed by their chosen evil idiot cult leader with his megaphone, telling them to keep chanting that over and over again like some evil cult bullcrap they do when see them on the streets or on TV at these events they attend.. LOL

Well we sure know now the MSM will cover the election season....

If all you watch is fox news you'll never know. They are running on the same kind of populist working class problems Trump did, only they are not lying to America's face about it.
If all you watch is fox news you'll never know. They are running on the same kind of populist working class problems Trump did, only they are not lying to America's face about it.

Sure, Bub. Beto is running on tearing down the border wall and allowing millions of illegals to flood our country.
Democrats are running on Truth, Justice and the American Way
If all you watch is fox news you'll never know. They are running on the same kind of populist working class problems Trump did, only they are not lying to America's face about it.

Sure, Bub. Beto is running on tearing down the border wall and allowing millions of illegals to flood our country.
So what's Trump running on? Fear of illegals, that's all. Absolutely forgotten are all his promises to be the friend of the working class. He has now defaulted back to the republican line that doing anything for a poor person is evil socialism and you Trumpbots do not even feel betrayed.
If all you watch is fox news you'll never know. They are running on the same kind of populist working class problems Trump did, only they are not lying to America's face about it.

Sure, Bub. Beto is running on tearing down the border wall and allowing millions of illegals to flood our country.
So what's Trump running on? Fear of illegals, that's all. Absolutely forgotten are all his promises to be the friend of the working class. He has now defaulted back to the republican line that doing anything for a poor person is evil socialism and you Trumpbots do not even feel betrayed.
POLL Biden 42% Scump 34%
If all you watch is fox news you'll never know. They are running on the same kind of populist working class problems Trump did, only they are not lying to America's face about it.

Sure, Bub. Beto is running on tearing down the border wall and allowing millions of illegals to flood our country.
So what's Trump running on? Fear of illegals, that's all. Absolutely forgotten are all his promises to be the friend of the working class. He has now defaulted back to the republican line that doing anything for a poor person is evil socialism and you Trumpbots do not even feel betrayed.
He has kept almost all his campaign promises. If it wasn't for the democrats he would've kept them all.
If all you watch is fox news you'll never know. They are running on the same kind of populist working class problems Trump did, only they are not lying to America's face about it.

Sure, Bub. Beto is running on tearing down the border wall and allowing millions of illegals to flood our country.
So what's Trump running on? Fear of illegals, that's all. Absolutely forgotten are all his promises to be the friend of the working class. He has now defaulted back to the republican line that doing anything for a poor person is evil socialism and you Trumpbots do not even feel betrayed.
He has kept almost all his campaign promises. If it wasn't for the democrats he would've kept them all.
He has not done a damned thing for the working class. He has not done anything of note other than give the billionaires a big fat tax cut. The things the working class really needs to make their lives better are never mentioned by Trump anymore.
If all you watch is fox news you'll never know. They are running on the same kind of populist working class problems Trump did, only they are not lying to America's face about it.

Sure, Bub. Beto is running on tearing down the border wall and allowing millions of illegals to flood our country.
So what's Trump running on? Fear of illegals, that's all. Absolutely forgotten are all his promises to be the friend of the working class. He has now defaulted back to the republican line that doing anything for a poor person is evil socialism and you Trumpbots do not even feel betrayed.
He has kept almost all his campaign promises. If it wasn't for the democrats he would've kept them all.
He has not done a damned thing for the working class. He has not done anything of note other than give the billionaires a big fat tax cut. The things the working class really needs to make their lives better are never mentioned by Trump anymore.
Everyone got a tax cut. The economy is booming, if you don't have a job. You don't want one. I noticed grocery prices are coming down. We are doing great. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024, get over it.

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