what are dems plans for the economy if they get in the WH ?

we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
They will raise taxes, pour money into the global warming fake science, continue carving up the Constitution they swore an oath to protect and obey to the cheers of their single digit IQ'ed voting block. We will reach our breaking point and finish the civil war they started over 3 years ago. We will realize genocide has it's good points. and have a shortage of strong limb trees and short pieces of hemp rope. Set up work fare giving the people back what the democrats ripped them off for, their pride, self worth and the ability to make simple life decision.

You are getting close to what a Biden Presidency will do

1. He will make a commitment to fighting climate change. Not one of those on again, off again commitments that get trashed once a Republican takes office.

2. He will repeal the Trump tax cuts on business and the wealthy

3. He will enhance and solidify Obamacare making permanent changes that Republicans can’t repeal

4. He will repair our global alliances that Trump has destroyed. I don’t see how they will trust our political bipolarism

5 He will listen to the scientists on climate change and coronavirus. He will not create his own science to meet his political agenda.

BIDEN 2020

How the fuck is any of that supposed to bring back our economy?

"Fighting climate change"? A destroyer of a thriving economy.

"Repealing tax cuts to businesses"? Another destroyer of a thriving economy.

"Global alliances"? Yet another destroyer of a thriving economy. Give our "alliances" like the EU and China a better deal and some bailouts, and see how that works out for us.

"Obamacare"? Another economic blunder.

Evidently you Democrats really don't have a plan, do you? I mean other than a continuation of Obama's horrible policies.

Climate Change has many more long term consequences than Coronavirus. We can develop a vaccine for Coronavirus, we can’t develop one for Climate Change

Global Alliances build a strong economy. Isolationism and trade wars do not

Untrue. "Climate change" has had absolutely no consequence to the economy, except for the billions of dollars wasted on it, the detrimental effect on the economy due to wasting that money, and the hundreds of thousands of jobs lost in the process: Coal, oil, and energy-sector jobs, manufacturing jobs, and other jobs lost due to the sheer amount of stupid governmental regulations dealing with "climate change."

As for "global alliances", you saw how Mexico and Canada under NAFTA took advantage of the US. That's why President Trump had to renegotiate the deal. It's also our "global alliance: with China that's caused us the misery we're having to endure now: Their unfair trade practices, their theft of intellectual property, and the fact that we've become far too dependent of them for so many necessary goods.

Then there's the EU. We don't need some idiotic European Union dictating their globalist rules as to how we should conduct our business, to be compliant with the rest of the world.

Screw that.
But I talked to Greta and she said how dare you?
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.

so, the other guy is trolling, introspection anyone?

View attachment 335935View attachment 335936View attachment 335937
I am looking for specifics and you're posting juvenile pics.

Howard Stern Says Both He and the President Dislike Trump Supporters

that's true, shitolini himself dislikes his trashy, uneducated cult followers ...

View attachment 335951View attachment 335952
More trolling. When you find a fact post it. Until then fuck off. Stupid ass unemployed Leftist.

how does it feel to be a deplorable low life who clings to hate and delusions, let down by his crazy cult leader? do you think shitolini will ever invite someone like you to his degenerate club in palm beach?

View attachment 335956
I am from Boston. You don't have the guts to even state where you're from. How does it feel to be pussy who cannot argue facts and only posts his hurt feelings?

When you man up we may debate. Until then. Fuck off, Leftist Loser.
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.

so, the other guy is trolling, introspection anyone?

View attachment 335935View attachment 335936View attachment 335937
I am looking for specifics and you're posting juvenile pics.

Howard Stern Says Both He and the President Dislike Trump Supporters

that's true, shitolini himself dislikes his trashy, uneducated cult followers ...

View attachment 335951View attachment 335952
More trolling. When you find a fact post it. Until then fuck off. Stupid ass unemployed Leftist.

how does it feel to be a deplorable low life who clings to hate and delusions, let down by his crazy cult leader? do you think shitolini will ever invite someone like you to his degenerate club in palm beach?

View attachment 335956
I am from Boston. You don't have the guts to even state where you're from. How does it feel to be pussy who cannot argue facts and only posts his hurt feelings?

When you man up we may debate. Until then. Fuck off, Leftist Loser.
i find it enraging that leftist scum seem to take pleasure in the damage the virus is doing to our country and the world ! they gleefully deflect blame from china and place it on the POTUS ! i'm starting to believe that they view the pandemic as a good thing that will help them gain political power .
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.

so, the other guy is trolling, introspection anyone?

View attachment 335935View attachment 335936View attachment 335937
I am looking for specifics and you're posting juvenile pics.

Howard Stern Says Both He and the President Dislike Trump Supporters

that's true, shitolini himself dislikes his trashy, uneducated cult followers ...

View attachment 335951View attachment 335952
More trolling. When you find a fact post it. Until then fuck off. Stupid ass unemployed Leftist.

how does it feel to be a deplorable low life who clings to hate and delusions, let down by his crazy cult leader? do you think shitolini will ever invite someone like you to his degenerate club in palm beach?

View attachment 335956
I am from Boston. You don't have the guts to even state where you're from. How does it feel to be pussy who cannot argue facts and only posts his hurt feelings?

When you man up we may debate. Until then. Fuck off, Leftist Loser.
i find it enraging that leftist scum seem to take pleasure in the damage the virus is doing to our country and the world ! they gleefully deflect blame from china and place it on the POTUS ! i'm starting to believe that they view the pandemic as a good thing that will help them gain political power .
100% agree. Leftist are ruining this country.
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.

so, the other guy is trolling, introspection anyone?

View attachment 335935View attachment 335936View attachment 335937
I am looking for specifics and you're posting juvenile pics.

Howard Stern Says Both He and the President Dislike Trump Supporters

that's true, shitolini himself dislikes his trashy, uneducated cult followers ...

View attachment 335951View attachment 335952
More trolling. When you find a fact post it. Until then fuck off. Stupid ass unemployed Leftist.

how does it feel to be a deplorable low life who clings to hate and delusions, let down by his crazy cult leader? do you think shitolini will ever invite someone like you to his degenerate club in palm beach?

View attachment 335956
I am from Boston. You don't have the guts to even state where you're from. How does it feel to be pussy who cannot argue facts and only posts his hurt feelings?

When you man up we may debate. Until then. Fuck off, Leftist Loser.
i find it enraging that leftist scum seem to take pleasure in the damage the virus is doing to our country and the world ! they gleefully deflect blame from china and place it on the POTUS ! i'm starting to believe that they view the pandemic as a good thing that will help them gain political power .
100% agree. Leftist are ruining this country.
not just this country far left governments across the world are causing hardships ! jut look what china has done !
we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
You should be so lucky! Who was in the White House and FIXED the economic, financial chaos left by the Dubya administration? It, since you appear to have forgotten, was President Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress. So rest easy. Vice President Joe Biden is well equipped to rescue us from Trump's boondoggle administration. Bigly!!!
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.

so, the other guy is trolling, introspection anyone?

View attachment 335935View attachment 335936View attachment 335937
I am looking for specifics and you're posting juvenile pics.

Howard Stern Says Both He and the President Dislike Trump Supporters

that's true, shitolini himself dislikes his trashy, uneducated cult followers ...

View attachment 335951View attachment 335952
More trolling. When you find a fact post it. Until then fuck off. Stupid ass unemployed Leftist.

how does it feel to be a deplorable low life who clings to hate and delusions, let down by his crazy cult leader? do you think shitolini will ever invite someone like you to his degenerate club in palm beach?

View attachment 335956
I am from Boston. You don't have the guts to even state where you're from. How does it feel to be pussy who cannot argue facts and only posts his hurt feelings?

When you man up we may debate. Until then. Fuck off, Leftist Loser.
i find it enraging that leftist scum seem to take pleasure in the damage the virus is doing to our country and the world ! they gleefully deflect blame from china and place it on the POTUS ! i'm starting to believe that they view the pandemic as a good thing that will help them gain political power .
100% agree. Leftist are ruining this country.
not just this country far left governments across the world are causing hardships ! jut look what china has done !
China is a pseudo dictatorship but yes, Big Govt doesn't work.
we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
You should be so lucky! Who was in the White House and FIXED the economic, financial chaos left by the Dubya administration? It, since you appear to have forgotten, was President Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress. So rest easy. Vice President Joe Biden is well equipped to rescue us from Trump's boondoggle administration. Bigly!!!
None of that statement is true. My goodness. What a liar.
we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?

1. declare all conservative human scum to be TRAITORS
2. deport them to iran
3. creating lots of new jobs for decent people.
4. nuke iran
I wish. The only way to deal with democrats is to push them into outright warfare. Then Americans can eliminate the communists. I want to see the day when the question is asked "are you now or have you ever been a member of the Democratic party? "
we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
If you want the violence to end, you'll have to vote Democrat -- Hillary Clinton
If you want the violence to end, you'll have to vote Democrat -- Hillary Clinton
Oh, that would be a great way to end violence, wouldn't it ? By putting one of America's worst serial killers in US history, in the White House. Are you feeling OK ?
If you want the violence to end, you'll have to vote Democrat -- Hillary Clinton
Oh, that would be a great way to end violence, wouldn't it ? By putting one of America's worst serial killers in US history, in the White House. Are you feeling OK ?
I feel fine. Why are you on edge for quoting a Democrat? The OP axed for the Democrat "solution." This is the Democrat solution.

You do a disservice to the right with your inability to keep up
i find it enraging that leftist scum seem to take pleasure in the damage the virus is doing to our country and the world ! they gleefully deflect blame from china and place it on the POTUS ! I'm starting to believe that they view the pandemic as a good thing that will help them gain political power .
I believe that, and can't help but wonder if, in cahoots with their Chinese pals, they maybe started it intentionally, to have something to lash out at Trump with.

I feel fine. Why are you on edge for quoting a Democrat? The OP axed for the Democrat "solution." This is the Democrat solution.

You do a disservice to the right with your inability to keep up
I'm keeping up quite well, and I'm not "on edge". Are you on edge from your post being challenged ? If so, not my problem.
What ever the Dems do cant be any worse than the direction we are headed in now, mostly am concerned about Trump if he no longer has the constraints of having to run again. Its very possible that he will also do some heavy damage to the Republican base.
Here are the policies that the democrats would implement if elected:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists (AOC) caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything

The central committee leftists are not even denying this stuff. If you don't submit to this crazy bs, they will come for you. How Americans ever came to support such a platform and the draconian implementation of it is astonishing.
They are going to keep everything shut down and send out stimulus checks because it is to dangerous to do anything else until there is zero chance of anyone get infected with or dying from the coronavirus.

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