what are dems plans for the economy if they get in the WH ?

we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
idk maybe plan not to cause the worst recesion since the depression like the last two times a republican pres was in office. hye but great plans yall come up wiht.
/——/ State Governors shut down the economy, not President Trump.
The lying scum spew that BS over and over. Everyone can see what the blue state governors have done, yet the lying filth keep screaming Trump.
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.
Oh....you want specifics

He will Make our Economy Great Again

That should satisfy Conservatives
I am not a Conservative but I am an anti Leftist and these posts of yours are part of the reason why. You people are assholes. Uneducated moronic assholes.
You don’t understand

Like Trump, he will release his economic master plan once he is elected. Otherwise, Trump will use it and take credit for it.
Trump ran on lower taxes, higher military spending, trade war with China, UN and other countries paying their “fair share”, the Wall, embassy move Jerusalem, elimination of ISIS, better relations with North Korea. He was pretty transparent. I have no idea what the Democrat playbook is and neither do you. “We are not Trump” is not a platform but a childish hissy fit. You just keep trolling because you cannot provide an intelligent response. Pretty sad. Still par for the course for you.
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.
Oh....you want specifics

He will Make our Economy Great Again

That should satisfy Conservatives
I am not a Conservative but I am an anti Leftist and these posts of yours are part of the reason why. You people are assholes. Uneducated moronic assholes.
You don’t understand

Like Trump, he will release his economic master plan once he is elected. Otherwise, Trump will use it and take credit for it.
Trump ran on lower taxes, higher military spending, trade war with China, UN and other countries paying their “fair share”, the Wall, embassy move Jerusalem, elimination of ISIS, better relations with North Korea. He was pretty transparent. I have no idea what the Democrat playbook is and neither do you. “We are not Trump” is not a platform but a childish hissy fit. You just keep trolling because you cannot provide an intelligent response. Pretty sad. Still par for the course for you.

Trump ran on..

Hate Mexicans, Hate Muslims, Hate Homos
Crooked Hillary

Worked like a charm
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.
Oh....you want specifics

He will Make our Economy Great Again

That should satisfy Conservatives
I am not a Conservative but I am an anti Leftist and these posts of yours are part of the reason why. You people are assholes. Uneducated moronic assholes.
You don’t understand

Like Trump, he will release his economic master plan once he is elected. Otherwise, Trump will use it and take credit for it.
Trump ran on lower taxes, higher military spending, trade war with China, UN and other countries paying their “fair share”, the Wall, embassy move Jerusalem, elimination of ISIS, better relations with North Korea. He was pretty transparent. I have no idea what the Democrat playbook is and neither do you. “We are not Trump” is not a platform but a childish hissy fit. You just keep trolling because you cannot provide an intelligent response. Pretty sad. Still par for the course for you.
Biden will run on

Trump really fucked things up and I am here to fix it
Cant lose
Again zero specifics. So you ll just keep trolling. Outstanding. You’re such a pussy.
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Rescue how? What specifically will he do?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Specifically how will he do that. Be specific. Oh wait, you’re trolling as usual. NVM.
Oh....you want specifics

He will Make our Economy Great Again

That should satisfy Conservatives
I am not a Conservative but I am an anti Leftist and these posts of yours are part of the reason why. You people are assholes. Uneducated moronic assholes.
You don’t understand

Like Trump, he will release his economic master plan once he is elected. Otherwise, Trump will use it and take credit for it.
Trump ran on lower taxes, higher military spending, trade war with China, UN and other countries paying their “fair share”, the Wall, embassy move Jerusalem, elimination of ISIS, better relations with North Korea. He was pretty transparent. I have no idea what the Democrat playbook is and neither do you. “We are not Trump” is not a platform but a childish hissy fit. You just keep trolling because you cannot provide an intelligent response. Pretty sad. Still par for the course for you.

Trump ran on..

Hate Mexicans, Hate Muslims, Hate Homos

Worked like a charm
And yet Biden never says how he will fix anything or what Trump messed up. And you continue to lie.
I'd expect the usual Democratic economic polices involving labor and consumer protection rights, health care, environmental protection, equal access to internet, free trade, progressive income tax.

I'm guessing the Dem's plan would be to cut burdensome government regulations, enact tax reform and give tax breaks to working Americans and small businesses, lower the corporate tax rate, increase our border security, build up our military, make NATO pay their fair share, fix our trade imbalance with China, bring more manufacturing jobs back home, enact travel bans with unfriendly countries, fix NAFTA, enact some kind of justice and prison reform, finally defeat ISIS once and for all, bring our coal, oil, and natural gas production back up to par, get more folks off of welfare and food stamps, and do something about that pesky Obamacare individual mandate.

Wait.....those things are already taken.
we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
They will raise taxes, pour money into the global warming fake science, continue carving up the Constitution they swore an oath to protect and obey to the cheers of their single digit IQ'ed voting block. We will reach our breaking point and finish the civil war they started over 3 years ago. We will realize genocide has it's good points. and have a shortage of strong limb trees and short pieces of hemp rope. Set up work fare giving the people back what the democrats ripped them off for, their pride, self worth and the ability to make simple life decision.
The ship that had GDP growth sink to zero in 2016. The previous years were all normal post-recession recoil, standard no matter who is president. Nice try though.
Trumps GDP is around Negative TEN

That ship has sunk.

But here comes Biden to the rescue!
Is there a doctor in house ? Badly needed.

we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
idk maybe plan not to cause the worst recesion since the depression like the last two times a republican pres was in office. hye but great plans yall come up wiht.
your chicom allies are to blame for the economic damage not just in the US but around the entire planet .....but of course traitorous dems will not criticize their evil benefactors .
Joe Biden has fixed a failed Republican economy before
He can do it again
Joe Biden can't even wipe his own ass.
What Biden will do is turn everything over to a bunch of communists and terrorists that former presidents (Clinton&Obama) will recommend to him.
He won't know what's going on.
Joe Biden is a Stable Genius
He got us out of the Great Bush Recession of 2008 and he will do to again.

JOE BIDEN.....The Right Man for the Right Time
Make America Rich Again
As a senator, Biden had emergency surgery twice for life-threatening brain aneurysms in 1988. It shows.

Biden's birthday is in November. He will be 78. Here's his birthday present >>

we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
idk maybe plan not to cause the worst recesion since the depression like the last two times a republican pres was in office. hye but great plans yall come up wiht.
your chicom allies are to blame for the economic damage not just in the US but around the entire planet .....but of course traitorous dems will not criticize their evil benefactors .
lol. china is responsible? Last I heard they were not in charge over here. Lets see whos job is it to lead the country against our enemies Oh ya the president. Yall have a great record on economy. Last two times the pres holds the office worst two economies since the depression but mean people cause it all right? LOL yall need a childs advoquate next to ya when you hold office dont ya? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Or I guess you need a world where you have no competition huh!
we know what Trumps plan is . even though things are tough now because of the shut down the economic strategy [lower taxes less regs better trade deals ect .... will continue to be the strategy to get our economy moving after the shutdown ends ... but what are the dems plans to stimulate the economy after the virus is gone ? what do they plan to implement to strengthen our economy after this crisis passes. what would a dem POTUS do to help the economy ?
idk maybe plan not to cause the worst recesion since the depression like the last two times a republican pres was in office. hye but great plans yall come up wiht.
your chicom allies are to blame for the economic damage not just in the US but around the entire planet .....but of course traitorous dems will not criticize their evil benefactors .
lol. china is responsible? Last I heard they were not in charge over here. Lets see whos job is it to lead the country against our enemies Oh ya the president. Yall have a great record on economy. Last two times the pres holds the office worst two economies since the depression but mean people cause it all right? LOL yall need a childs advoquate next to ya when you hold office dont ya? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Or I guess you need a world where you have no competition huh!
They HAVE BEEN in charge over here for 30 years. Where was your TV set made ?
By copying Stalin's Sock Puppet FDR, the dems are on record wanting to give us another 8 year Great Depression
Joe Biden has fixed a failed Republican economy before
He can do it again
Joe Biden can't even wipe his own ass.
What Biden will do is turn everything over to a bunch of communists and terrorists that former presidents (Clinton&Obama) will recommend to him.
He won't know what's going on.
Joe Biden is a Stable Genius
He got us out of the Great Bush Recession of 2008 and he will do to again.

JOE BIDEN.....The Right Man for the Right Time
Make America Rich Again
As a senator, Biden had emergency surgery twice for life-threatening brain aneurysms in 1988. It shows.

Biden's birthday is in November. He will be 78. Here's his birthday present >>

View attachment 335896
FDR served in a wheelchair, one of our greatest Presidents
lol. china is responsible? Last I heard they were not in charge over here. Lets see whos job is it to lead the country against our enemies Oh ya the president. Yall have a great record on economy. Last two times the pres holds the office worst two economies since the depression but mean people cause it all right? LOL yall need a childs advoquate next to ya when you hold office dont ya? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Or I guess you need a world where you have no competition huh!
They HAVE BEEN in charge over here for 30 years. Where was your TV set made ?

Getting unrestricted access to our market, and thus, flooding our stores with Chinese goods, is not "competition". It is monopoly.

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