What are republicans even looking forward to if Trump wins another term?

For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
he's not fking the country up like racist America/cop/white hater Obama
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
This biased bunch of bullshit. Of course, I didn’t say Trump didn’t keep any promises. I said his core campaign promises were all failures. Any promises he kept were NOT through legislation with congress. Only EO’s.
You calling someone else biased.......??!! :lmao: :rofl: :lmao:
They'll be looking forward to another 3 miles of US taxpayer funded wall built along the southern border. LOL.

Did they really believe that, "and Mexico is going to pay for it", bullshit? LOL.

Gullible idiots. LOL.
Boy you are a brain dead demtard, aren't ya... pretty much out to fucking lunch... dumbass...

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Trump will win

I hope so.

IF he does, the democrats who are already engaged in violence will go full on with a shooting war. Americans cannot be restrained, WHEN the democrats attack, they must be utterly destroyed so that they can NEVER endanger the republic again.
I sensed great Happy Joy when you said that

Trump being gone, I'm fine with that. China never bothered me a bit. Also, Chinese babes are kind of hot.

China never bothered you a bit? Let me send them a memo on your organs.
China's only brutally "bothered" what 200,000,000 people?
Thanks for verifying your taste for Communism. I think everyone already knew it tho.
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
Keeping the fucking democrats the fuck out is enough and everything else is bonus points.
Thanks to the dick sucking Democrats

Nope, because while we were busy screwing our consumers and workers, China was busy building itself into an economic machine.

Instead of whining about how they beat us, we should look as to what they did right and try to do it ourselves.

Beyond being an obvious CCP troll, you're the dumbest motherfucker on the board.

Hey fuckwad, what is the average income for a Chinese citizen?

About $6,000 a year?

That's what you offer the American worker. And that's an average, propped up by the billionaire Oligarchs.
Here is the PBS version of Trump's 2020 policies.
1. Immigration reform:
  • Build the wall and keep migrants out
  • No catch & release, migrants wait in Mexico
  • No diversity lottery
  • No asylum claims unless pre-approved, migrants wait in Mexico
  • No chain migration
  • Only merit based immigration for workers the US needs
  • No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies from Russia & China.
  • DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
2. Keep the US economy growing at 2%-3%, do not let China or other countries take advantage of the US

3. Repeal Obamacare & lower drug costs

4. Foreign Policy
  • challenge alliances to fund NATO as committed
  • actively oppose terrorism, like he destroyed ISIS
  • No nukes for Iran
  • Keep China from world domination

5. Social issues
  • No trannys in the military
  • appoint conservative judges
  • pass pro-minority legislation
6. Defense & Technology
  • maintain military spending & keep the US military cutting edge
  • develop "Space Force"
  • plan trips to Mars & base on the Moon
7. Address COVID-19
  • develop vaccines ASAP
  • develop therapies ASAP
  • open the US economy ASAP
Keeping the fucking democrats the fuck out is enough and everything else is bonus points.

But here's the deal......
They've been slowly creeping into taking over for decades.
Look around at all the "Progress" they've made....in Chicago, Sanfrancisco and NYC for example.
They aren't gonna stop until ALL of America meets their low standards.

As soon as they win the next election, we go Socialist. Not all at one bang, but they'll make 1000 changes
that essentially pave the road. Socialism by 1000 cuts.

And your firearms? Forget them. They will take them, regardless of what you may think.
There will be a few small pockets of resistance, but they will get them all one way of the other.
It's the ONLY way they can fully succeed. Look at Europe.
If Trump wins? I'm hoping a lot of you bed wetters move to Venezuela, or get retroactive self abortions. I'm looking forward to the wall being completed, the economy to recover from the media hyped Chinese Cold, I'm hoping we see democrook sociopaths involved in the russia hoax prosecuted, I'd like to see hitlary and obozo as well as pedo-joe exposed for the criminals they are, if not also prosecuted. I'm looking forward to not seeing anymore regressive legislation passed like gun control, and I'm still hoping that enough swamp rat democrooks get swept out of power so that we can get rid of the rest of obozocare. I'm looking forward to Trump packing the courts with judges to over turn regressive bed wetting democrook laws that should not exist.

Did I mention I hope a bunch of you sniveling, malignant, vacuous, inane, jabbering retards stop stealing our oxygen, neutralize your carbon foot print and make the country a cooler place to live?


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