What are republicans even looking forward to if Trump wins another term?

For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.

Question: If Trump accomplished nothing why have you leftists been out of your minds and hysterical for 3 1/2 years?
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
1. Trump's promises kept list for your reading pleasure: Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

2. The wall was built legally re-appropriating funds to repel the migrant invasion as directed by the drug cartels. If congress got off their asses and passed a "Remittance tax" on money sent out of the US, the wall and ICE would be fully funded by other countries.

3. Obama let ISIS grow and grow and grow, Trump crushed ISIS without any US casualties:
Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.

4. The ACA was dead until Chief Justice Roberts called the penalty a "tax". Not Trump's fault the ACA is still here. The "replacement" is what we had before Obamacare and the crazy $10,000 deductibles, its called good healthcare.

5. Trump passed prison reform, enterprise zones, near full employment, and funded black universities. That's more benefits for blacks than democrats did in 50-years. VA reform using vouchers, instead of the disaster Obama turned over, etc. The list is long, see #1 and "promises kept".
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.

Stacking the Courts is the main goal, so if he win you better pray Ruth does not kick the bucket!
Thanks to the dick sucking Democrats

Nope, because while we were busy screwing our consumers and workers, China was busy building itself into an economic machine.

Instead of whining about how they beat us, we should look as to what they did right and try to do it ourselves.

What they've done right is never ever let leftists make any decisions for their country.
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
This biased bunch of bullshit. Of course, I didn’t say Trump didn’t keep any promises. I said his core campaign promises were all failures. Any promises he kept were NOT through legislation with congress. Only EO’s.

Chapped your butt, huh? Too bad. LMAO!

BTW, the fact that Trump kept his promises inspite of Congressional opposition makes me support him more, not less.
Trump = PRO American
Left = Anti American

As long as he puts America first, they're gonna attack him

That said: Please keep in mind that he is an Establishment man, just like the others.
PROOF? - He already put TWO Establishment guys on the SCOTUS

Hawley Wants Religious Conservatives to Get More Say in Trump’s New Supreme Court List
Hawley Wants Religious Conservatives to Get More Say in Trump's New Supreme Court List

“The whole point of the Federalist Society judicial project, the whole point of electing Trump to implement it, was to deliver Supreme Court victories to social conservatives,” Varad Mehta, a conservative writer, wrote in a tweet following the ruling. “If they can’t deliver anything that basic, there’s no point for either. The damage is incalculable.”

Following the outcry from the ruling, Trump pledged to appoint more conservative justices and said he would be issuing a new list of potential Supreme Court nominees by September, in a bid to win over socially-conservative voters.

Most trump supporters will put me down for saying this but he's NOT the ideal man to represent you.
For another thing, he's suggested several times that the 2nd Amendment should be ignored.
He's better than Biden, but he's STILL an ESTABLISHMENT hack.

Should you vote for him? Answer: What choice do you have?
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The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.
Sooooo... you think presidents write legislation?

The first two years Trump was president he had to fight the entire fucking Washington establishment including the holdover kenyan's corrupt cabal that was trying everything in the book to hang his ass out to dry. You forget that, skippy?

He had the first two years with a GOP Congress. Thought you knew.

That said, my point stands.

Any questions, didn’t think so....
What are republicans even looking forward to if Trump wins another term?

1. The Dems worst nightmare.
2. No tax increases.
3. No attacks on oil, gas, and coal.
4. No attacks on business.
5. No jobs killing government regulations.
6. No flood of illegals into OUR country.
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
We’re looking forward to not seeing our country destroyed by CCP ass-kissing, Marxist assholes.
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.
Sooooo... you think presidents write legislation?

The first two years Trump was president he had to fight the entire fucking Washington establishment including the holdover kenyan's corrupt cabal that was trying everything in the book to hang his ass out to dry. You forget that, skippy?

He had the first two years with a GOP Congress. Thought you knew.

That said, my point stands.

Any questions, didn’t think so....

And the Democrats in the Senate didn't do anything to block his agenda, did they? You're not to be taken seriously.
Beyond being an obvious CCP troll, you're the dumbest motherfucker on the board.

Hey fuckwad, what is the average income for a Chinese citizen?

About $6,000 a year?

That's what you offer the American worker. And that's an average, propped up by the billionaire Oligarchs.

It isn't about annual salaries. Yes, the Chinese worker is cheaper, but the average worker in Vietnam makes $1800 a year. So why aren't all the factories going to Vietnam? The average worker in the Philippines makes $7660 a year, but the country has grinding poverty.

What those countries don't have is a government that had the good sense to invest heavily in infrastructure and education.
Most Trump supporters are so politically retarded that all they want to see is democrats getting angry. Other than that they don't care what Trump is doing to ass rape Americans.

So how many times has Trump ass raped you?
Look at this country right now. This is what the failure of Trump to lead looks like.

LOL! Nothing happening in the nation right now is because of Trump, except the things being done by the Left to try to prevent his re-election.
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.
Sooooo... you think presidents write legislation?

The first two years Trump was president he had to fight the entire fucking Washington establishment including the holdover kenyan's corrupt cabal that was trying everything in the book to hang his ass out to dry. You forget that, skippy?

He had the first two years with a GOP Congress. Thought you knew.

That said, my point stands.

Any questions, didn’t think so....

And the Democrats in the Senate didn't do anything to block his agenda, did they? You're not to be taken seriously.

Link to any deficit reduction plan proposed by the GOP Congress during President Trumps first two years.

Don’t bother it doesn’t exist.
1. Trump's promises kept list for your reading pleasure:

TRump's Accomplishments.

Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Is he done making America Great Yet?

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