What are republicans even looking forward to if Trump wins another term?

1. Trump's promises kept list for your reading pleasure:

TRump's Accomplishments.

Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Is he done making America Great Yet?
Worst Pandemic in 100 years. Wuhan Virus is not Trump's fault, the US was great before COVID-19 hit, duh.
Worst Recession in 80 years. The recession was due to the virus, not Trump, duh.
Worst Riots in 50 years. Riots are due to stupid city folk turning their cities into shitholes, not Trump's fault

Is he done making America Great Yet? Nope, not yet. Trump has 4 more years to finish the job.
At least 2 more Supreme Court Pics and Pelosi and Shmer's heads exploding
I'm thinking 3 more supremes:
Amy Coney Barrett for RBG
____________________ for Breyer
____________________ for Thomas (his ultimate FU to democrats for their "hi-tech "lynching")
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.

Actually, I do. President Trump had a GOP Congress for the first two years of his administration. Whats the excuse for not passing deficit reduction legislation?
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.

Actually, I do. President Trump had a GOP Congress for the first two years of his administration. Whats the excuse for not passing deficit reduction legislation?

If one party does not have 60 seats they dont control the Senate.
Learn something
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.

Actually, I do. President Trump had a GOP Congress for the first two years of his administration. Whats the excuse for not passing deficit reduction legislation?

If one party does not have 60 seats they dont control the Senate.
Learn something

Nope, There was no plan, that’s the point. If what you said was true the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 would not have passed. Yet it did.

Trump = PRO American
Left = Anti American

As long as he puts America first, they're gonna attack him

That said: Please keep in mind that he is an Establishment man, just like the others.
PROOF? - He already put TWO Establishment guys on the SCOTUS

Hawley Wants Religious Conservatives to Get More Say in Trump’s New Supreme Court List
Hawley Wants Religious Conservatives to Get More Say in Trump's New Supreme Court List

“The whole point of the Federalist Society judicial project, the whole point of electing Trump to implement it, was to deliver Supreme Court victories to social conservatives,” Varad Mehta, a conservative writer, wrote in a tweet following the ruling. “If they can’t deliver anything that basic, there’s no point for either. The damage is incalculable.”

Following the outcry from the ruling, Trump pledged to appoint more conservative justices and said he would be issuing a new list of potential Supreme Court nominees by September, in a bid to win over socially-conservative voters.

Most trump supporters will put me down for saying this but he's NOT the ideal man to represent you.
For another thing, he's suggested several times that the 2nd Amendment should be ignored.
He's better than Biden, but he's STILL an ESTABLISHMENT hack.

Should you vote for him? Answer: What choice do you have?

Not establishment

The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.

Actually, I do. President Trump had a GOP Congress for the first two years of his administration. Whats the excuse for not passing deficit reduction legislation?

If one party does not have 60 seats they dont control the Senate.
Learn something

Nope, There was no plan, that’s the point. If what you said was true the tax cut bill would not have passed. Yet it did.


What a fucking dumbass.
Education is run by leftist.
And how does infrastructure make us more competitive in world markets?

Education is underfunded and racially discriminatory in this country. It doesn't matter who is "running" it if you aren't spending the money in the right places.

Infrastructure makes all the difference. Roads to move products, energy grids to support operations, etc. etc.

The Chinese spent the money, we didn't and we didn't spend it in the right places.
LOL!! You are wayyyyyyy out of your element with this post.
Education is just fine in red states, but in cities like Baltimore, none of the kids can do math?! WTF?? Democrats & teachers unions. Throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. The mutha-fuckers would rather riot than study.
The US infrastructure isn't the problem, moving 60,000 factories and 3m manufacturing jobs overseas is the problem.
China is spending money on infrastructure that should be spent in the US, they have a $500b trade surplus with the US, that Trump is trying to fix.
China has a well developed rail system, the US has a well developed highway system.
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.

Actually, I do. President Trump had a GOP Congress for the first two years of his administration. Whats the excuse for not passing deficit reduction legislation?

If one party does not have 60 seats they dont control the Senate.
Learn something

Nope, There was no plan, that’s the point. If what you said was true the tax cut bill would not have passed. Yet it did.


What a fucking dumbass.

Translation: lost the argument, must insult to compensate.
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.

Actually, I do. President Trump had a GOP Congress for the first two years of his administration. Whats the excuse for not passing deficit reduction legislation?

If one party does not have 60 seats they dont control the Senate.
Learn something

Nope, There was no plan, that’s the point. If what you said was true the tax cut bill would not have passed. Yet it did.


What a fucking dumbass.

Translation: lost the argument, must insult to compensate.

I insult cause your a dumbass
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.
Sooooo... you think presidents write legislation?

The first two years Trump was president he had to fight the entire fucking Washington establishment including the holdover kenyan's corrupt cabal that was trying everything in the book to hang his ass out to dry. You forget that, skippy?

He had the first two years with a GOP Congress. Thought you knew.

That said, my point stands.

Any questions, didn’t think so....

And the Democrats in the Senate didn't do anything to block his agenda, did they? You're not to be taken seriously.

Link to any deficit reduction plan proposed by the GOP Congress during President Trumps first two years.

Don’t bother it doesn’t exist.

Ah, so you are going to focus on ONE item...sorry, thought you had a serious point to make. My bad.

Concession accepted

Yes, that's what I did when you admitted that you were only able to focus on one thing that was on the list and didn't acknowledge that Trump was blocked by Senate Democrats during the first two years.
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.
Sooooo... you think presidents write legislation?

The first two years Trump was president he had to fight the entire fucking Washington establishment including the holdover kenyan's corrupt cabal that was trying everything in the book to hang his ass out to dry. You forget that, skippy?

He had the first two years with a GOP Congress. Thought you knew.

That said, my point stands.

Any questions, didn’t think so....

And the Democrats in the Senate didn't do anything to block his agenda, did they? You're not to be taken seriously.

Link to any deficit reduction plan proposed by the GOP Congress during President Trumps first two years.

Don’t bother it doesn’t exist.

Ah, so you are going to focus on ONE item...sorry, thought you had a serious point to make. My bad.

Concession accepted

Yes, that's what I did when you admitted that you were only able to focus on one thing that was on the list and didn't acknowledge that Trump was blocked by Senate Democrats during the first two years.

The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.

You clearly have no idea how The Senate works.

Actually, I do. President Trump had a GOP Congress for the first two years of his administration. Whats the excuse for not passing deficit reduction legislation?

If one party does not have 60 seats they dont control the Senate.
Learn something

Nope, There was no plan, that’s the point. If what you said was true the tax cut bill would not have passed. Yet it did.


What a fucking dumbass.

Translation: lost the argument, must insult to compensate.

I insult cause your a dumbass

Worst Pandemic in 100 years. Wuhan Virus is not Trump's fault, the US was great before COVID-19 hit, duh.

We have 4% of the world's population and 26% of the Covid deaths, totally Trump's fault.

The Titanic was making excellent time until it hit the iceberg.

Worst Recession in 80 years. The recession was due to the virus, not Trump, duh.

The country was slipping into recession before the Virus hit. GDP Growth was negative 5% in Q-1 of 2020. The Virus only really hit in late March.

Worst Riots in 50 years. Riots are due to stupid city folk turning their cities into shitholes, not Trump's fault

Again- cities are where the people are, and the people vote. Trump has lost control of the cities... they'll remember that in November.

Is he done making America Great Yet? Nope, not yet. Trump has 4 more years to finish the job.

At the rate he's going, we can't survive four more years of this.

LOL!! You are wayyyyyyy out of your element with this post.
Education is just fine in red states, but in cities like Baltimore, none of the kids can do math?! WTF?? Democrats & teachers unions. Throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. The mutha-fuckers would rather riot than study.

It's always fun to watch the racists expose their racism. Education sucks in this country overall, it's why we have to import STEM workers from India.

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