What are republicans even looking forward to if Trump wins another term?

For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
Keeping the Dims from getting control of the government is more than enough for me.
Republicans are not future oriented. They don't even care if they get a debiliating virus. They should change their party symbol to a lemming.

Well, at least you violent Communists know how to say safe, huh Comrade?

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