What are republicans even looking forward to if Trump wins another term?

Link to any deficit reduction plan proposed by the GOP Congress during President Trumps first two years.

Don’t bother it doesn’t exist.

Did you want to contrast them to the plans under Potentate Obamugabe, Comrade?
1. The US has 4% of the population and 26% of the deaths, totally on the governors like Cuomo who sent covid patients back to the nursing homes, duh. I gave you the reason. You never backup your claims.

The Buck stops here. Trump can't put these things off on anyone else.

2. The 5% negative growth was 1Q20?! Stop the bullshit. Trump stopped flights from China in January, the cruise ships were a mess, everyone knew the pandemic was coming. Duh.

Cruise ships aren't the whole economy. Neither are flights from China. The economy wasn't shut down until March, which means the economy was in trouble without COVID.

3. Trump doesn't run big cities, like Mac-7 said in post #99 " Make that stupid bedwetting democrats who run the big cities"

Trump runs America... You guys were happy to give him credit for things that were good, he gets the bad things, too.

The US has the best education system, in spite of the failing city schools (aka "holding pens") The red state kids need to work their asses off to pull the averages up. OH, BTW, why do the tech companies need H-1B visas when there are US kids qualified for the jobs? Trump fixed that by stopping the H-1B visas, you're welcome.

Our education system sucks... we produce the biggest idiots in the industrialized world.

Companies need H-1B visas because Americans are too stupid to learn STEM jobs.
You sling BULLSHIT with no proof, aka LIES:
1. Trump doesn't control the opening or closing of states, governors do. Trump helped the states as much as possible, even Cuomo, Newsome and Murphy (NJ), all democrats, agreed that Trump did a good job. Stop lying.
2. The economy was booming until mid-Feb and tanked in March, still 1Q20, totally due to covid, duh. Stop lying.

3. I gave you a link showing the US has one of the best education systems. Stop lying.
Companies would rather import cheap foreign labor than pay for technical talent, I know this from personal experience.
Education is underfunded and racially discriminatory in this country.

You mean your country, Communist China?

In dollars, the USA spends more on education than any other nation on earth.

You ChiComs love to play the "But Cuba spends half their average per capita GDP on education." That's $6. The USA spends more money on education than any other country.

It doesn't matter who is "running" it if you aren't spending the money in the right places.

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.”

― Vladimir Lenin

It matters greatly. America is in the grip of the mind rapists who spend years crushing intellectual curiosity and crippling critical thinking.

One thing good about your Wuhan virus is that it taught millions of Americans that home schooling is viable. A generation able to think and reason. The home schooled will dominate as the intellectuals .

Infrastructure makes all the difference. Roads to move products, energy grids to support operations, etc. etc.

The Chinese spent the money, we didn't and we didn't spend it in the right places.


Over a third of your country still doesn't have electricity. You Communists build show centers in major cities while the rest of the country lives in the stone age.
We spend more money per student than any country in the world.
So are you really trying to tell me the roads are so bad we cant get products to market?
Dont know about where you live but our power grid is just fine.

ChiCom Joeb knows this, but in countries where the average family of four earns $12 USD in a year, they spend a higher percentage of the per capita GDP...

Cuba spent $6 per student last year , making them the greatest education system on earth, according the ChiCom Joeb. Yeah, America spent $23,000 per student, but we have so much higher of a GDP that the percentage is lower...

The United States of America spends more per student than any other nation on earth - fact.
[QUOTE="Jets, post: 24971868, member: 72278]
Agreed. Neither party is interested in dealing with the deficit. It’s all campaign rhetoric.

Can you point to the top three campaign ads by the Trump team promising to tackle the deficit?
1. Trump's promises kept list for your reading pleasure:

TRump's Accomplishments.

Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Is he done making America Great Yet?
Worst Pandemic in 100 years. Wuhan Virus is not Trump's fault, the US was great before COVID-19 hit, duh.
Worst Recession in 80 years. The recession was due to the virus, not Trump, duh.
Worst Riots in 50 years. Riots are due to stupid city folk turning their cities into shitholes, not Trump's fault

Is he done making America Great Yet? Nope, not yet. Trump has 4 more years to finish the job.

Again, he's not responsible for the virus. But he is 100% responsible for the response to the virus...and all the death and economic carnage that came with it. Face it, if he acts decisively in January, maybe things don't get this bad. But he doesn't have the capacity. He's corrupt and incompetent. And the voters will turn him out in November. He can hold as many pep rallies as he likes. No one cares while people are dying and out of work.
Look at the Dims who don’t want debates.

They know Joe is retarded.

The Democrat party is the party of racism.

Lynching, KKK, Robert Byrd.

Dems are racist AF and anyone who supports Democrats are racist
Again, he's not responsible for the virus. But he is 100% responsible for the response to the virus...and all the death and economic carnage that came with it. Face it, if he acts decisively in January, maybe things don't get this bad. But he doesn't have the capacity. He's corrupt and incompetent. And the voters will turn him out in November. He can hold as many pep rallies as he likes. No one cares while people are dying and out of work.

Is it stupid in here, or is it just Jack Off in the Soup is here?

The problem with you little Himmler cvnts is that you're as stupid as you are evil. Yeah, you lie without remorse, you're free of the bourgeoisie concepts of honor, integrity, honesty, ethics. You are a pathological psychopath who will spew any lie to further the party.

But you're still stupid;

And you still have absolutely nothing to bring to the table. Just bile and insults. Oh yeah, and crawling around the Internet to find any jerkoff with a camera and an opinion that suits your narrative.
Meanwhile, we have the current occupant of the White House who has no interest in being President. And supporters like you lavish praise on him like the Chinese do for Xin. :) Ironic isn't it?
I wonder if your guy is even going to make it to November at this rate. Biden is looking real good right now.

Remind me again who the stupid one here is?
This independent hopes to vote for President Trump, although I acknowledge that it is VERY unlikely that he can win.

I want him to win for at least one reason: He will be able to stave off for four years the storm that is a-coming.

I shudder to think what this country will be like under a Dem administration that is beholden to the race hustlers, who no longer want equality, but domination.

Guy, get real. White people will still be privileged, still have most of the wealth, and still be dominant in politics.

The real problem for you dumb white people who keep voting Republican is that you blame people worse off than you for your plight, and not the better off people who caused it.

Uhhhhhh, show us where a republican is blaming anyone for their plight. You cant so you wont.
The OP said it in a nutshell. President Trump had the first two years to pass deficit reduction legislation as well as an alternative to PPACA. That was the opportunity to be the fiscal conservatives republicans claim to be.

They didn’t do it and have zero excuses.
Sooooo... you think presidents write legislation?

The first two years Trump was president he had to fight the entire fucking Washington establishment including the holdover kenyan's corrupt cabal that was trying everything in the book to hang his ass out to dry. You forget that, skippy?

He had the first two years with a GOP Congress. Thought you knew.

That said, my point stands.

Any questions, didn’t think so....

And the Democrats in the Senate didn't do anything to block his agenda, did they? You're not to be taken seriously.

Link to any deficit reduction plan proposed by the GOP Congress during President Trumps first two years.

Don’t bother it doesn’t exist.

Ah, so you are going to focus on ONE item...sorry, thought you had a serious point to make. My bad.

Concession accepted

Yes, that's what I did when you admitted that you were only able to focus on one thing that was on the list and didn't acknowledge that Trump was blocked by Senate Democrats during the first two years.


Can't look back up the thread? This just confirms you're a "waste of time" troll. You look at this link as you slide onto ignore.

Again, he's not responsible for the virus. But he is 100% responsible for the response to the virus...and all the death and economic carnage that came with it. Face it, if he acts decisively in January, maybe things don't get this bad. But he doesn't have the capacity. He's corrupt and incompetent. And the voters will turn him out in November. He can hold as many pep rallies as he likes. No one cares while people are dying and out of work.

Is it stupid in here, or is it just Jack Off in the Soup is here?

The problem with you little Himmler cvnts is that you're as stupid as you are evil. Yeah, you lie without remorse, you're free of the bourgeoisie concepts of honor, integrity, honesty, ethics. You are a pathological psychopath who will spew any lie to further the party.

But you're still stupid;

And you still have absolutely nothing to bring to the table. Just bile and insults. Oh yeah, and crawling around the Internet to find any jerkoff with a camera and an opinion that suits your narrative.
Meanwhile, we have the current occupant of the White House who has no interest in being President. And supporters like you lavish praise on him like the Chinese do for Xin. :) Ironic isn't it?
I wonder if your guy is even going to make it to November at this rate. Biden is looking real good right now.

Remind me again who the stupid one here is?

What a moron.

You just got your lying ass handed to you with video of you Commie pukes downplaying the virus in February and March.

You're just a lying demagogue.
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
This biased bunch of bullshit. Of course, I didn’t say Trump didn’t keep any promises. I said his core campaign promises were all failures. Any promises he kept were NOT through legislation with congress. Only EO’s.
It's refreshing that now realize that both parties don't give a crap anybody but their own careers.
Uhhhhhh, show us where a republican is blaming anyone for their plight. You cant so you wont.

Trump's whole schtick is based on getting white people to blame the Chinese or the Mexicans for their woes...

Not the rich white people who moved those factories to start with.
Uhhhhhh, show us where a republican is blaming anyone for their plight. You cant so you wont.

Trump's whole schtick is based on getting white people to blame the Chinese or the Mexicans for their woes...

Not the rich white people who moved those factories to start with.
The Democrats in Congress voted along with the Republicans because Democrats are also rich White people.

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