What are republicans even looking forward to if Trump wins another term?

This independent hopes to vote for President Trump, although I acknowledge that it is VERY unlikely that he can win.

I want him to win for at least one reason: He will be able to stave off for four years the storm that is a-coming.

I shudder to think what this country will be like under a Dem administration that is beholden to the race hustlers, who no longer want equality, but domination.
This independent hopes to vote for President Trump, although I acknowledge that it is VERY unlikely that he can win.

I want him to win for at least one reason: He will be able to stave off for four years the storm that is a-coming.

I shudder to think what this country will be like under a Dem administration that is beholden to the race hustlers, who no longer want equality, but domination.

Guy, get real. White people will still be privileged, still have most of the wealth, and still be dominant in politics.

The real problem for you dumb white people who keep voting Republican is that you blame people worse off than you for your plight, and not the better off people who caused it.
Biden placed in a mental institution...

Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker, Clinesmith, Schiff...all going to prison.

The recovery

Democrat's / snowflakes' complete and final meltdown...

Ever notice the more the right is losing, the more lurid their revenge fantasies become?
all the left, Democrats, their surrogate media, & snowflakes have known for the last 5 years has been LOSS....leading to crying, screaming as at the sky, crime, & violence...
all the left, Democrats, their surrogate media, & snowflakes have known for the last 5 years has been LOSS....leading to crying, screaming as at the sky, crime, & violence...

Wow, guy, let's review.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016
He lost Congress in 2018
He got impeached.
He's is overseeing the worst Pandemic in a century.
He's got the worst recession in 80 years.
He's got the worst riots in 50 years.

Americans haven't known the kind of misery he's inflicting, and you still think he's "Winning"?
Wow, guy, let's review.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016
He lost Congress in 2018
He got impeached.
He's is overseeing the worst Pandemic in a century.
He's got the worst recession in 80 years.
He's got the worst riots in 50 years.

Americans haven't known the kind of misery he's inflicting, and you still think he's "Winning"?

Wow, Joe, let's review:

Trump overcame the BS liberal media-manufactured fake news 'landslide' to beat Hillary Clinton to become President in 2016, despite the Obama-directed Conspiracy, obstruction, perjury, FISA Court abuses, sedition, treason, violations of the Constitution, Constitutional and Civil Rights, & the Rule of Law....causing Democrats and snowflakes to lose their mind, crying, screaming at the sky, and triggering 3+ more years of crimes / treason...

Pelosi now run Congress, a cesspool of criminals, to include herself, Schiff, and Nadler:
- She is responsible for the fastest rush to Impeach with the weakest case to Impeach in US history...after she lied by saying she would not move to impeach without undeniable evidence and bipartisanship - she had neither.

- Schiff leaked classified, committed perjury, & attempted to submit personally authored transcripts as evidence

- Nadler led the Democrats to Censure the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW

The impeachment - based on no crime, no evidence, no witnesses and was admitted by Democrats to be the 1st political partisan impeachment in US history was REJECTED.

Morons like you are attempting to blame Trump for COVID-19 that came from China ..... While ignoring the documented fact that Democrats opposed the life saving travel ban, called it xenophobic, advised Americans to ignore it and to go out and do things that would have spread it, CHOSE to sacrifice / murder the elderly, are still using the flu to try to oppressively deny rights and keep the country / economy shut down to help defeat Trump.

Democrats are helping destroy the economy just to beat Trump....they are siding with Soros / Venezuela (Iran/Russia)-funded domestic terrorists, helping them to attack and try to destroy our culture, history, and disband the police - just like ISIS, the Taliban, etc...

Our enemies are using the same techniques used to destabilize other nations, and democrats / snowflakes facilitate and join in because they HATE TRUMP...

The same gullible, stupid, hate-driven f*ers who were conned by the Russians in 2015 via Social Media to organize and march for them are at it again...manipulated by the SAME BLM & Antifa proven to have taken money from Russia in 2015 to spread racial division and violence - you're just a bunch of triggered, emotionally manipulated, stupid, weak-willed, hate-driven sheep....

And you try to blame the President for a bunch of criminal, violent, foreign funded, liberal - socialist - marxist, triggered, emotionally manipulated, thugs, thieves, looters, arsonists, murderers, anarchists, and domestic terrorists shorting on the Constitution and Rule of law, for ripping this country apart, and throwing one of the biggest tantrums in our history?

Yes, Joe, tell us how Trump MADE thieves, thugs, and terrorists loot businesses empty, burn down stores and buildings, murder people in the street, and hold 3 city blocks hostage with AR15s and other weapons.....

Funny, the puppets / sheep 'fed', funded, and manipulated into destabilizing the country by Soros, China, Iran, Russia, and domestic terrorists are now declaring it is Trump who is pulling their strings in order to blame him...

That was funny, Joe, and shows you are gullible / stupid, and take no responsibility for your actions....or you are one of the outside puppet masters ... Or are taking money from them to spread propaganda. My money is on the 1st option.

For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.

1. Bring back prayer in school
2. Appoint a priest or Rabbi to SCOTUS, all rulings must be approved by either
3. Forgive our enemies, helicopter rides for Commies
Trump overcame the BS liberal media-manufactured fake news 'landslide' to beat Hillary Clinton to become President in 2016....

The people said no, and the fact he won on a fluke because we are still using a system designed by slave rapists is nothing to be proud of. It's like bragging you felt up the homecoming queen when she was drunk. You might be proud of yourself, but everyone else is disgusted.

- She is responsible for the fastest rush to Impeach with the weakest case to Impeach in US history...after she lied by saying she would not move to impeach without undeniable evidence and bipartisanship - she had neither.

Actually, you had Trump slam dunk guilty of shaking down a foreign government. That isn't even up for debate. The fact the GOP decided to ignore the evidence because they just can't admit they made a mistake is kind of sad.

Morons like you are attempting to blame Trump for COVID-19 that came from China ..... While ignoring the documented fact that Democrats opposed the life saving travel ban, called it xenophobic, advised Americans to ignore it and to go out and do things that would have spread it, CHOSE to sacrifice / murder the elderly, are still using the flu to try to oppressively deny rights and keep the country / economy shut down to help defeat Trump.

Trump is the guy who called it a hoax, said it would be over in a few weeks, told people to fill the Churches on Easter Sunday when the Doctors were screaming not to. And he's STILL doing it, like his idiotic and dangerous Tulsa rally.

Democrats are helping destroy the economy just to beat Trump....they are siding with Soros / Venezuela (Iran/Russia)-funded domestic terrorists, helping them to attack and try to destroy our culture, history, and disband the police - just like ISIS, the Taliban, etc...

Wow, there you are going for the crazy talk, buddy. You know what, they finally lifted social distancing in Illinois, but a lot of the places I want to go are STILL closed. Big corporations had to act when the government didn't. If Covid caused the collapse of the Trump economy, it was a pretty weak economy to start with.

The same gullible, stupid, hate-driven f*ers who were conned by the Russians in 2015 via Social Media to organize and march for them are at it again...manipulated by the SAME BLM & Antifa proven to have taken money from Russia in 2015 to spread racial division and violence - you're just a bunch of triggered, emotionally manipulated, stupid, weak-willed, hate-driven sheep....

Or we really don't think the cops shooting kids in the back is a good thing. The thing was, the people you complain about asked peacefully to address these issues for a long time. We didn't listen when they peacefully demonstrated and Colin took a knee.

Now you act surprised when it blows up? I'm not.

Funny, the puppets / sheep 'fed', funded, and manipulated into destabilizing the country by Soros, China, Iran, Russia, and domestic terrorists are now declaring it is Trump who is pulling their strings in order to blame him...

Naw, the difference is that Trump is incompetent. He always was. I mean, I know you want to believe that Soros and China are "pulling the strings", but Trump was always against the half of the country that didn't vote for him. He never made any effort to build bridges....

Now he's losing his supporters as things continue to turn to shit.
Trump overcame the BS liberal media-manufactured fake news 'landslide' to beat Hillary Clinton to become President in 2016....

The people said no, and the fact he won on a fluke because we are still using a system designed by slave rapists is nothing to be proud of. It's like bragging you felt up the homecoming queen when she was drunk. You might be proud of yourself, but everyone else is disgusted.

- She is responsible for the fastest rush to Impeach with the weakest case to Impeach in US history...after she lied by saying she would not move to impeach without undeniable evidence and bipartisanship - she had neither.

Actually, you had Trump slam dunk guilty of shaking down a foreign government. That isn't even up for debate. The fact the GOP decided to ignore the evidence because they just can't admit they made a mistake is kind of sad.

Morons like you are attempting to blame Trump for COVID-19 that came from China ..... While ignoring the documented fact that Democrats opposed the life saving travel ban, called it xenophobic, advised Americans to ignore it and to go out and do things that would have spread it, CHOSE to sacrifice / murder the elderly, are still using the flu to try to oppressively deny rights and keep the country / economy shut down to help defeat Trump.

Trump is the guy who called it a hoax, said it would be over in a few weeks, told people to fill the Churches on Easter Sunday when the Doctors were screaming not to. And he's STILL doing it, like his idiotic and dangerous Tulsa rally.

Democrats are helping destroy the economy just to beat Trump....they are siding with Soros / Venezuela (Iran/Russia)-funded domestic terrorists, helping them to attack and try to destroy our culture, history, and disband the police - just like ISIS, the Taliban, etc...

Wow, there you are going for the crazy talk, buddy. You know what, they finally lifted social distancing in Illinois, but a lot of the places I want to go are STILL closed. Big corporations had to act when the government didn't. If Covid caused the collapse of the Trump economy, it was a pretty weak economy to start with.

The same gullible, stupid, hate-driven f*ers who were conned by the Russians in 2015 via Social Media to organize and march for them are at it again...manipulated by the SAME BLM & Antifa proven to have taken money from Russia in 2015 to spread racial division and violence - you're just a bunch of triggered, emotionally manipulated, stupid, weak-willed, hate-driven sheep....

Or we really don't think the cops shooting kids in the back is a good thing. The thing was, the people you complain about asked peacefully to address these issues for a long time. We didn't listen when they peacefully demonstrated and Colin took a knee.

Now you act surprised when it blows up? I'm not.

Funny, the puppets / sheep 'fed', funded, and manipulated into destabilizing the country by Soros, China, Iran, Russia, and domestic terrorists are now declaring it is Trump who is pulling their strings in order to blame him...

Naw, the difference is that Trump is incompetent. He always was. I mean, I know you want to believe that Soros and China are "pulling the strings", but Trump was always against the half of the country that didn't vote for him. He never made any effort to build bridges....

Now he's losing his supporters as things continue to turn to shit.
Hillary was REJECTED, snowflake...she could not win a rigged election, despite help from Barry, the DNC, & the Russians..

Now the Democrats are running an old white rich elitist racist dementia-suffering, pu$$y-grabbing confessed extorting pedophile who can't put two words together.


Worst Pandemic in 100 years. Wuhan Virus is not Trump's fault, the US was great before COVID-19 hit, duh.

We have 4% of the world's population and 26% of the Covid deaths, totally Trump's fault.

The Titanic was making excellent time until it hit the iceberg.

Worst Recession in 80 years. The recession was due to the virus, not Trump, duh.

The country was slipping into recession before the Virus hit. GDP Growth was negative 5% in Q-1 of 2020. The Virus only really hit in late March.

Worst Riots in 50 years. Riots are due to stupid city folk turning their cities into shitholes, not Trump's fault

Again- cities are where the people are, and the people vote. Trump has lost control of the cities... they'll remember that in November.

Is he done making America Great Yet? Nope, not yet. Trump has 4 more years to finish the job.

At the rate he's going, we can't survive four more years of this.

LOL!! You are wayyyyyyy out of your element with this post.
Education is just fine in red states, but in cities like Baltimore, none of the kids can do math?! WTF?? Democrats & teachers unions. Throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. The mutha-fuckers would rather riot than study.

It's always fun to watch the racists expose their racism. Education sucks in this country overall, it's why we have to import STEM workers from India.
1. The US has 4% of the population and 26% of the deaths, totally on the governors like Cuomo who sent covid patients back to the nursing homes, duh. I gave you the reason. You never backup your claims.

2. The 5% negative growth was 1Q20?! Stop the bullshit. Trump stopped flights from China in January, the cruise ships were a mess, everyone knew the pandemic was coming. Duh.

3. Trump doesn't run big cities, like Mac-7 said in post #99 " Make that stupid bedwetting democrats who run the big cities"

4. Do you have any idea how stupid your <lack of> reasoning sounds? Baltimore has NO STUDENTS that are proficient in math, ZERO, NADA, NONE, and you are whining about education funding??? You know what the real problem is.

5. The US has the best education system, in spite of the failing city schools (aka "holding pens") The red state kids need to work their asses off to pull the averages up. OH, BTW, why do the tech companies need H-1B visas when there are US kids qualified for the jobs? Trump fixed that by stopping the H-1B visas, you're welcome.
Hillary was REJECTED, snowflake...she could not win a rigged election

She got 3 million more votes.
The people said "NO" to Trump.

Now the Democrats are running an old white rich elitist racist dementia-suffering, pu$$y-grabbing confessed extorting pedophile who can't put two words together.

And he's beating Trump by double digits.
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.

Liberals crying
For the first two years, the GOP had full control. Despite this, Trump’s core campaign promises never materialized.

The wall wasn’t approved by congress. This was of course after - to the surprise of no one intelligent - Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

ISIS didn’t get destroyed in 30 days. I mean that promise alone was so fucking stupid and impossible but people believed him anyway.

Let’s also not forget ACA. Republicans failure to repeal that was flat out embarrassing because they were too useless to come up with a replacement. Their incompetence at governing was at full display.

Trump has failed to pass any signature legislation through Congress. His supporters might mention the tax cuts law, but it’s not like Trump had anything to do with the design of the law. He just signed off on it. You know, something a chimp could do. Speaking of which, republicans used to be full of faux outrage when Obama passed EO’s yet that seems to be all the power Trump has.

Do you notice how Trump hasn’t made any promises for his next term? I mean this is for two reasons. 1) the only legislation the GOP cares about is making wealthy people more wealthy and they’ve already done that. 2) But either way, Trump knows he can’t promise anything because he fails to accomplish much of anything at all. His second term will be incredibly pointless besides making republicans voters think they won something.
We are looking forward to pulling democrats out of their homes and beating them for 4.6 hours a day.
Hillary was REJECTED, snowflake...she could not win a rigged election

She got 3 million more votes.
The people said "NO" to Trump.

Now the Democrats are running an old white rich elitist racist dementia-suffering, pu$$y-grabbing confessed extorting pedophile who can't put two words together.

And he's beating Trump by double digits.
Sure she did. That's why he's president now.
1. The US has 4% of the population and 26% of the deaths, totally on the governors like Cuomo who sent covid patients back to the nursing homes, duh. I gave you the reason. You never backup your claims.

The Buck stops here. Trump can't put these things off on anyone else.

2. The 5% negative growth was 1Q20?! Stop the bullshit. Trump stopped flights from China in January, the cruise ships were a mess, everyone knew the pandemic was coming. Duh.

Cruise ships aren't the whole economy. Neither are flights from China. The economy wasn't shut down until March, which means the economy was in trouble without COVID.

3. Trump doesn't run big cities, like Mac-7 said in post #99 " Make that stupid bedwetting democrats who run the big cities"

Trump runs America... You guys were happy to give him credit for things that were good, he gets the bad things, too.

The US has the best education system, in spite of the failing city schools (aka "holding pens") The red state kids need to work their asses off to pull the averages up. OH, BTW, why do the tech companies need H-1B visas when there are US kids qualified for the jobs? Trump fixed that by stopping the H-1B visas, you're welcome.

Our education system sucks... we produce the biggest idiots in the industrialized world.

Companies need H-1B visas because Americans are too stupid to learn STEM jobs.
Most Trump supporters are so politically retarded that all they want to see is democrats getting angry. Other than that they don't care what Trump is doing to ass rape Americans.

Explain to me again how dems help working Americans, the Middle Class. Talk about ass raping Americans, Jeez.
Beyond being an obvious CCP troll, you're the dumbest motherfucker on the board.

Hey fuckwad, what is the average income for a Chinese citizen?

About $6,000 a year?

That's what you offer the American worker. And that's an average, propped up by the billionaire Oligarchs.

It isn't about annual salaries. Yes, the Chinese worker is cheaper, but the average worker in Vietnam makes $1800 a year. So why aren't all the factories going to Vietnam? The average worker in the Philippines makes $7660 a year, but the country has grinding poverty.

What those countries don't have is a government that had the good sense to invest heavily in infrastructure and education.

Sorry Chang, what were you saying?

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