What are Republican's plans to help uninsured Americans?

And if someone can't take care of themselves? Do you know any home remedies for asthma, or leukemia? How about diabetes or heart disease?

What's your answer?

"Take care of yourself".

Too many pampered people that got lucky pulling the healthy straw or have never been poor.
You, alone, are responsible for you.

If you believe it is immoral to allow those that cannot provide for themselves to suffer, then donate to charities that help these people -- do -not- presume to force your morality on others.

Yup. These folks should start their own charities. Whip out their wallets and checkbooks and put THEIR money where their mouths are and leave the rest of us out of their equation.
What are Republican's plans to help uninsured Americans?

It's always government for you liberals isn't it? Help, help, help, help, help... always looking for the government to HELP.


Lazy fucking, big government, welfare queen, where's my hand out, freebie liberal, democrat trash.


Republicans like the SOCIALIST system we currently have and they are fighting against personal responsibility.

As it is now, people who can't or don't pay their medical bills can get care in any emergency room. The hospital can try to collect and they do but they patient does not pay, the hospital is stuck and its the rest of us who must pay the bill.

It was a REPUBLICAN who passed this law and its the Repubs who don't want to take responsibility for their own care.

I recently read a number that I find surprising -- that only 16% of all ER patients are uninsured. Since its the Repubs who want to keep the status quo, it would be interesting to see what percentage of these freeloaders are Republican/teabagger.

Personally, I'd like to see them forced to pay for their own insurance.

As for me, ObamaCare saves me quite a bit of money and I like saving money. And, no, I don't like paying for the ER visits of Republicans and teabaggers.

Where is the Republican plan? They screamed Repeal and Replace. Shouldn't they have the details of what the replacement will be before they repeal Obamacare?

History has shown what Republicans mean by replace. What they mean is to fight any proposed healthcare plan. Even if it is a plan they offered as a replacement. Once they have delayed Healthcare until they have control of Congress, they do nothing

They killed Clintons healthcare and promised to do better. They had control of Congress and the White House for eight years after that and did nothing

Let them die is their obvious strategy

Do you really believe this?

Just curious.

And if someone can't take care of themselves? Do you know any home remedies for asthma, or leukemia? How about diabetes or heart disease?

What's your answer?

"Take care of yourself".

Too many pampered people that got lucky pulling the healthy straw or have never been poor.

Are you not responsible for yourself?? Is government, someone else, or society responsible for your personal well being?? If you believe others are responsible, please cite the basis of this and why others are required to take care of you....

Now.. I am all for voluntary charity, helping those down on their 'luck' or in a bad situation... but that is voluntary giving, on the individual, do donate what they want... and since this is a free society, you have the freedom to also be a selfish prick and not help any cause... and while I may not agree, I agree they have the right to be that way...

There is health insurance that is available for purchase for most any citizen.... Can we get things better with loosening restrictions, increasing competition (thus driving down price), and make it easier by allowing more groups (neighborhood associations, Moose clubs, bowling leagues, etc) to get access to group health plans for their members to purchase, giving people more options than just what employers can or will offer.... but to have mandated government provided health care, paid for by others, to citizens who are NOT wards of the state (those who are committed and controlled by the state) is absolutely against a free society and is absolute BULLSHIT....

So take your little troll antics, slogan chanting bullshit and shove it up your ass
And if someone can't take care of themselves? Do you know any home remedies for asthma, or leukemia? How about diabetes or heart disease?

What's your answer?

"Take care of yourself".

Too many pampered people that got lucky pulling the healthy straw or have never been poor.
You, alone, are responsible for you.

If you believe it is immoral to allow those that cannot provide for themselves to suffer, then donate to charities that help these people -- do -not- presume to force your morality on others.

Yup. These folks should start their own charities. Whip out their wallets and checkbooks and put THEIR money where their mouths are and leave the rest of us out of their equation.

Why do that? We all know gov't is far more efficient than charity, rather than choosing a charity to write a check to I'd rather have my money taken from me and given to gov't.

That's always the most logical choice.
And if someone can't take care of themselves? Do you know any home remedies for asthma, or leukemia? How about diabetes or heart disease?

What's your answer?

"Take care of yourself".

Too many pampered people that got lucky pulling the healthy straw or have never been poor.
You, alone, are responsible for you.

If you believe it is immoral to allow those that cannot provide for themselves to suffer, then donate to charities that help these people -- do -not- presume to force your morality on others.

Yup. These folks should start their own charities. Whip out their wallets and checkbooks and put THEIR money where their mouths are and leave the rest of us out of their equation.
Apparently, it is OK for them to force their morality on you, but NOT OK for you to force your morality on them.
What are Republican's plans to help uninsured Americans?

It's always government for you liberals isn't it? Help, help, help, help, help... always looking for the government to HELP.


Lazy fucking, big government, welfare queen, where's my hand out, freebie liberal, democrat trash.

Republicans like the SOCIALIST system we currently have and they are fighting against personal responsibility.
Silly you, thinking that Repiblicans and Democrats differ to a meaningful degree.

As for me, ObamaCare saves me quite a bit of money and I like saving money.
Obamacare hasn't taken effect yet - and so, you're either lying or speaking from abject ignorance.
You, alone, are responsible for you.

If you believe it is immoral to allow those that cannot provide for themselves to suffer, then donate to charities that help these people -- do -not- presume to force your morality on others.

Yup. These folks should start their own charities. Whip out their wallets and checkbooks and put THEIR money where their mouths are and leave the rest of us out of their equation.

Why do that? We all know gov't is far more efficient than charity, rather than choosing a charity to write a check to I'd rather have my money taken from me and given to gov't.

That's always the most logical choice.

Aww but Doc. We have no choice. NO ONE asks any of we taxpayers if we WANT to contribute to anything. We are FORCED into it. The Clowns in DC have made that decision for us. Might work for you but it sure as hell doesn't work for me.

As for the Govt being better than a charity?? Don't think so. The Govt has never run anything cheaply or well.

I can't believe that any sane person would want Govt in charge of their HC. God forbid.
Obamacare hasn't taken effect yet - and so, you're either lying or speaking from abject ignorance.

You're wrong.

Some parts have been in effect for a while now.

Educate yourself.

This is a perfect illustration of why people "don't like ObamaCare" - They don't know anything about it.
What are Republican's plans to help uninsured Americans?

It's always government for you liberals isn't it? Help, help, help, help, help... always looking for the government to HELP.


Lazy fucking, big government, welfare queen, where's my hand out, freebie liberal, democrat trash.


Republicans like the SOCIALIST system we currently have and they are fighting against personal responsibility.

As it is now, people who can't or don't pay their medical bills can get care in any emergency room. The hospital can try to collect and they do but they patient does not pay, the hospital is stuck and its the rest of us who must pay the bill.

It was a REPUBLICAN who passed this law and its the Repubs who don't want to take responsibility for their own care.

I recently read a number that I find surprising -- that only 16% of all ER patients are uninsured. Since its the Repubs who want to keep the status quo, it would be interesting to see what percentage of these freeloaders are Republican/teabagger.

Personally, I'd like to see them forced to pay for their own insurance.

As for me, ObamaCare saves me quite a bit of money and I like saving money. And, no, I don't like paying for the ER visits of Republicans and teabaggers.

You have just shown you are a complete liar and have lost all credibility

Fuck off and die
Do you really believe this?

Just curious.

And if someone can't take care of themselves? Do you know any home remedies for asthma, or leukemia? How about diabetes or heart disease?

What's your answer?

"Take care of yourself".

Too many pampered people that got lucky pulling the healthy straw or have never been poor.

Are you not responsible for yourself?? Is government, someone else, or society responsible for your personal well being?? If you believe others are responsible, please cite the basis of this and why others are required to take care of you....

Now.. I am all for voluntary charity, helping those down on their 'luck' or in a bad situation... but that is voluntary giving, on the individual, do donate what they want... and since this is a free society, you have the freedom to also be a selfish prick and not help any cause... and while I may not agree, I agree they have the right to be that way...

There is health insurance that is available for purchase for most any citizen.... Can we get things better with loosening restrictions, increasing competition (thus driving down price), and make it easier by allowing more groups (neighborhood associations, Moose clubs, bowling leagues, etc) to get access to group health plans for their members to purchase, giving people more options than just what employers can or will offer.... but to have mandated government provided health care, paid for by others, to citizens who are NOT wards of the state (those who are committed and controlled by the state) is absolutely against a free society and is absolute BULLSHIT....

So take your little troll antics, slogan chanting bullshit and shove it up your ass

I can't wait until we privatize the fire department, because not everyone has the right to live and not have their shit burned to the ground.

Healthcare is the most ridiculous debate I have ever seen. Oh, what's that? You barely earn enough to pay for rent? PERFORM SURGERY ON YOURSELF FOOL, YOU HAVE A BUTTERKNIFE AND SOME VODKA GO FOR IT.
Obamacare hasn't taken effect yet - and so, you're either lying or speaking from abject ignorance.

You're wrong.

Some parts have been in effect for a while now.

Educate yourself.

This is a perfect illustration of why people "don't like ObamaCare" - They don't know anything about it.

Please show the specific areas of what is 'done' with Obamacare that has saved you even 1 red cent

ObamaCare Timeline | ObamaCare Watch

You have zero credibility, and it is going down
And if someone can't take care of themselves? Do you know any home remedies for asthma, or leukemia? How about diabetes or heart disease?

What's your answer?

"Take care of yourself".

Too many pampered people that got lucky pulling the healthy straw or have never been poor.
You, alone, are responsible for you.

If you believe it is immoral to allow those that cannot provide for themselves to suffer, then donate to charities that help these people -- do -not- presume to force your morality on others.
it doesn't get said any better than that.
Obamacare hasn't taken effect yet - and so, you're either lying or speaking from abject ignorance.

You're wrong.

Some parts have been in effect for a while now.

Educate yourself.

This is a perfect illustration of why people "don't like ObamaCare" - They don't know anything about it.
I laugh at you


Show this to be true, and show how any of it saved you "quite a bit" of money.
Healthcare is the most ridiculous debate I have ever seen. Oh, what's that? You barely earn enough to pay for rent? PERFORM SURGERY ON YOURSELF FOOL, YOU HAVE A BUTTERKNIFE AND SOME VODKA GO FOR IT.
You, alone, are responsible for you.

If you believe it is immoral to allow those that cannot provide for themselves to suffer, then donate to charities that help these people -- do -not- presume to force your morality on others.
Yup. These folks should start their own charities. Whip out their wallets and checkbooks and put THEIR money where their mouths are and leave the rest of us out of their equation.

Why do that? We all know gov't is far more efficient than charity, rather than choosing a charity to write a check to I'd rather have my money taken from me and given to gov't.

That's always the most logical choice.

Aww but Doc. We have no choice. NO ONE asks any of we taxpayers if we WANT to contribute to anything. We are FORCED into it. The Clowns in DC have made that decision for us. Might work for you but it sure as hell doesn't work for me.

As for the Govt being better than a charity?? Don't think so. The Govt has never run anything cheaply or well.

I can't believe that any sane person would want Govt in charge of their HC. God forbid.

There's a button on the front of your computer with a green light next to it, that's your sarcasm detector, push it.
And if someone can't take care of themselves? Do you know any home remedies for asthma, or leukemia? How about diabetes or heart disease?

What's your answer?

"Take care of yourself".

Too many pampered people that got lucky pulling the healthy straw or have never been poor.

Are you not responsible for yourself?? Is government, someone else, or society responsible for your personal well being?? If you believe others are responsible, please cite the basis of this and why others are required to take care of you....

Now.. I am all for voluntary charity, helping those down on their 'luck' or in a bad situation... but that is voluntary giving, on the individual, do donate what they want... and since this is a free society, you have the freedom to also be a selfish prick and not help any cause... and while I may not agree, I agree they have the right to be that way...

There is health insurance that is available for purchase for most any citizen.... Can we get things better with loosening restrictions, increasing competition (thus driving down price), and make it easier by allowing more groups (neighborhood associations, Moose clubs, bowling leagues, etc) to get access to group health plans for their members to purchase, giving people more options than just what employers can or will offer.... but to have mandated government provided health care, paid for by others, to citizens who are NOT wards of the state (those who are committed and controlled by the state) is absolutely against a free society and is absolute BULLSHIT....

So take your little troll antics, slogan chanting bullshit and shove it up your ass

I can't wait until we privatize the fire department, because not everyone has the right to live and not have their shit burned to the ground.

Healthcare is the most ridiculous debate I have ever seen. Oh, what's that? You barely earn enough to pay for rent? PERFORM SURGERY ON YOURSELF FOOL, YOU HAVE A BUTTERKNIFE AND SOME VODKA GO FOR IT.

Please show the federal fire department... I'll be waiting, troll

And please educate yourself on amendment 10

And your position in life, because of choices, abilities, effort, or whatever else, does not make your personal responsibilities the responsibilities of someone else, government, nor society

Keep trying though, troll... it's fun slapping down yet another in the long line of ignorant sloganeers and socialist leaning do-nothings
Are you not responsible for yourself?? Is government, someone else, or society responsible for your personal well being?? If you believe others are responsible, please cite the basis of this and why others are required to take care of you....

Now.. I am all for voluntary charity, helping those down on their 'luck' or in a bad situation... but that is voluntary giving, on the individual, do donate what they want... and since this is a free society, you have the freedom to also be a selfish prick and not help any cause... and while I may not agree, I agree they have the right to be that way...

There is health insurance that is available for purchase for most any citizen.... Can we get things better with loosening restrictions, increasing competition (thus driving down price), and make it easier by allowing more groups (neighborhood associations, Moose clubs, bowling leagues, etc) to get access to group health plans for their members to purchase, giving people more options than just what employers can or will offer.... but to have mandated government provided health care, paid for by others, to citizens who are NOT wards of the state (those who are committed and controlled by the state) is absolutely against a free society and is absolute BULLSHIT....

So take your little troll antics, slogan chanting bullshit and shove it up your ass

I can't wait until we privatize the fire department, because not everyone has the right to live and not have their shit burned to the ground.

Healthcare is the most ridiculous debate I have ever seen. Oh, what's that? You barely earn enough to pay for rent? PERFORM SURGERY ON YOURSELF FOOL, YOU HAVE A BUTTERKNIFE AND SOME VODKA GO FOR IT.

Please show the federal fire department... I'll be waiting, troll

And please educate yourself on amendment 10

And your position in life, because of choices, abilities, effort, or whatever else, does not make your personal responsibilities the responsibilities of someone else, government, nor society

Keep trying though, troll... it's fun slapping down yet another in the long line of ignorant sloganeers and socialist leaning do-nothings

I'm sorry.

Who determines this again?

Oh, you, that's right. What was I thinking?
Why do that? We all know gov't is far more efficient than charity, rather than choosing a charity to write a check to I'd rather have my money taken from me and given to gov't.

That's always the most logical choice.

Aww but Doc. We have no choice. NO ONE asks any of we taxpayers if we WANT to contribute to anything. We are FORCED into it. The Clowns in DC have made that decision for us. Might work for you but it sure as hell doesn't work for me.

As for the Govt being better than a charity?? Don't think so. The Govt has never run anything cheaply or well.

I can't believe that any sane person would want Govt in charge of their HC. God forbid.

There's a button on the front of your computer with a green light next to it, that's your sarcasm detector, push it.

LOL Sorry Doc. Too early in the day for sarcasm. I'll keep that green button in mind though.

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