What are some good books to read for leisure?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2013
I've been sick of tv and reading online. Also I am sick of school text books, but I was wondering what are some good books to buy o get at the library that are a great read.

I like books about culture, also inspiring or uplifting books, social and civil issues, and biographies about people.

Anything in that category that you can recommend?
I'd highly recommend "Cold Mountain" by Charles Frazier. It's a story surrounding the lives of people before and during the Civil War in the US. Really a great tale eloquently written in the vernacular of the times. It's been made into a movie but I've read the book and from the depth of the book I know there's no way the movie can compare.

It's a double story of two main characters with others flowing in and out, usually gone from death or tragedy. The protagonist is a deserter from the army of the South trying to get back home while avoiding the Home Guard who were always on the chase, looking for deserters to drag back to the battle fields. To stay free or to regain his freedom once captured took all the skills of a special type of man, a frontiersman, and a born killer and hunter, both of people and game.

Short quote from Cold Mountain: " - With the snow piling up outside, the warm dry cabin hidden in its fold of the mountain felt like a safe haven indeed, though it had not been such for the people who had lived there. Soldiers had found them and made the cabin trailhead to a path of exile, loss, and death. But for a while that night, it was a place that held within its walls no pain nor even a vague memory collection of pain.- ”

I'm now following up Cold Mountain with his second book "Thirteen Moons," a story about a white man who lived among the Cherokee Indians leading up to during and after their removal to the western territories during The Trail of Tears.
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I'd highly recommend "Cold Mountain" by Charles Frazier. It's a story surrounding the lives of people before and during the Civil War in the US. Really a great tale eloquently written in the vernacular of the times. It's been made into a movie but I've read the book and from the depth of the book I know there's no way the movie can compare.

It's a double story of two main characters with others flowing in and out, usually gone from death or tragedy. The protagonist is a deserter from the army of the South trying to get back home while avoiding the Home Guard who were always on the chase, looking for deserters to drag back to the battle fields. To stay free or to regain his freedom once captured took all the skills of a special type of man, a frontiersman, and a born killer and hunter, both of people and game.

“With the snow piling up outside, the warm dry cabin hidden in its fold of the mountain felt like a safe haven indeed, though it had not been such for the people who had lived there. Soldiers had found them and made the cabin trailhead to a path of exile, loss, and death. But for a while that night, it was a place that held within its walls no pain nor even a vague memory collection of pain.”
Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain ]

I'm following up Cold Mountain with his second book "Thirteen Moons," a story about a white man who lived among the Cherokee Indians leading up to during and after their removal to the western territories during The Trail of Tears.

Sounds good, I never saw the movie either.

Thanks :)
Well....I don't even know where to start.

If you like adventure Ernest Hemingway novels are great!

Then you have millions of excellent biographies .....My library has hundreds of bios .....

Mainly people from the 1920s ...writers artists ....painters....music ...you name it! :)

I can recommend books related to that.

Just ask! :)
Well....I don't even know where to start.

If you like adventure Ernest Hemingway novels are great!

Then you have millions of excellent biographies .....My library has hundreds of bios .....

Mainly people from the 1920s ...writers artists ....painters....music ...you name it! :)

I can recommend books related to that.

Just ask! :)

Thank you, how about a really good biography of a female from the 1920's ?
ok... would you like an artist? one of the most famous flappers in the 1920? from Hollywood?

Louise Brooks by Barry Paris

How about just a good classic? Like Little Women, Tale of Two Cities, Prince and Pauper, Moby Dick, Treasure Island, etc?
Well....I don't even know where to start.

If you like adventure Ernest Hemingway novels are great!

Then you have millions of excellent biographies .....My library has hundreds of bios .....

Mainly people from the 1920s ...writers artists ....painters....music ...you name it! :)

I can recommend books related to that.

Just ask! :)

I'd recommend anything by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, William Faulkner, or Mikhail Bulgakov.
But, I don't think he wanted heavy reading.
Seems more like a Harry Potter kind of guy.
These authors are work to read, very rewarding work.
Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" blows me away every time I read it.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Well....I don't even know where to start.

If you like adventure Ernest Hemingway novels are great!

Then you have millions of excellent biographies .....My library has hundreds of bios .....

Mainly people from the 1920s ...writers artists ....painters....music ...you name it! :)

I can recommend books related to that.

Just ask! :)

Thank you, how about a really good biography of a female from the 1920's ?

Maybe Kate Chopin, "The Awakening" would work.

Not EXACTLY a biography though.
The thing is that you must have an idea in your mind...a place a time.... what kind of people .....etc....

If you give us a definite area ...we can help you better! :)

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