What are some of your favorite smells?


The smell of a spice shop.


I see a lot of responses of perfume and I'd agree with 'some' perfumes. I prefer those more subtle. There are too many perfumes, deoderants, scented candles and soap that is a true assault on the senses. I stay away from those aisles or specialty shops cause it's usually too overpowering. And I can't count the times I've passed someone (man or woman) that has overdone it, and was like a slap in the face with a brick wall.

I probably should have included least favorite smells as well and that is one for me ^^^

Other least favorites are rotten potatoes...…..sure anything rotting is a bad smell, but potatoes are something else. Bad fish, death, kimchee. gasoline, acetone, paint or other chemical laden products, just to name a few
My own farts.

I read some goofy as fuck study one time that said people don't mind and often like the smell of their own farts.


I don't think so. I run away from my own as fast as I do Sammy the Farty Farts
After stepping outside to enjoy a few minutes of the morning sun with coffee & a smoke, I was instantly reminded that spring really is here. I could smell the cottonwood trees. Sure the trees themselves are a PITA with shallow root systems that can break up concrete, and the seeds that make everything look white as snow...but that smell is heavenly to the senses.

Some of my favorite picks...

1. Cottonwood trees

2. Coffee

3. fresh mowed hay field.....lawn grass is good too, but hay is in a class by itself.

4. old fashioned Petunias...…...not the newer hybrid varieties, but the older ones. Usually the large single flowered and darker colored. IF you're lucky will have a wonderful scent that I wish they could bottle up as perfume or room freshener. I love petunias anyway, but when at the garden nursery I'm the one smelling them all to find the old scented varieties. Not an easy task nowadays since most available are the hybrids.

5. Toast.....makes me hungry everytime

6. Popcorn...…...but not burnt

7. Livestock farm.....even though it stinks and can be overwhelming really quick, there is something soothing about it. Years ago, I would have to take a drive thru local farming areas just to get a whiff. Going by the dairy farm at milking time would definitely make my eyes water, even with the windows rolled up, but afterward, I'd feel ready to tackle whatever was before me.

Soooooooo, what are some of your favorites?

The scent of a woman

The scent of freedom

And don't even start me on coconuts or pantene shampoo


What does freedom smell like?
What a great thread :thup:

In no particular order:
Star Anise
and of course -- sex
  • Love
Reactions: Ava
What a great thread :thup:

In no particular order:
Star Anise
and of course -- sex

Oh yes AA reminds me... the scent of a woman who appreciates the value of cruciferous vegetables.... :eusa_shifty:
After stepping outside to enjoy a few minutes of the morning sun with coffee & a smoke, I was instantly reminded that spring really is here. I could smell the cottonwood trees. Sure the trees themselves are a PITA with shallow root systems that can break up concrete, and the seeds that make everything look white as snow...but that smell is heavenly to the senses.

Some of my favorite picks...

1. Cottonwood trees

2. Coffee

3. fresh mowed hay field.....lawn grass is good too, but hay is in a class by itself.

4. old fashioned Petunias...…...not the newer hybrid varieties, but the older ones. Usually the large single flowered and darker colored. IF you're lucky will have a wonderful scent that I wish they could bottle up as perfume or room freshener. I love petunias anyway, but when at the garden nursery I'm the one smelling them all to find the old scented varieties. Not an easy task nowadays since most available are the hybrids.

5. Toast.....makes me hungry everytime

6. Popcorn...…...but not burnt

7. Livestock farm.....even though it stinks and can be overwhelming really quick, there is something soothing about it. Years ago, I would have to take a drive thru local farming areas just to get a whiff. Going by the dairy farm at milking time would definitely make my eyes water, even with the windows rolled up, but afterward, I'd feel ready to tackle whatever was before me.

Soooooooo, what are some of your favorites?

The scent of a woman

The scent of freedom

And don't even start me on coconuts or pantene shampoo


What does freedom smell like?

Did you really have to ask me?

English Toki Pona Retro-Translation Back to English
Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. jan Sukosi o, mi jan Wilijanwala. Scotsmen, I am William Wallace.
William Wallace is seven feet tall. jan Wilijanwala li suli mute. William Wallace is very big.
Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. a. mi sona. ona li moli e jan mute. ona li lon la ona li pana e seli tan oko ona li pana e suno wawa tan lupa monsi ona li moli e jan Inli. Oh, I know. He kills many people. If he were here, he would emit fire from his eyes, emit powerful lights from his butthole, and kill the Englishmen.
I AM William Wallace! mi jan Wilijanwala kin! I am William Wallace indeed!
And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. mi lukin e kulupu utala Sukosi suli. ona li wile weka e nasin Inli ike. I see a big Scottish militia. It wants to get rid of the evil English system.
You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What would you do without freedom? Will you fight? sina kama sama jan ken. sina jan ken kin. sina ken ala la sina pali e seme? sina wile ala wile utala? You come like able men. You are able men indeed. If you aren't able, what do you do? Do you want to fight?
Fight? Against that? No, we will run; and we will live. mi mute li wile ala utala e ni. mi tawa weka la mi moli ala. We don't want to fight that. If I go away, I won't die.
Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. pona. sina utala la sina ken moli. sina tawa weka la sina moli ala. ... a. tenpo lili la sina moli ala. Okay. If you fight, you could die. If you go away, you won't die. ... Well, for a little while you won't die.
And dying in your beds many years from now, tenpo mute li pini. sina kama moli lon supa lape sina. Much time passes. You are dying in your bed.
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that sina pilin ala pilin e ni?: tenpo suno ali li lili. sina wile ala wile e ni taso?: sina lon ma ni li ken toki e ni tawa jan Inli: Do you think this?: All the days were unimportant. Do you want only this?: You are in this field and can say this to the Englishmen:
they may take our lives, but they'll never take... our freedom! sina ken moli e mi. taso sina ken ala anpa e ... ken mi! You can kill me. But you can't suppress ... my ability!
Alba gu bra!

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