What Are The Benefits of Consuming Alcohol?

Since some of the largest companies produce alcohol, i would say alcohol is good for the economy.

It provides jobs in the manufacturing, transportation, serving and producing the utensils required to consume it.

If people get really good at drinking alcohol it also provides jobs for law enforcement, jailers, doctors and hospitals.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?

I closed my bar because I got tired of alcoholics vandalizing my place for speaking out against the system. For me, alcohol helps me forget the insane reality when I make my speeches, it helps me not to worry about the fact that no one listens to me and continue with my vision. I drink some alcohol and move on. here is my latest production, which I never would have been able to make if it were not for my smashing my television sets in the mid 90's and turning to alcohol to relax. I must state though that I am not an alcoholic, because I can quit any time and go for months without drinking.

This was great pvsi. I really enjoyed that.
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Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.
So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?

Moderate drinkers tend to have better health and live longer than those who are either abstainers or heavy drinkers. In addition to having fewer heart attacks and strokes, moderate consumers of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine and distilled spirits or liquor) are generally less likely to suffer strokes, diabetes, arthritis, enlarged prostate, dementia (including Alzheimer's disease), and several major cancers.
Alcohol And Health

Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:
Reduce your risk of developing and dying from heart disease
Possibly reduce your risk of ischemic stroke (when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow)
Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes

Even so, the evidence about the possible health benefits of alcohol isn't certain, and alcohol may not benefit everyone who drinks.
Alcohol use: If you drink, keep it moderate - Mayo Clinic

It’s safe to say that alcohol is both a tonic and a poison. The difference lies mostly in the dose. Moderate drinking seems to be good for the heart and circulatory system, and probably protects against type 2 diabetes and gallstones. Heavy drinking is a major cause of preventable death in most countries. In the U.S., alcohol is implicated in about half of fatal traffic accidents. Heavy drinking can damage the liver and heart, harm an unborn child, increase the chances of developing breast and some other cancers, contribute to depression and violence, and interfere with relationships.
Alcohol: Balancing Risks and Benefits | The Nutrition Source | Harvard School of Public Health
Thanks for directly addressing that part of my OP.

So another benefit of alcohol is it thins the blood eh?

Well, in some instances, that can also be a risk actually.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?

The "drinking responsibility" is the responsibility that people assume months, years, or decades before considering joining AA.
That's what they say.

Are you aware that the components that make it beneficial to the heart can be derived from natural (and greater/purer) sources, one of which is...the grape?
Red grapes seem to be better than the green grapes.
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.
So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?
Too much alcohol will impair a person, and that person should not drive nor operate machinery.
Red grapes seem to be better than the green grapes.
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.
Oh they're out there.

Next time you go out to an eating establishment where alcoholic beverages are served, just ask them if they have any pomegranate martinis, or any mixed drinks w/pomegranate in it. If it's a half-way decent place, they'll have it.
I would say responsible drinking is when you drink but you do not get impaired. If you're going to get impaired do it at home...and do it to enjoy...not to get negative.
There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.
So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?
Too much alcohol will impair a person, and that person should not drive nor operate machinery.
I see. Basically, it's the individual's personal responsibility to police themselves on this matter...right?
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


downing mass quantities makes it so much easier to deal with shit-for-brains libs...

once I'm properly relaxed, it's like shootin' fish in a barrel...

'n since I'm sitting at a computer, there's no issue of me being out there and being subject to a DWI... :)
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So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?
Too much alcohol will impair a person, and that person should not drive nor operate machinery.
I see. Basically, it's the individual's personal responsibility to police themselves on this matter...right?
Yes, and no. For instance everyone should be responsible for ensuring they drink in moderation if they plan to drive. However, bartenders should also be concerned if some patrons have clearly had too much to drink, and are planning to drive.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


Why do you think it's any of society's business what I choose to drink?
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.

Why do you think there's no such thing as a responsible drug user? People use drugs responsibly all the time.
The reservatrol and antioxidants in red wine increase the hdl cholesterol and protect against artery damage.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There aren't any benefits to consuming alcohol. There aren't any risks either if you are a moderate drinker. For example, I am going to be in France for 2 months this year. French people drink wine with lunch and dinner. They also drink cognac and other alcoholic drinks in the evening. However, most do not drink heavily and are not alcoholics. They drink moderately. The French have one of the highest rates of longevity in the world. They are a very healthy people. Drinking wine on a daily basis is not harmful if you drink it moderately. As well, drinking a glass of red wine, according to the medical community, is helpful and is recommended.

There's a certain hysteria among people who are anti-alcohol. That's their problem. Alcoholic drinks, taken moderately, are not a problem for anyone and never have been.
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I gave up alcohol about 7 or 8 years ago, not because of Islam, but because I didn't have control in a situation that required it.
That inability led directly to a child abuse by a man against his daughter.

That however, is the main reason I stopped but, after stopping, I decided it was a daft hobby anyway.
After seeing both sides of the coin, the no booze sides wins without the slightest question.

In fact, apart from minor medical possibilities that can be achieved without the pop, there are no actual advantages and a lot of potential harm.

My choice to abstain was a good one.

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