What Are The Benefits of Consuming Alcohol?

I'm not a wine drinker (I prefer beer), but in European countries (like France or Italy) where red wine is consumed daily by a high percentage of the population, the rates of cardiovascular disease tends to be lower than ours.
those people,at least the ones along the Mediterranean also consume lots of Olive Oil......and Garlic....
Ah...a loaf of bread...a bottle of wine..and thou beside me...absolute bliss..

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That's what they say.

Are you aware that the components that make it beneficial to the heart can be derived from natural (and greater/purer) sources, one of which is...the grape?
Red grapes seem to be better than the green grapes.
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.

True. Also, real red grape juice has the same effect. But the point is, red wine is not evil unless you drink it to excess. A glass with lunch or dinner has no harmful effect, quite the contrary.

I drink pomegranate juice regularly. Love it. :)
I'm not a wine drinker (I prefer beer), but in European countries (like France or Italy) where red wine is consumed daily by a high percentage of the population, the rates of cardiovascular disease tends to be lower than ours.
those people,at least the ones along the Mediterranean also consume lots of Olive Oil......and Garlic....

Actually, based on the research I've done, the Mediterranean diet is the most healthful in the world. Do the research. :) And it includes wine, in moderation. Lots of fish, limited red meat and eggs, olive oil, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, etc. Daily exercise is a big part of it too.

I'm not a wine drinker (I prefer beer), but in European countries (like France or Italy) where red wine is consumed daily by a high percentage of the population, the rates of cardiovascular disease tends to be lower than ours.
those people,at least the ones along the Mediterranean also consume lots of Olive Oil......and Garlic....

Actually, based on the research I've done, the Mediterranean diet is the most healthful in the world. Do the research. :) And it includes wine, in moderation. Lots of fish, limited red meat and eggs, olive oil, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, etc. Daily exercise is a big part of it too.


i hear ya Es.....my family is from Italy.....growing up i was fed an Italian diet....lots of Garlic and Olive Oil,Fish, Fruits,Etc....
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


I grew up in a drinking culture (South Louisiana) and have enjoyed imbibing on occasion, a margarita or mimosa. I enjoyed a few brews (Purple Haze for example). When we left WA to come back to LA to be near my aging mother, my husband got caught up in the culture. Here, the guys hang at the shop after work for a beer or two. It didn't take long to realize he has the alcoholism gene or disease or whatever. It took a year for him to get sober, 3 months of it inpatient. Another year of this kind of agoraphobia, scared he would not be able to pass a convenience store without stopping for a 12 pack. He had been a brilliant man but lost himself. Luckily, as a family, we were able to support him while he worked through it.

He is a year and a half sober. I don't drink so as not to smell or taste of it out of respect for him. I don't miss it. I see it through different eyes now. It is a form of Russian Roulette. It is all fine unless you happen to have the predisposition, then the first drink is the first step on the nightmare path. There's no way to know in advance.

For many, there may be a benefit, but for some, it is a destroyer. It just isn't worth the risk, IMO.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


I grew up in a drinking culture (South Louisiana) and have enjoyed imbibing on occasion, a margarita or mimosa. I enjoyed a few brews (Purple Haze for example). When we left WA to come back to LA to be near my aging mother, my husband got caught up in the culture. Here, the guys hang at the shop after work for a beer or two. It didn't take long to realize he has the alcoholism gene or disease or whatever. It took a year for him to get sober, 3 months of it inpatient. Another year of this kind of agoraphobia, scared he would not be able to pass a convenience store without stopping for a 12 pack. He had been a brilliant man but lost himself. Luckily, as a family, we were able to support him while he worked through it.

He is a year and a half sober. I don't drink so as not to smell or taste of it out of respect for him. I don't miss it. I see it through different eyes now. It is a form of Russian Roulette. It is all fine unless you happen to have the predisposition, then the first drink is the first step on the nightmare path. There's no way to know in advance.

For many, there may be a benefit, but for some, it is a destroyer. It just isn't worth the risk, IMO.
That's why Scripture says that "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Essentially, stay. away!

With that said...Thanks for sharing such a personal testimony.

Lastly, I've always been ticked by that word..."imbibe" :)
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


I grew up in a drinking culture (South Louisiana) and have enjoyed imbibing on occasion, a margarita or mimosa. I enjoyed a few brews (Purple Haze for example). When we left WA to come back to LA to be near my aging mother, my husband got caught up in the culture. Here, the guys hang at the shop after work for a beer or two. It didn't take long to realize he has the alcoholism gene or disease or whatever. It took a year for him to get sober, 3 months of it inpatient. Another year of this kind of agoraphobia, scared he would not be able to pass a convenience store without stopping for a 12 pack. He had been a brilliant man but lost himself. Luckily, as a family, we were able to support him while he worked through it.

He is a year and a half sober. I don't drink so as not to smell or taste of it out of respect for him. I don't miss it. I see it through different eyes now. It is a form of Russian Roulette. It is all fine unless you happen to have the predisposition, then the first drink is the first step on the nightmare path. There's no way to know in advance.

For many, there may be a benefit, but for some, it is a destroyer. It just isn't worth the risk, IMO.
That's why Scripture says that "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Essentially, stay. away!

With that said...Thanks for sharing such a personal testimony.

Lastly, I've always been ticked by that word..."imbibe" :)

Some people have a problem with it, statistically a small minority. That doesn't mean everyone should be denied. Alcohol, as with anything else, used reasonably, used with self control and moderation is something that adds to the rich tapestry of life. Denying everyone else the pleasures of that tapestry bccause some people have a problem with it is dictatorial and patently unfair. If you have a problem with alcohol, it's your problem; forcing eveyone else to abstain is not an appropriate way of dealing with YOUR problem. And, there has yet to be a gene found to cause alcoholism.
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.
Oh they're out there.

Next time you go out to an eating establishment where alcoholic beverages are served, just ask them if they have any pomegranate martinis, or any mixed drinks w/pomegranate in it. If it's a half-way decent place, they'll have it.

Or....................if you're interested.......................you can make your own pomegranate martinis...........................

Pomegranate Martini recipe

What is responsible drinking? That's like trying to answer "what is normal"?

For different people, those mean different things. Responsible drinking is no drinking for an alcoholic, yet many blue collar workers like to have a 6 pack at the end of the night, and they have no problems.

Matter of fact, my Grandfather would have a beer close by him at all times from around 12:00 noon until he went to bed (usually around 10:00 pm). He drank a lot of Schlitz, but I don't think he had more than 6 to 8 beers/day. For some people, that would be considered excessive.

Responsible drinking then I would think could best be defined as drinking what you want, as long as it has no negative effects on your job, family, or personal life.

But when it becomes a problem in any (or all), of those areas, that is the point where it becomes irresponsible.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.
Oh they're out there.

Next time you go out to an eating establishment where alcoholic beverages are served, just ask them if they have any pomegranate martinis, or any mixed drinks w/pomegranate in it. If it's a half-way decent place, they'll have it.

Or....................if you're interested.......................you can make your own pomegranate martinis...........................

Pomegranate Martini recipe

What is responsible drinking? That's like trying to answer "what is normal"?

For different people, those mean different things. Responsible drinking is no drinking for an alcoholic, yet many blue collar workers like to have a 6 pack at the end of the night, and they have no problems.

Matter of fact, my Grandfather would have a beer close by him at all times from around 12:00 noon until he went to bed (usually around 10:00 pm). He drank a lot of Schlitz, but I don't think he had more than 6 to 8 beers/day. For some people, that would be considered excessive.

Responsible drinking then I would think could best be defined as drinking what you want, as long as it has no negative effects on your job, family, or personal life.

But when it becomes a problem in any (or all), of those areas, that is the point where it becomes irresponsible.

When I was growing up, our neighbor died of alcoholism. He was a blue collar, beer drinking guy. I was pretty young, so I don't know how much he drank as the years went by, but it was a lot. When his son was a teenager, a kid a couple of years older then I, he was working with his dad in the garage and had some kind fire or explosion which injured the son, causing extensive and permanent burns on his body. At the time, no one would say his dad was drunk, not out loud, but as I became an adult, I realized that was probably the reason for the accident. I don't know if he drank a six pack a night or 2 or what, but he died a horrible death dying of liver cirrhosis.

Alcohol can be very bad, if you abuse it. The point is that the vast majority don't, and those who do need to take personal responsibility for it and not expect everyone to abstain because they have a personal problem with it.
Red grapes seem to be better than the green grapes.
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.

OMG that sounds absolutely delicious. I know I can get pomegranate juice, but not so sure about blueberry (where I live). The search is on. The antioxidant effect is just icing on the cake! Yum
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.

OMG that sounds absolutely delicious. I know I can get pomegranate juice, but not so sure about blueberry (where I live). The search is on. The antioxidant effect is just icing on the cake! Yum

If you go to the juice section of Wal-Mart or any decent grocery store, you can find pomegranate and blueberry juice mixed. I recommend the Great Value brand, because they use only juice or concentrate and don't mix in a bunch of high-fructose corn syrup.
Adults who drink moderate amounts of alcohol daily live longer on average than those who do not drink at all

Moderate = 1.5 oz 86 proof alcohol OR 1 (6 oz) glass of wine OR 12 oz beer

Red wine is especially healthful.
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Why is this under "Politics"?
Because this thread depicts the VAST contrast to the social response to alcohol and weed.

For some strange reason, American society has been groomed to accept alcohol as a normal part of life. Alcohol for nothing more than pleasure.

Yet, for some strange reason, they don't share the same feelings toward weed. Although, weed has been PROVEN over the centuries to be far less harmful than alcohol, which has been proven for decades and decades to be QUITE harmful.

Considering the current debate in American politics about weed legalization, this is why it's in "Politics."

Where would you have preferred it been sir?
I think you misunderstood. I am the last person to ban anything. I have no desire to control another. I don't even want to leave Louisiana and really love food and spirit culture. I was merely commenting from the perspective of one affected by alcoholism. That's why I said "many" in reference to those who may benefit and "some" in reference to those who can't. Also, I wasn't implying there was any consensus on the cause. I said "gene or disease or whatever," meaning whatever the cause, as we don't know. We haven't found the gene for lots of things but scientists are looking for them.

My apologies if I was unclear.

I grew up in a drinking culture (South Louisiana) and have enjoyed imbibing on occasion, a margarita or mimosa. I enjoyed a few brews (Purple Haze for example). When we left WA to come back to LA to be near my aging mother, my husband got caught up in the culture. Here, the guys hang at the shop after work for a beer or two. It didn't take long to realize he has the alcoholism gene or disease or whatever. It took a year for him to get sober, 3 months of it inpatient. Another year of this kind of agoraphobia, scared he would not be able to pass a convenience store without stopping for a 12 pack. He had been a brilliant man but lost himself. Luckily, as a family, we were able to support him while he worked through it.

He is a year and a half sober. I don't drink so as not to smell or taste of it out of respect for him. I don't miss it. I see it through different eyes now. It is a form of Russian Roulette. It is all fine unless you happen to have the predisposition, then the first drink is the first step on the nightmare path. There's no way to know in advance.

For many, there may be a benefit, but for some, it is a destroyer. It just isn't worth the risk, IMO.
That's why Scripture says that "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Essentially, stay. away!

With that said...Thanks for sharing such a personal testimony.

Lastly, I've always been ticked by that word..."imbibe" :)

Some people have a problem with it, statistically a small minority. That doesn't mean everyone should be denied. Alcohol, as with anything else, used reasonably, used with self control and moderation is something that adds to the rich tapestry of life. Denying everyone else the pleasures of that tapestry bccause some people have a problem with it is dictatorial and patently unfair. If you have a problem with alcohol, it's your problem; forcing eveyone else to abstain is not an appropriate way of dealing with YOUR problem. And, there has yet to be a gene found to cause alcoholism.
That is correct.

Another great source for that natural benefit comes from the pomegranate, a fruit that grew in my back yard as a child, that I climbed the trees of and ate regularly.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.

OMG that sounds absolutely delicious. I know I can get pomegranate juice, but not so sure about blueberry (where I live). The search is on. The antioxidant effect is just icing on the cake! Yum
The wife has bought pure blueberry juice in the past, I don't recall the brand however it was quite pricey. I believe it was about 10 to 12 bucks for one 46 ounce bottle. It was wild blueberry juice, not from concentrate. It was amazingly still quite sweet. The mixed blueberry and pomegranate juice was from concentrate, and way less expensive at about 2 or 3 dollars per bottle (smaller bottle). These juices should be available either at Walmart or Target. The wild blueberry juice though may not always be available.
I've seen pomegranate juices and some mixed with blueberries. Apparently these fruits have powerful antioxidants which are also beneficial to the heart. Never saw a pomegranate based alcoholic beverage though.

OMG that sounds absolutely delicious. I know I can get pomegranate juice, but not so sure about blueberry (where I live). The search is on. The antioxidant effect is just icing on the cake! Yum
The wife has bought pure blueberry juice in the past, I don't recall the brand however it was quite pricey. I believe it was about 10 to 12 bucks for one 46 ounce bottle. It was wild blueberry juice, not from concentrate. It was amazingly still quite sweet. The mixed blueberry and pomegranate juice was from concentrate, and way less expensive at about 2 or 3 dollars per bottle (smaller bottle). These juices should be available either at Walmart or Target. The wild blueberry juice though may not always be available.

I don't live in the US; there's no walmart or target here. But, I'll look around, who knows.

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