What Are The Benefits of Consuming Alcohol?

Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There aren't any benefits to consuming alcohol. There aren't any risks either if you are a moderate drinker. For example, I am going to be in France for 2 months this year. French people drink wine with lunch and dinner. They also drink cognac and other alcoholic drinks in the evening. However, most do not drink heavily and are not alcoholics. They drink moderately. The French have one of the highest rates of longevity in the world. They are a very healthy people. Drinking wine on a daily basis is not harmful if you drink it moderately. As well, drinking a glass of red wine, according to the medical community, is helpful and is recommended.

There's a certain hysteria among people who are anti-alcohol. That's their problem. Alcoholic drinks, taken moderately, are not a problem for anyone and never have been.

I drink moderately...

I've found that it greatly relaxes me...

and helps to keep me from wanting to invent a time machine that would allow me to go back in time and strangle shit-for-brains libs in their cribs... :)
Too much alcohol will impair a person, and that person should not drive nor operate machinery.
I see. Basically, it's the individual's personal responsibility to police themselves on this matter...right?
Yes, and no. For instance everyone should be responsible for ensuring they drink in moderation if they plan to drive. However, bartenders should also be concerned if some patrons have clearly had too much to drink, and are planning to drive.
So some personal responsibility sprinkled with a little bit of socialism.

So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?
Too much alcohol will impair a person, and that person should not drive nor operate machinery.
I see. Basically, it's the individual's personal responsibility to police themselves on this matter...right?

Yes, it is.

Drinking responsibly is nothing more than being a responsible person while drinking. No going out and breaking the law or harming yourself/others.

There really is no real 'benefit' from drinking other than it is something that some of us want to engage in. Nothing wrong with that.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.
So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?

Because she is totally and completely wrong.
There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.
So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?

Because she is totally and completely wrong.
Is she?

I thought she actually had a point.

At the very least, a valid argument.
So why do we see phrases like "drink responsibly" plastered all over the place wherever alcohol is sold?

Because she is totally and completely wrong.
Is she?

I thought she actually had a point.

At the very least, a valid argument.

It is really silly to demonize alcohol. There is nothing at all wrong with alcohol being used moderately, with a meal or for social purposes. People who can't or don't want to control themselves give it a bad name; but alcohol, when taken moderately, is not evil. It is like wanting to take away pastries, candies, stuffed turkeys: anything that people enjoy and make life more pleasurable and interesting--just take it away because some people cannot control themselves. Let's all dress in sackcloth and ashes and live in cells like monks and nuns. You all can go do that, I plan to enjoy life.

As Auntie Mame said, "Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"

You don't have to drink alcohol. No one is forcing you. But having a censurious attitude toward people who do drink, in moderation, just makes you a prig.
Ive seen no benefits of consuming alcohol so I've chosen to not consume any. I encourage everyone to do the same. But Im not going pretend I can force you not to. Nor do I have a desire to.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


The vast and overwhelming majority of people who consume alcoholic beverages do so without any negative effects. Therefore, I see no pressing reason to ban alcohol consumption, with the noted and limited exception of banning drunk driving.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


There is no such thing as 'responsible drinking'. Its like saying that you are a responsible drug user, or a responsible driver even though you drive at 20mph above the speed limit.

Sure there is. Cup of coffee in the morning. Couple of cigarettes before work on the drive (with a lot of other drivers doing 75 in a 55 on the freeway). More coffee at work. Glass of wine with dinner. And a nice hash brownie as an after dinner treat.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


Does everything have to be healthy to be acceptable?

Fun is healthy! Worry is not

You have made a very valid point. Having a positive, fun loving, love of life attitude is by far the most healthful thing anyone can do. Being positive, enjoying life, etc. is the best thing anyone can do. If drinking moderately makes you happy, that's a good thing. If not drinking at all does the same, good for you. But, the negativity in censoring other people for how they live and their lifestyle, that negativity will contribute to your own ill health. Take care of your own backyard and leave others to theirs.
Because she is totally and completely wrong.
Is she?

I thought she actually had a point.

At the very least, a valid argument.

It is really silly to demonize alcohol. There is nothing at all wrong with alcohol being used moderately, with a meal or for social purposes. People who can't or don't want to control themselves give it a bad name; but alcohol, when taken moderately, is not evil. It is like wanting to take away pastries, candies, stuffed turkeys: anything that people enjoy and make life more pleasurable and interesting--just take it away because some people cannot control themselves. Let's all dress in sackcloth and ashes and live in cells like monks and nuns. You all can go do that, I plan to enjoy life.

As Auntie Mame said, "Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"

You don't have to drink alcohol. No one is forcing you. But having a censurious attitude toward people who do drink, in moderation, just makes you a prig.
Replace the word "alcohol" with "weed" and what do we have?

All empirical evidence shows that alcohol consumption is like 1000 times more harmful that weed, and yet...look at our laws.

Your statement just about sums it up for me.

Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


Red wine with a meal is considered beneficial....

Me I just drink the hard stuff....
Helps me deal with how fucked up this country is right now. :D

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