What Are The Benefits of Consuming Alcohol?

OMG that sounds absolutely delicious. I know I can get pomegranate juice, but not so sure about blueberry (where I live). The search is on. The antioxidant effect is just icing on the cake! Yum
The wife has bought pure blueberry juice in the past, I don't recall the brand however it was quite pricey. I believe it was about 10 to 12 bucks for one 46 ounce bottle. It was wild blueberry juice, not from concentrate. It was amazingly still quite sweet. The mixed blueberry and pomegranate juice was from concentrate, and way less expensive at about 2 or 3 dollars per bottle (smaller bottle). These juices should be available either at Walmart or Target. The wild blueberry juice though may not always be available.

I don't live in the US; there's no walmart or target here. But, I'll look around, who knows.
Check out the health shops, if you have some in your area. Sometimes fruit stores sell juices as well. Farmer's markets would be another good place to look.
I think you misunderstood. I am the last person to ban anything. I have no desire to control another. I don't even want to leave Louisiana and really love food and spirit culture. I was merely commenting from the perspective of one affected by alcoholism. That's why I said "many" in reference to those who may benefit and "some" in reference to those who can't. Also, I wasn't implying there was any consensus on the cause. I said "gene or disease or whatever," meaning whatever the cause, as we don't know. We haven't found the gene for lots of things but scientists are looking for them.

My apologies if I was unclear.
I think Esmeralda may have been responding to my quote of Scripture about "wine being a mocker" and how the message is to just stay away from alcohol.

Although it's not a command, its a strong suggestion/stern warning.

Most people believe that it's OK, but that's just a cultural thing, human thing really, something that kills brain cells on contact has been rationalized to be good. Humans are capable of rationalizing anything and everything, especially things they like. IT doesn't surprise me.

I take a sip or two everyone once in a while, so you'll never hear me condemning a drinker, but you'll never hear me saying it's a good thing either. It isn't. Something that gets you drunk, whether it be one drink, two, three or seven can never be good. No matter what anyone thinks. It damages the brain and the body. That's the bottom line.

I freakin' love the taste of a good single malt scotch.

I freakin' love the taste of a good local microbrew.

I freakin' love the taste of a good wine with dinner.

Quality of life, baby. Enjoying life's little pleasures. Just watch it, everything in moderation.

Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


It can help you unwind and give you a temporary reprieve for your problems, but they will always be right there waiting when you sober up.
I think you misunderstood. I am the last person to ban anything. I have no desire to control another. I don't even want to leave Louisiana and really love food and spirit culture. I was merely commenting from the perspective of one affected by alcoholism. That's why I said "many" in reference to those who may benefit and "some" in reference to those who can't. Also, I wasn't implying there was any consensus on the cause. I said "gene or disease or whatever," meaning whatever the cause, as we don't know. We haven't found the gene for lots of things but scientists are looking for them.

My apologies if I was unclear.
I think Esmeralda may have been responding to my quote of Scripture about "wine being a mocker" and how the message is to just stay away from alcohol.

Although it's not a command, its a strong suggestion/stern warning.

Most people believe that it's OK, but that's just a cultural thing, human thing really, something that kills brain cells on contact has been rationalized to be good. Humans are capable of rationalizing anything and everything, especially things they like. IT doesn't surprise me.

I take a sip or two everyone once in a while, so you'll never hear me condemning a drinker, but you'll never hear me saying it's a good thing either. It isn't. Something that gets you drunk, whether it be one drink, two, three or seven can never be good. No matter what anyone thinks. It damages the brain and the body. That's the bottom line.

MarcATL, read this link. It's titled '50 Things That Kill Brain Cells.' Don't get too stressed out over it: stress kills brain cells. https://www.maledatimes.com/?p=3000
Oh thank the risen Christ we're back to destroying brain cells. The juice thing was making me faint.
I think you misunderstood. I am the last person to ban anything. I have no desire to control another. I don't even want to leave Louisiana and really love food and spirit culture. I was merely commenting from the perspective of one affected by alcoholism. That's why I said "many" in reference to those who may benefit and "some" in reference to those who can't. Also, I wasn't implying there was any consensus on the cause. I said "gene or disease or whatever," meaning whatever the cause, as we don't know. We haven't found the gene for lots of things but scientists are looking for them.

My apologies if I was unclear.
I think Esmeralda may have been responding to my quote of Scripture about "wine being a mocker" and how the message is to just stay away from alcohol.

Although it's not a command, its a strong suggestion/stern warning.

Most people believe that it's OK, but that's just a cultural thing, human thing really, something that kills brain cells on contact has been rationalized to be good. Humans are capable of rationalizing anything and everything, especially things they like. IT doesn't surprise me.

I take a sip or two everyone once in a while, so you'll never hear me condemning a drinker, but you'll never hear me saying it's a good thing either. It isn't. Something that gets you drunk, whether it be one drink, two, three or seven can never be good. No matter what anyone thinks. It damages the brain and the body. That's the bottom line.

MarcATL, read this link. It's titled '50 Things That Kill Brain Cells.' Don't get too stressed out over it: stress kills brain cells. https://www.maledatimes.com/?p=3000
Where in the world is that newspaper located?

I'm saving this link.
Too much alcohol will impair a person, and that person should not drive nor operate machinery.
I see. Basically, it's the individual's personal responsibility to police themselves on this matter...right?

Yes, it is.

Drinking responsibly is nothing more than being a responsible person while drinking. No going out and breaking the law or harming yourself/others.

There really is no real 'benefit' from drinking other than it is something that some of us want to engage in. Nothing wrong with that.

What a crock. Isn't such responsibility a red herring?
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


The only so called real responsible drinking is a couple of glasses of wine with dinner.
Beer brought about society...
Alcohol in small amounts is good for the circulatory system
It is an effectively controlled depressant or sedative
It is also useful in of all things stopping premature labor
Ugly women can get laid ;)
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


Drinking responsibly is having one or two drinks to relax and not getting behind the wheel.

There is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation. Whatever argument you have against alcohol can be made against bacon.

Don't even THINK about going after bacon. :evil:
Women have given me more trouble than booze. That's a fact.

And I've had more than my share of trouble with booze. Also, if you kick a bottle of booze out of your car, it doesn't find its way back home.
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OMG that sounds absolutely delicious. I know I can get pomegranate juice, but not so sure about blueberry (where I live). The search is on. The antioxidant effect is just icing on the cake! Yum
The wife has bought pure blueberry juice in the past, I don't recall the brand however it was quite pricey. I believe it was about 10 to 12 bucks for one 46 ounce bottle. It was wild blueberry juice, not from concentrate. It was amazingly still quite sweet. The mixed blueberry and pomegranate juice was from concentrate, and way less expensive at about 2 or 3 dollars per bottle (smaller bottle). These juices should be available either at Walmart or Target. The wild blueberry juice though may not always be available.

I don't live in the US; there's no walmart or target here. But, I'll look around, who knows.

Costco has it if you have those.
Women have given me more trouble than booze. That's a fact.

And I've had more than my share of trouble with booze. Also, if you kick a bottle of booze out of your car, it doesn't find its way back home.

The only proper way to dispose a bottle of alcohol from your car is to heave it.
My doctor calls our society the "anxiety society" because of the rat race that it is and how it takes its health toll on people and they don't realize it. All the stress that our jobs provide us and how the pressure negatively affects the health of the US citizens is underscored. Consider that a large chunk of people are on anti-depressants and anti anxiety is proof. Some use alcohol instead. Is this good? Probably not. That being said I always looked forward to Friday night, a below zero clear night, and a couple of Heinekens
Everything in moderation. The price of a good single malt scotch will guarantee that it is used in moderation.
Do any benefits outweigh the risks of alcohol consumption in society?

And how, exactly, is "drinking responsibility" defined?


Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent heart disease by increasing levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol) and protecting against artery damage.

Red wine, antioxidants and resveratrol: Good for your heart? - Mayo Clinic

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