What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

After they all migrate here, Im going down there into the interior where the mountains and ocean meet.
Is there a faction of liberals in the United States who don't understand the concept of secure borders even in the age of terrorism? Hard to believe.
Is there a faction of liberals in the United States who don't understand the concept of secure borders even in the age of terrorism? Hard to believe.
Depends, from what most of the so called conservatives want is to militarize the border, which is different than securing it..
I wish to know all the possible benefits of the wall.

Well for one it will erase and replace the image of the Statue of Liberty as the symbol of America. We don't represent hope and freedom anymore. Now we're just a nation overrun with a bunch of scared, petty parodies of social conservatism.

Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.
Here we go again.

To the OP, you might want to read some of the mazillion threads in the Immigration forum but basically, not much.

Net illegals coming across is at zero. President Obama deported more than any other president in history (especially criminals) and passed a fairly strong immigration bill.

The US is actually losing more than Mexico in this mess. I know quite a few Mexicans and most say there are more and better paying jobs for them in Mexico.

There are still migrant farm workers that come and go every year. Over a period of 25 years, I met hundreds. They're good people, very hard workers and help keep our produce prices down. We're seeing produce rotting in our fields now and that will likely get worse.

The most important aspect of this question concerns illegal drugs. The silly ass wall won't even cause a blip in drug traffic.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

lol, since almost half of undocumented Mexicans come into the US via means other than crossing the border where the wall is supposed to go,

your math is fucked up.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Wrong, douche nozzle. We all know that the minute a Democrat gets into office that result will be reversed and then some.
You will get what ever your donor class insists upon son; "either" party.
I wish to know all the possible benefits of the wall.


It keeps tumbleweeds in. They'll pile up on the wall and we'll have to hire tumbleweed removers.
It puts a premium on tunnel diggers who will be in high demand and paid well. Ladder makers as well.
It sends a message to the world, "stay out, we prefer to laugh at our bugwit rednecks on our own dern it!"
It separates prairie dog families. There will be many that try to climb the wall and will be shot in the no man's land. Until 2089 when the wall finally comes down.
It can be seen from space so astronauts from all nations will be able to look down and say "paranoia can be seen from space now".'
It will give nutjobs a false sense of security, like pulling a blanket over your neck so the vampires can't bite you while you are sleeping.
It shovels billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of contractors that are friends of orange-turd.
It provides a target rich environment for the new catapult industry in Mexico.

A lot of Americans will lose their homes, jobs and businesses so maybe they can make a buck by selling ropes, ladders and icees on both sides.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

lol, since almost half of undocumented Mexicans come into the US via means other than crossing the border where the wall is supposed to go,

your math is fucked up.
But you can do murals of the landscape that used to be seen before the wall..
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

lol, since almost half of undocumented Mexicans come into the US via means other than crossing the border where the wall is supposed to go,

your math is fucked up.
Where did you get that number?
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Wrong, douche nozzle. We all know that the minute a Democrat gets into office that result will be reversed and then some.
You will get what ever your donor class insists upon son; "either" party.
You're just admitting that you're a tool of the donor class.

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