What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

I was disputing your moronic claim that only 50% f people favor choice...dumbass

Then why did you quote my post about precedent is never to be broken in your opinion, stupid F?

This court rules based on politics

They have no reason to because their job is not reliant on politics. This court ruled on what was in the Constitution period. That is unless you can show me abortion in the document or debates among our forefathers.
What gives government the power to make these decisions? The voters give them that power. We have primary elections and we have general elections, and the people (by majority rule you leftists love so much) decide on our representatives based on their views including abortion
Bull shit. Decades of gerrymandering has silenced the majority vote. Just look at the polling, well more than the majority believe the States should not be allowed to ban abortions completely, or sick their neighbors on to reporting them for a $10,000 reward....

What just happened in many of the states that revert to 50 year old state !aw after the SC Dobbs decision, no more represents those women involved today than Adam and Eve....

This is the Tyranny of the MINORITY being forced on to the majority imo.
No, he did NOT! He wrote a concurring opinion that several other issues be reviewed.

uh, ya. tomtom sure did.

Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should 'reconsider' rulings that protect access to contraception and same-sex marriage as the court overturns Roe v. Wade​

Rebecca Cohen, Madison Hall, and Oma Seddiq
Jun 24, 2022, 1:27 PM

Thomas, however, separated himself from the court's conservative majority and called for the court to examine all rulings that concern the 14th Amendment's due process clause, specifically pointing out decisions that protected contraception access, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriages. The due process clause ensures that any American has the right to due process before someone can take away their inalienable rights.

"For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell," Thomas, widely considered to be the court's most conservative justice, wrote in a concurring opinion.

The Griswold v. Connecticut decision came in 1965, when the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that people have the right to privacy that protects against state restrictions on contraception. If overturned, states would be granted the ability to outlaw various forms of birth control.
Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should 'reconsider' rulings that protect access to contraception and same-sex marriage as the court overturns Roe v. Wade
too many for you to figure out that it's none of your biz'nez - since you're not paying for it nor want to pay for the medical, education, housing, & clothing needs of those you want to 'save from death'.

that's hypocrisy 101.
Then dont get knocked up. We didnt make you get pregnant. Btw This doesnt end abortion Moonbat
gee, ^^^ how profound ^^^

that's cause you're an incel. it shows with everyone of yer posts.

nope it doesn't. but illegal abortions will increase, as will unwanted poverty riddled little rugrats that some no doubt will be abused & will become adults who abuse & comit crimes.
Calling me names doesnt mean a thing Moonbat. You Lost again. Oh Well.

If you dont live in Alabama then mind your on fucking business. You want to be a barbarian in a blue state. You still can because this didnt change anything in those placrs.
wait till yer taxes go up for all them babies who are entitled.
Now you play money bs games. Dead baby vetsus money. Baby wins every time. I went to school with people who grew up in orphan homes. They turned out just fine because someone like you didnt kill them
Calling me names doesnt mean a thing Moonbat.

m'k incel.

You Lost again. Oh Well.

sure sure.
If you dont live in Alabama then mind your on fucking business.

lol ...

You want to be a barbarian in a blue state. You still can because this didnt change anything in those placrs.

Yeah, because Alito can be trusted :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Doesn't matter. Because the left just uses that stuff as a way to get the base angry and keep the nation divided. The left just hates babies and that's the sad truth. They want to kill their children. It's really psychotic. They attack people who believe in God that this is the reason. Well, 47 of 50 European countries outlaw abortion after at least 15 weeks. The majority after 12 weeks. And, only 26% of Europeans believe in God. Yet, they value their children way more. But, the left here blame religion. You people make no sense.
Doesn't matter. Because the left just uses that stuff as a way to get the base angry and keep the nation divided. The left just hates babies and that's the sad truth. They want to kill their children. It's really psychotic. They attack people who believe in God that this is the reason. Well, 47 of 50 European countries outlaw abortion after at least 15 weeks. The majority after 12 weeks. And, only 26% of Europeans believe in God. Yet, they value their children way more. But, the left here blame religion. You people make no sense.

damn, I wish you had the basic intellect to see the irony in your post.

What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?​

Filthy, immoral liberal whores will have to learn how to have responsible sex like all decent people do.
No they won't. States are already implementing methods to keep abortion clinics open and running. Other states will have more European style of control over abortions like 12-15 week laws for open abortion. Worms find ways around rocks.
Then why did you quote my post about precedent is never to be broken in your opinion, stupid F?
What i quoted was you claiming that choice only had 50% favorability in poll...you stupid fuck
They have no reason to because their job is not reliant on politics.
They are ideologues.
Then dont get knocked up. We didnt make you get pregnant.
Did you think women get pregnant by themselves?
damn, I wish you had the basic intellect to see the irony in your post.
It does seem weird, doesn't it? But, why in a nation where at the time of Roe v Wade, 91% of the people believed in God? What happened? Obviously the minority grabbed power by using the SCOTUS to get what they wanted. Population Control. How did that happen and why did it take so long to overturn?

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