What are the grounds for trumps fraud appeal ?

If you do not fill in an online loan application form correctly you will be sentenced to a fine of 354,9 million USD. You will be barred from receiving loans for three years, your children for two, your cats and dogs for one. The spider in the basement will have its web confiscated and you will get a parking prohibition in your garage for ten years.

If you blatantly and repeatedly lie on your loan applications in order to qualify for larger loans at better terms……you are committing fraud
Yes, it means risk and there will be bad times now and then. The bank took the risk, they certainly know about Trump´s bankruptcies.

Moral hazard is all well and good, but the State of New York has the power to enforce its statutes.

Again, not a lawyer, but I think the only thing that Trump could realistically challenge is the amount of the fine - perhaps he could somehow argue that it's excessive. I don't know how the fine and other penalties were determined. If it's some sort of common law formula used to assess 'damages', I don't know...maybe there's a leg to stand on. But if those fines are and punishments are written into the statute in explicit terms, then frankly, he's fucked.
No, it shouldn't. If the banking system engages in risky behavior, such as willfully doing billions of dollars in business with people who inflate the value of their property, that's a problem.
THIs transaction is exactly how real estate development has gone on ... forever. If this decision stands it will have a devastating effect on real estate in NY. The poo bahs will order this ridiculous decision be reversed.
Again, not a lawyer, but I think the only thing that Trump could realistically challenge is the amount of the fine - perhaps he could somehow argue that it's excessive. I don't know how the fine and other penalties were determined. If it's some sort of common law formula used to assess 'damages', I don't know...maybe there's a leg to stand on. But if those fines are and punishments are written into the statute in explicit terms, then frankly, he's fucked.

Trumps lawyers were laughably bad
They did not leave many grounds for appeal

Trump can appeal the amount and will probably get it reduced, but he will still pay Bigly
Moral hazard is all well and good, but the State of New York has the power to enforce its statutes.

Again, not a lawyer, but I think the only thing that Trump could realistically challenge is the amount of the fine - perhaps he could somehow argue that it's excessive. I don't know how the fine and other penalties were determined. If it's some sort of common law formula used to assess 'damages', I don't know...maybe there's a leg to stand on. But if those fines are and punishments are written into the statute in explicit terms, then frankly, he's fucked.
Tommy says the amount is based on the revenue Trump made using the loan. So I think the amount can be challenged. This judgement does not seem to be based on actual legal principles or is at least very biased and using up the range of the sentence.
THIs transaction is exactly how real estate development has gone on ... forever. If this decision stands it will have a devastating effect on real estate in NY. The poo bahs will order this ridiculous decision.


If the Real Estate market relies on Fraud, it deserves a wake up call

If the Real Estate market relies on Fraud, it deserves a wake up call
Thats the point Right. THere was no fraud. It's how the process works, If you really care, which I doubt, go back and read the testimony of the bankers he allegedly defrauded.
THIs transaction is exactly how real estate development has gone on ... forever.

Sure, there's been fraud since time immemorial, and there's been policing against fraud for almost as long.

If this decision stands it will have a devastating effect on real estate in NY.

Nah, it really won't, because the vast majority of businesses in New York are legitimate and follow the law and therefore have nothing to worry about.

The poo bahs will order this ridiculous decision be reversed.

Possible, but not likely.
Tommy says the amount is based on the revenue Trump made using the loan. So I think the amount can be challenged. This judgement does not seem to be based on actual legal principles or is at least very biased and using up the range of the sentence.

The case will be appealed and the appellate process could take time.

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