What are the grounds for trumps fraud appeal ?

Thats the point Right. THere was no fraud. It's how the process works, If you really care, which I doubt, go back and read the testimony of the bankers he allegedly defrauded.

“They do it too!”
Is not a defense
Sure, there's been fraud since time immemorial, and there's been policing against fraud for almost as long.

Nah, it really won't, because the vast majority of businesses in New York are legitimate and follow the law and therefore have nothing to worry about.

Possible, but not likely.
No offense, but you simply are reiterating your ignorance on the process.

Perhaps a simple, but dissimilar example might help. You go to a car dealer and their MSRP is 50,000. You end up paying 40,000. Have they committed fraud? Have you been defrauded?
Thats the point Right. THere was no fraud. It's how the process works, If you really care, which I doubt, go back and read the testimony of the bankers he allegedly defrauded.

Did the Bank testify that they encourage people to lie and triple the value of assets to get lower rates?
Did the Bank testify that they encourage people to lie and triple the value of assets to get lower rates?
No, they testified Trump raped them in a department store 30 years ago. If you don't want to have a serious conversation, just let me know so I won't waste my time with you
Over 20 posts and I am not seeing any grounds for an appeal.
The fact that you have the right to appeal is reason to appeal. If you can afford it why not have an appeals court go over your stuff with a fine toothed comb?
No, they testified Trump raped them in a department store 30 years ago. If you don't want to have a serious conversation, just let me know so I won't waste my time with you

A jury heard all the evidence in that case and found E Jean Carrol was more believable than Trump
The fact that you have the right to appeal is reason to appeal. If you can afford it why not have an appeals court go over your stuff with a fine toothed comb?

Trump automatically appeals all rulings.
He always has.

In the case of NY, he has to put up collateral/assets while his appeal is being heard.
He does not just get to ignore the judgement
Trump automatically appeals all rulings.
He always has.

In the case of NY, he has to put up collateral/assets while his appeal is being heard.
He does not just get to ignore the judgement
It will be interesting because we will get a better idea of how rich he really is.
It will be interesting because we will get a better idea of how rich he really is.

I think a lot of Trumps wealth is an illusion based on the TRUMP brand. This property is worth twice as much because it is labeled TRUMP
Most of his assets are encumbered or leveraged against other properties.
A House of Cards
I think a lot of Trumps wealth is an illusion based on the TRUMP brand. This property is worth twice as much because it is labeled TRUMP
Most of his assets are encumbered or leveraged against other properties.
A House of Cards
It's less than what he claims that's for sure.
It's less than what he claims that's for sure.

Trump is learning a lesson most businesses already know….
Business and Politics dont mix.

The TRUMP brand used to stand for elegance and excess. You would brag to your friends if you played on a TRUMP Golf Course or stayed at a TRUMP Hotel.

Today, half the population will not patronize a TRUMP property because they oppose his politics
No offense, but you simply are reiterating your ignorance on the process.

None taken, but...I'm right, lol.

Perhaps a simple, but dissimilar example might help. You go to a car dealer and their MSRP is 50,000. You end up paying 40,000. Have they committed fraud? Have you been defrauded?

No because the seller simply lowered the selling price, which is not what we're talking about here.

Let's say you're interested in getting a loan for a new start-up venture. They want to know the value of your assets so that they can recoup things of value in case your new business goes tits-up and you can't make payments. Let's say your main residence is your collateral. On your loan papers, you claim you have a 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 4000-foot home; in reality, it's 3-bedroom, 1.5 baths, and 2 bedrooms.

I admit maybe not the best, most realistic analogy because most banks I know would probably insist on an appraisal in writing by a licensed appraiser - that's just another difference between a billionaire bullshitter like the Don and regular folk like you and me. If you're really rich, popular, and know the right people, I guess banks stop asking questions.

The banks should have done more due diligence, but my guess is they probably didn't because nobody in this transaction - not Donald, not the banks, not anyone - believed they'd ever be investigated, even though they all behaved shadily.
I'd say, it would be, because any property owned or occupied by Donald Trump cannot reasonably have a value placed on it. The value is not in the property, the value is in the fact that Donald Trump owned or lived in it.

It's actually quite simple ~ and the person purchasing it would have to decide what they would be willing to pay for it, not what it's worth in terms of the structure itself.

Do you think the outfits Elvis wore on stage are actually worth millions? The value is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it.
I'd say, it would be, because any property owned or occupied by Donald Trump cannot reasonably have a value placed on it. The value is not in the property, the value is in the fact that Donald Trump owned or lived in it.

It's actually quite simple ~ and the person purchasing it would have to decide what they would be willing to pay for it, not what it's worth in terms of the structure itself.

Do you think the outfits Elvis wore on stage are actually worth millions? The value is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it.

But the TRUMP name is not worth what it used to be
None taken, but...I'm right, lol.
No because the seller simply lowered the selling price, which is not what we're talking about here.
Sure it it. They significantly overvalued their asset in their offer to you, Under your reasoning, they committed fraud. As you recognize,, there is no fraud. You did your diligence and figured out the car's value .
Let's say you're interested in getting a loan for a new start-up venture. They want to know the value of your assets so that they can recoup things of value in case your new business goes tits-up and you can't make payments. Let's say your main residence is your collateral. On your loan papers, you claim you have a 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 4000-foot home; in reality, it's 3-bedroom, 1.5 baths, and 2 bedrooms.

And the bank does its diligence and doesn't give you the loan. They don't sue you for fraud
I admit maybe not the best, most realistic analogy because most banks I know would probably insist on an appraisal in writing by a licensed appraiser - that's just another difference between a billionaire bullshitter like the Don and regular folk like you and me. If you're really rich, popular, and know the right people, I guess banks stop asking questions.

Again, your ignorance crops up again. DO you really think a billion dollar bank like Deutche Bank is going to loan literally hundreds of millions of dollars without asking questions? Really? They literally have hundreds of lawyers, accountants, appraisers, outside counsel .... This negotiations for loans this size goes on for months.
The banks should have done more due diligence, but my guess is they probably didn't because nobody in this transaction - not Donald, not the banks, not anyone - believed they'd ever be investigated, even though they all behaved shadily.
Again the ignorance. WTF? DO you think TRUmp submitted the application and next day they cut him a check for $250M? What makes you say they didn't do their diligence? I recommend you go back and read the testimony of the bankers, rather than rely on whomever is feeding you this fiction.

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