CDZ What are the Guesses as to when the Ds will Quit the Shut Down?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
Bookmarking this thread for future reference
I believe Schumer would like to make a deal right now but Pelosi is one very stubborn person and she is already boiling with hatred for Trump.....I think this shutdown stays until Trump finds a way to build the wall without them....

I've not seen as many dems as I thought argue for Pelosi's position in front of the cameras....I think she is on very thin ice but unfortunately she doesn't seem to care....
They will never cave in their own minds and in the minds of their constituents. Whenever it ends, both sides will declare a glorious victory, and it will all be blatantly played out on this message board.
Pelosi is on thin ice, and she knows it. Much like Paul Ryan, she is a compromise Speaker who is increasingly unpopular in her own party. I think her opposition to Trump and the wall is more influenced by her need to placate left-wing Democrats than by personal animus towards the President.

Public opinion polling will probably decide who blinks first.
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The Democrats have no other issue than opposing the President, so what would they do with themselves all day if the give up opposing the smart fence the President wants to build on our southern border?

I guess they could always talk about his income tax returns.
They will never cave in their own minds and in the minds of their constituents. Whenever it ends, both sides will declare a glorious victory, and it will all be blatantly played out on this message board.
While true the Ds will have largish problems however and when this dissolves. More Blue states have recall laws than red states do.
Did anyone hear the cheering of an obviously huge crowd greeting Trump in McAllen.p when he landed?
It was incredible.
Pelosi is on thin ice, and she knows it. Much like Paul Ryan, she is a compromise Speaker who is increasingly unpopular in her own party. I think her opposition to Trump and the wall is more influenced by her need to placate left-wing Democrats than by personal animus towards the President.

Public opinion polling will probably decide who blinks first.
Sounds right to me but Pelosi is a rain maker for house Ds. If she ruptures her relationships with enough big D donors she is gone.
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The Democrats have no other issue than opposing the President, so what would they do with themselves all day if the give up opposing the smart fence the President wants to build on our southern border?

I guess they could always talk about his income tax returns.
With the deep state taking it in the shorts I think Pelosi will get dumped and the Ds will turn further left.
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The key problem is that Drumpfs base is at most a third of the country. Everyone else either thinks Drumpf is wrong as two left shoes or he is retarded.
I think that secretly the Dems want Trump to use Executive power to build the wall. I imagine secretly many of them support the wall also. Those more reasonable, loyal politicians.

They will put up a fight f he does, but it will fail I imagine. If he were looking at this for something like a tax cut or something not life threatening, they would obviously have a case, but this is about as paramount a National Security crisis outside of a foreign army that one would use an Emergency for. It's on par maybe even more vital than even if there were say, a hurricane. As this is ongoing and perpetually expensive, dangerous.

In the end, it's anybodies guess. It will come down to who is under more pressure from their backers. Trump doesn't feel that heat. So, he will have to decide "do I wait them out, or do I use my Power"?

He probably will be forced to use Executive Power, but the longer it goes, the more support he will gain. There is simpy no positive reason for Americans to embrace ILLEGAL immigration You allow 1 million a year into your nation legally.

As an example, I saw a video on youtube from some local tv station about an illegal Mexican lady who had been on welfare and social security (how?) for 20 years! She's a single mother of three. It blows my mind.
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The Democrats have no other issue than opposing the President, so what would they do with themselves all day if the give up opposing the smart fence the President wants to build on our southern border?

I guess they could always talk about his income tax returns.
With the deep state taking it in the shorts I think Pelosi will get dumped and the Ds will turn further left.
With the Democratic Party being so divided, I'm not sure anyone but Pelosi could get enough votes to replace her as speaker.
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The key problem is that Drumpfs base is at most a third of the country. Everyone else either thinks Drumpf is wrong as two left shoes or he is retarded.
According to the latest RCP tally, 42.3% of the country approves of the job the President is doing and 49.9% of the country approves of what he is doing for the economy. That should be enough to get him reelected unless the Democrats can come up with a stronger candidate than those presently being considered.
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The key problem is that Drumpfs base is at most a third of the country. Everyone else either thinks Drumpf is wrong as two left shoes or he is retarded.
According to the latest RCP tally, 42.3% of the country approves of the job the President is doing and 49.9% of the country approves of what he is doing for the economy. That should be enough to get him reelected unless the Democrats can come up with a stronger candidate than those presently being considered.
You may want to use this site to track his rating. Right now its at 41%. Thats less than half. The 8 % that are not his base and approve now will change their minds shortly.

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The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
My guess is when the cities start to burn, because the welfare queens in the inner city wont be shopping at Walmart with their EBT cards.

The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The Democrats have no other issue than opposing the President, so what would they do with themselves all day if the give up opposing the smart fence the President wants to build on our southern border?

I guess they could always talk about his income tax returns.
With the deep state taking it in the shorts I think Pelosi will get dumped and the Ds will turn further left.
With the Democratic Party being so divided, I'm not sure anyone but Pelosi could get enough votes to replace her as speaker.

I agree. But as Will Rogers said nearly a century ago "I do not belong to any organized political party, I am a democrat." Two or more D parties and a rotating speakership by coup strikes me as most likely.
The key problem with the shutdown is the longer it lasts the more solid Trump's support in his base.

But deep pocket D campaign supporters are purportedly wondering what value they are getting for their money but hard numbers as to such irritation are notable by their absence

There are all sorts of squishy dates being thrown around. For example NBR had an implied date of 30 days before big Pharma turns on the Ds last night. (A guess about estimated lost gross revenues from the FDA drug approval shutdown an opinion that is worth its weight in gold.)

The big banks are not happy about Trump being distracted from the China trade deal by the Ds not funding the wall but when will Goldman Sachs or other leftist banks stop writing checks to the Ds? I haven't seen any numbers.

Then there are building and mortgage companies that can't get answers from the IRS.

And while the courts are likely to fast track a state of emergency Trump is just waiting out for D donors to turn on them. So what is your guess as to when the Ds will cave?
The key problem is that Drumpfs base is at most a third of the country. Everyone else either thinks Drumpf is wrong as two left shoes or he is retarded.
According to the latest RCP tally, 42.3% of the country approves of the job the President is doing and 49.9% of the country approves of what he is doing for the economy. That should be enough to get him reelected unless the Democrats can come up with a stronger candidate than those presently being considered.
You may want to use this site to track his rating. Right now its at 41%. Thats less than half. The 8 % that are not his base and approve now will change their minds shortly.

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There is only a slight difference between the two sites, my point stands. An enthusiastic base means a strong turnout, and that was the key to victory in 2016 despite the polls showing a Clinton lead.

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