What Are the Key Questions to be Answered in the Hillary Clinton E-Mail Saga?

Hillary Clinton sucks donkey dicks...because Benghazi!

Isn't it just HILARIOUS that PC started a topic yesterday claiming a lack of critical thinking was an exclusive characteristic of the Left? :laugh2:
I just heard from my sister's hairdresser's baby sitter's dog that Hillary Clinton was the third gunman on the grassy knoll. I am NOT making this up.

It has to be true...because Benghazi!
When will Hillary Clinton tell the truth about her role as the third gunman? Why won't she answer any questions? She is clearly hiding something.
RUBE: I've been led to bleev 305 emails were marked as classified when they were sent to Clinton.

(six months later)

REPORT: None of the 305 emails were marked as classified when sent to Secretary Clinton.

RUBE: Cover-up! I already bleev they were. Too late!

(two months later)

RUBE: I've been led to bleev Clinton sucks donkey dicks. We know this hasta be true because she had those classified emails!
here are the real questions to be answered

1) Why would anyone outside the Right Wing, Hate Radio Fever Swamps care?

2) Do you guys really think anyone believes you after you all came up empty on FileGate, TravelGate, Vince Fosters suicide and Benghazi that yet another hysterical "Hillary did something bad somehow" scandal is going to resonate with anyone outside said Fever Swamps.

3) Does the GOP really think that they can beat Hillary with a bad hairpiece they can't control?
General Petraus is the benchmark. He had only one State dept document in his posesion at home. You fuckers gleefully crucified him. FBI is investigating her. The Chief will tell Obama to go fuck himself if he tries to interfere. Start contributing to Joe Biden's campaign fund.
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So watergate was left wing hysteria?

I don't think the two are even comparable. Nixon's underlings intentionally and illegally broke into DNC Headquarters. Nixon made the intentional decision to cover it up, including bribing people to keep their mouths shut.

So far, all we've seen here is that Hillary kept a private e-mail server, probably because the one the State Department had didn't work terribly well. No one made a complaint about it at the time, and when people made an issue of it, she has fully complied with requests for information.

Part of your complaint is in giving you information, she gave you information that was classified. That's kind of nuts.
HR Haldeman Clinton's failure in protecting the consulate in Benghazi is exponentially worse than Nixon's break-in. HR's failure led to death. Her coverup has been exposed and she has obstructed investigations by deflecting in front of a hearing. She has taken watergate to a significantly worse level and people still try to rationalize her. Her supporters are worse than the worst Nixon apologists,
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?

No assumptions necessary.
HR Haldeman Clinton failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
So...basically...your proof is, "I wooden put it past 'er!"

Wow. Just...wow.


I bleev it. So it must be true!
You are a defeated, dishonest troll with no response.
here are the real questions to be answered

1) Why would anyone outside the Right Wing, Hate Radio Fever Swamps care?

2) Do you guys really think anyone believes you after you all came up empty on FileGate, TravelGate, Vince Fosters suicide and Benghazi that yet another hysterical "Hillary did something bad somehow" scandal is going to resonate with anyone outside said Fever Swamps.

3) Does the GOP really think that they can beat Hillary with a bad hairpiece they can't control?
General Petraus is the benchmark. He had only one State dept document in his posesion at home. You fuckers gleefully crucified him. Start contributing to Joe Biden's campaign fund.
You left out the fact Petraeus also gave his floozie mistress access to confidential material.

So there's your benchmark. Nice try.


Sometimes you gotta suck a brass dick to get the juicy intel.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?
No it was a national embarrassment. Let's see if Hillary's e-mails reveal she ordered a criminal break in of the RNC. Good grief you people are ridiculous. :cuckoo:
Sounds like left wing rationale. The email thing is the least of HR Haldeman Clinton's problems.
She failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
And lefties act like it's all a conspiracy. Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
Nice conspiracy theories. :cuckoo:
Those are blatant truths. You are as dishonest as she is.
- The Benghazi embassy was attacked
- Hillary ran on the Clinton name

- Hillary ordered those people killed in Benghazi, not the religious nutjobs who actually killed them
- Hillary had a gerrymandered political career
- Hillary is a psychopathic criminal
You got the first two correct and the next are propaganda and deflection for the weak minded. No one suggested that HR ordered anyone killed in Benghazi. That is lefty spin for weak-minded dishonest lefties.Her failure as SOS to protect the compound on the most significant and vulnerable date is an abject dereliction of duty. Hillary ran for the senate in a hardcore, insulated whitie democrat jurisdiction in NY. She's from Arkansas via Illinois.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?


Your OP is built on the premise, with no facts in evidence, the emails were marked as classified at some point before being sent to Clinton.

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

This train is really off the rails now, kids!

Nope. Read again. Slowly this time. :D
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?


Your OP is built on the premise, with no facts in evidence, the emails were marked as classified at some point before being sent to Clinton.

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

This train is really off the rails now, kids!

Nope. Read again. Slowly this time. :D

"Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?"

Assumes there were classification markings, dipshit.

So provide proof there were, or try again.
Here's a question.

At what point in time will Welfare Queen provide proof the emails were classified at the time they were sent to Clinton?

A) When hell freezes over.

B) Just as soon as Sarah Palin releases her sex tape.

C) The day after Donald Trump is elected.

D) When Fox News goes 24 hours without lying.

Hun...the questions asked in the OP are what the FBI is trying to figure out. Nobody is assuming anything except you.

Take a deep breath...okay? :)
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?


Your OP is built on the premise, with no facts in evidence, the emails were marked as classified at some point before being sent to Clinton.

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

This train is really off the rails now, kids!

Nope. Read again. Slowly this time. :D

"Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?"

Assumes there were classification markings, dipshit.

So provide proof there were, or try again.
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?


Your OP is built on the premise, with no facts in evidence, the emails were marked as classified at some point before being sent to Clinton.

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

This train is really off the rails now, kids!

Nope. Read again. Slowly this time. :D

"Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?"

Assumes there were classification markings, dipshit.

So provide proof there were, or try again.

No fucktard. This is exactly what I asked. Typical leftard lying pos. :D

1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?
Here's a question.

At what point in time will Welfare Queen provide proof the emails were classified at the time they were sent to Clinton?

A) When hell freezes over.

B) Just as soon as Sarah Palin releases her sex tape.

C) The day after Donald Trump is elected.

D) When Fox News goes 24 hours without lying.

Hun...the questions asked in the OP are what the FBI is trying to figure out.

Manufactured bullshit.

They are attempting to figure out if the emails were classified at the time they were sent to Clinton. You have already assumed they were, dipshit.

I told you in the other topic, you tards are in a circle jerk and should STFU until the facts are known.

But have you STFU? Noooooo. You start another topic not only assuming the emails were classified, now you have gone one step further and manufactured some bullshit that someone criminally removed the classifications for which you have no proof even existed in the first place!

Deep fried manufactured bullshit with a manufactured bullshit filling in a manufactured bullshit crust.

Goddam. The willful retardation you are exposing to the world is positively stupefying.
There is only one key question to be answered. Were Clinton's emails classified at the time they were sent to her?

That is all that matters from a criminal prosecution standpoint.

This is one I asked the dipshit who started this topic countless times yesterday. A question he/she has been dodging and now is trying to evade by piling on a whole new layer of bullshit. He/she is acting on the ASSUMPTION they were classified at the time they were sent to Clinton.

And dipshit does not want to wait the inconvenient time it takes to find out the facts. Dipshit has already decided the answers with no evidence. A sign of a truly willful rube holding out their piss cup for a refill.
Here's a question.

At what point in time will Welfare Queen provide proof the emails were classified at the time they were sent to Clinton?

A) When hell freezes over.

B) Just as soon as Sarah Palin releases her sex tape.

C) The day after Donald Trump is elected.

D) When Fox News goes 24 hours without lying.

Hun...the questions asked in the OP are what the FBI is trying to figure out.

Manufactured bullshit.

They are attempting to figure out if the emails were classified at the time they were sent to Clinton. You have already assumed they were, dipshit.

I told you in the other topic, you tards are in a circle jerk and should STFU until the facts are known.

But have you STFU? Noooooo. You start another topic not only assuming the emails were classified, now you have gone one step further and manufactured some bullshit that someone criminally removed the classifications for which you have on proof even existed in the first place!

Deep fried manufactured bullshit with a manufactured bullshit filling in a manufactured bullshit crust.

No fucktard. I assume nothing. Hence, why I asked questions. You are assuming.

Clinton claims none of the classified e-mails were marked. You do not know if she is telling the truth....nor do I.

If they were not marked....were the classified markings removed? Got it?

Christ...what a fucking moron. :cuckoo:
There is only one key question to be answered. Were Clinton's emails classified at the time they were sent to her?

That is all that matters from a criminal prosecution standpoint.

This is one I asked the dipshit who started this topic countless times yesterday. A question he has been dodging and now is trying to evade by piling on a whole new layer of bullshit.

Nope. Every question asked in the OP is valid and will need to be answered. Ignorance in the case of classification is not a legal defense.

If they were not marked....were the classified markings removed? Got it?

If they were not classified at the time they were sent to her, how could any markings have been removed that did not exist? Your question assumes they were marked at some point, and you have no evidence they were. It is very possible they were never marked as classified. This is what your retarded brain cannot process, apparently.

Jesus H. Christ, I can't argue with this kind of idiocy.
The emails in question quite possibly never were labeled as classified and are only now being considered classified retroactively.

Dipshit is assuming they were marked as classified at some point. No evidence has been provided to the public they were.

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