What Are the Key Questions to be Answered in the Hillary Clinton E-Mail Saga?

Based on Hillary's rapidly declining polling numbers it is obvious many, many people care. You obviously do, or you would not have posted. :)
The GOP won't be able to carry this out until the election like they did wih ebola last time.

Two different situations. :) The FBI is handling this. So is Congress. The facts will come out. Again....maybe Hillary and her team kept all the classified material secured as they are required to do by law.

We'll all find out soon enough. :thup:
Yeah. I wonder what dramatic thing the right will invent up next after that.

Schoolio.....this is not a right wing invention. The FBI inquiry was prompted by two non-partisan Inspectors General for the Federal Government. Both Inspectors General are Obama appointees.

You do understand the basic facts....don't you? :)
The hysteria is a right wing invention. Lust like with ebola.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?
The GOP won't be able to carry this out until the election like they did wih ebola last time.

Two different situations. :) The FBI is handling this. So is Congress. The facts will come out. Again....maybe Hillary and her team kept all the classified material secured as they are required to do by law.

We'll all find out soon enough. :thup:
Yeah. I wonder what dramatic thing the right will invent up next after that.

Schoolio.....this is not a right wing invention. The FBI inquiry was prompted by two non-partisan Inspectors General for the Federal Government. Both Inspectors General are Obama appointees.

You do understand the basic facts....don't you? :)
The hysteria is a right wing invention. Lust like with ebola.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?
No it was a national embarrassment. Let's see if Hillary's e-mails reveal she ordered a criminal break in of the RNC. Good grief you people are ridiculous. :cuckoo:
The most important questions:

1. What classified information was processed through Clinton's email server in violation of the Espionage Act?

2. What did Hillary do to cover up her use of a non-government server to process classified information?
Two different situations. :) The FBI is handling this. So is Congress. The facts will come out. Again....maybe Hillary and her team kept all the classified material secured as they are required to do by law.

We'll all find out soon enough. :thup:
Yeah. I wonder what dramatic thing the right will invent up next after that.

Schoolio.....this is not a right wing invention. The FBI inquiry was prompted by two non-partisan Inspectors General for the Federal Government. Both Inspectors General are Obama appointees.

You do understand the basic facts....don't you? :)
The hysteria is a right wing invention. Lust like with ebola.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?
No it was a national embarrassment. Let's see if Hillary's e-mails reveal she ordered a criminal break in of the RNC. Good grief you people are ridiculous. :cuckoo:
Sounds like left wing rationale. The email thing is the least of HR Haldeman Clinton's problems.
She failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
And lefties act like it's all a conspiracy. Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
here are the real questions to be answered

1) Why would anyone outside the Right Wing, Hate Radio Fever Swamps care?

2) Do you guys really think anyone believes you after you all came up empty on FileGate, TravelGate, Vince Fosters suicide and Benghazi that yet another hysterical "Hillary did something bad somehow" scandal is going to resonate with anyone outside said Fever Swamps.

3) Does the GOP really think that they can beat Hillary with a bad hairpiece they can't control?

1. Did she give up Chris Steven to the Jihadists?
2. Was her GF Huma arming the Jihadists?
here are the real questions to be answered

1) Why would anyone outside the Right Wing, Hate Radio Fever Swamps care?

2) Do you guys really think anyone believes you after you all came up empty on FileGate, TravelGate, Vince Fosters suicide and Benghazi that yet another hysterical "Hillary did something bad somehow" scandal is going to resonate with anyone outside said Fever Swamps.

3) Does the GOP really think that they can beat Hillary with a bad hairpiece they can't control?

She failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career. Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?


Your OP is built on the premise, with no facts in evidence, the emails were marked as classified at some point before being sent to Clinton.

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

This train is really off the rails now, kids!
Yeah. I wonder what dramatic thing the right will invent up next after that.

Schoolio.....this is not a right wing invention. The FBI inquiry was prompted by two non-partisan Inspectors General for the Federal Government. Both Inspectors General are Obama appointees.

You do understand the basic facts....don't you? :)
The hysteria is a right wing invention. Lust like with ebola.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?
No it was a national embarrassment. Let's see if Hillary's e-mails reveal she ordered a criminal break in of the RNC. Good grief you people are ridiculous. :cuckoo:
Sounds like left wing rationale. The email thing is the least of HR Haldeman Clinton's problems.
She failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
And lefties act like it's all a conspiracy. Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
Nice conspiracy theories. :cuckoo:
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?

No assumptions necessary.
HR Haldeman Clinton failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
The left will fall back on the 'all politicians lie' excuse. That's the thing about the left they have an excuse for everything.

Lying and committing criminal acts are two different things. :) Maybe there were no slip ups. Maybe every loop hole was closed.

I do think we will all eventually find out....well before to 2016 election.

It doesn't matter if the left breaks the law, in their minds.

Laws are for non-Democrats
Schoolio.....this is not a right wing invention. The FBI inquiry was prompted by two non-partisan Inspectors General for the Federal Government. Both Inspectors General are Obama appointees.

You do understand the basic facts....don't you? :)
The hysteria is a right wing invention. Lust like with ebola.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?
No it was a national embarrassment. Let's see if Hillary's e-mails reveal she ordered a criminal break in of the RNC. Good grief you people are ridiculous. :cuckoo:
Sounds like left wing rationale. The email thing is the least of HR Haldeman Clinton's problems.
She failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
And lefties act like it's all a conspiracy. Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
Nice conspiracy theories. :cuckoo:
Those are blatant truths. You are as dishonest as she is.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?

I don't think the two are even comparable. Nixon's underlings intentionally and illegally broke into DNC Headquarters. Nixon made the intentional decision to cover it up, including bribing people to keep their mouths shut.

So far, all we've seen here is that Hillary kept a private e-mail server, probably because the one the State Department had didn't work terribly well. No one made a complaint about it at the time, and when people made an issue of it, she has fully complied with requests for information.

Part of your complaint is in giving you information, she gave you information that was classified. That's kind of nuts.
Here's a question.

At what point in time will Welfare Queen provide proof the emails were classified at the time they were sent to Clinton?

A) When hell freezes over.

B) Just as soon as Sarah Palin releases her sex tape.

C) The day after Donald Trump is elected.

D) When Fox News goes 24 hours without lying.
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?


Your OP is built on the premise, with no facts in evidence, the emails were marked as classified at some point before being sent to Clinton.

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

This train is really off the rails now, kids!

yeah all 305 of them, right?
The Hillary Clinton e-mail issue is rapidly spinning out of control. These are some of the key questions that will need to be answered.

1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

3. Did the Colorado Internet Company she contracted to manage her server have security clearance?

4. Did Clinton's instruction to "wipe" her server destroy Government Property?

5. Did her lawyer have security clearance while he held classified documents on a thumb drive? Was this thumb drive secured? Did anyone else at his firm have access to the thumb drive? Did they have security clearance?

6. Did she transmit classified material to others via her unsecured server?

7. Will she provide a list of all the people who had access to her private server? Did all of these people have security clearance?

I could go on...but you get the idea. All of these questions and more will need to be answered. Any slip up in the transmission of handling of classified material would end Hillary's Presidential bid.

These are some of the unanswered questions. Can you think of any more? How does this effect Hillary's Presidential bid?

Q: How long are NeoClowns going to beat this dead horse?
1. Who forwarded Clinton the classified e-mails? Did that person or persons remove the classification markings?

2. Did Hillary instruct the markings to be removed before the info was sent to her?

Wow! Assume much?

No assumptions necessary.
HR Haldeman Clinton failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
So...basically...your proof is, "I wooden put it past 'er!"

Wow. Just...wow.


I bleev it. So it must be true!
The best thing, the absolute best is that Obama and Jarrett are behind the investigation so the Fluffers can wail about Booooosh and Trump and Issa all fucking day and night but it's Obama and Val sticking the shiv into Hillary
The hysteria is a right wing invention. Lust like with ebola.
So watergate was left wing hysteria?
No it was a national embarrassment. Let's see if Hillary's e-mails reveal she ordered a criminal break in of the RNC. Good grief you people are ridiculous. :cuckoo:
Sounds like left wing rationale. The email thing is the least of HR Haldeman Clinton's problems.
She failed in protecting the consulate in Benghazi on 9-11 and helped her boss obfuscate that failure with a coverup and deflection.
She used the name of her impeached husband (whose indiscretions were at the expense of her own reputation) in order to launch a gerrymandered political career.
And lefties act like it's all a conspiracy. Her supporters are as dishonest as she is.
She is a psychopathic criminal.
Nice conspiracy theories. :cuckoo:
Those are blatant truths. You are as dishonest as she is.
- The Benghazi embassy was attacked
- Hillary ran on the Clinton name

- Hillary ordered those people killed in Benghazi, not the religious nutjobs who actually killed them
- Hillary had a gerrymandered political career
- Hillary is a psychopathic criminal

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