What are the responsibilities of man?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Just something that's on my mind. We talk about the Rights of man all the time. But rarely do we talk about the Responsibilities of man. What are they?
Just something that's on my mind. We talk about the Rights of man all the time. But rarely do we talk about the Responsibilities of man. What are they?

Doesn't that depend on his relationships, Avatar? If you have a beloved, you owe her a duty. Child, duty. Aging parent still alive, duty. Live in a community, duty. Nation, duty.
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Just something that's on my mind. We talk about the Rights of man all the time. But rarely do we talk about the Responsibilities of man. What are they?

Doesn't that depend on his relationships, Avatar? If you have a beloved, you owe her a duty. Child, duty. Aging parent still alive, duty. Live in a community, duty. Nation, duty.
Man, not a man
The first article of this geometry;-
The master mason must be full securely
Both steadfast, trusty and true,
It shall him never then rue;
And pay thy fellows after the cost,
As victuals goeth then, well thou knowest;
And pay them truly, upon thy faith,
What they may deserve;
And to their hire take no more,
But what that they may serve for;
And spare neither for love nor dread,
Of neither parties to take no bribe;
Of lord nor fellow, whoever he be,
Of them thou take no manner of fee;
And as a judge stand upright,
And then thou dost to both good right;
And truly do this wheresoever thou goest,
Thy worship, thy profit, it shall be most. ...
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Just something that's on my mind. We talk about the Rights of man all the time. But rarely do we talk about the Responsibilities of man. What are they?

very cool question, i wanted to start a thread like this too, you´re been earlier, thanks.

i absolutely agree that this question isn´t foucussed enough in general. As Madeline said, there is this terminology "Duty".

The problem I see is that any named duty could always be sensed as a touch of the rights. If we say "When you take you´re right to doing this, you have in the same time to doing that" will there always be somebody who asks "Why?" and will fight against this rule.

But in general: There can´t be a freedom of will in anyway without taking the responsibility on the other hand. If somebody calls the absolutely free handling of anything and denies the consequences that he´s not trustworthy. Little children who didn´t learn this lesson yet are allowed to do so. But sadly when i watch cash burning banksters, job killing consultants or enviroment polluting company managers i wonder why we allow the most powerful people to act like little children.

It aren´t only the direct consequences of these people which are the biggest problem. When the most powerful class constaintly forces their demand of doing their "free will" and refusing axiomatic the resulting responisbility as well, which example do they give for the rest of the people? A russian word says "The fish stinks from the head". And doesn´t this behaviour contort the term "Freedom"?

A political and socioligical impact like the financial crisis or the oil rig desaster last year in the mexican gulfs demands personal consequences. Not in "firing" somebody with a golden handshake. There have to go somebody from the stinking head into jail. As long es this doesn´t happen, there is no wonder that anybody else takes his freedom to do anything without taking the responsibility as well.
Just something that's on my mind. We talk about the Rights of man all the time. But rarely do we talk about the Responsibilities of man. What are they?

Doesn't that depend on his relationships, Avatar? If you have a beloved, you owe her a duty. Child, duty. Aging parent still alive, duty. Live in a community, duty. Nation, duty.
Man, not a man

Meh, I am sure people can read as what I wrote as including both genders, JB.
Just something that's on my mind. We talk about the Rights of man all the time. But rarely do we talk about the Responsibilities of man. What are they?

very cool question, i wanted to start a thread like this too, you´re been earlier, thanks.

i absolutely agree that this question isn´t foucussed enough in general. As Madeline said, there is this terminology "Duty".

The problem I see is that any named duty could always be sensed as a touch of the rights. If we say "When you take you´re right to doing this, you have in the same time to doing that" will there always be somebody who asks "Why?" and will fight against this rule.

But in general: There can´t be a freedom of will in anyway without taking the responsibility on the other hand. If somebody calls the absolutely free handling of anything and denies the consequences that he´s not trustworthy. Little children who didn´t learn this lesson yet are allowed to do so. But sadly when i watch cash burning banksters, job killing consultants or enviroment polluting company managers i wonder why we allow the most powerful people to act like little children.

It aren´t only the direct consequences of these people which are the biggest problem. When the most powerful class constaintly forces their demand of doing their "free will" and refusing axiomatic the resulting responisbility as well, which example do they give for the rest of the people? A russian word says "The fish stinks from the head". And doesn´t this behaviour contort the term "Freedom"?

A political and socioligical impact like the financial crisis or the oil rig desaster last year in the mexican gulfs demands personal consequences. Not in "firing" somebody with a golden handshake. There have to go somebody from the stinking head into jail. As long es this doesn´t happen, there is no wonder that anybody else takes his freedom to do anything without taking the responsibility as well.

good post Mr. S

but we really can't hang out moral hats on the powers that be

which is all they really are, simply people in positions of power

not leaders of morality
good post Mr. S

but we really can't hang out moral hats on the powers that be

which is all they really are, simply people in positions of power

not leaders of morality

Is that so? Any person on the top is the one who´s watched at. The faces on the magazines, anyway if it´s forbes, Time or Vanity Fair are the ones who are heard by the masses - the masses of young management students or the masses at all.

Of course we can seperate on our enlighted view between person and position. But does this really work to the people? Who´s on the top shows the way to go. That´s how it goes since the first chief was elected.
well, then i guess i'm a really bad indian Mr S

because i wouldn't cross the street to piss on most of those sorts if they were on fire....
"We shall pass this way on Earth but once, if there is any kindness we can show, or good act we can do, let us do it now, for we will never pass this way again."

Stephen Grellet

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