What are the solutions?

Only if you being the most incompetent kook promise to leave this message board for two decades.

Oh go piss up a rope you moronic twat. Xiden has a 50 year track record of being wrong. These worthless generals have only been good at lying to the American public.

Fascist pricks, like you, are only good at civil rights violations. The brewing Civil War is going to be bloody, and you fascist fucks are going to lose because your leaders are the very same ones who couldn't beat the taliban you fucking clown.
The Taliban have ZERO connection to terrorism and likely are about the single most honest government in the whole world.
The US likely is the single greatest exporter of terrorism in the world, like the way we use drones to assassinate hundreds of innocent people every year.

Do you ever get tired of that muslim cock you're always blowing?
Pretty much every critical issue could be resolved if the country would ditch the Federal Reserve and get back to sound money and free-market economics.

Our Keynesian monetary policy is the cause of so much that is wrong with our nation and dictates so many of the bad policies.
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It seems our foreign and domestic policies are in chaos. Pointing fingers, blaming others has become the dominate use of this forum, and in almost every forum. Ain't it awful and Now I got you, you son of a bitch (Games People Play) seem to sum up nearly every thread.

Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.
We had a plan to get out of Afghanistan and take Americans and at risk Afghan's with us. Put together by CIA and U.S. military years ago. Biden administration ignored it. So what to do now? Clear Taliban from Kabul, use our air power as ruthlessly as possible while at same time going into hinterlands with special op's teams to rescue Americans trapped their. Open road to airport and get out as many at risk Afghan's and Americans as possible.
Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.
Since you have kindly given me a magic wand, here we go:

I'd address our immigration, border, drug and trade issues with one comprehensive plan of my own making.

This plan would specifically be meant to (1) drastically reduce the demand for immigration by motivating people in Central and South America to stay in the countries they love with jobs and commerce, and (2) turn Central and South America into our best trading partners, create a huge economic and trade behemoth out of North, Central and South America, and allow us to tell China to go fuck themselves:

I have a similarly comprehensive, easily workable, independent and original solution for health care, but I'm not in the mood to type that much at the moment :)
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I'm not a "commie" and you are the dumbass(hole). The foreign and domestic policies of Trumpism were, "we got ours, fuck the rest of you".

Oh screw you. My comment was in response to your claim we need to destroy the enemy, kill them all.. It has nothing to do with weapons and you know it. You are dishonest to the core.

For an "educated" man you don't read well ditz. said blow up/disable the weapons ad equipment left behind. God you are ignorant.
Problem. Stagnant wages.

Solution. Build a fucking Wall. Deport the illegals. Halt all new LEGAL immigration. 20% tariff on all Chinese goods.

The labor pool shrinks. Demand for labor goes up. Wages go up.

Men are more able to be providers. Women are more able to be stay at home moms, or at least part time. People buy houses and build wealth, instead of debt.

Utopia. Or at least The American Fucking Dream.
We had a plan to get out of Afghanistan and take Americans and at risk Afghan's with us. Put together by CIA and U.S. military years ago. Biden administration ignored it. So what to do now? Clear Taliban from Kabul, use our air power as ruthlessly as possible while at same time going into hinterlands with special op's teams to rescue Americans trapped their. Open road to airport and get out as many at risk Afghan's and Americans as possible.
Your are one of the problems.
Problem. Stagnant wages.

Solution. Build a fucking Wall. Deport the illegals. Halt all new LEGAL immigration. 20% tariff on all Chinese goods.

The labor pool shrinks. Demand for labor goes up. Wages go up.

Men are more able to be providers. Women are more able to be stay at home moms, or at least part time. People buy houses and build wealth, instead of debt.

Utopia. Or at least The American Fucking Dream.
You're nuts.

Stagnant wages. What is your solution to this issue? Ordering Corporations to reduce the salaries and benefits of the top executives? Or, having The Congress put a limit on incomes over $500,000 wth benefits equal too all of the employees?

Build a Fucking Wall? The Cost to deport all illegals will be enormous and Americans are not likely to pick fruit and vegetables; work in hotels/motels, and laborer in too many businesses (restaurants, roofers, gardeners, laborers in all manner of blue collar jobs).

A wall is only one means of coming illegally to the US, and it can be breached by climbing over, tunneling under or cutting through. The cost to protect a structure of this kind will be on going and need to be patrolled by LE. (do you understand the terrain along the Southern Borders?).

Every airport, every seaport, cove and bay provide access. Tourism would be shut down and that business would need to lay off both legal and illegal workers. Businesses need workers today, and your "solutions" would create more problems.

Adding a 20% tariff on Chinese goods is absurd. Shoes alone will be too expensive for the average family to purchase. And can you name a shoe maker working in the US today?

The labor poor shrinks and businesses will fail. Keep in mind the illegals spend money, they are consumers of goods too.

These comments:

Men are more able to be providers. Women are more able to be stay at home moms, or at least part time.

is deplorable.

People buy houses and build wealth, instead of debt.

This phrase isn't deplorable, it is however out of reach for too many Americans. The readers will understand the housing crisis (which included small businesses) that led to the Great Recession. Greed by lenders and promises by real estate brokers to those who can't afford to refinance when the balloon payment came due.
For an "educated" man you don't read well ditz. said blow up/disable the weapons ad equipment left behind. God you are ignorant.
I didn't respond to any post on the weapons to which you claim. Either you confuse me with another poster, or you are a damn liar.
Since you have kindly given me a magic wand, here we go:

I'd address our immigration, border, drug and trade issues with one comprehensive plan of my own making.

This plan would specifically be meant to (1) drastically reduce the demand for immigration by motivating people in Central and South America to stay in the countries they love with jobs and commerce, and (2) turn Central and South America into our best trading partners, create a huge economic and trade behemoth out of North, Central and South America, and allow us to tell China to go fuck themselves:

I have a similarly comprehensive, easily workable, independent and original solution for health care, but I'm not in the mood to type that much at the moment :)
JFK and the Alliance for Progress is worth reading:

One more example of fiscal conservatism, had The Congress continued to support JFK's vision today's problem and the end of the Bracero Program, we would be much better off.
I didn't respond to any post on the weapons to which you claim. Either you confuse me with another poster, or you are a damn liar.

You're the damn liar, you have been your first day on this forum. My post was about weapons you just can't swallow that huge pride and admit you're an idiot.
I suppose the problems to be solved, if at all possible, will need to be defined:

1, Trumpism (saving our democracy)
2. Wedge Issues (Guns, Abortion, Racism, Misogyny, and Bigots in General)
3. Greed (wealth inequality) & Poverty
4. Russia, China, N. Korea; domestic and foreign terrorism
5. Poverty in the Americas' (immigration, visas and jobs)

Here you go skank. Read he post I was responding to. I own you.

Dragonlady said:
If you remove the military equipment, those who are there have nothing to defend themselves with. You have to leave the equipment behind.

The leader of the country has fled to save his own life.

Do you want to stay in Afghanistan forever so the USA won't be embarassed by losing yet another war you should never have gotten involved in, in the first place? Suck it up and face your reality. And stop getting yourself involved in wars in a country where you don't speak the language, know the customs, and aren't welcome.

There is never a way to turn tail and run gracefully.
Click to expand...

You are quite easily one of the stupidest people alive. Military policy is (used to be, should be) to destroy everything left behind
Oh go piss up a rope you moronic twat. Xiden has a 50 year track record of being wrong. These worthless generals have only been good at lying to the American public.

Fascist pricks, like you, are only good at civil rights violations. The brewing Civil War is going to be bloody, and you fascist fucks are going to lose because your leaders are the very same ones who couldn't beat the taliban you fucking clown.
Do you have anything to post that is not vulgar, childish, stupid and ludicrous? You hope for a Civil War is disgusting, deplorable and anti American. Go away, emigrate to another country permanently, one which is not a democratic where you can go to express your opinions, and thus be incarcerated without the protection of a Bill of Rights.
Your are one of the problems.

Do you have anything to post that is not vulgar, childish, stupid and ludicrous? You hope for a Civil War is disgusting, deplorable and anti American. Go away, emigrate to another country permanently, one which is not a democratic where you can go to express your opinions, and thus be incarcerated without the protection of a Bill of Rights.

I give what I get, you moronic toad. I entered into an agreement with you to be civil.

Which YOU broke.

So take your sanctimonious whining, and shove it straight up your ass.
It seems our foreign and domestic policies are in chaos. Pointing fingers, blaming others has become the dominate use of this forum, and in almost every forum. Ain't it awful and Now I got you, you son of a bitch (Games People Play) seem to sum up nearly every thread.

Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.

A demented rapist/career criminal is president, a deranged psychopath is VP, and their party is basically that of 21st century Nazis.


If I were in their shoes, I would apologize, confess my numerous crimes, declare the Democrat party a terrorist organization, and accept arrest, trial and prison without objection.

A demented rapist/career criminal is president, a deranged psychopath is VP, and their party is basically that of 21st century Nazis.


If I were in their shoes, I would apologize, confess my numerous crimes, declare the Democrat party a terrorist organization, and accept arrest, trial and prison without objection.

Well stated. Sadly, they are also incredibly vain, and stupid.
Here you go skank. Read he post I was responding to. I own you.

You are quite easily one of the stupidest people alive. Military policy is (used to be, should be) to destroy everything left behind
Your intent was not all about weaponry, it was about murder.
Here you go skank. Read he post I was responding to. I own you.

You are quite easily one of the stupidest people alive. Military policy is (used to be, should be) to destroy everything left behind
And such Military Policy to destroy everything left behind is nearly impossible. Lives first, not the equipment of war.

The Geneva Convention:

[ Geneva Conventions | 1864–1977 ]

and the USMJ.

I've reviewed posts #46, 64 and 82

Everything left behind does mean equipment, but to remove the weapons of war before the users of the weapons of war is ridiculous! This would put soldiers and civilians at great risk.

The inference in your posts suggest the ordinance left behind and/or captured from the US & Britain are the dominate equipment used by the Taliban up to now. Videos show small arms in the bed of pickup trucks and men on motorcycles with automatic firearms; small arm potentially not made in the US, and was in their arms well before Trump made the decision to leave.

A demented rapist/career criminal is president, a deranged psychopath is VP, and their party is basically that of 21st century Nazis.


If I were in their shoes, I would apologize, confess my numerous crimes, declare the Democrat party a terrorist organization, and accept arrest, trial and prison without objection.
LOL, and westwall actually believes this bullshit. How unsurprising.

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