What are the solutions?

If the mafia flies planes into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon, and the Italian Government refused to do something about it? Yeah, we'd have the right to bomb the fuck out of the Mafia in Italy. Not necessarily an invasion and a nation rebuilding effort however......
We might even "seize" a small corner, or even gain a military base in a nearby country, and house special forces, armed drones and all kinds of "really cool" airplanes and helicopters carry up to, and including, nuclear bombs.
Obviously we needed to stay in Afghanistan longer. It was a bone headed decision by Biden to pull out.
It was either pull out or our troop would come under fire
So flooding our streets with heroin and cocaine, among all the other stuff they do, isn't enough? lol

That's capitalism, not terrorism. We have a willing market for those recreational substances. Not so much for murderous terrorist.
If you remove the military equipment, those who are there have nothing to defend themselves with. You have to leave the equipment behind.

The leader of the country has fled to save his own life.

Do you want to stay in Afghanistan forever so the USA won't be embarassed by losing yet another war you should never have gotten involved in, in the first place? Suck it up and face your reality. And stop getting yourself involved in wars in a country where you don't speak the language, know the customs, and aren't welcome.

There is never a way to turn tail and run gracefully.

You are quite easily one of the stupidest people alive. Military policy is (used to be, should be) to destroy everything left behind.
I suppose the problems to be solved, if at all possible, will need to be defined:

1, Trumpism (saving our democracy)
2. Wedge Issues (Guns, Abortion, Racism, Misogyny, and Bigots in General)
3. Greed (wealth inequality) & Poverty
4. Russia, China, N. Korea; domestic and foreign terrorism
5. Poverty in the Americas' (immigration, visas and jobs)
It was either pull out or our troop would come under fire

That's capitalism, not terrorism. We have a willing market for those recreational substances. Not so much for murderous terrorist.
More Americans die from mafia drugs than die from terrorism every year.
You are truly insane. Did you ever serve in our Armed Forces?

No, I'm experienced meaning yes I have. Why do you think that during the Bin Laden rid they blew the downed Helicopter? You don't leave arms that can and will be used against your own military moron.

"Three of the last four strikes have targeted captured equipment, one official said. This includes US equipment transferred to the ANDSF that the Taliban then captured as it advanced throughout the country.

This latest development is an indication of the success the Taliban has had as it sweeps across the country, pushing back the Afghan military and taking over significant swaths of territory as the US nears the ends of its withdrawal.

Biden administration planning to relocate some Afghans who worked for US to Virginia Army post
US Central Command, which is in charge of Afghanistan, said recently that the withdrawal of US forces is more than 95% complete. President Joe Biden has said the withdrawal would be complete by the end of August. Approximately 650 troops are set to remain in the country to secure the US diplomatic presence in Afghanistan, including the embassy, and to assist in securing Kabul’s international airport, which is a necessary facility for the movement of diplomats.

On Wednesday, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley said the Taliban held approximately 212 or 213 of the country’s 419 districts. Although the Taliban had not captured any of the 34 provincial capitals, it had surrounded half of them in an attempt to isolate key population centers, Milley said.
Just like Italy is giving haven to the mafia?
No. When and where did the Mafia say they wanted “death to America”? When did the Mafia intentionally kill innocent American citizens and threaten to kill more? The Mafia wants America to thrive. Same with the drug cartels and other foreign crime organizations.
It was already a bone headed decision made by Trump (that is not a surprise to any rational person). When Trump made his proclamation for our Military to leave, Taliban leaders established plans to engage the Afghan Army and to ultimately take over Afghanistan. The first bone head decision was in 2001 when the Bush II Administration needed to do something immediate after 9/11/2001:

The Opening Salvo on October 7, 2001:

"The U.S. military, with British support, begins a bombing campaign against Taliban forces, officially launching Operation Enduring Freedom. Canada, Australia, Germany, and France pledge future support. The wars early phase [PDF] mainly involves U.S. air strikes on al-Qaeda and Taliban forces that are assisted by a partnership of about one thousand U.S. special forces, the Northern Alliance, and ethnic Pashtun anti-Taliban forces. The first wave of conventional ground forces arrives twelve days later. Most of the ground combat is between the Taliban and its Afghan opponents."

The attacks on President Joe Biden are unwarranted. History tells the story, and this story began with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire decades ago and the costs of blood and treasure that our current President was faced with, and who made a decision.
Donald Trump tried mightily to get other nations to pay more on the tab for bases in other lands and to pay more for their Treaties. What he got for 4 years was pure grief. Arguing about leaving or staying is separate from how we left. Leaving Americans there! All of the laughter and insults and demeaning of Trump by those who self proclaimed they know better what to do died with the Afghanistan issue if not from several more before this.
It seems our foreign and domestic policies are in chaos. Pointing fingers, blaming others has become the dominate use of this forum, and in almost every forum. Ain't it awful and Now I got you, you son of a bitch (Games People Play) seem to sum up nearly every thread.

Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.
"Our" foreign and domestic policies. You dumbass commie, these are the Democrats foreign and domestic policies.
No, I'm experienced meaning yes I have. Why do you think that during the Bin Laden rid they blew the downed Helicopter? You don't leave arms that can and will be used against your own military moron.

"Three of the last four strikes have targeted captured equipment, one official said. This includes US equipment transferred to the ANDSF that the Taliban then captured as it advanced throughout the country.

This latest development is an indication of the success the Taliban has had as it sweeps across the country, pushing back the Afghan military and taking over significant swaths of territory as the US nears the ends of its withdrawal.

Biden administration planning to relocate some Afghans who worked for US to Virginia Army post
US Central Command, which is in charge of Afghanistan, said recently that the withdrawal of US forces is more than 95% complete. President Joe Biden has said the withdrawal would be complete by the end of August. Approximately 650 troops are set to remain in the country to secure the US diplomatic presence in Afghanistan, including the embassy, and to assist in securing Kabul’s international airport, which is a necessary facility for the movement of diplomats.

On Wednesday, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley said the Taliban held approximately 212 or 213 of the country’s 419 districts. Although the Taliban had not captured any of the 34 provincial capitals, it had surrounded half of them in an attempt to isolate key population centers, Milley said.
If you had served in the Armed Forces you would have been indoctrinated and understood both the UCMJ and the Geneva Conventions.

If you had served in the Armed Forces you would have been indoctrinated and understood both the UCMJ and the Geneva Conventions.

LOL, I was and that has nothing to do with destruction of weapons. Lord man, you're dense.
If you had served in the Armed Forces you would have been indoctrinated and understood both the UCMJ and the Geneva Conventions.

By the way moron, the Military does not train you on the Conventions or the UCMJ unless you MOS requires it. God you are an idiot.

Taliban have inherited abandoned military hardware in Afghanistan, not the mastery of it​

Taliban have inherited abandoned military hardware in Afghanistan, not the mastery of it
Did you read the article? The equipment you’re seeing is taken from the Afghanistan army. Not ours.

From the article:
Within months of the US announcing its withdrawal, Afghan troops have abandoned a large portion of that hardware as they retreat from the lightning advances by insurgents. As a result, that equipment is now in the hands of the people it was supposed to defeat.

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