What are the solutions?

Funny how the time to not point fingers is always when they should be pointed at liberals. Liberal hypocrisy is a bottomless pit, just when you think they couldn't go lower, they do.

As to why we need to point fingers, one only needs to look at two prevalent events. When Trump left the border was secure, the caravans were stopped, and the nobody was being let in during a so-called pandemic. Enter that idiot Biden. Caravans arrived on his inauguration day, there has been an endless stream of illegals flooding the country, and liberal faux concern about Covid evaporates when it comes to the illegal hordes. Liberals expect us to ignore that so we don't point a finger at the cause of this chaos? How pathetic.

Turning our attention to Biden's other great failure of the moment, we need only see maskless Afghanis swarming onto planes, and not a single peep for the liberals and all their so-called concerns about Covid. Although the greater issue is Biden's utter failure to extricate us from Afghanistan without it turning into a circus and embarrassing our country for all the world to see. Our moron president, who passes the buck around A LOT before saying it stops at him, has done nothing about this disaster. Which points to the fact he is still taking advice from the same idiots that got it so wrong up until now. We the people are supposed to be confident in this clown show? I think not.
Your intent was not all about weaponry, it was about murder.

And such Military Policy to destroy everything left behind is nearly impossible. Lives first, not the equipment of war.

The Geneva Convention:

[ Geneva Conventions | 1864–1977 ]

and the USMJ.

I've reviewed posts #46, 64 and 82

Everything left behind does mean equipment, but to remove the weapons of war before the users of the weapons of war is ridiculous! This would put soldiers and civilians at great risk.

The inference in your posts suggest the ordinance left behind and/or captured from the US & Britain are the dominate equipment used by the Taliban up to now. Videos show small arms in the bed of pickup trucks and men on motorcycles with automatic firearms; small arm potentially not made in the US, and was in their arms well before Trump made the decision to leave.

LOL, you don't get to tell me what I said, you should know by now that I will make you be honest. Dragonwitch responded to me, I responded back and you jumped into conversation about equipment. Destroying it is not only NOT impossible, it needs to be done. I know you think you can obfuscate your way out of this beat down, you can't.

It's hilarious that you think you can get away with twisting my words little man. Hell moron, you even tried to insert an "inference" that I never made. i'd think by now you'd know better than to take me on.
Your intent was not all about weaponry, it was about murder.

And such Military Policy to destroy everything left behind is nearly impossible. Lives first, not the equipment of war.

The Geneva Convention:

[ Geneva Conventions | 1864–1977 ]

and the USMJ.

I've reviewed posts #46, 64 and 82

Everything left behind does mean equipment, but to remove the weapons of war before the users of the weapons of war is ridiculous! This would put soldiers and civilians at great risk.

The inference in your posts suggest the ordinance left behind and/or captured from the US & Britain are the dominate equipment used by the Taliban up to now. Videos show small arms in the bed of pickup trucks and men on motorcycles with automatic firearms; small arm potentially not made in the US, and was in their arms well before Trump made the decision to leave.

Just because I love shoving your idiocy up your rear end.

U.S. Army To Scrap $7 Billion In Equipment In Afghanistan​

LOL, and westwall actually believes this bullshit. How unsurprising.

Well, xiden is a rapist, the whore kamala fucked her way to power on the end of willy browns dick, and you professional bureaucrats are the stupidest twats on the planet. EVERYTHING you have claimed has been PROVEN false.

You are pretty good at being stupid.
You're nuts.

You are an asshole.

Stagnant wages. What is your solution to this issue? Ordering Corporations to reduce the salaries and benefits of the top executives?

I posted my solution. What are you interjecting yours?

Build a Fucking Wall?

Yep. Walls work. That is why we use them in our houses. They are perfect for keeping out unwanted people.

The Cost to deport all illegals will be enormous

Not really. We already pay for the agents that are there to do the work. We will just be using their work more effectively.

and Americans are not likely to pick fruit and vegetables;

It has been GENERATIONS since the bulk of illegals were migrant pickers. That you pretend otherwise, is you admitting that you have to lie to support your position.

That is your brain dealing with the fact that you know you are in the wrong on this.

work in hotels/motels, and laborer in too many businesses (restaurants, roofers, gardeners, laborers in all manner of blue collar jobs).

Bullshit. In everyone of those fields, Americans are the vast majority of the workforce already. The goal is just to make the employers chase the workers to fill the jobs, rather than the other way around.

A wall is only one means of coming illegally to the US, and it can be breached by climbing over, tunneling under or cutting through. The cost to protect a structure of this kind will be on going and need to be patrolled by LE. (do you understand the terrain along the Southern Borders?).

Wow. So some people break in other ways, so that means do close one door? That makes as much sense as any other liberal idea. Ie, NONE.

Every airport, every seaport, cove and bay provide access. Tourism would be shut down and that business would need to lay off both legal and illegal workers. Businesses need workers today, and your "solutions" would create more problems.

It is the EMPLOYERS turn to have the problems. Since the fucking 70s, the problems have been falling on the workers. It is about time that EMPLOYERs have to earn their profits.

Adding a 20% tariff on Chinese goods is absurd. Shoes alone will be too expensive for the average family to purchase. And can you name a shoe maker working in the US today?

A 50 dollar pair of shoes becomes 60 dollar pair of shoes? The "average family" can deal.

The labor poor shrinks and businesses will fail. Keep in mind the illegals spend money, they are consumers of goods too.

All that money they earn? I want it in the pockets of Americans.

These comments:

Men are more able to be providers. Women are more able to be stay at home moms, or at least part time.

is deplorable.

No, it's not. It is about building strong and healthy families. I note you don't try to explain what it is that you deplore about letting men earn enough to be breadwinners, or so that women can stay at home with their children.

People buy houses and build wealth, instead of debt.

This phrase isn't deplorable, it is however out of reach for too many Americans. The readers will understand the housing crisis (which included small businesses) that led to the Great Recession. Greed by lenders and promises by real estate brokers to those who can't afford to refinance when the balloon payment came due.

It is out of reach of too many Americans. If you reduce the labor pool and increase wages, that can change fast and dramatically.
LOL, you don't get to tell me what I said, you should know by now that I will make you be honest. Dragonwitch responded to me, I responded back and you jumped into conversation about equipment. Destroying it is not only NOT impossible, it needs to be done. I know you think you can obfuscate your way out of this beat down, you can't.

It's hilarious that you think you can get away with twisting my words little man. Hell moron, you even tried to insert an "inference" that I never made. i'd think by now you'd know better than to take me on.
Did you want Biden to have all of the large weaponry removed first? How well will that work out? I tried to be reasonable with this thread, but you are so stubborn and obnoxious you're not worth arguing with. People over Property; B52 Bombers can be used if necessary.
Did you want Biden to have all of the large weaponry removed first? How well will that work out? I tried to be reasonable with this thread, but you are so stubborn and obnoxious you're not worth arguing with. People over Property; B52 Bombers can be used if necessary.

No, I wanted it completely disabled. You got caught lying about what I said, I prove we have a history of taking out the weapons and vehicles in the past and you want to make it about me? I'm just a schmuck and yet you aren't on my level.
LOL, and westwall actually believes this bullshit. How unsurprising.

But anyhoo, yeah - Democrats live in an alternate reality where they're noble heroes, but in reality, they're deranged traitors.

If it's any consolation, the Nazis thought they were the good guys too!

You're nuts.

Stagnant wages. What is your solution to this issue? Ordering Corporations to reduce the salaries and benefits of the top executives? Or, having The Congress put a limit on incomes over $500,000 wth benefits equal too all of the employees?

Build a Fucking Wall? The Cost to deport all illegals will be enormous and Americans are not likely to pick fruit and vegetables; work in hotels/motels, and laborer in too many businesses (restaurants, roofers, gardeners, laborers in all manner of blue collar jobs).

A wall is only one means of coming illegally to the US, and it can be breached by climbing over, tunneling under or cutting through. The cost to protect a structure of this kind will be on going and need to be patrolled by LE. (do you understand the terrain along the Southern Borders?).

Every airport, every seaport, cove and bay provide access. Tourism would be shut down and that business would need to lay off both legal and illegal workers. Businesses need workers today, and your "solutions" would create more problems.

Adding a 20% tariff on Chinese goods is absurd. Shoes alone will be too expensive for the average family to purchase. And can you name a shoe maker working in the US today?

The labor poor shrinks and businesses will fail. Keep in mind the illegals spend money, they are consumers of goods too.

These comments:

Men are more able to be providers. Women are more able to be stay at home moms, or at least part time.

is deplorable.

People buy houses and build wealth, instead of debt.

This phrase isn't deplorable, it is however out of reach for too many Americans. The readers will understand the housing crisis (which included small businesses) that led to the Great Recession. Greed by lenders and promises by real estate brokers to those who can't afford to refinance when the balloon payment came due.
What the fuck does that have anything to do with Afghanistan? You're kookier than Ted Kazinsky.
What the fuck does that have anything to do with Afghanistan? You're kookier than Ted Kazinsky.
You and westwall are the problem. This thread is about solutions, not Afghanistan, per se. It is assholes like you two who play games, as in the book by written by Eric Berne. Not that either one of you would have read this book, or any book cover to cover.
You and westwall are the problem. This thread is about solutions, not Afghanistan, per se. It is assholes like you two who play games, as in the book by written by Eric Berne. Not that either one of you would have read this book, or any book cover to cover.

Actually, it's fascists, like you, who are the problem.
I would have stayed in Afghanistan with the minimal troops and weapons needed to maintain stability. Why take them out if the Taliban are knowingly going to take over and subjugate their people in such a horrific way? The U.S. military has hundreds of bases all over the world in at least 50 countries. We have over 150,000 soldiers stationed overseas costing us hundreds of billions to maintain. No one talks about that. Those in Afghanistan were worth the cost as long as it was not an all out war.

What really blows me away is that these Islamic factions like the Taliban or al Qaida or terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood in this country. They all are either extremely radical or extremely violent because they consider themselves to be the truest form of the Islam religion and it is “God’s will” that they kill anyone who does not agree with them.

How insane can they be? How easily they allow themselves to be fooled by the devil and cannot figure it out for themselves. But of course, no president or heads of state or the vast media will ever mention that aspect of this endless horrific war of radical Islam vs. “infidels.” And yet, that is clearly what this is, i.e., the devil vs. humanity.

No country has ever won in Afghanistan..

Al-Qaeda was spawned in Afghanistan from among the mujahideen and Arab fighters, such as bin Laden, a Saudi, who were inspired by jihad, or holy war, against Russian occupation in the 1980s
Our population can't even accept free vaccinations. That said, Biden promised to reopen the economy safely. A third pfizer shot supposedly boosts immunity back up "robustly" and generally covid won't even kill us "retirement age" folks if we got two vaccinations.

We have the bills ready for law that will rebuild interstates and clean water. At little initial deficit, and eventually they'd pay for themselves with new econ activity and less illness.

I don't see withdrawl from Afghan really being in our defense best interest, nor is it in Syria, but we're not gonna find public support for thousands of casualties for nation building.

Nation building is American hubris.
It seems our foreign and domestic policies are in chaos. Pointing fingers, blaming others has become the dominate use of this forum, and in almost every forum. Ain't it awful and Now I got you, you son of a bitch (Games People Play) seem to sum up nearly every thread.

Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.
Problem: Moronic partisanship is undermining everything we do as a nation.

Solution: Convince all the morons to move to Mexico. If that doesn't work, maybe ranked-choice voting and multi-rep districts.
No country has ever won in Afghanistan..

Al-Qaeda was spawned in Afghanistan from among the mujahideen and Arab fighters, such as bin Laden, a Saudi, who were inspired by jihad, or holy war, against Russian occupation in the 1980s
Russia was the obvious enemy to embolden al Qaida to flourish and even have many of the people on their side. But once they became more powerful they became more corrupt and murderous. They assumed an extremist form of Islam and their missions became one of the destruction of the infidel, especially Israel and the USA. Same with the Taliban who were not that much of a military in the 80s or 90s. Not so today. Look how evil they are towards their own people. They are demonic and that is how they can be this brutal and not be bothered by it.
It has to be fought the right way. If you want to win, you can't be concerned about collateral damage.

They beat the Russians twice.. Also Alexander the Great. They defeated the British, but you know how to win.

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