What are the solutions?

No. When and where did the Mafia say they wanted “death to America”? When did the Mafia intentionally kill innocent American citizens and threaten to kill more? The Mafia wants America to thrive. Same with the drug cartels and other foreign crime organizations.
Mafia drugs kill more Americans every year than terrorism, and it’s not even close.
Did you read the article? The equipment you’re seeing is taken from the Afghanistan army. Not ours.

From the article:
Within months of the US announcing its withdrawal, Afghan troops have abandoned a large portion of that hardware as they retreat from the lightning advances by insurgents. As a result, that equipment is now in the hands of the people it was supposed to defeat.

Lord man, It's OUR equipment, where do you think they go it? God help me you are dense
Lord man, It's OUR equipment, where do you think they go it? God help me you are dense
When you give something to someone, you don’t get to call it yours anymore.

What’s the alternative? Blow up all the equipment we gave to the Afghanistan army? Take it back?

Don’t be a dope.
When you give something to someone, you don’t get to call it yours anymore.

What’s the alternative? Blow up all the equipment we gave to the Afghanistan army? Take it back?

Don’t be a dope.

We had embeds with the Units, YES you blow it up. This what happens when a Non Military tries to act like he knows something.
We had embeds with the Units, YES you blow it up. This what happens when a Non Military tries to act like he knows something.

So we de-arm the Afghanistan military on our way out.

Jesus, that’s the stupidest idea yet.
So we de-arm the Afghanistan military on our way out.

Jesus, that’s the stupidest idea yet.

Dumbass they already ran away, that's why the Tali have their equipment. Waana know how I know you're an idiot? You think we should let the Tali keep functioning fortified Humvees with a 50 Cal on top. You're dismissed for being too stupid to talk to.
Dumbass they already ran away, that's why the Tali have their equipment. Waana know how I know you're an idiot? You think we should let the Tali keep functioning fortified Humvees with a 50 Cal on top. You're dismissed for being too stupid to talk to.
Not our fault they ran away. If we de-armed them, then we would definitely be at fault.
It seems our foreign and domestic policies are in chaos. Pointing fingers, blaming others has become the dominate use of this forum, and in almost every forum. Ain't it awful and Now I got you, you son of a bitch (Games People Play) seem to sum up nearly every thread.

Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.
The people you support are the ones blaming everyone else. Your post is projection and bullshit.
Mafia drugs kill more Americans every year than terrorism, and it’s not even close.
Not even your favorite politician would use that logic that mafia drugs willingly purchased by Americans is less desirable than international terrorism against US.
It seems our foreign and domestic policies are in chaos. Pointing fingers, blaming others has become the dominate use of this forum, and in almost every forum. Ain't it awful and Now I got you, you son of a bitch (Games People Play) seem to sum up nearly every thread.

Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.
By far the greatest problem we have is lack of trust in the goverment. 80% of the voters say they have lost faith in the federal government's ability to solve national problems.
Have we solved or made any significant progress in solving our major problems?
Illegal immigration
Affordable healthcare
Drug addiction
Affordable College Education
Quality Public School Education
Climate Change
Income Inequality
Job Opportunities for all Americans
Welfare Dependency
A national strategy and policy for deploying significant military forces
Federal Budget Deficit

So why can't government solve these problems? This clearly is not a republican or democrat problem. IMHO, the problem is our form of government no longer works for us, the people. We need to make it easier to pass legislation. The presidency needs both more authority in some areas and limitations in others.
Your poverty: you can’t say whether Floyd’s fentanyl eating was Chinese fentanyl, though there will be plenty of opioids spreading across the planet now thanks to the POSPOTUS puppet JoeXi and his drug-trafficking link to the CIA.

During the ten years of the CIA’s Afghan war, some seventeen DEA agents collected intelligence in Islamabad and watched — without makinng a major arrest Or seizure — as the flood of Afghan-Pakistan heroin caputred 60 percent of the U.S. drug market. As Dr. Musto demonstrated with his prescient questions in 1980 when this operation was just starting, CIA complicity in opium traffic had by then achieved a certain predictability, whether in Afghanistan of Nicaragua.’
(McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade)
"Our" foreign and domestic policies. You dumbass commie, these are the Democrats foreign and domestic policies.
I'm not a "commie" and you are the dumbass(hole). The foreign and domestic policies of Trumpism were, "we got ours, fuck the rest of you".
LOL, I was and that has nothing to do with destruction of weapons. Lord man, you're dense.
Oh screw you. My comment was in response to your claim we need to destroy the enemy, kill them all.. It has nothing to do with weapons and you know it. You are dishonest to the core.
I'm not a "commie" and you are the dumbass(hole). The foreign and domestic policies of Trumpism were, "we got ours, fuck the rest of you".

Oh screw you. My comment was in response to your claim we need to destroy the enemy, kill them all.. It has nothing to do with weapons and you know it. You are dishonest to the core.

Amazing, when you fricken commie clowns screw up it's "our" policies. You ass-wipes screwed the pooch, take some damn responsibility.
Amazing, when you fricken commie clowns screw up it's "our" policies. You ass-wipes screwed the pooch, take some damn responsibility.
You really are dumb. I posted what Trump has established, you "fricken" fascist. I'm not a commie, but you sure are a fascist and a hater.
It seems our foreign and domestic policies are in chaos. Pointing fingers, blaming others has become the dominate use of this forum, and in almost every forum. Ain't it awful and Now I got you, you son of a bitch (Games People Play) seem to sum up nearly every thread.

Pick a problem and put your self into the shoes of the leaders of our county. What would you do? Post a problem (not a person) and in one or two paragraphs fix it.

Get rid of ALL professional politicians and any bureaucrat in government for more than 10 years.

They have been PROVEN to be the most incompetent idiots, ever.
Get rid of ALL professional politicians and any bureaucrat in government for more than 10 years.

They have been PROVEN to be the most incompetent idiots, ever.
Only if you being the most incompetent kook promise to leave this message board for two decades.

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