What are the solutions?

Almost everything we do and have done is illegal and will have to be undone eventually.
About the only good thing we ever did was back when Clinton stopped the Serbs from massacring Moslems.
Probably the only foreign war in recent memory that turned out well enough.
cant disagree with what democrats and republicans do in americas name,, but to say the taliban doesnt have anything to do with terrorism is just ignorance,,

Give an example of Taliban terrorism?
Remember the Taliban were factions of the Mujahedeen that were our allies as far back as 1979, when the CIA backed their attacks on the Soviets.
Why would we back then in 1979 if they had terrorist ties?

If you think that al Qaeda was associated with the Taliban, you would be wrong.
Al Qaeda's presence in Afghanistan was very undesirable to the Taliban, but it was the CIA who insisted they accept al Qaeda if they wanted our arms and money.
Almost everything we do and have done is illegal and will have to be undone eventually.
About the only good thing we ever did was back when Clinton stopped the Serbs from massacring Moslems.
Well, except for hiding terrorists.
Give an example of Taliban terrorism?
Remember the Taliban were factions of the Mujahedeen that were our allies as far back as 1979, when the CIA backed their attacks on the Soviets.
Why would we back then in 1979 if they had terrorist ties?

If you think that al Qaeda was associated with the Taliban, you would be wrong.
Al Qaeda's presence in Afghanistan was very undesirable to the Taliban, but it was the CIA who insisted they accept al Qaeda if they wanted our arms and money.
a simple google search is all thats needed,,

Bring all our troops home. Look at countries like Canada, Sweden, Norway... All great peaceful countries that keep their soldiers at home, not all over the place causing trouble non-stop.
Well if White Supremacists really are the enemy of the US as the DNC owned mass media tells us, maybe Biden is brining all those troops home to hunt them down.

You would love that, right?
Think of it, the US must have been over there just to kill brown skin colored folk.
What dirty work? Afghanistan was not a threat, neither was sadam. Neither were the Vietnam Cong and a shit load of others...
Your comment is about yesteryear, though it deserves a response since it seems President Biden is the fall guy being blamed by the usual subjects.

"The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative[1][2][3] think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy. It was established as a non-profit educational organization in 1997, and founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.[4][5] PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership."[6] The organization stated that "American leadership is good both for America and for the world," and sought to build support for "a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity."[7]

"Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.[8][9][10][11] Observers such as Irwin Stelzer and Dave Grondin have suggested that the PNAC played a key role in shaping the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, particularly in building support for the Iraq War.[12][13][14][15] Academics such as Inderjeet Parmar, Phillip Hammond, and Donald E. Abelson have said PNAC's influence on the George W. Bush administration has been exaggerated.[16][17][18]"

We can learn from history, yet the Internet and social media have rewritten many historical facts; spending time pointing fingers sans any facts.
Well if White Supremacists really are the enemy of the US as the DNC owned mass media tells us, maybe Biden is brining all those troops home to hunt them down.

You would love that, right?
Think of it, the US must have been over there just to kill brown skin colored folk.
Your comments don't deserve any response.
20 years of conducting an undeclared war isn't what I believe those writing the Constitution had in mind. I'd push for a sunset provision in the War Powers Act to limit the President's power to conduct these foreign combat excursions to a period of no more than 2 years. Congress needs to step up and take some responsibilities in these matters. After this 2 year period if the mission isn't complete and the President wishes to continue with matters, then congressional approval of another War Powers Act would be required. If congress votes against the President's authorization, then the administration would be require to remove all combat troops within 6 months.
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20 years of conducting an undeclared war isn't what I believe those writing the Constitution had in mind. I'd push for a sunset provision in the War Powers Act to limit the President's power to conduct these foreign combat excursions to a period of no more than 2 years. Congress needs to step up and take some responsibilities in these matters. After this 2 year period if the mission isn't complete and the President wishes to continue with matters, then congress should need to renew his authorization. If not, then the administration should be require to remove all combat troops within 6 months.
The War Powers Act needs to be shit canned. Our armed forces need to be ready and the leadership in the Senate, H. of Rep. and the Executive will decide go or not go. If the former a declaration of war needs to go before the entire Congress, if the later votes no go, the matter should go before the United Nations Security Council in an Emergency Special Session.
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They controlled the country and allowed those who did to train plan and operate freely from within the country and now they do again.

None of the hijackers that attacked the WTC or Pentagon had ever been to Afghanistan, and at that particular time, Osama bin Laden was in Indonesia.
The Taliban never like the Saudi Arabs and only reluctantly accepted them because the CIA insisted and pay for them.
Zero terrorism ever came out of Afghanistan.
a simple google search is all thats needed,,

Al Qaeda were not the Taliban, and all the Afghans disliked and distrusted the Saudi Arabs.
The only reason they tolerated the Saudi Arabs is that the CIA insisted, and it was the CIA who funded and armed the Taliban and al Qaeda.
As far as the drug trade, that is not terrorism, and actually the Taliban were VERY anti drugs.
Non sequitur.

Not at all.
The Taliban did not like, support, or want al Qaeda in Afghanistan, but it was the US and the CIA who insisted that the Taliban allow al Qaeda operate out of Afghanistan.
The CIA created the Mujahedeen to fight the Soviets, and al Qaeda and the Taliban were part of that Mujahedeen.

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