What Are They Hiding?

Trump was down by 7 million votes, and 306 to 232.
You give the democrats too much credit for being able to pull off the biggest secret plan since D-day.
Holy crap, the Democrats were only a part of it.

All of these people have been blamed or have turned on the conspiracy, so far:
  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. Trump's Justice Department
  4. Trump's Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
  29. Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
  30. Sidney Powell

Paranoia and willful delusion have replaced reason for way too many people these days.
Who pitches and who catches?
See the 2016 election where Putin and the russians clearly interfered in the election.
Oh bullshit...You liberoidal asswipes never give a hoot in hell about how much anything costs.

Maybe a little research before making yourself look completely stupid.

The board is 4 republicans and 1 democrat.

Governing party
Couldn't care less...Still doesn't address the point that you don't give a flying fuck about how much taxpayer money gets flushed down what toilet any other time.
What happens when Oddball is confronted with the TRUTH?

Couldn't care less...Still doesn't address the point that you don't give a flying fuck about how much taxpayer money gets flushed down what toilet any other time.

Republican board in Maricopa already wasted money on two audits, wants to stop wasting money, and you can't handle the truth.
What happens when Oddball is confronted with the TRUTH?

Couldn't care less...Still doesn't address the point that you don't give a flying fuck about how much taxpayer money gets flushed down what toilet any other time.

Republican board in Maricopa already wasted money on two audits, wants to stop wasting money, and you can't handle the truth.
Like I said, with pretending that you give a fuck about wasting money....All the evidence shows that you couldn't care less about it.
Still doesn't address the point that you don't give a flying fuck about how much taxpayer money gets flushed down what toilet any other time.
You're supporting spending another $150,000 in taxpayers money just to do another audit, after already doing two previous audits.

This is just another Benghazi.
Like I said, with pretending that you give a fuck about wasting money....All the evidence shows that you couldn't care less about it.
This is like the Benghazi investigations. There have already been two audits with no evidence of fraud, and your response.

One more time. Spend more time, more taxpayer money, sink more money in that "White Elephant"
Deathly afraid of a forensic audit, where both the machines and the ballots will be thoroughly examined for propriety.

Maybe you missed the citations contents:

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has already conducted two separate forensic audits of the 2020 election, though the Senate GOP contends it needs to conduct its own separate audit with a trusted group in order to restore faith in the voting system among constituents.
The same Board of Supervisors that stonewalled the state legislature and is being recalled?

Yeah, they can be trusted about as far as I can throw my car.
As i said on another post, i would trust a rabid dog over a progressive slave. A rabid dog will just bite me, a Progressive slave will sell out this country....
Still doesn't address the point that you don't give a flying fuck about how much taxpayer money gets flushed down what toilet any other time.
You're supporting spending another $150,000 in taxpayers money just to do another audit, after already doing two previous audits.

This is just another Benghazi.
4 people died in Benghazi, shame one of them wasnt you. Then i could say, "At this point what difference did it make"...
4 people died in Benghazi, shame one of them wasnt you. Then i could say, "At this point what difference did it make"...
5 people died at the Capitol on January 6th.

Where are the 8 congressional investigations?
Yeah, and only 1 shot fired, a women died because of a security agent wanted to kill someone. The prog elites dont want an investigation, because when the truth comes out it will make them all look bad...Do you care? Nope you just want your $1,400 check to keep your slave ass happy.
Still stalling. Holding private meetings that should be public. What is the problem if there was no fraud?
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has already conducted two separate forensic audits of the 2020 election, though the Senate GOP contends it needs to conduct its own separate audit with a trusted group in order to restore faith in the voting system among constituents.
And where is Hunters laptop?!

You guys crack me up. It’s another conspiracy. Let us know how it all ends.
The FBI has had if for over a year, and has been hiding what's in it.

You need to catch up on not-so-current events.
If it’s hidden then how do you know it’s damaging?
Because I can read the NY Post.
Oh, so it’s hidden inside the NY Post?
You're not trying to be stupid, you ARE stupid.

Still doesn't address the point that you don't give a flying fuck about how much taxpayer money gets flushed down what toilet any other time.
You're supporting spending another $150,000 in taxpayers money just to do another audit, after already doing two previous audits.

This is just another Benghazi.
150,000 dollars is chump change. Democrats are spending millions on illegals. This has gone on so long it is plain to see they are hiding something.

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