What Are They, If Not A Mob?

Well to assemble you need a permit. I'd bet those idiots didn't have one.

They should all be arrested and fined up the ass. Let mom and dad pay for em and get them back into the basement with their coloring books and crayons.
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.
When did any protest/resistance to Obama result in widespread damage to property, physical assaults, and mass arrests?
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.
When did any protest/resistance to Obama result in widespread damage to property, physical assaults, and mass arrests?

That's easy. Never.

The violence I saw was those who supported Hitlery when she lost. Those idiots rioted and acted like assholes.

Never saw any of that when Barry was elected twice. No one rioted or did any damage to anything.
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.

When is the last time an angry mob of conservatives clawed at the doors of the supreme court or ganged up to threaten congressmen and their families?
We are discussing the largest sector in the US, women.
The women have seen over the last three years their status dramatically marginalized. Maybe you folks happened to miss the record number of women running for office?
The right, is losing women's votes daily. The #Me2 movement is huge and it is real and it's foundation is built on facts and the disgust is directed at the party, who thinks women should shut up and stay in the kitchen.
My wife is a psychologist who has worked with thousands of women who have been physically, emotionally and sexuality abused. She understands the anger.and is surprised women didn't start making sure they were heard earlier. Well now, it's hit the boiling point..
The right is clueless and is out of touch. This is clearly demonstrated on this thread.
I have said for just about three years, Little Trumpsters are so naive about reality because they live in an alternate universe.
I hope you enjoy the midterm election.
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.

Sorry, what did Republicans do that was remotely comparable to Democrat behavior during the Kavanaugh hearings? Links would be nice.
We are discussing the largest sector in the US, women.
The women have seen over the last three years their status dramatically marginalized. Maybe you folks happened to miss the record number of women running for office?
The right, is losing women's votes daily. The #Me2 movement is huge and it is real and it's foundation is built on facts and the disgust is directed at the party, who thinks women should shut up and stay in the kitchen.
My wife is a psychologist who has worked with thousands of women who have been physically, emotionally and sexuality abused. She understands the anger.and is surprised women didn't start making sure they were heard earlier. Well now, it's hit the boiling point..
The right is clueless and is out of touch. This is clearly demonstrated on this thread.
I have said for just about three years, Little Trumpsters are so naive about reality because they live in an alternate universe.
I hope you enjoy the midterm election.

We've been marginalized? Gosh, I sure am glad I have a big, smart man to explain to dumb little ol' female me what my life is like and how I should feel about it. I'd never have wrapped my fluffy little girl brain around this on my own.

Thank God the left has a patriarchy on hand to give women marching orders "against the patriarchy".

The Democrats have perfected a time machine. They've got their 1960s back.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.
Oh please. List the assasination attempts and calls for more by Republicans. Hell, you’ve got a Leftard riot going on in Portland this very second.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.

Antifa Protesters Block Portland Traffic, Nearly Start Riot During Patrick Kimmons Vigil
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
You’re scared of people booing but don’t find rampaging mobs an issue?
Oh yeah, we established this already.
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