What Are They, If Not A Mob?

Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.

Yeah, calling people wailing while pounding on and prying at the doors of a government building a "mob" instead of a "protest" is just a trick of semantics and spin. Not reality. And if you REALLY want scary, never mind 70 people being arrested in a Senate hearing; gotta look at campaign rallies where no one was arrested, but someone said words the left didn't like. Oooooohhh!!! *shudder* Now THAT'S a mob. No spin involved in THAT analysis.
We all know what a mob really is, and the protesters aren't it.

The Nazis who showed up in Charlottesville were a mob.
The women in D.C. didn't lift a finger except for when they politely allowed the police to arrest them.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
List of returns:

1.Block my way. You get a nut block.

2. Get in my face. Loose teeth.

3. Touch me and you get leg damage.

4. Spit and you get lip busted.

5. Violate my Civil rights you get your ass kicked.

6. Strike me and you get major damage 911 will be called.
This is what you get for messing with a old guy. Arrested could be, but they could not afford the medical care for me. The should rethink who they want to bully, we have nothing to lose.
Well I'm a woman and I don't feel marginalized at all.
But the Dems have told you, you’re marginalised!
And the Hildabeast told you - you voted how your husband ordered you to!

Yeah and I'm a deplorable to.

How will I ever survive.

At a guess, you'll do it while utterly ignoring misogynistic "male feminists" who want to "protect your rights" by telling you what you should want, and think, and do.

I know that's MY plan.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.

Antifa Protesters Block Portland Traffic, Nearly Start Riot During Patrick Kimmons Vigil
The last thing you want to do is piss off a lot of old thugs who are CCW.
mob huh -

just saw a news clip about "mob" being the new buzzword for rw's

an attempt to discredit dems before the election.

sad little mfr's aint they.

Less of a buzzword, more of a recognition of fact.

If you have the perfect, exact word to describe what you see, why would you waste time searching for something else?

We don't have to descredit Dems; the news already did that.

But you just keep telling yourself how the left's behavior wasn't really that bad, it's just those "eeeeevil" rightwingers trying to put a bad spin on your "righteous protests". See if anyone except your co-conspirators buys that.

My guess is that you'll be here in November, ranting and raving about what a "miscarriage of justice" it was that the moderates believed the right's "lies" about how you were a howling bunch of lunatics.
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.

When is the last time an angry mob of conservatives clawed at the doors of the supreme court or ganged up to threaten congressmen and their families?
Take a lesson from Charlottesville. That is EXACTLY what they want. They want to entice the WHITE neo nazis to protest or strike back.

That, is what THEEEY want. If they do a thing and anyone OF COLOR dies, they win. Even if it is a lie like what happened in Charlottesville.

That is what THEY want. That is what THEY hope.

There is a moment however, when the righteous will no longer take it. Trump has proven that many in this country are sick and tired of the roles the conservatives are and have been expected to play. We have all been conditioned to be silent, while the left are arrogant, loud and proud. Look at the hags on The View and whenever they make a pathetic point, you can tell how they expect and get that applause from the know it all idiots (mostly white left wing American women.)

Now that some "conservative" is NOT being the punching bag, and just assuming the position, those arrogant pissants cry, kick and scream. Like the petulant, socially conditioned pod people they are.

It is getting close though and it may just take a full on bloody war. A nightmare few of us are prepared to witness.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.

With Little Trumpsters, if Trump called female protesters "mobs", it must be true!
Despite: Analysis | President Trump has made more than 5,000 false or misleading claims
All of the lies/misleading statements are verified and have not been debunked by Trump, Trump's aids or supporters, ever.
mob huh -

just saw a news clip about "mob" being the new buzzword for rw's

an attempt to discredit dems before the election.

sad little mfr's aint they.
just saw a news clip about "mob" being the new buzzword for rw's
You didn't really need a news clip to realize that, did you?
This morning I put up a thread about the NYT article informing us that Rick Gates, working for the Trump campaign, sought out an Israeli firm that promised online manipulation of social media --- fake identities and fake news articles to influence delegates using psychological profiles and to create further divides in the electorate.
The crew here insisted on taking it off topic so badly that I requested it be removed.
Actual news is no longer tolerated by a big bunch of folks; Trump supporters no longer believe any news critical of the President or anyone he supports, and they are steadily moving into vilifying and turning Democrats into the "other" and an "enemy." I sometimes wonder where this will end.
This is the second thread you’ve tried to derail with this.
Please stick to the topic!
I don't agree with needing a permit to exercise your right to assemble.

Considering that it inevitably involves interfering with the rights of others to peacefully go about their own daily business, and often requires security on-scene to keep everything orderly, seems like a perfectly reasonable compromise to allow everyone to exercise their freedoms and co-exist. And one of the rare legitimate uses of government.
Yeah, but I don't think everyone will try it all at once. It's like having to have a permit to carry a gun, sort of. But then you get on the other side and think, "well, some people are too stupid to carry a gun", and you just say, whatever, I guess. :)
The crew here insisted on taking it off topic so badly that I requested it be removed.
Actual news is no longer tolerated by a big bunch of folks; Trump supporters no longer believe any news critical of the President or anyone he supports, and they are steadily moving into vilifying and turning Democrats into the "other" and an "enemy." I sometimes wonder where this will end.
Nah. Nobody was interested in your bullshit is all that was. Where will it all end? When you wake the fuck up. If ever.

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