What Are They, If Not A Mob?

Very good article on the insanity. A witness in the Senate gallery says he only ever heard these sounds in insane asylums as a young reporter. Probably it’s actually demonic. Years of self hatred and abortion obsession drive them to this state.

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane

Your average left-wing protester has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old on a sugar high.

just think how fast they can vote

A September 23 article about Kavanaugh's NOMINATION? You do get that it's now October 9, and he's been CONFIRMED, right? You are WAY behind the times in your effort to cling to hope.

Try reading a poll taken AFTER that shameful debacle where you leftists showed the entire nation what electing Democrats will do for them.

try keeping up with the thread moronette
Very good article on the insanity. A witness in the Senate gallery says he only ever heard these sounds in insane asylums as a young reporter. Probably it’s actually demonic. Years of self hatred and abortion obsession drive them to this state.

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane

Your average left-wing protester has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old on a sugar high.

just think how fast they can vote

Democracy was a mistake.
Very good article on the insanity. A witness in the Senate gallery says he only ever heard these sounds in insane asylums as a young reporter. Probably it’s actually demonic. Years of self hatred and abortion obsession drive them to this state.

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane

Your average left-wing protester has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old on a sugar high.
But punch him in the face and I'll pay your bail ,coming from your president shows exactly what on the emotional maturity scale?
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.

Yeah, calling people wailing while pounding on and prying at the doors of a government building a "mob" instead of a "protest" is just a trick of semantics and spin. Not reality. And if you REALLY want scary, never mind 70 people being arrested in a Senate hearing; gotta look at campaign rallies where no one was arrested, but someone said words the left didn't like. Oooooohhh!!! *shudder* Now THAT'S a mob. No spin involved in THAT analysis.
We all know what a mob really is, and the protesters aren't it.

Property damaged, people chased out of public places, arrests made. If "we all know what a mob really is, and that isn't it", then it'll fill the bill until the "real" thing comes along.

And why do I suspect the only thing that missing for it to be a "real" mob is for it not to be leftists?
I didn't see that article. When I think mob, I think a large group of people who cannot be controlled and who yes are violent, bent on destruction, etc. When this thread opened, the first reference to a "mob" was the protesters in front of the Supreme Court this weekend, and those in the Senate last week. The ones arrested were for the most part just refusing to leave. NO ONE was violent. No one hurt anyone. That was not a mob. Some people are saying even the Women's March was a "mob." They are calling every protest a "mob." That is not accurate.

there will be a mob at the polls sending RW's back to Mickey D's
Let's hope so.
Very good article on the insanity. A witness in the Senate gallery says he only ever heard these sounds in insane asylums as a young reporter. Probably it’s actually demonic. Years of self hatred and abortion obsession drive them to this state.

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane

Your average left-wing protester has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old on a sugar high.

Group temper tantrums.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.

Yeah, calling people wailing while pounding on and prying at the doors of a government building a "mob" instead of a "protest" is just a trick of semantics and spin. Not reality. And if you REALLY want scary, never mind 70 people being arrested in a Senate hearing; gotta look at campaign rallies where no one was arrested, but someone said words the left didn't like. Oooooohhh!!! *shudder* Now THAT'S a mob. No spin involved in THAT analysis.
We all know what a mob really is, and the protesters aren't it.

The Nazis who showed up in Charlottesville were a mob.
The women in D.C. didn't lift a finger except for when they politely allowed the police to arrest them.

Show of hands, everyone who's going to accept sanctimonious moralizing from a dirtbag who wants to pitch a hissy about "Nazis" (who actually number maybe a few thousand people in the whole country, no matter how hard lying ass hats try to pretend everyone on the right is included), totally ignore the vastly more numerous AND more violent leftists who showed up to "oppose" them, and then wave away everything else as "not really a mob" because he approves of them?


Didn't think so.
You don't have to be murdered to be lynched. It was a lynch mob without the torches that tried to ruin Judge Kavanaugh.
Very good article on the insanity. A witness in the Senate gallery says he only ever heard these sounds in insane asylums as a young reporter. Probably it’s actually demonic. Years of self hatred and abortion obsession drive them to this state.

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane

Your average left-wing protester has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old on a sugar high.
But punch him in the face and I'll pay your bail ,coming from your president shows exactly what on the emotional maturity scale?

This is the typical response. You lefties have been turning a blind eye to the troublemakers in your faction long before Trump came to office and you wonder why we voted for someone like him? Really?
Very good article on the insanity. A witness in the Senate gallery says he only ever heard these sounds in insane asylums as a young reporter. Probably it’s actually demonic. Years of self hatred and abortion obsession drive them to this state.

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane

Your average left-wing protester has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old on a sugar high.
But punch him in the face and I'll pay your bail ,coming from your president shows exactly what on the emotional maturity scale?

This is the typical response. You lefties have been turning a blind eye to the troublemakers in your faction long before Trump came to office and you wonder why we voted for someone like him? Really?
LOL are you one of those ""really good people "" trump spoke about?

that majority shows up at the polls and Republicans are fucked.

they werent heard just before Kavanaugh was confirmed, the intend to be heard after ...

cya Repubs ..
Still put your trust in polls, huh?

No, he puts his trust in polls that say what he wants to hear, even if he has to go WAAAAAY back in time and pretend nothing has happened since to do it.
Republicans can't stand women who are pragmatic and think for themselves. No for them it's, "back in the kitchen wench."

Uh huh. You're such a fan of women thinking for themselves that you're in here, telling women what they want and what's in their best interests.

There is no misogynistic, patriarchal pig quite like a "male feminist".
I don't agree with needing a permit to exercise your right to assemble.

Considering that it inevitably involves interfering with the rights of others to peacefully go about their own daily business, and often requires security on-scene to keep everything orderly, seems like a perfectly reasonable compromise to allow everyone to exercise their freedoms and co-exist. And one of the rare legitimate uses of government.
Yeah, but I don't think everyone will try it all at once. It's like having to have a permit to carry a gun, sort of. But then you get on the other side and think, "well, some people are too stupid to carry a gun", and you just say, whatever, I guess. :)

No, it's not the same. Carrying a gun is just about you; the simple act of carrying does not, in itself, affect anyone else. Assembling in a large group in a public place, by definition, automatically affects everyone in that area. Even if it's completely peaceful and orderly, just the numbers of people means noise, crowding, traffic problems . . .

You'll notice that most municipalities only require permits if you expect a certain number of people or more to show up, or if you intend to be making noise that might be disruptive to other people (playing music or chanting, for example). If me and ten of my fellow parishioners from church wanted to have a lunch-time Bible study on the square at the courthouse, however, no permit is required. If me and three of my friends want to stand on the sidewalk across from the courthouse with signs, there's also no permit required for that. Both of those activities don't cause any more disruption to the people around us than normal daily activity would.
I was referring to the infringement of having to have a license to exercise your right to bear arms.

that majority shows up at the polls and Republicans are fucked.

they werent heard just before Kavanaugh was confirmed, the intend to be heard after ...

cya Repubs ..
Still put your trust in polls, huh?

just Fox polls


Laugh THIS off, Sparky.

Poll: Amid Kavanaugh Confirmation Battle, Democratic Enthusiasm Edge Evaporates
Very good article on the insanity. A witness in the Senate gallery says he only ever heard these sounds in insane asylums as a young reporter. Probably it’s actually demonic. Years of self hatred and abortion obsession drive them to this state.

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane

Your average left-wing protester has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old on a sugar high.

just think how fast they can vote

Democracy was a mistake.
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LOL their torment makes the world a better place. Their life works a failure and too late to find a husband.

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