What are you doing, GOP?

Perhaps the death of the party will bring a rebirth devoid of the establishment...............Their long hold on it is finally being attacked properly................If nothing else............it may be a wake up call to elected officials that they can be taken on with minimal money and put in their place by We the People.

Revolution is needed from time to time to fix the problem..............and America is absolutely in revolution against the establishment.............The ANGER is there in SPADES.............and the establishment sees a challenge to their power..........They will get Hillary elected before giving up their throne...............

They are the problem.............not the Insurgent candidates.............the problem is the uniformed voters as well........

No, guy, the thing is, we have about 140 million Americans who will participate in the General Election, but only about 10 million who will end up picking the GOP nominee.

The thing is, of the 9 million or so who've voted in GOP Primaries so far, 60% of them have voted against Trump. There is not a Trump surge, Trump has just manipulated a broken system.

The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. They've spent 8 years stoking the anger that created Trump, and now they are going to find themselves in the position of probably having to support Hillary to avoid a disaster.
No, guy, the thing is, we have about 140 million Americans who will participate in the General Election, but only about 10 million who will end up picking the GOP nominee.
Uh...guy... Nostradamus is kindergarten stuff compared to you.....
The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. They've spent 8 years stoking the anger that created Trump, and now they are going to find themselves in the position of probably having to support Hillary to avoid a disaster.

Oh, but if you listen to little Bobby Jindal, it's all the current Prez's fault:
He's right. The little dictator pissed people off so much they don't care what Trump says as long as they believe he'll unfuck America.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

Boss, did Mittens say he was getting in? I didn't see it, yet anyway.

The GOP narrative has broken down, thanks to the GOP. The Democrats are heaving a sigh of relief at the moment, and unless they get it together, what was promising, now looks questionable.

Do we remember when all of us were thrilled to have such a deep bench? Why, any one of these people would bring down the Democrats.

Now look, the whole narrative has changed thanks to the MSM, the left, and the GOP itself. How strong could these people actually be, if the MSM, the Democrats, and the GOP keep proclaiming that Trump is an idiot, and they can't even beat him!

Oh, what a terrible web we weave, when we practice, to deceive! By making Trump an idiot for their own gain, they have in essence lowered the value of the rest of the candidates, and the party as a whole. This would NOT have happened if the GOP wasn't so damn greedy. In their eyes, for them to succeed, they have to not only sink Trump, but bypass Cruz and elevate Rubio. That is exactly why this is such a clusterf***! How does ANYONE do that, then claim with a straight face that doing so is brilliant?

To believe you have one crazy is a stretch, but to believe that the top 2 guys are crazy is almost mathematically impossible; and yet that is EXACTLY what the GOP is trying to convince everyone of.

And the Democrats and MSM? Well, they have grabbed onto the GOP narrative, and here we are. They have made all their candidates look weaker than wet paper with their narrative, almost to the point that the only one who now may be able to pull this off IS TRUMP. And the only reason he may be able to, is he steals so many Democratic votes.

Good job GOP, you are really stinking it up on political strategy on your total insistence on getting rid of both, Trump and Cruz. Anybody with 1/2 a brain can see this is about YOUR power, and NOT the will of your voters., or stopping the Democrats.

Unless you change course, YOU.........the establishment GOP...........will insure that the Democrat wins the general election.
Good job GOP, you are really stinking it up on political strategy on your total insistence on getting rid of both, Trump and Cruz. Anybody with 1/2 a brain can see this is about YOUR power, and NOT the will of your voters., or stopping the Democrats.

Unless you change course, YOU.........the establishment GOP...........will insure that the Democrat wins the general election.

The GOP already knows they can stop ANYTHING that a president Clinton may want to accomplish. They have had eight years of practice.

There is nothing I n their playbook as how to deal with a trump.

So they will go with what they know and work to defeat trump themselves.

And leave me in a position where I will vote for Hillobama before I would vote for trump. That pisses me off to no end. Two election cycles the repubs offer chumps for president. Thanks a lot GOP.
The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. They've spent 8 years stoking the anger that created Trump, and now they are going to find themselves in the position of probably having to support Hillary to avoid a disaster.

Oh, but if you listen to little Bobby Jindal, it's all the current Prez's fault:
He's right. The little dictator pissed people off so much they don't care what Trump says as long as they believe he'll unfuck America.

Considering his recent polling numbers just nudged a little bit over 50%, I'd say the only people he really pissed off are nutters such as yourself.(and Jindal).

No, when you get right down to it, you ODS nutbags need to take responsibility for own behavior. Or you can just keep being assholes while we keep laughing. Either way it's all good.

Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

They apparently won't get the message. It's sad but it's their own fault.
The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. They've spent 8 years stoking the anger that created Trump, and now they are going to find themselves in the position of probably having to support Hillary to avoid a disaster.

Oh, but if you listen to little Bobby Jindal, it's all the current Prez's fault:
He's right. The little dictator pissed people off so much they don't care what Trump says as long as they believe he'll unfuck America.

Considering his recent polling numbers just nudged a little bit over 50%, I'd say the only people he really pissed off are nutters such as yourself.(and Jindal).

No, when you get right down to it, you ODS nutbags need to take responsibility for own behavior. Or you can just keep being assholes while we keep laughing. Either way it's all good.

Half the country doesn't like what he's been up to after all this time and you see that as a success? Your laughing, sheer stupidity and arrogance doesn't have any effect on anyone but you.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

Boss, did Mittens say he was getting in? I didn't see it, yet anyway.

The GOP narrative has broken down, thanks to the GOP. The Democrats are heaving a sigh of relief at the moment, and unless they get it together, what was promising, now looks questionable.

Do we remember when all of us were thrilled to have such a deep bench? Why, any one of these people would bring down the Democrats.

Now look, the whole narrative has changed thanks to the MSM, the left, and the GOP itself. How strong could these people actually be, if the MSM, the Democrats, and the GOP keep proclaiming that Trump is an idiot, and they can't even beat him!

Oh, what a terrible web we weave, when we practice, to deceive! By making Trump an idiot for their own gain, they have in essence lowered the value of the rest of the candidates, and the party as a whole. This would NOT have happened if the GOP wasn't so damn greedy. In their eyes, for them to succeed, they have to not only sink Trump, but bypass Cruz and elevate Rubio. That is exactly why this is such a clusterf***! How does ANYONE do that, then claim with a straight face that doing so is brilliant?

To believe you have one crazy is a stretch, but to believe that the top 2 guys are crazy is almost mathematically impossible; and yet that is EXACTLY what the GOP is trying to convince everyone of.

And the Democrats and MSM? Well, they have grabbed onto the GOP narrative, and here we are. They have made all their candidates look weaker than wet paper with their narrative, almost to the point that the only one who now may be able to pull this off IS TRUMP. And the only reason he may be able to, is he steals so many Democratic votes.

Good job GOP, you are really stinking it up on political strategy on your total insistence on getting rid of both, Trump and Cruz. Anybody with 1/2 a brain can see this is about YOUR power, and NOT the will of your voters., or stopping the Democrats.

Unless you change course, YOU.........the establishment GOP...........will insure that the Democrat wins the general election.
Mittens said in an interview HE IS NOT GETTING IN to this race.
The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. They've spent 8 years stoking the anger that created Trump, and now they are going to find themselves in the position of probably having to support Hillary to avoid a disaster.

Oh, but if you listen to little Bobby Jindal, it's all the current Prez's fault:
He's right. The little dictator pissed people off so much they don't care what Trump says as long as they believe he'll unfuck America.

Considering his recent polling numbers just nudged a little bit over 50%, I'd say the only people he really pissed off are nutters such as yourself.(and Jindal).

No, when you get right down to it, you ODS nutbags need to take responsibility for own behavior. Or you can just keep being assholes while we keep laughing. Either way it's all good.

Half the country doesn't like what he's been up to after all this time and you see that as a success? Your laughing, sheer stupidity and arrogance doesn't have any effect on anyone but you.

Basically I'm just saying that hes not as unpopular as dumbass wingnuts like yourself want to make him out to be.

Hell, he'd likely win a 3rd term if he could run again.
The GOP has no one to blame but themselves. They've spent 8 years stoking the anger that created Trump, and now they are going to find themselves in the position of probably having to support Hillary to avoid a disaster.

Oh, but if you listen to little Bobby Jindal, it's all the current Prez's fault:
He's right. The little dictator pissed people off so much they don't care what Trump says as long as they believe he'll unfuck America.

Considering his recent polling numbers just nudged a little bit over 50%, I'd say the only people he really pissed off are nutters such as yourself.(and Jindal).

No, when you get right down to it, you ODS nutbags need to take responsibility for own behavior. Or you can just keep being assholes while we keep laughing. Either way it's all good.

Half the country doesn't like what he's been up to after all this time and you see that as a success? Your laughing, sheer stupidity and arrogance doesn't have any effect on anyone but you.

Basically I'm just saying that hes not as unpopular as dumbass wingnuts like yourself want to make him out to be.

Hell, he'd likely win a 3rd term if he could run again.

And further:

Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

Boss, did Mittens say he was getting in? I didn't see it, yet anyway.

The GOP narrative has broken down, thanks to the GOP. The Democrats are heaving a sigh of relief at the moment, and unless they get it together, what was promising, now looks questionable.

Do we remember when all of us were thrilled to have such a deep bench? Why, any one of these people would bring down the Democrats.

Now look, the whole narrative has changed thanks to the MSM, the left, and the GOP itself. How strong could these people actually be, if the MSM, the Democrats, and the GOP keep proclaiming that Trump is an idiot, and they can't even beat him!

Oh, what a terrible web we weave, when we practice, to deceive! By making Trump an idiot for their own gain, they have in essence lowered the value of the rest of the candidates, and the party as a whole. This would NOT have happened if the GOP wasn't so damn greedy. In their eyes, for them to succeed, they have to not only sink Trump, but bypass Cruz and elevate Rubio. That is exactly why this is such a clusterf***! How does ANYONE do that, then claim with a straight face that doing so is brilliant?

To believe you have one crazy is a stretch, but to believe that the top 2 guys are crazy is almost mathematically impossible; and yet that is EXACTLY what the GOP is trying to convince everyone of.

And the Democrats and MSM? Well, they have grabbed onto the GOP narrative, and here we are. They have made all their candidates look weaker than wet paper with their narrative, almost to the point that the only one who now may be able to pull this off IS TRUMP. And the only reason he may be able to, is he steals so many Democratic votes.

Good job GOP, you are really stinking it up on political strategy on your total insistence on getting rid of both, Trump and Cruz. Anybody with 1/2 a brain can see this is about YOUR power, and NOT the will of your voters., or stopping the Democrats.

Unless you change course, YOU.........the establishment GOP...........will insure that the Democrat wins the general election.
Mittens said in an interview HE IS NOT GETTING IN to this race.

Thanks for the info Care. Now, will he say he will not take the nomination if it is offered?

I know (or think, and if not, I apologize) that you reside on the left, and that is fine. But I remember years ago when the Democrats wanted George Mcgovern. Everyone knew he was not going to win, they knew it, long before he was anointed! And yet, the DNC had enough respect for their voters to not only not torpedo him, but to support him. That is what a party is.........support the will of the people in it's group. To not do so, is an insult to the party faithful who support you, even when you are down, or up.

To do what the GOP is doing is blasphemy! If they came out with specifics and proof, that is one thing. But to do no more than come out with innuendo is nothing short of despicable, and disgusting.

While I will say that I will vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee, I am NOT one of his fervent supporters. That being said, I have NEVER seen any political party screw their top 2 candidates as much as the GOP has, while doing an all out effort to elevate someone their group obviously does not want. Should they pull this off with larceny at the convention, instead of doing it by public legal means through the primary voting process, they will implode upon themselves, and their power will disappear like smoke in a high wind.
Ahaa... A new theory has emerged as to what is going on with this Romney noise...

Romney's speech seemed to be directed at Trump but it was actually directed at Cruz. It makes sense. The Establishment can't come out and tell you not to go vote for the true Conservative in the race, the man who can still defeat Trump, Ted Cruz... So they pick on Trump and make you think this is about stopping Trump... It's about stopping Ted Cruz.

All of this is predicated on the performance of Cruz on Super Tuesday. Trump is now realizing he needs more liberal votes to win... so he is positioning to the left... dropping out of CPAC... reversing his stance on HB1 visas... The Establishment is going after the few Conservatives he is leaving behind to keep them out of the Cruz column... This is about Ted Cruz, not Trump!
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

Boss, did Mittens say he was getting in? I didn't see it, yet anyway.

The GOP narrative has broken down, thanks to the GOP. The Democrats are heaving a sigh of relief at the moment, and unless they get it together, what was promising, now looks questionable.

Do we remember when all of us were thrilled to have such a deep bench? Why, any one of these people would bring down the Democrats.

Now look, the whole narrative has changed thanks to the MSM, the left, and the GOP itself. How strong could these people actually be, if the MSM, the Democrats, and the GOP keep proclaiming that Trump is an idiot, and they can't even beat him!

Oh, what a terrible web we weave, when we practice, to deceive! By making Trump an idiot for their own gain, they have in essence lowered the value of the rest of the candidates, and the party as a whole. This would NOT have happened if the GOP wasn't so damn greedy. In their eyes, for them to succeed, they have to not only sink Trump, but bypass Cruz and elevate Rubio. That is exactly why this is such a clusterf***! How does ANYONE do that, then claim with a straight face that doing so is brilliant?

To believe you have one crazy is a stretch, but to believe that the top 2 guys are crazy is almost mathematically impossible; and yet that is EXACTLY what the GOP is trying to convince everyone of.

And the Democrats and MSM? Well, they have grabbed onto the GOP narrative, and here we are. They have made all their candidates look weaker than wet paper with their narrative, almost to the point that the only one who now may be able to pull this off IS TRUMP. And the only reason he may be able to, is he steals so many Democratic votes.

Good job GOP, you are really stinking it up on political strategy on your total insistence on getting rid of both, Trump and Cruz. Anybody with 1/2 a brain can see this is about YOUR power, and NOT the will of your voters., or stopping the Democrats.

Unless you change course, YOU.........the establishment GOP...........will insure that the Democrat wins the general election.
Mittens said in an interview HE IS NOT GETTING IN to this race.

Yeah, and when has Mittens ever flip flopped on anything? ;)
You know, I figured you shit munchers would be busy in your own threads discussing who your Super Delegates are going to pick for you when your corrupt bitch gets sent to the pokey... but nooo... here you all are, trolling in my thread and being a general nuisance as usual.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking...

I would hardly say that winning Ohio, the rest of the Rust Belt and California (the West) is "tanking it". The GOP primaries are still ongoing. Why do you refer to it in the past tense?
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking...

I would hardly say that winning Ohio, the rest of the Rust Belt and California (the West) is "tanking it". The GOP primaries are still ongoing. Why do you refer to it in the past tense?

Kasich will do good to win Ohio. That's ALL Kasich will win.

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