What are you doing, GOP?

trump came to prominence because people with less than a high school education, who feel marginalized and economically insecure liked the hate message
If you could actually back that up with recent statistics I'd be pretty interested in those (because, let's be honest, it would be a good laugh).

On the other hand, those recent statistics don't exist. You literally just made a judgement formed solely upon your biased view of his supporters.

"That is why you fail" - Yoda.

I don't have to "back that up" in any way that satisfies you. It is clear to everyone watching that he has tapped into the ugly bottom of the right. There is a reason whore supremacists love him. There is a reason trump re-tweets a new-nazi who has as his avatar a swastika. There is a reason that the southern strategy has manifested in this fashion.

And there is a reason that his base "base" loves it when he tells them to beat up black protesters.

And if that isn't sufficient for you, frankly you're the problem and you're either one of them or you're in denial.

Beat up black protesters? When did Trump ever say that?

Did he say "beat them up because they are black" or are you using your typical left-wing assumptions as always?
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

there isn't a person in the GOP who doesn't dislike ted cruz.

lindsey graham said "if ted cruz were murdered on the floor of the senate and the trial were held in the senate, there is no one who would convict".

Right, every one hates Cruz, yet he's winning States, go figure. BTW Graham said he would support him if he's the nominee.

Trump came to prominence because the GOP wouldn't listen to their constituents. They told us they would advance our concerns before getting elected, and after we put them back in power, they stabbed us in the back.

In the last few years, immigration became a huge problem for GOP voters. They are lowering our wages, they are turning our country into a bilingual one, they are bringing criminals here that we don't need.

Once again, the GOP presented us with immigration reform. We don't want reform of anything, we want you to throw these people out of the country!

Because this was Trump's priority, he gave us the leadership we wanted so GOP voters are giving him full support. Can he actually do it? We don't know, but at least we finally have somebody amplifying our concerns.

Yes, someone IS amplifying your racism and bigotry, that's for sure. While I'm sure Pedro took that toilet cleaning job you had your eyes on, the reality is, Trump is just playing on racism. Decent people will be disgusted by him when we get to November.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

The legitimate winner?

Funny, there are still ~30 states to go, no candidate has a majority of the delegates, and the leading candidate has won about 35% of the total vote thus far, and you are already anointing someone as the legitimate winner?

Trump will be the legitimate winner when he has won 1237 votes in the convention. Until then, there is no legitimate winner.

Trump came to prominence because the GOP wouldn't listen to their constituents. They told us they would advance our concerns before getting elected, and after we put them back in power, they stabbed us in the back.

In the last few years, immigration became a huge problem for GOP voters. They are lowering our wages, they are turning our country into a bilingual one, they are bringing criminals here that we don't need.

Once again, the GOP presented us with immigration reform. We don't want reform of anything, we want you to throw these people out of the country!

Because this was Trump's priority, he gave us the leadership we wanted so GOP voters are giving him full support. Can he actually do it? We don't know, but at least we finally have somebody amplifying our concerns.

Yes, someone IS amplifying your racism and bigotry, that's for sure. While I'm sure Pedro took that toilet cleaning job you had your eyes on, the reality is, Trump is just playing on racism. Decent people will be disgusted by him when we get to November.

See Joe, this is why nobody even hears you on the left when you scream racism. It's the boy that cried wolf. There is nothing racist about keeping foreigners out of our country that don't belong here. And there certainly is nothing racist with trying to preserve our choice of language.

If anybody criticizes people of a different race, it's racist no matter what the context. What a joke liberals are. I wish they could make a pill for liberalism. You'd be amazed at what's outside of your myopic views.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

The legitimate winner?

Funny, there are still ~30 states to go, no candidate has a majority of the delegates, and the leading candidate has won about 35% of the total vote thus far, and you are already anointing someone as the legitimate winner?

Trump will be the legitimate winner when he has won 1237 votes in the convention. Until then, there is no legitimate winner.
He currently has 45% of the delegates to date.......................There are 1627 delegates left.............If he stays at that rate he will fall short of the magic number needed................by approximately 126 delegates.............

There are still winner take all states............which could change the equation..............

Rubio and Kasaich should drop out...........and make it a 2 person race.....................they are staying in to force a convention............at current averages it will be a Brokered Convention..........
trump came to prominence because people with less than a high school education, who feel marginalized and economically insecure liked the hate message
If you could actually back that up with recent statistics I'd be pretty interested in those (because, let's be honest, it would be a good laugh).

On the other hand, those recent statistics don't exist. You literally just made a judgement formed solely upon your biased view of his supporters.

"That is why you fail" - Yoda.

I don't have to "back that up" in any way that satisfies you. It is clear to everyone watching that he has tapped into the ugly bottom of the right. There is a reason whore supremacists love him. There is a reason trump re-tweets a new-nazi who has as his avatar a swastika. There is a reason that the southern strategy has manifested in this fashion.

And there is a reason that his base "base" loves it when he tells them to beat up black protesters.

And if that isn't sufficient for you, frankly you're the problem and you're either one of them or you're in denial.

Cult of personality
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Sociologist Max Weber developed a tripartite classification of authority; the cult of personality holds parallels with what Weber defined as "charismatic authority". A cult of personality is similar to divinization, except that it is established by mass media and propaganda usually by the state, especially in totalitarian states.

AP delegate count: Trump not yet on track to secure nomination

A close look at the delegate math illustrates Trump's problem. So far Trump has won only 46 percent of the delegates that have been awarded, even though he has won 10 of the first 15 contests. It takes an outright majority of delegates to win the nomination.

Going forward, Trump would have to win 52 percent of the remaining delegates to claim the nomination. That's doable but difficult with three or more candidates claiming delegates.

On Tuesday, Cruz muted Trump's delegate gains by winning delegate-rich Texas, which is Cruz's home state.

The delegate math shows the importance of the March 15 primaries in Florida and Ohio, in which the statewide winner gets all the delegates. Winning those states could boost Trump to a commanding lead in the delegate count, but Florida is Rubio's home state and Ohio is home for John Kasich, the state's governor.

Read more: AP delegate count: Trump not yet on track to secure nomination
Wow.... And all this time I was totally expecting liberal democrat socialists to support the GOP nominee and party! No really... I thought you'd all be up in this thread cheering for Cruz or Trump... or maybe even praising Romney and the Establishment for their brilliant plan! Because you all come across as such upstanding and intelligent minds when it comes to politics and the pulse of America.

I guess all us "Republicans" should just go find an oven and stick our heads in it? :dunno:

They know their participation numbers are way down while republican numbers are way up, pair that up with the inevitable hildabitch indictment and all they can do is try to keep a stiff upper lip, cause most of them aren't feel'n the Bern.

ne'eh... it has more to do with whichever candidate makes the (D) nomination, we will be satisfied with. what you mistake for ambivalence , is actually us just sitting back & watching the (R)s eating their own. just look at 'your' debates... you can't make this shit up even if you tried. sarah palin couldn't do what trump & cruz & rubio are doing for the (D)s come election day.
Wow.... And all this time I was totally expecting liberal democrat socialists to support the GOP nominee and party! No really... I thought you'd all be up in this thread cheering for Cruz or Trump... or maybe even praising Romney and the Establishment for their brilliant plan! Because you all come across as such upstanding and intelligent minds when it comes to politics and the pulse of America.

I guess all us "Republicans" should just go find an oven and stick our heads in it? :dunno:

They know their participation numbers are way down while republican numbers are way up, pair that up with the inevitable hildabitch indictment and all they can do is try to keep a stiff upper lip, cause most of them aren't feel'n the Bern.

ne'eh... it has more to do with whichever candidate makes the (D) nomination, we will be satisfied with. what you mistake for ambivalence , is actually us just sitting back & watching the (R)s eating their own. just look at 'your' debates... you can't make this shit up even if you tried. sarah palin couldn't do what trump & cruz & rubio are doing for the (D)s come election day.
Well, the Dims have Hillary to polish up so the comedy hasn't even begun yet for you guys. I wouldn't be so smug.
Yes, someone IS amplifying your racism and bigotry, that's for sure. While I'm sure Pedro took that toilet cleaning job you had your eyes on, the reality is, Trump is just playing on racism. Decent people will be disgusted by him when we get to November.
Uh...guy. You are just slinging shit as usual without any solid foundation. You are yet to prove racism on Trump's side. You promote lawlessness on the illegal border entry side and support terrorists on the jihadist side.
Wow.... And all this time I was totally expecting liberal democrat socialists to support the GOP nominee and party! No really... I thought you'd all be up in this thread cheering for Cruz or Trump... or maybe even praising Romney and the Establishment for their brilliant plan! Because you all come across as such upstanding and intelligent minds when it comes to politics and the pulse of America.

I guess all us "Republicans" should just go find an oven and stick our heads in it? :dunno:

They know their participation numbers are way down while republican numbers are way up, pair that up with the inevitable hildabitch indictment and all they can do is try to keep a stiff upper lip, cause most of them aren't feel'n the Bern.

ne'eh... it has more to do with whichever candidate makes the (D) nomination, we will be satisfied with. what you mistake for ambivalence , is actually us just sitting back & watching the (R)s eating their own. just look at 'your' debates... you can't make this shit up even if you tried. sarah palin couldn't do what trump & cruz & rubio are doing for the (D)s come election day.
Well, the Dims have Hillary to polish up so the comedy hasn't even begun yet for you guys. I wouldn't be so smug.

LOL... sarah couldn't even deliver alaska for trump. btw, "he'd LOVE to have her in his administration"

Wow.... And all this time I was totally expecting liberal democrat socialists to support the GOP nominee and party! No really... I thought you'd all be up in this thread cheering for Cruz or Trump... or maybe even praising Romney and the Establishment for their brilliant plan! Because you all come across as such upstanding and intelligent minds when it comes to politics and the pulse of America.

I guess all us "Republicans" should just go find an oven and stick our heads in it? :dunno:

They know their participation numbers are way down while republican numbers are way up, pair that up with the inevitable hildabitch indictment and all they can do is try to keep a stiff upper lip, cause most of them aren't feel'n the Bern.

ne'eh... it has more to do with whichever candidate makes the (D) nomination, we will be satisfied with. what you mistake for ambivalence , is actually us just sitting back & watching the (R)s eating their own. just look at 'your' debates... you can't make this shit up even if you tried. sarah palin couldn't do what trump & cruz & rubio are doing for the (D)s come election day.
Well, the Dims have Hillary to polish up so the comedy hasn't even begun yet for you guys. I wouldn't be so smug.

LOL... sarah couldn't even deliver alaska for trump. btw, "he'd LOVE to have her in his administration"

She owns Alaska? WTF?
Uh...guy. You are just slinging shit as usual without any solid foundation. You are yet to prove racism on Trump's side. You promote lawlessness on the illegal border entry side and support terrorists on the jihadist side.

Not at all. I just don't whine about the results when you didn't address the problems.

We have an "Illegal" problem because there are a lot of jobs most of us don't want to do. We have a Jihadist problem because we keep letting the Zionists dictate our foreign policy, which shouldn't be concerned with who a Magic Sky Pixie gave a pile of sand to.

Sadly, trump is using your racism and fear to play you. I don't even think the guy actually wants to be president. He isn't doing the things guys who are serious about being president do.
We have an "Illegal" problem because there are a lot of jobs most of us don't want to do.
Uh..guy.. that's wrong. We have an illegal problem because the job needs to be done and people are sitting on their asses at home on taxpayer's expense instead of working in the areas demanding labor force.
We have a Jihadist problem because we keep letting the Zionists dictate our foreign policy, which shouldn't be concerned with who a Magic Sky Pixie gave a pile of sand to.
I offer no argument over that. Our foreign policy is really fucked up.
Sadly, trump is using your racism and fear to play you. I don't even think the guy actually wants to be president. He isn't doing the things guys who are serious about being president do.
Protecting the sovereignty of the country is not racism. Introduce a "guest worker" program to enable people from foreign countries to work here without breaking the law. Take people off from lifetime welfare. It is easy too hurls "racism, nazism, fascism" when nothing substantial is offered. Those terms are so over used that they do not faze anybody anymore.
Wow.... And all this time I was totally expecting liberal democrat socialists to support the GOP nominee and party! No really... I thought you'd all be up in this thread cheering for Cruz or Trump... or maybe even praising Romney and the Establishment for their brilliant plan! Because you all come across as such upstanding and intelligent minds when it comes to politics and the pulse of America.

I guess all us "Republicans" should just go find an oven and stick our heads in it? :dunno:

They know their participation numbers are way down while republican numbers are way up, pair that up with the inevitable hildabitch indictment and all they can do is try to keep a stiff upper lip, cause most of them aren't feel'n the Bern.

ne'eh... it has more to do with whichever candidate makes the (D) nomination, we will be satisfied with. what you mistake for ambivalence , is actually us just sitting back & watching the (R)s eating their own. just look at 'your' debates... you can't make this shit up even if you tried. sarah palin couldn't do what trump & cruz & rubio are doing for the (D)s come election day.

With a large majority of the country not liking the direction the country is going, I think you're delusional. Hell, without your dear leader you can't even get a decent turn out for the primaries. That's a trend that will carry through the general.
Uh...guy. You are just slinging shit as usual without any solid foundation. You are yet to prove racism on Trump's side. You promote lawlessness on the illegal border entry side and support terrorists on the jihadist side.

Not at all. I just don't whine about the results when you didn't address the problems.

We have an "Illegal" problem because there are a lot of jobs most of us don't want to do. We have a Jihadist problem because we keep letting the Zionists dictate our foreign policy, which shouldn't be concerned with who a Magic Sky Pixie gave a pile of sand to.

Sadly, trump is using your racism and fear to play you. I don't even think the guy actually wants to be president. He isn't doing the things guys who are serious about being president do.

We have an illegal problem because DumBama is letting them come through and stay here. There are no jobs Americans won't do provided the money is satisfactory. If the money is not satisfactory, companies hire foreigners because they will do the job for less wages. Cut that off, and industry has no choice but to increase pay to attract American workers.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.
I hope you're right and that its followed close behind by the DemocRAT party who are corrupt as well
Wow.... And all this time I was totally expecting liberal democrat socialists to support the GOP nominee and party! No really... I thought you'd all be up in this thread cheering for Cruz or Trump... or maybe even praising Romney and the Establishment for their brilliant plan! Because you all come across as such upstanding and intelligent minds when it comes to politics and the pulse of America.

I guess all us "Republicans" should just go find an oven and stick our heads in it? :dunno:

They know their participation numbers are way down while republican numbers are way up, pair that up with the inevitable hildabitch indictment and all they can do is try to keep a stiff upper lip, cause most of them aren't feel'n the Bern.

ne'eh... it has more to do with whichever candidate makes the (D) nomination, we will be satisfied with. what you mistake for ambivalence , is actually us just sitting back & watching the (R)s eating their own. just look at 'your' debates... you can't make this shit up even if you tried. sarah palin couldn't do what trump & cruz & rubio are doing for the (D)s come election day.

With a large majority of the country not liking the direction the country is going, I think you're delusional. Hell, without your dear leader you can't even get a decent turn out for the primaries. That's a trend that will carry through the general.
ummm..... mid-terms have traditionally been low turn-out shit stain OKTexas

Remember the lowest turn-out since WWII was when Repubs won in '14

You can't make this stuff up.

What has Republicorp done since their *cough* victory? ZERO

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