What are you doing, GOP?

Uh..guy... you are obsessed with guys asses, aren't you? Ass-u-m-ing again. There are a lot of white trash on the public dole also, I saw them the last elections in free Obama T-shirts lining up at the voting place. They stunk too with greasy hair, fat as fuck voting democrat for the welfare check. All in all everybody should be given a helping hand but then get the fuck out to the fields or wherever and start supporting their own fat fucking asses by working.

Why should they do that when they can just vote themselves a check?

Here's the thing, guy, you have always had undesirable jobs,and we've always used immigrants to do them. That is when we weren't using slaves. Now a lot of those jobs are done by machines.

Now, if you want to replace Welfare with Workfare, I'm down with that, but the thing is, unemployment is a design feature of capitalism. Full employment means they have to pay decent wages for even the crappy jobs.
You do not have a jihadi problem because of "zip kats". You have a jihadi problem because that was always there. The destabilization of the Middle East by the unnecessary ouster of Saddam Hussain simply sped up the process and let the genii out of the bottle.

Uh, no, actually, without the Zionists to hate, the Arabs would go back to being a bunch of tribes fighting over watering holes, which is what they were before the British decided to dump all Europe's Jews into Palestine.
You do not have a jihadi problem because of "zip kats". You have a jihadi problem because that was always there. The destabilization of the Middle East by the unnecessary ouster of Saddam Hussain simply sped up the process and let the genii out of the bottle.

Uh, no, actually, without the Zionists to hate, the Arabs would go back to being a bunch of tribes fighting over watering holes, which is what they were before the British decided to dump all Europe's Jews into Palestine.

the arabs supported the nazis in WWII. That is fact. and as a result britain punished them by cutting up the land among friends among the arab population. the fact that the leaders in those countries encouraged their population to hate jews as a means of keeping the attention off of horrible wealth disparity in arab countries isn't the fault of jews.

and experts were already talking about how jihadis were going to be the biggest problem of the 21st century back in the 80's.

if you want to discuss other exacerbating circumstances you can talk about reagan using people like Bin Laden and taliban fighters as proxies
They also had record turn out in the primaries, not so much this year, it's the republican that are breaking records.

Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.
They also had record turn out in the primaries, not so much this year, it's the republican that are breaking records.

Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.
They also had record turn out in the primaries, not so much this year, it's the republican that are breaking records.

Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.

You keep on thinking that, the hildabitch has all the charisma of a dried bag of dog shit, and her voice is a off putting as finger nails on a blackboard. If she's not in jail, she will lose because Bernie supports won't turn out for her.
They also had record turn out in the primaries, not so much this year, it's the republican that are breaking records.

Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.

You keep on thinking that, the hildabitch has all the charisma of a dried bag of dog shit, and her voice is a off putting as finger nails on a blackboard. If she's not in jail, she will lose because Bernie supports won't turn out for her.

Care to place your bet early? If it's Trump and Hillary or Cruz and Hillary, Hillary wins. Want to bet? Sigs or avatar.
You do not have a jihadi problem because of "zip kats". You have a jihadi problem because that was always there. The destabilization of the Middle East by the unnecessary ouster of Saddam Hussain simply sped up the process and let the genii out of the bottle.

Uh, no, actually, without the Zionists to hate, the Arabs would go back to being a bunch of tribes fighting over watering holes, which is what they were before the British decided to dump all Europe's Jews into Palestine.

the arabs supported the nazis in WWII. That is fact. and as a result britain punished them by cutting up the land among friends among the arab population. the fact that the leaders in those countries encouraged their population to hate jews as a means of keeping the attention off of horrible wealth disparity in arab countries isn't the fault of jews.

and experts were already talking about how jihadis were going to be the biggest problem of the 21st century back in the 80's.

if you want to discuss other exacerbating circumstances you can talk about reagan using people like Bin Laden and taliban fighters as proxies

artificial boundaries were formed despite "tribal" territories & caused a whole lot of bloodshed...we armed the Taliban to fight the Russians & since shit has morphed into al-Qaida ISIS..
They also had record turn out in the primaries, not so much this year, it's the republican that are breaking records.

Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.

You keep on thinking that, the hildabitch has all the charisma of a dried bag of dog shit, and her voice is a off putting as finger nails on a blackboard. If she's not in jail, she will lose because Bernie supports won't turn out for her.
It's gonna be fun watching you call her President Hildabitch.
there isn't a person in the GOP who doesn't dislike ted cruz.

lindsey graham said "if ted cruz were murdered on the floor of the senate and the trial were held in the senate, there is no one who would convict".

I think that is a GOOD thing! When only about 9% of the country has a favorable opinion of Congress, being not liked by Congress means you're standing with the people. Hell yes he has made some political enemies, he's as much of an "outsider" as Trump.

If someone murdered Lindsey Graham, no one would even notice... including his family. Oh wait... maybe John McCain would notice the lack of suction on his ass?
They also had record turn out in the primaries, not so much this year, it's the republican that are breaking records.

Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.

You keep on thinking that, the hildabitch has all the charisma of a dried bag of dog shit, and her voice is a off putting as finger nails on a blackboard. If she's not in jail, she will lose because Bernie supports won't turn out for her.

Care to place your bet early? If it's Trump and Hillary or Cruz and Hillary, Hillary wins. Want to bet? Sigs or avatar.

Actually I prefer your provide a credible rebuttal, what's wrong, you can't do that?
the arabs supported the nazis in WWII. That is fact. and as a result britain punished them by cutting up the land among friends among the arab population. the fact that the leaders in those countries encouraged their population to hate jews as a means of keeping the attention off of horrible wealth disparity in arab countries isn't the fault of jews.

Actually, most of the borders were drawn up BEFORE WWII started, when the British promised all this shit to the Arabs if they'd take up arms against the Ottomans, and then turned around and screwed them by handing Palestine to the Jews... that is, the few Jews they could convince to leave their nice comfy lives in Europe to move into the middle of a desert, which wasn't all that many.

Is short, the Brits tried to use ZIonism to extend the life of their dying empire. The last gasp of this was the 1956 Suez War when the Arabs had some funny idea that the canal belonged to them and not the Brits, and the Brits conspired with the Zionists (I refuse to call them "Israelis") to steal what was rightfully theirs.

Eisenhower had enough integrity to totally put a stop to that bullshit. Since then, the Zionists have had our politicians wrapped around their little fingers.

and experts were already talking about how jihadis were going to be the biggest problem of the 21st century back in the 80's.

if you want to discuss other exacerbating circumstances you can talk about reagan using people like Bin Laden and taliban fighters as proxies

You are almost at a point here. Yes, the US Did screw up by encouraging Jihadis... but so did the Zionists when they encouraged radicals like Hamas as a foil to secularists like Arafat. The thing was, prior to the 1980's, most of the Arab leadership was secular and socialists and kind of liked what the USSR was doing.
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.
They also had record turn out in the primaries, not so much this year, it's the republican that are breaking records.

Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.

You keep on thinking that, the hildabitch has all the charisma of a dried bag of dog shit, and her voice is a off putting as finger nails on a blackboard. If she's not in jail, she will lose because Bernie supports won't turn out for her.
It's gonna be fun watching you call her President Hildabitch.

That, I assure you will never happen, just like I never call your dear leader president anything.
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

Dream on, buddy. It's honestly kind of a sad strategy when your game plan is "hope the other side doesn't show up."

Fact is, if Trump wins, a lot of sensible Republicans will support Hillary because they know Trump will destroy your party.

You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.
You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Except you guys haven't hit your 2004 numbers since. There really aren't more GOP voters out there than you already have.

Assuming that Trump doesn't drive a lot of sensible Republicans into Hillary's fold, (He probably will) or cause the Establishment to start a third party (which will also hand the election to Hillary). The fact that Trump gets a few more people showing up at primaries doesn't mean he'll get more to show up for the General. IN fact, quite the opposite.
The fact that Trump gets a few more people showing up at primaries doesn't mean he'll get more to show up for the General. IN fact, quite the opposite.

Really? Okay, Mr. Stats... tell us the last time an election had stronger primary turnout than the general election? You see.... the FACT is, people tend to not vote in the primary and make sure they do vote in the general. Usually, voter turnout is 5~10% greater in the general, depending on circumstances.

And I don't know that Trump is solely responsible for increased Republican turnout... could be Ted Cruz supporters as well. But one thing you can't argue with... Trump's rallies are off the charts. He's getting crowds of 20-30k where I bet Hillary hasn't talked to 30k people the entire campaign combined.

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