What are you doing, GOP?

Really? Okay, Mr. Stats... tell us the last time an election had stronger primary turnout than the general election? You see.... the FACT is, people tend to not vote in the primary and make sure they do vote in the general. Usually, voter turnout is 5~10% greater in the general, depending on circumstances.

And I don't know that Trump is solely responsible for increased Republican turnout... could be Ted Cruz supporters as well. But one thing you can't argue with... Trump's rallies are off the charts. He's getting crowds of 20-30k where I bet Hillary hasn't talked to 30k people the entire campaign combined.

Your numbers are completely off.

The total number of people who voted in 2012 Republican primaries were about 20 million, compared to the 125 million who voted in the general.

So far, The four surviving candidates have garnered a total of 10 million votes. Maybe another 15 million might vote in the upcoming primaries, but it will be nowhere near the 60 million the Weird Mormon Robot got in the General Election in 2012.

Your argument would hold if Trump were getting a bunch of votes from people who usually don't vote at all, but that's probably not the case. and one really riled up vote for Trump is still one vote, just like one lukewarm, holding your nose vote for Romney.

Point is, IF Trump is the nominee, you are going to see tons of Normally Republican Voters rally to Hillary because for all her flaws, she's not a nutjob.
Which is still nowhere near the amounts that will vote in the General.

Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.

You keep on thinking that, the hildabitch has all the charisma of a dried bag of dog shit, and her voice is a off putting as finger nails on a blackboard. If she's not in jail, she will lose because Bernie supports won't turn out for her.
It's gonna be fun watching you call her President Hildabitch.

That, I assure you will never happen, just like I never call your dear leader president anything.

And yet you ignored my post where I said let's bet on it. Too scared?
You'll be lucky to get to the 2004 numbers, republicans on the other hand are more motivated, their determined to stop another regressive from getting in the WH.

Except you guys haven't hit your 2004 numbers since. There really aren't more GOP voters out there than you already have.

Assuming that Trump doesn't drive a lot of sensible Republicans into Hillary's fold, (He probably will) or cause the Establishment to start a third party (which will also hand the election to Hillary). The fact that Trump gets a few more people showing up at primaries doesn't mean he'll get more to show up for the General. IN fact, quite the opposite.

That's not what's being reported, do you have a link substantiating that claim?
Face it, the facts are, once the Bern is history dem enthusiasm will drop off dramatically. The low numbers the hildabitch is getting to listen to her screech will continue to dwindle. Sure general elections numbers will be better than the primaries, but no where near the records set the last two cycles.

That's your theory. I have another. Democratic enthusiasm is "low" (although it's my understanding that turnout is in line with elections that weren't 2008) because Democrats have two good choices and it's hard to pick. When there is a candidate to coalesce behind, turnout for the general will be high.

You keep on thinking that, the hildabitch has all the charisma of a dried bag of dog shit, and her voice is a off putting as finger nails on a blackboard. If she's not in jail, she will lose because Bernie supports won't turn out for her.
It's gonna be fun watching you call her President Hildabitch.

That, I assure you will never happen, just like I never call your dear leader president anything.

And yet you ignored my post where I said let's bet on it. Too scared?

Liar, I asked for a credible rebuttal not some stupid bet. Anyone willing to make a bet on the outcome of this election with so many variables still in play at this point ain't too smart.
Really? Okay, Mr. Stats... tell us the last time an election had stronger primary turnout than the general election? You see.... the FACT is, people tend to not vote in the primary and make sure they do vote in the general. Usually, voter turnout is 5~10% greater in the general, depending on circumstances.

And I don't know that Trump is solely responsible for increased Republican turnout... could be Ted Cruz supporters as well. But one thing you can't argue with... Trump's rallies are off the charts. He's getting crowds of 20-30k where I bet Hillary hasn't talked to 30k people the entire campaign combined.

Your numbers are completely off.

The total number of people who voted in 2012 Republican primaries were about 20 million, compared to the 125 million who voted in the general.

So far, The four surviving candidates have garnered a total of 10 million votes. Maybe another 15 million might vote in the upcoming primaries, but it will be nowhere near the 60 million the Weird Mormon Robot got in the General Election in 2012.

Your argument would hold if Trump were getting a bunch of votes from people who usually don't vote at all, but that's probably not the case. and one really riled up vote for Trump is still one vote, just like one lukewarm, holding your nose vote for Romney.

Point is, IF Trump is the nominee, you are going to see tons of Normally Republican Voters rally to Hillary because for all her flaws, she's not a nutjob.

Wait just a damn minute, shitstain... it was YOUR argument that more people voting in the primary didn't mean more people would vote in the general. Here is your statement:

The fact that Trump gets a few more people showing up at primaries doesn't mean he'll get more to show up for the General. IN fact, quite the opposite.

So I called BULLSHIT on that and ask you for an example of an election where the primary voters outnumbered the general election voters... You come back with the example of 2012... 20 million in the primaries, 125 million in the general... WTF? :dunno:

If that isn't enough to prove your incompetent math skills, the figuring of how many more votes the Republicans are going to get in this primary certainly is. If we currently have 10 million and we've still got half the states left, including the biggest states... it stands to reason we're going to probably exceed 20 million.... by a GOOD margin.

And... IF we take that number and the Democrat's number for the primaries and calculate them for the general... looks like a Republican landslide is heading your way. But you see... I don't put a lot of stock in this kind of calculating because every election is different and the dynamics of the election are also usually different. We'll have to wait and see how many "Little Marcos" run away from the GOP and vote for Hildabeast.... I'm guessing, not many. They might stay at home or vote for a third party but I seriously doubt Hillary is going to be the winner in the crossover votes. That's IF Trump and Hillary are the nominees... which is still not a given.

I know you think you're some kind of Wizard when it comes to elections but you're not... you're a blue dog democrat who might have possibly gotten confused at one time and accidentally voted for the republican... so now you tell folks you used to be a republican instead of admitting your error.
Wait just a damn minute, shitstain... it was YOUR argument that more people voting in the primary didn't mean more people would vote in the general. Here is your statement:

The fact that Trump gets a few more people showing up at primaries doesn't mean he'll get more to show up for the General. IN fact, quite the opposite.

So I called BULLSHIT on that and ask you for an example of an election where the primary voters outnumbered the general election voters... You come back with the example of 2012... 20 million in the primaries, 125 million in the general... WTF?

Okay, let me explain this to you again, because I know all those years living next to the toxic waste dump has damaged your math skills. Only a fraction vote in PRIMARIES. The fact is, there were more voters in the 2012 GOP Primary than there were in the 2008 primaries, but Romney did NOT get a huge boost. In fact, he got about the same number of votes McCain got in 2008.

Now, because this thing is going to drag out longer than 2008 or 2012, you probably WILL have more people show up at Primaries. But that doesn't mean you've increased your voter base. you are still drawing from that same subset of inbred, racist mutants who voted for McCain and Romney in the last two elections.

If that isn't enough to prove your incompetent math skills, the figuring of how many more votes the Republicans are going to get in this primary certainly is. If we currently have 10 million and we've still got half the states left, including the biggest states... it stands to reason we're going to probably exceed 20 million.... by a GOOD margin.

Probably not, but ti will still be LESS than the 60 million cap you'll have in the general.

And... IF we take that number and the Democrat's number for the primaries and calculate them for the general... looks like a Republican landslide is heading your way. But you see... I don't put a lot of stock in this kind of calculating because every election is different and the dynamics of the election are also usually different. We'll have to wait and see how many "Little Marcos" run away from the GOP and vote for Hildabeast.... I'm guessing, not many. They might stay at home or vote for a third party but I seriously doubt Hillary is going to be the winner in the crossover votes. That's IF Trump and Hillary are the nominees... which is still not a given.

If Trump is the nominee, you will see a LOT of Republicans running away from his toxic, racist statements, or perhaps even trying to distance themselves from the next thing he says. If the GOP Elite somehow steal the nomination from him expect most of the people who supported him to just stay home. So either way, you geniuses lose.

Here's what I haven't heard yet. ONE OBAMA voter telling me he plans to vote for Trump or Cruz. But I've seen a lot of Romney voters tell me they refuse to vote for Trump, and a few who would refuse to vote for Cruz.

This isn't complicated. There aren't a lot more votes out there to be had. You guys win by changing minds... But the only minds you are changing are the people who used to support you.
I know you think you're some kind of Wizard when it comes to elections but you're not... you're a blue dog democrat who might have possibly gotten confused at one time and accidentally voted for the republican... so now you tell folks you used to be a republican instead of admitting your error.

Uh, no, guy. I've voted Repubican in every presidential election from 1980 to 2008. In 2012, I wasnt going to vote for the Mormon.

What changed is when my ex-boss in 2008 informed me he could legally fuck me over because "he didn't have to deal with a union."

That's when I figured out I was voting for the wrong side. (But I still vote for McCain because he was a good guy)

Now it wasn't always this way. Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford and yes, even Reagan understood there had to be a balance between working folks interests and the interests of capital. To paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican party left me.

It left me when the gun nuts, the religious nuts and the corporate bloodsuckers took over and exiled common fucking sense.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.

I hope you're right, good riddance GOP
Next item on the "restore sanity, integrity and morality to the Republic" agenda.. the destruction of the Democrat Party.
Okay... So the Jeb candidacy idea tanked before it ever got started... Christie tanked... Rubio and Kasich are tanking... the Establishment is fresh out of Goobs to run against one Donald J. Trump and the proverbial fat lady is warming up her vocal chords... what do they do? Trot out MITTENS!

So now, apparently... Mitt Romney is going to jump in this thing, not to WIN the nomination, but just to siphon enough delegates off to keep Trump from winning on the first ballot and causing a brokered convention... Something Reince Priebus intimated several weeks ago, would not happen.

I really did hope the Establishment GOP would get the message when Jeb got lukewarm support. Especially when the Top 3 candidates at one time, were all "anti-establishment" candidates... Trump, Cruz and Carson... but nope... They actively sabotaged Carson and Cruz and have been trying to damage Trump to no avail. Rubio was their last hope and it's slowly going down the tubes as they watch in disbelief.

If they don't want Trump, it seems the logical choice would be to back Ted Cruz.. but they want Cruz even less than they want Trump. Folks, I'll be honest... I think we're watching history happen here... the DEATH of a political party in all it's ugliness. They are simply too stuck on stupid to see what is happening out there. Mired in some kind of delusion that they can manipulate the will of the people and install their chosen candidate over the legitimate winner.
It's not the death of the GOP. It's the stopping of a cult leader from totally brainwashing the gullible ignorant sheeple into propping up an egotistical madman for POTUS.
It's not the death of the GOP. It's the stopping of a cult leader from totally brainwashing the gullible ignorant sheeple into propping up an egotistical madman for POTUS.

Exactly, we already have an egotistical madman for a POTUS being propped up by the "gullible ignorant sheeple", last thing we need is another one.
Okay, let me explain this to you again, because I know all those years living next to the toxic waste dump has damaged your math skills. Only a fraction vote in PRIMARIES.

Let me explain something, moron... toxic waste has to go someplace. I'm sorry if you assumed little magical pixies appear and remove it to never-never land. Trying to insult me because my state happens to have a toxic waste dump site is just patently childish and shows a level of immaturity no one needs to question further.

My math skills are fine, you stated that "just because Trump is getting large turnouts in the primaries doesn't mean he will in the general... in fact, quite the opposite." Now you are admitting that was a really boneheaded statement because "only a fraction vote in primaries." So...using basic math skills, if Trump is getting massive turnout in the primaries he will likely be getting astronomical turnout in the general. In fact, NOT quite the opposite at all!
Uh, no, guy. I've voted Repubican in every presidential election from 1980 to 2008.

No, you are a liar. You've had too much to say about Reagan and Conservative republicans in general, and too much praise for Clinton and democrats for me to believe any of your bullshit. Go try to sell that to someone else, I ain't buying it.
Let me explain something, moron... toxic waste has to go someplace. I'm sorry if you assumed little magical pixies appear and remove it to never-never land. Trying to insult me because my state happens to have a toxic waste dump site is just patently childish and shows a level of immaturity no one needs to question further.

No, guy, you miss my point. I want toxic waste dumps in the South. I want you guys to be eliminated from the fucking species through natural selection.

My math skills are fine, you stated that "just because Trump is getting large turnouts in the primaries doesn't mean he will in the general... in fact, quite the opposite." Now you are admitting that was a really boneheaded statement because "only a fraction vote in primaries." So...using basic math skills, if Trump is getting massive turnout in the primaries he will likely be getting astronomical turnout in the general. In fact, NOT quite the opposite at all!

NO, it means EXACTLY that. For every new vote Trump gets in the primaries, he's making two enemies for the general. Women who don't like his abusive comments, Hispanics who prettty much don't like being called murderers and rapists. And even sensible Republicans who look at his clown show and shake our heads.

No, you are a liar. You've had too much to say about Reagan and Conservative republicans in general, and too much praise for Clinton and democrats for me to believe any of your bullshit. Go try to sell that to someone else, I ain't buying it.

Why because you are too stupid from drinking all the toxic waste to realize how badly the GOP fucked it up, means no one else can figure it out?

The tragedy is, I'm old enough to remember what a middle class looked like, before the nuts dismantled it. I remember my dad, a WWII veteran, who could get a nice union job and support a family with it. Things Republicans managed to fuck up.
For every new vote Trump gets in the primaries, he's making two enemies for the general.

This completely contradicts the historic facts that you just presented.

The rest of your diatribe isn't worth wasting my time to respond to.
My prediction is that when Trump wins the nomination, the vast majority of the Republican establishment will get behind him and pretend nothing but a little bit of desperate politics happened, leaving people such as poor Romney like an idiotic chessman they once used.
My prediction is that when Trump wins the nomination, the vast majority of the Republican establishment will get behind him and pretend nothing but a little bit of desperate politics happened, leaving people such as poor Romney like an idiotic chessman they once used.

You may be right but what's funny is, if the establishment had shown half the vigor against Obama and the Democrats the past 8 years that they've shown against Trump and Cruz, there wouldn't have been a Trump or Cruz. Why we can't seem to motivate them to fight like this against liberal socialists is beyond me... but I really do think that is the frustration which is fueling Trump's support.
My prediction is that when Trump wins the nomination, the vast majority of the Republican establishment will get behind him and pretend nothing but a little bit of desperate politics happened, leaving people such as poor Romney like an idiotic chessman they once used.

You may be right but what's funny is, if the establishment had shown half the vigor against Obama and the Democrats the past 8 years that they've shown against Trump and Cruz, there wouldn't have been a Trump or Cruz. Why we can't seem to motivate them to fight like this against liberal socialists is beyond me... but I really do think that is the frustration which is fueling Trump's support.

Spot on. The establishment has been ignoring their constituents for many years now. In recent years, our concern has been about illegal immigration which was almost completely ignored.

Trump's paramount issue was the border problem, and we finally have one person that's willing to take a hardline attack on the issue. Now he is leading in the polls and likely to be our nominee.

But they still can't figure out where they F'd up. Instead of addressing the situation promising to start listening to their constituents, instead they promised to defeat Trump at any cost including insuring a Hillary win.
My prediction is that when Trump wins the nomination, the vast majority of the Republican establishment will get behind him and pretend nothing but a little bit of desperate politics happened, leaving people such as poor Romney like an idiotic chessman they once used.

You may be right but what's funny is, if the establishment had shown half the vigor against Obama and the Democrats the past 8 years that they've shown against Trump and Cruz, there wouldn't have been a Trump or Cruz. Why we can't seem to motivate them to fight like this against liberal socialists is beyond me... but I really do think that is the frustration which is fueling Trump's support.
The reason that they could not coalesce against Obama was pretty clear to me: they thought that (1) Romney "the incompetent" had a pretty good chance to win, and (2) even if Obama won they wouldn't lose too much in terms of their self interest. You seriously believe that those guys are fighting for conservative values? Few actually do! These RINOs care much more about their control of the party and their political career than the conservative values!

Trump is different. If he wins, the Republican establishment has no choice but to yield the control to him. That's why they call it a "hostile take-over". It's killing them that the Republican party is no longer in their hand. It's killing them that their hand-picked candidate, be it Jeb or Rubio, failed miserably one by one. They are desperate and furious on the fact that their words no longer count. What they fail to see is that the people stood with them simply because no one had the gut and the power to overturn their ruling. Now that Trump is here, their time is over.
Spot on. The establishment has been ignoring their constituents for many years now. In recent years, our concern has been about illegal immigration which was almost completely ignored.

Trump's paramount issue was the border problem, and we finally have one person that's willing to take a hardline attack on the issue. Now he is leading in the polls and likely to be our nominee.

But they still can't figure out where they F'd up. Instead of addressing the situation promising to start listening to their constituents, instead they promised to defeat Trump at any cost including insuring a Hillary win.

Guy, you dumb racists keep missing the point. The GOP Establishment and the 1% WANTS undocumented labor. They want a workforce they can easily exploit.

So trump has taken the racist dogwhistles and replaced it with a bullhorn.

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