What are you drinking Right Now?!??!?!?

That's cool and all but the fact is the when I did my first line of cocaine, pill of E, and a couple of other unmentionables you weren't even 4 years old yet. When I was in rehab for a month you were prolly barely 6. I've watched countless friends lose just about everything in their lives because of OCs. I've seen friends go to jail because of their out of control drinking. I've seen friends go to jail for dealing drugs. I've revived a straight A student OD-ing on a multitude of pain killers and anxiety medicine while waiting for an ambulance arrive. And more people that I know that I care to mention have actually lost their lives because of substance abuse.

I've hit rock bottom before.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about and I know you hate to hearing this but there is no way that someone your age could possibly compare with that.

Gee, A15, I really learned my lesson now. Thanks for schooling me; I lived in Candyland before you came along. :rolleyes:

E? E? What the fuck is E? I can walk past and over a dozen people taken out by E at the local rave, and hell, so can the police. They don't give a fuck. So you hid some naughty pills in Mommy's BMW and I'm supposed to worship at your feet? Do you think I haven't seen ambulances pick up users that I know at a school populated by JD's? Do you think I haven't been surrounded hard-core addicts in church ministries, people who think the love of Jesus is the only thing that saved them from certain death? Or that I haven't seen people do the craziest shit, fighting or stabbing people because of their habits? Think again. :eusa_hand:
That's cool and all but the fact is the when I did my first line of cocaine, pill of E, and a couple of other unmentionables you weren't even 4 years old yet. When I was in rehab for a month you were prolly barely 6. I've watched countless friends lose just about everything in their lives because of OCs. I've seen friends go to jail because of their out of control drinking. I've seen friends go to jail for dealing drugs. I've revived a straight A student OD-ing on a multitude of pain killers and anxiety medicine while waiting for an ambulance arrive. And more people that I know that I care to mention have actually lost their lives because of substance abuse.

I've hit rock bottom before.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about and I know you hate to hearing this but there is no way that someone your age could possibly compare with that.

Gee, A15, I really learned my lesson now. Thanks for schooling me; I lived in Candyland before you came along. :rolleyes:

E? E? What the fuck is E? I can walk past and over a dozen people taken out by E at the local rave, and hell, so can the police. They don't give a fuck. So you hid some naughty pills in Mommy's BMW and I'm supposed to worship at your feet? Do you think I haven't seen ambulances pick up users that I know at a school populated by JD's? Do you think I haven't been surrounded hard-core addicts in church ministries, people who think the love of Jesus is the only thing that saved them from certain death? Or that I haven't seen people do the craziest shit, fighting or stabbing people because of their habits? Think again. :eusa_hand:

... and yet ... you practically condone drug use. The peg doesn't fit.
That's cool and all but the fact is the when I did my first line of cocaine, pill of E, and a couple of other unmentionables you weren't even 4 years old yet. When I was in rehab for a month you were prolly barely 6. I've watched countless friends lose just about everything in their lives because of OCs. I've seen friends go to jail because of their out of control drinking. I've seen friends go to jail for dealing drugs. I've revived a straight A student OD-ing on a multitude of pain killers and anxiety medicine while waiting for an ambulance arrive. And more people that I know that I care to mention have actually lost their lives because of substance abuse.

I've hit rock bottom before.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about and I know you hate to hearing this but there is no way that someone your age could possibly compare with that.

Gee, A15, I really learned my lesson now. Thanks for schooling me; I lived in Candyland before you came along. :rolleyes:

E? E? What the fuck is E? I can walk past and over a dozen people taken out by E at the local rave, and hell, so can the police. They don't give a fuck. So you hid some naughty pills in Mommy's BMW and I'm supposed to worship at your feet? Do you think I haven't seen ambulances pick up users that I know at a school populated by JD's? Do you think I haven't been surrounded hard-core addicts in church ministries, people who think the love of Jesus is the only thing that saved them from certain death? Or that I haven't seen people do the craziest shit, fighting or stabbing people because of their habits? Think again. :eusa_hand:

... and yet ... you practically condone drug use. The peg doesn't fit.

It's "Can't/Won't happen to me" Syndrome.
... and yet ... you practically condone drug use. The peg doesn't fit.

No one's "condoning drug use." I'm first rejecting the apparent insinuation that someone's a "junkie" because they engage in occasional recreational drug use, and the idea that this is "ignorance" that can be specifically attributed to that person's age, because that's merely a crude stereotype with no empirical basis. Personally, yes, I would make a distinction between soft and hard drug use, but I don't see that as directly relevant.

At any rate, I've made it clear how I feel about speculation based on anecdotal "evidence."
I don't know what "rock bottom" is A15 I've never been there, but I've done my share of shit. What does it feel like to hit rock bottom? Maybe I've been there and didn't know it? I've been a "user" for years and never seen anything like the bottom. What does it look like? Some people don't believe me when I say I'm not addictive... what can I say? I've tried everything that's ever been offered to me and I'm not addicted to any of it. I just roll with what comes my way. I have a good time when good times are offered and just make my way when they aren't... is that hard to believe?
You know it when you are there. Clawing back up from it is hard, and made even harder when drugs are the reason for it.
... and yet ... you practically condone drug use. The peg doesn't fit.

No one's "condoning drug use." I'm first rejecting the apparent insinuation that someone's a "junkie" because they engage in occasional recreational drug use, and the idea that this is "ignorance" that can be specifically attributed to that person's age, because that's merely a crude stereotype with no empirical basis. Personally, yes, I would make a distinction between soft and hard drug use, but I don't see that as directly relevant.

At any rate, I've made it clear how I feel about speculation based on anecdotal "evidence."

No one insinuated anything of the kind. It was a little friendly advice (between two people who know each other a little bit here) based on one's prior personal experience. It's interesting that one of my kids, at the age of 14, very clearly told me (not on this particular subject) that she could run her own life, and how soon after that she came running 'cause she had run it into the ground. So please.... spare me the "crude stereotype with no empirical basis".
No one insinuated anything of the kind. It was a little friendly advice (between two people who know each other a little bit here) based on one's prior personal experience. It's interesting that one of my kids, at the age of 14, very clearly told me (not on this particular subject) that she could run her own life, and how soon after that she came running 'cause she had run it into the ground. So please.... spare me the "crude stereotype with no empirical basis".

This isn't meant to be a personal attack against you, but this is exactly the kind of thing I grow very tired of very quickly. Do you think I don't hear it? As the leader of the oldest youth rights organization in the country, I quite often encounter, "But my son won't even clean his room, so how could he possibly manage his own affairs?" It never ceases to amaze me that people simply can't or don't understand that the widely varying spectrum of human actions and behaviors prevents any policy prescription or analysis being soundly made on the basis of anecdotal "evidence," and more than that, how their own influence could have been the cause of their offsprings' incapacities. This is why I'll never stop validating my own beliefs with legitimate empirical research, which relies on the scientific method rather than anecdotal speculation.
You know it when you are there. Clawing back up from it is hard, and made even harder when drugs are the reason for it.

I guess I've never been there.... have a personal story to share?

Shared it many times on here, and since it wasn't caused by drugs or alcohol I will just highlight some. Mentally I went "bonkers" and lost everything, lived in shelters for several years and finally got back up to a "normal" life ... of sorts. But due to not wanting anymore addictions (smoker, guilty) I never got caught up in the rest.
What is the point of doing drugs or booze if you don't have an addictive personality?

Why not just become gym junkies?

Fuck, listen to me, I am the James Dean who survived the car crash and then started speeding again. I am the Apocalypse then who is still apocalypse now.

No sober personalizes should ever do drugs. Get off my superhighway to hell.
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lol i am not drinking it right now.....sillie....its the new brew ...trendy ...fat tire, 1552 or some shit and mother ship which is a wheat beer....right now i am drinking water....kk...this may shock you but i rarely drink....i iz out...i iz working on not being out...
i hate i remember when someone offered to show me how to "free base" i was like fuck another method of addication...no thanks
lol i am not drinking it right now.....sillie....its the new brew ...trendy ...fat tire, 1552 or some shit and mother ship which is a wheat beer....right now i am drinking water....kk...this may shock you but i rarely drink....i iz out...i iz working on not being out...

Bah! You know I am just giving you shit. I like the taste of malts myself, I just don't like the "buzz" from them (I never drink enough to get drunk) so I usually stick to just flavored stuff, which doesn't really capture the flavor much. Thus why I wound up being a coffee junky ... LOL. Jitters I don't mind.
No one insinuated anything of the kind. It was a little friendly advice (between two people who know each other a little bit here) based on one's prior personal experience. It's interesting that one of my kids, at the age of 14, very clearly told me (not on this particular subject) that she could run her own life, and how soon after that she came running 'cause she had run it into the ground. So please.... spare me the "crude stereotype with no empirical basis".

This isn't meant to be a personal attack against you, but this is exactly the kind of thing I grow very tired of very quickly. Do you think I don't hear it? As the leader of the oldest youth rights organization in the country, I quite often encounter, "But my son won't even clean his room, so how could he possibly manage his own affairs?" It never ceases to amaze me that people simply can't or don't understand that the widely varying spectrum of human actions and behaviors prevents any policy prescription or analysis being soundly made on the basis of anecdotal "evidence," and more than that, how their own influence could have been the cause of their offsprings' incapacities. This is why I'll never stop validating my own beliefs with legitimate empirical research, which relies on the scientific method rather than anecdotal speculation.

Sorry Agna. Had you remembered other posts, you'd know that, in this case, these children were encouraged... no, make that taught, to be independent thinkers, and challenged to think beyond their age-specific little games and TV shows. It is why they all excelled and are who they are now. The fact that adolescents feel the need to BE adults is nothing new, it's just that they are NOT. There is NO evidence otherwise.
Sorry Agna. Had you remembered other posts, you'd know that, in this case, these children were encouraged... no, make that taught, to be independent thinkers, and challenged to think beyond their age-specific little games and TV shows. It is why they all excelled and are who they are now. The fact that adolescents feel the need to BE adults is nothing new, it's just that they are NOT. There is NO evidence otherwise.

I don't know anything about your family affairs and obviously can't presume to, but it's often not possible to resist the influence of a wider culture. That said, it's seeming more and more to me that you haven't read any of my posts; you certainly didn't reply to my post detailing the reality that adolescence is a social construct established during the late 19th and early 20th century, and that the concept of childhood as a whole is rather fluid, and has varied from culture to culture and time to time. Now please realize that I can understand why you'd base your analysis on your own experience over the past forty to fifty years or whatever, but it's certainly not a substitute for historical and sociological analysis of the human life cycle. I've already referred to Fussell and Furstenberg's analysis, for instance.

The age at which a person becomes an adult is inherently subjective. It could depend on a person's behavior, their status as a student, worker, spouse or parent, or their legal status. Adulthood may also be attained through socially recognized rites of passage. In the U.S. clear-cut age categories only began to emerge as socially salient in the late 19th and early 20th century (Kett 1977). Adolescence was "discovered" in the early 20th century as part of a social movement intended to protect children and youth from economic exploitation and to justify and promote the extension of standardized public education (Chudacoff 1989; Katz 1995; Zelizer 1994). The cultural cultivation of adolescence as a life stage became even more developed in the post-war era when social scientists began to study youth and youth cultures seriously (Coleman 1961; Flacks 1971; Kett 1977; Modell 1989).

There is also an expanding school of thought that advocates the abolition of adolescence, and a greater symmetry between the reception of adult rights and biological adulthood. The major proponent of that school is the psychologist Robert Epstein, and it's been recently endorsed by no less noteworthy a figure than Newt Gingrich.

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