What are you listening to?

Anything by Ella gets a Winner from me. :thup:

I consider it one of my great fortunes to have seen her in the flesh before she left us. There are some rare artists who just seem to have a connection to some otherworldly place that leaves you thinking "where did they get THAT from". Ella was definitely one of those people. The song material is whatever it was limited to but once she starts improvising ---- oh hell no, all bets are off.

We simply cannot let this day go by without noting the crucial contributions of today's birthday girl -- Carol Kaye.

84 years young today and you've heard her work over and over and over.

Here's a quick bio with samples of her work, comprising over ten thousand recordings as a go-to studio musician.

Happy Birthday Carol and thanks for all the years.


Lucy Hamilton

Carol Kay is a legend, along with Joe Osborne.
Israeli singer Rita with her rocked-up version of Shaneh from her native Persia:

That reminded me of another old favourite --- Karnak "Alma Não Tem Cor" (Soul has no colour)

Crazy mutli-infuence band from Brasil

There's a LOT going on there....


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