What are you prepared to do?

You gotta laugh at people who claim they are willing to die for their guns.

Yep. Knee slapping hilarious. Take for example this comedic excerpt from the comedy movie April Morning. It depicts a group of comedians on Lexington Green who refused to lay down their arms. As you remember from school, this went down in history as the "standup comedy routine heard round the world".

It's hilarious. And what's more funny, in real life these comedians went on to create their own country.

i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this post is intended to be used as legal advice.

There was once a civilian militia and it still exists - only as a shell of its former self. What's ironic about their demise is that there was an argument over what kind of freaking patch to wear on the uniform.

The guy who lost wanted Confederate flag patches and the side that prevailed thought the Minuteman patch was a better representation.

Anyway, the losing side waged a war against the people that started that militia group. The Confederate flag guy even became a Confidential Informant for that state's Bureau of Investigation. And he built a militia on government money, siphoning off most of the supporters of the original group.

Those guys went out and had this very conversation as if it could be a casual conversation. And it ended up with those guys disregarding all they had been taught from the original militia. The more they talked, the dumber they got. Finally, some of the members were put into prison for talking trash in a Waffle House - seems that despite the warnings they were sent, the man they trusted was an undercover snitch.

Then another member got arrested for child porn. The "Chaplain" was put into prison for some cockamamie scheme to take over a Tennessee courthouse with an AK - 47 variant. And the moral here is if you challenge Uncle Scam by telling him that you would resist gun control - you just painted a target on your back.

The right did not help themselves by endorsing the National ID / REAL ID Act and the NRA lied to the people. And so, we now have National Gun Registration for the most part. And do you see people preparing for the inevitable? Let me explain what's going to happen:

Donald Trump is a Democrat. His Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is going to ban bump stocks. He will order that all bump stocks in existence be destroyed, permanently modified not to be functional OR surrendered to the BATFE. The legal principle here is that Sessions is going to circumvent the United States Constitution and put all gun owners in danger.

The United States Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws. And, what Sessions is doing is creating a way to nullify that prohibition. That means that the government can begin outlawing guns and there will not be that "grandfathered in" stuff we had back when Clinton signed the "Assault Weapons Ban" (sic.)

The stakes will be high and you could lose everything you own - including the balance of your life for simply owning a firearm. And so the days of talking are over. If you are not active right now - at this very moment AND following sound strategies, then plan on surrendering your weapons. Ironically, we now have National ID, warrant less search and seizure, a United States Supreme Court convinced that they grant you your Rights, and a stupid hillbilly in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption thinking it's a good idea to further weaken the Constitution... all of it due to bad strategies by the right.

I've put dozens of proposals on the table to keep the left so busy they couldn't get gun control passed in the next 50 years, but gun owners think they write a check to the sell-outs in the NRA and it's all good. It's not. And if you won't fight back NOW - you definitely won't later. Sadly my advice is, if you don't get active in the fight as soon as you read this post, you should get rid of your firearms ASAP.

I did not just now start thinking about this. I started planning what I was going to do when 0bama was potus. I gained time that I didn’t think I had when the GOP took over Congress. I have plans in place but they are not complete.

I am also VERY familiar with the politics that is holding back civilian militias, experienced that myself. It’s sad.

I disagree about Trump and Sessions, as long as the GOP controls things, there is time, but you are correct. The time to start is yesterday.

I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.
It makes a semiautomatic fire like an automatic. Those are highly restricted and basically not for general civilian use. If you have an attachment that makes it look like a duck, quack like a duck and swim like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Ban it. Since not many people own/use them, what skin is it off your nose if they are banned? One of the easiest things to agree on in gun control, I would think.
Enough compromising has been done, enough of our rights have been given up, it’s time to make a stand. You won’t stand, I understand that. This thread doesn’t address you.

Our 2nd A. right is in reality a privilege. While the wording in the 2nd is "shall not infringe", you an I and everyone knows/admits that some people have that right infringed/denied. The problem to be solved is how do we identify those too irresponsible to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm?

That is the first and most difficult problem which needs to be addressed.

That has already been addressed, and this discussion is drifting off topic.

My comments are spot on to the issue, the OP infers violence and no discussion; I prefer discussion and if people control is necessary, the author of the OP would be one of those to have his privilege revoked based on this thread.
Speaking his mind is his right, not his privilege.

Not true. The 1st A. is not sacrosanct, if he boarded a commercial airline and said I have a gun and my right shall not be infringed, he would have his right infringed, if not his life if he brandished it.
Such brilliant logic.

Now come to my house and take my guns.
The door to door gun confiscation that the NRA cultists have told you to fear will never happen.

But yet, if the goal is to somehow stop shooting deaths, it must. You can't possibly think banning AR style rifles will stop murder by gun. It's highly speculative to think it would even put a den't in the numbers and possibly inflate the homicide rate.

So, if the goal is not to decrease the numbers, then the entire argument about taking away a type of gun a citizen might own is simply disingenuous and without merit.
First, there is no way to stop all shootings. We want to prevent as many as possible.

Second, nobody expects this to happen overnight. It will most likely be a decades long process.

Voluntary turn ins will be the start, then maybe some buy backs. Once something is actually outlawed expact fairly regular amnesty periods where they can be surrendered without consequences.

You want to bury yours in a box out back? Fine, they are outta circulation there way too.

All guns used in crimes would be confiscated and destroyed as well.

Eventually the numbers will drop so far shootings will become rare.

First, there is no way to stop all shootings. We want to prevent as many as possible.

This is where we first see the disingenuous argument begin. Using the term "mass shooting" instead of "mass killing", "mass casualty" or "mass murder".

You have no evidence that any of the killers would not have produced the same number of casualties if bump stocks or AR Style rifles were already prohibited. In fact, it could be argued that the number of dead might even be higher. Since both arguments are speculative, both are equally valid.

Second, nobody expects this to happen overnight. It will most likely be a decades long process.

The easy way out, equally as disingenuous. So the argument is, you can't blame me if it doesn't work, you have to look long into the future, probably after you are dead, for the results to happen. But in the meantime, your daughter being raped is the cost of it not happening until sometime 30 years from now.

Voluntary turn ins will be the start, then maybe some buy backs. Once something is actually outlawed expact fairly regular amnesty periods where they can be surrendered without consequences.

You want to bury yours in a box out back? Fine, they are outta circulation there way too.

What a wonderful world, the law abiding citizens will have a way to legally make themselves more vulnerable to the evil doers of the world. But fear not, that dude sticking the glock in your back while taking off with your wallet will do so because you obeyed the law.

See, this is why you lost in 2016, and this is why you will lose in 2018 and 2020. You make no sense to anyone but yourselves.
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this post is intended to be used as legal advice.

There was once a civilian militia and it still exists - only as a shell of its former self. What's ironic about their demise is that there was an argument over what kind of freaking patch to wear on the uniform.

The guy who lost wanted Confederate flag patches and the side that prevailed thought the Minuteman patch was a better representation.

Anyway, the losing side waged a war against the people that started that militia group. The Confederate flag guy even became a Confidential Informant for that state's Bureau of Investigation. And he built a militia on government money, siphoning off most of the supporters of the original group.

Those guys went out and had this very conversation as if it could be a casual conversation. And it ended up with those guys disregarding all they had been taught from the original militia. The more they talked, the dumber they got. Finally, some of the members were put into prison for talking trash in a Waffle House - seems that despite the warnings they were sent, the man they trusted was an undercover snitch.

Then another member got arrested for child porn. The "Chaplain" was put into prison for some cockamamie scheme to take over a Tennessee courthouse with an AK - 47 variant. And the moral here is if you challenge Uncle Scam by telling him that you would resist gun control - you just painted a target on your back.

The right did not help themselves by endorsing the National ID / REAL ID Act and the NRA lied to the people. And so, we now have National Gun Registration for the most part. And do you see people preparing for the inevitable? Let me explain what's going to happen:

Donald Trump is a Democrat. His Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is going to ban bump stocks. He will order that all bump stocks in existence be destroyed, permanently modified not to be functional OR surrendered to the BATFE. The legal principle here is that Sessions is going to circumvent the United States Constitution and put all gun owners in danger.

The United States Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws. And, what Sessions is doing is creating a way to nullify that prohibition. That means that the government can begin outlawing guns and there will not be that "grandfathered in" stuff we had back when Clinton signed the "Assault Weapons Ban" (sic.)

The stakes will be high and you could lose everything you own - including the balance of your life for simply owning a firearm. And so the days of talking are over. If you are not active right now - at this very moment AND following sound strategies, then plan on surrendering your weapons. Ironically, we now have National ID, warrant less search and seizure, a United States Supreme Court convinced that they grant you your Rights, and a stupid hillbilly in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption thinking it's a good idea to further weaken the Constitution... all of it due to bad strategies by the right.

I've put dozens of proposals on the table to keep the left so busy they couldn't get gun control passed in the next 50 years, but gun owners think they write a check to the sell-outs in the NRA and it's all good. It's not. And if you won't fight back NOW - you definitely won't later. Sadly my advice is, if you don't get active in the fight as soon as you read this post, you should get rid of your firearms ASAP.

I did not just now start thinking about this. I started planning what I was going to do when 0bama was potus. I gained time that I didn’t think I had when the GOP took over Congress. I have plans in place but they are not complete.

I am also VERY familiar with the politics that is holding back civilian militias, experienced that myself. It’s sad.

I disagree about Trump and Sessions, as long as the GOP controls things, there is time, but you are correct. The time to start is yesterday.

I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.

If you read my posting carefully, the issue is NOT the bump stock. Let me explain how the law works:

In the United States Constitution, Article I Section 9 states:

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Notice what I said about ex post facto law is in bold. An ex post facto law is one where what was legal today can be become illegal tomorrow. EXAMPLE: In the Assault Weapons Ban, they could not make you give up or modify your firearms that you already owned. That would have been a violation of the ex post facto prohibition.

Jeff Sessions will change that with his bump stock ban. That means if you own one today, it can be illegal to own tomorrow. So, we think we can run down and buy some semi autos and mags - and presto, we're good to go.

Then the government outlaws high capacity magazines. We're thinking, so what. They're grandfathered in - just like the AR and the AK was during the Assault Weapon Ban. Not true. If Jeff Sessions makes ONE thing illegal (and it don't matter what it is) and it was legally owned before he issued his ban, then anything can be criminalized.

Anyway, if Sessions does what he says he's going to do and you owned say ten high cap magazines for your rifle. The government says they are now illegal. If you don't surrender them, each magazine you own becomes a separate felony count. Just ten high capacity magazines, in that scenario, would cost you the rest of your life in prison.
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this post is intended to be used as legal advice.

There was once a civilian militia and it still exists - only as a shell of its former self. What's ironic about their demise is that there was an argument over what kind of freaking patch to wear on the uniform.

The guy who lost wanted Confederate flag patches and the side that prevailed thought the Minuteman patch was a better representation.

Anyway, the losing side waged a war against the people that started that militia group. The Confederate flag guy even became a Confidential Informant for that state's Bureau of Investigation. And he built a militia on government money, siphoning off most of the supporters of the original group.

Those guys went out and had this very conversation as if it could be a casual conversation. And it ended up with those guys disregarding all they had been taught from the original militia. The more they talked, the dumber they got. Finally, some of the members were put into prison for talking trash in a Waffle House - seems that despite the warnings they were sent, the man they trusted was an undercover snitch.

Then another member got arrested for child porn. The "Chaplain" was put into prison for some cockamamie scheme to take over a Tennessee courthouse with an AK - 47 variant. And the moral here is if you challenge Uncle Scam by telling him that you would resist gun control - you just painted a target on your back.

The right did not help themselves by endorsing the National ID / REAL ID Act and the NRA lied to the people. And so, we now have National Gun Registration for the most part. And do you see people preparing for the inevitable? Let me explain what's going to happen:

Donald Trump is a Democrat. His Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is going to ban bump stocks. He will order that all bump stocks in existence be destroyed, permanently modified not to be functional OR surrendered to the BATFE. The legal principle here is that Sessions is going to circumvent the United States Constitution and put all gun owners in danger.

The United States Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws. And, what Sessions is doing is creating a way to nullify that prohibition. That means that the government can begin outlawing guns and there will not be that "grandfathered in" stuff we had back when Clinton signed the "Assault Weapons Ban" (sic.)

The stakes will be high and you could lose everything you own - including the balance of your life for simply owning a firearm. And so the days of talking are over. If you are not active right now - at this very moment AND following sound strategies, then plan on surrendering your weapons. Ironically, we now have National ID, warrant less search and seizure, a United States Supreme Court convinced that they grant you your Rights, and a stupid hillbilly in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption thinking it's a good idea to further weaken the Constitution... all of it due to bad strategies by the right.

I've put dozens of proposals on the table to keep the left so busy they couldn't get gun control passed in the next 50 years, but gun owners think they write a check to the sell-outs in the NRA and it's all good. It's not. And if you won't fight back NOW - you definitely won't later. Sadly my advice is, if you don't get active in the fight as soon as you read this post, you should get rid of your firearms ASAP.

I did not just now start thinking about this. I started planning what I was going to do when 0bama was potus. I gained time that I didn’t think I had when the GOP took over Congress. I have plans in place but they are not complete.

I am also VERY familiar with the politics that is holding back civilian militias, experienced that myself. It’s sad.

I disagree about Trump and Sessions, as long as the GOP controls things, there is time, but you are correct. The time to start is yesterday.

I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.
It makes a semiautomatic fire like an automatic. Those are highly restricted and basically not for general civilian use. If you have an attachment that makes it look like a duck, quack like a duck and swim like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Ban it. Since not many people own/use them, what skin is it off your nose if they are banned? One of the easiest things to agree on in gun control, I would think.

I have no intention on wasting time legislating something rarely used in criminal activity. I am sure somewhere a baseball bat was used to kill another human being, I oppose a ban on baseball bats. Your argument is disingenuous as it does not take into account that the killer, and lets be clear here, he was a millionaire, had the resources to do far more destruction if bump stocks and AR rifles were not available to him. Speculating that he might have killed far more had he ran into a ban on these items is just as valid as speculating the death toll would have been less. And neither should be used when creating good law.
Our 2nd A. right is in reality a privilege. While the wording in the 2nd is "shall not infringe", you an I and everyone knows/admits that some people have that right infringed/denied. The problem to be solved is how do we identify those too irresponsible to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm?

That is the first and most difficult problem which needs to be addressed.

That has already been addressed, and this discussion is drifting off topic.

My comments are spot on to the issue, the OP infers violence and no discussion; I prefer discussion and if people control is necessary, the author of the OP would be one of those to have his privilege revoked based on this thread.
Speaking his mind is his right, not his privilege.

Not true. The 1st A. is not sacrosanct, if he boarded a commercial airline and said I have a gun and my right shall not be infringed, he would have his right infringed, if not his life if he brandished it.
Such brilliant logic.

Now come to my house and take my guns.

They won’t have to show up at our doors. They just make more and more “Reasonable gun laws” until our guns are nothing but paperweights.

Resist all gun
Laws, resist them now or lose our rights.
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this post is intended to be used as legal advice.

There was once a civilian militia and it still exists - only as a shell of its former self. What's ironic about their demise is that there was an argument over what kind of freaking patch to wear on the uniform.

The guy who lost wanted Confederate flag patches and the side that prevailed thought the Minuteman patch was a better representation.

Anyway, the losing side waged a war against the people that started that militia group. The Confederate flag guy even became a Confidential Informant for that state's Bureau of Investigation. And he built a militia on government money, siphoning off most of the supporters of the original group.

Those guys went out and had this very conversation as if it could be a casual conversation. And it ended up with those guys disregarding all they had been taught from the original militia. The more they talked, the dumber they got. Finally, some of the members were put into prison for talking trash in a Waffle House - seems that despite the warnings they were sent, the man they trusted was an undercover snitch.

Then another member got arrested for child porn. The "Chaplain" was put into prison for some cockamamie scheme to take over a Tennessee courthouse with an AK - 47 variant. And the moral here is if you challenge Uncle Scam by telling him that you would resist gun control - you just painted a target on your back.

The right did not help themselves by endorsing the National ID / REAL ID Act and the NRA lied to the people. And so, we now have National Gun Registration for the most part. And do you see people preparing for the inevitable? Let me explain what's going to happen:

Donald Trump is a Democrat. His Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is going to ban bump stocks. He will order that all bump stocks in existence be destroyed, permanently modified not to be functional OR surrendered to the BATFE. The legal principle here is that Sessions is going to circumvent the United States Constitution and put all gun owners in danger.

The United States Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws. And, what Sessions is doing is creating a way to nullify that prohibition. That means that the government can begin outlawing guns and there will not be that "grandfathered in" stuff we had back when Clinton signed the "Assault Weapons Ban" (sic.)

The stakes will be high and you could lose everything you own - including the balance of your life for simply owning a firearm. And so the days of talking are over. If you are not active right now - at this very moment AND following sound strategies, then plan on surrendering your weapons. Ironically, we now have National ID, warrant less search and seizure, a United States Supreme Court convinced that they grant you your Rights, and a stupid hillbilly in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption thinking it's a good idea to further weaken the Constitution... all of it due to bad strategies by the right.

I've put dozens of proposals on the table to keep the left so busy they couldn't get gun control passed in the next 50 years, but gun owners think they write a check to the sell-outs in the NRA and it's all good. It's not. And if you won't fight back NOW - you definitely won't later. Sadly my advice is, if you don't get active in the fight as soon as you read this post, you should get rid of your firearms ASAP.

I did not just now start thinking about this. I started planning what I was going to do when 0bama was potus. I gained time that I didn’t think I had when the GOP took over Congress. I have plans in place but they are not complete.

I am also VERY familiar with the politics that is holding back civilian militias, experienced that myself. It’s sad.

I disagree about Trump and Sessions, as long as the GOP controls things, there is time, but you are correct. The time to start is yesterday.

I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.

If you read my posting carefully, the issue is NOT the bump stock. Let me explain how the law works:

In the United States Constitution, Article I Section 9 states:

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Notice what I said about ex post facto law is in bold. An ex post facto law is one where what was legal today can be become illegal tomorrow. EXAMPLE: In the Assault Weapons Ban, they could not make you give up or modify your firearms that you already owned. That would have been a violation of the ex post facto prohibition.

Jeff Sessions will change that with his bump stock ban. That means if you own one today, it can be illegal to own tomorrow. So, we think we can run down and buy some semi autos and mags - and presto, we're good to go.

Then the government outlaws high capacity magazines. We're thinking, so what. They're grandfathered in - just like the AR and the AK was during the Assault Weapon Ban. Not true. If Jeff Sessions makes ONE thing illegal (and it don't matter what it is) and it was legally owned before he issued his ban, then anything can be criminalized.

Anyway, if Sessions does what he says he's going to do and you owned say ten high cap magazines for your rifle. The government says they are now illegal. If you don't surrender them, each magazine you own becomes a separate felony count. Just ten high capacity magazines, in that scenario, would cost you the rest of your life in prison.

I understand completely, it is death by a thousand cuts.

This is all being done in such a speculative nature as to be laughable.

As I pointed out, the argument about bump stocks are disingenuous as there is not evidence that the death toll would not have been greater had bump stocks never been invented. It is insane to believe that a Mad Man, one with incredible wealth, could not have come up with the capability of a greater number of deaths if bump stocks and AR style rifles been unavailable.

We may actually been lucky that the idiot took a lazy path to mass destruction, the alternative could have been far worth.
I joined the military to fix jets.. While in the military I was about 10 miles from the Wall of Berlin.. My job was to get our jets up in the air if the USSR went into rolling thunder and steam rolled Europe. I knew that if that happened I would launch and then kiss my ass goodbye. Without US who served in the military you might right now be speaking Russian.. But then again, you probably would of liked it.
Thank you for your service but I'm unclear how the 2nd amendment factored in?
last time.. Without the second amendment, Obama would of FORCED upon US much more than just a healthcare system that is broken...And you would of bent over with your head up your butt, and taken his jizzim up there too.
I did not just now start thinking about this. I started planning what I was going to do when 0bama was potus. I gained time that I didn’t think I had when the GOP took over Congress. I have plans in place but they are not complete.

I am also VERY familiar with the politics that is holding back civilian militias, experienced that myself. It’s sad.

I disagree about Trump and Sessions, as long as the GOP controls things, there is time, but you are correct. The time to start is yesterday.

I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.

If you read my posting carefully, the issue is NOT the bump stock. Let me explain how the law works:

In the United States Constitution, Article I Section 9 states:

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Notice what I said about ex post facto law is in bold. An ex post facto law is one where what was legal today can be become illegal tomorrow. EXAMPLE: In the Assault Weapons Ban, they could not make you give up or modify your firearms that you already owned. That would have been a violation of the ex post facto prohibition.

Jeff Sessions will change that with his bump stock ban. That means if you own one today, it can be illegal to own tomorrow. So, we think we can run down and buy some semi autos and mags - and presto, we're good to go.

Then the government outlaws high capacity magazines. We're thinking, so what. They're grandfathered in - just like the AR and the AK was during the Assault Weapon Ban. Not true. If Jeff Sessions makes ONE thing illegal (and it don't matter what it is) and it was legally owned before he issued his ban, then anything can be criminalized.

Anyway, if Sessions does what he says he's going to do and you owned say ten high cap magazines for your rifle. The government says they are now illegal. If you don't surrender them, each magazine you own becomes a separate felony count. Just ten high capacity magazines, in that scenario, would cost you the rest of your life in prison.

I understand completely, it is death by a thousand cuts.

This is all being done in such a speculative nature as to be laughable.

As I pointed out, the argument about bump stocks are disingenuous as there is not evidence that the death toll would not have been greater had bump stocks never been invented. It is insane to believe that a Mad Man, one with incredible wealth, could not have come up with the capability of a greater number of deaths if bump stocks and AR style rifles been unavailable.

We may actually been lucky that the idiot took a lazy path to mass destruction, the alternative could have been far worth.
The Muslim who shot up the Gay night club didn't use a bump stock yet killed more and wounded plenty. But instead of going after the bad guy, it was the guns again.
Enough compromising has been done, enough of our rights have been given up, it’s time to make a stand. You won’t stand, I understand that. This thread doesn’t address you.

Our 2nd A. right is in reality a privilege. While the wording in the 2nd is "shall not infringe", you an I and everyone knows/admits that some people have that right infringed/denied. The problem to be solved is how do we identify those too irresponsible to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm?

That is the first and most difficult problem which needs to be addressed.

That has already been addressed, and this discussion is drifting off topic.

My comments are spot on to the issue, the OP infers violence and no discussion; I prefer discussion and if people control is necessary, the author of the OP would be one of those to have his privilege revoked based on this thread.

The sheep discussing "what's for diner" in a pack of wolves would likely object to the outcome and reserve the right to fight without further discussion.

Gee, how clever and original. I bet it took a long time for you to come up with this insight.

No, I often use it when replying to fools.
I did not just now start thinking about this. I started planning what I was going to do when 0bama was potus. I gained time that I didn’t think I had when the GOP took over Congress. I have plans in place but they are not complete.

I am also VERY familiar with the politics that is holding back civilian militias, experienced that myself. It’s sad.

I disagree about Trump and Sessions, as long as the GOP controls things, there is time, but you are correct. The time to start is yesterday.

I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.

If you read my posting carefully, the issue is NOT the bump stock. Let me explain how the law works:

In the United States Constitution, Article I Section 9 states:

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Notice what I said about ex post facto law is in bold. An ex post facto law is one where what was legal today can be become illegal tomorrow. EXAMPLE: In the Assault Weapons Ban, they could not make you give up or modify your firearms that you already owned. That would have been a violation of the ex post facto prohibition.

Jeff Sessions will change that with his bump stock ban. That means if you own one today, it can be illegal to own tomorrow. So, we think we can run down and buy some semi autos and mags - and presto, we're good to go.

Then the government outlaws high capacity magazines. We're thinking, so what. They're grandfathered in - just like the AR and the AK was during the Assault Weapon Ban. Not true. If Jeff Sessions makes ONE thing illegal (and it don't matter what it is) and it was legally owned before he issued his ban, then anything can be criminalized.

Anyway, if Sessions does what he says he's going to do and you owned say ten high cap magazines for your rifle. The government says they are now illegal. If you don't surrender them, each magazine you own becomes a separate felony count. Just ten high capacity magazines, in that scenario, would cost you the rest of your life in prison.

I understand completely, it is death by a thousand cuts.

This is all being done in such a speculative nature as to be laughable.

As I pointed out, the argument about bump stocks are disingenuous as there is not evidence that the death toll would not have been greater had bump stocks never been invented. It is insane to believe that a Mad Man, one with incredible wealth, could not have come up with the capability of a greater number of deaths if bump stocks and AR style rifles been unavailable.

We may actually been lucky that the idiot took a lazy path to mass destruction, the alternative could have been far worth.

There is a video on YouTube where two guys try a bump stock versus a guy pulling the trigger as fast as he could. The bump stock was faster by, maybe, two seconds IIRC, but the guy aiming and shooting had a far better hit ratio. Banning the stocks is a meaningless gesture to appease the left, but it creates a bad precedent that the left will find very useful when they get control of Congress.
I did not just now start thinking about this. I started planning what I was going to do when 0bama was potus. I gained time that I didn’t think I had when the GOP took over Congress. I have plans in place but they are not complete.

I am also VERY familiar with the politics that is holding back civilian militias, experienced that myself. It’s sad.

I disagree about Trump and Sessions, as long as the GOP controls things, there is time, but you are correct. The time to start is yesterday.

I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.
It makes a semiautomatic fire like an automatic. Those are highly restricted and basically not for general civilian use. If you have an attachment that makes it look like a duck, quack like a duck and swim like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Ban it. Since not many people own/use them, what skin is it off your nose if they are banned? One of the easiest things to agree on in gun control, I would think.

I have no intention on wasting time legislating something rarely used in criminal activity. I am sure somewhere a baseball bat was used to kill another human being, I oppose a ban on baseball bats. Your argument is disingenuous as it does not take into account that the killer, and lets be clear here, he was a millionaire, had the resources to do far more destruction if bump stocks and AR rifles were not available to him. Speculating that he might have killed far more had he ran into a ban on these items is just as valid as speculating the death toll would have been less. And neither should be used when creating good law.
The way I look at it, bump stocks should have never been legal. DOJ or whoever let us down on that from the beginning. They passed the buck and it fell on the floor. No one picked it up until that a-hole in Vegas used one.
So to me it 's more like house cleaning.
No, it won't prevent mass shootings, but it's a by-the-way thing that needs to be done, now that we are aware of it.
I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.

If you read my posting carefully, the issue is NOT the bump stock. Let me explain how the law works:

In the United States Constitution, Article I Section 9 states:

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Notice what I said about ex post facto law is in bold. An ex post facto law is one where what was legal today can be become illegal tomorrow. EXAMPLE: In the Assault Weapons Ban, they could not make you give up or modify your firearms that you already owned. That would have been a violation of the ex post facto prohibition.

Jeff Sessions will change that with his bump stock ban. That means if you own one today, it can be illegal to own tomorrow. So, we think we can run down and buy some semi autos and mags - and presto, we're good to go.

Then the government outlaws high capacity magazines. We're thinking, so what. They're grandfathered in - just like the AR and the AK was during the Assault Weapon Ban. Not true. If Jeff Sessions makes ONE thing illegal (and it don't matter what it is) and it was legally owned before he issued his ban, then anything can be criminalized.

Anyway, if Sessions does what he says he's going to do and you owned say ten high cap magazines for your rifle. The government says they are now illegal. If you don't surrender them, each magazine you own becomes a separate felony count. Just ten high capacity magazines, in that scenario, would cost you the rest of your life in prison.

I understand completely, it is death by a thousand cuts.

This is all being done in such a speculative nature as to be laughable.

As I pointed out, the argument about bump stocks are disingenuous as there is not evidence that the death toll would not have been greater had bump stocks never been invented. It is insane to believe that a Mad Man, one with incredible wealth, could not have come up with the capability of a greater number of deaths if bump stocks and AR style rifles been unavailable.

We may actually been lucky that the idiot took a lazy path to mass destruction, the alternative could have been far worth.
The Muslim who shot up the Gay night club didn't use a bump stock yet killed more and wounded plenty. But instead of going after the bad guy, it was the guns again.

Let me play the devil's advocate here:

I have tried, for years, to get people to give alternatives to gun control. My alternatives would get bogged down in legislative debates and never be passed, but as long as they were on the board, gun control would not be possible.

NOBODY wants to get involved in the strategy. They're happy thinking majority opinion will always favor gun rights - even as they are stripping us of our guns on an incremental basis.

Most mass shootings could be prevented without gun control. But, gun owners would rather lose their guns than to clog the legislature with alternatives to the gun bans, registration, etc.
Enough compromising has been done, enough of our rights have been given up, it’s time to make a stand. You won’t stand, I understand that. This thread doesn’t address you.

Our 2nd A. right is in reality a privilege. While the wording in the 2nd is "shall not infringe", you an I and everyone knows/admits that some people have that right infringed/denied. The problem to be solved is how do we identify those too irresponsible to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm?

That is the first and most difficult problem which needs to be addressed.

That has already been addressed, and this discussion is drifting off topic.

My comments are spot on to the issue, the OP infers violence and no discussion; I prefer discussion and if people control is necessary, the author of the OP would be one of those to have his privilege revoked based on this thread.
Speaking his mind is his right, not his privilege.

Not true. The 1st A. is not sacrosanct, if he boarded a commercial airline and said I have a gun and my right shall not be infringed, he would have his right infringed, if not his life if he brandished it.

The freedom of speech does not include the freedom to cause panic. It's the same reason that yelling Fire in a Theater is only punishable if there is no Fire. If the intention was to create panic, then it is not applicable under the 1st. If, however there was a Fire, and you yelled "fire", there is no punishment. In neither case is the 1st amendment infringed.

As to your disingenuous example, no one can make you board an airliner in the first place. The rules of the air are quite specific and placed for reasons that are acceptable law.
I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.
It makes a semiautomatic fire like an automatic. Those are highly restricted and basically not for general civilian use. If you have an attachment that makes it look like a duck, quack like a duck and swim like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Ban it. Since not many people own/use them, what skin is it off your nose if they are banned? One of the easiest things to agree on in gun control, I would think.

I have no intention on wasting time legislating something rarely used in criminal activity. I am sure somewhere a baseball bat was used to kill another human being, I oppose a ban on baseball bats. Your argument is disingenuous as it does not take into account that the killer, and lets be clear here, he was a millionaire, had the resources to do far more destruction if bump stocks and AR rifles were not available to him. Speculating that he might have killed far more had he ran into a ban on these items is just as valid as speculating the death toll would have been less. And neither should be used when creating good law.
The way I look at it, bump stocks should have never been legal. DOJ or whoever let us down on that from the beginning. They passed the buck and it fell on the floor. No one picked it up until that a-hole in Vegas used one.
So to me it 's more like house cleaning.
No, it won't prevent mass shootings, but it's a by-the-way thing that needs to be done, now that we are aware of it.

You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
I'm not wrong about Sessions. He has announced his intentions for outlawing the bump stocks. WHEN it happens, you can learn what some other guys did - always take heed to sound counsel.

NOTHING is holding militias back except themselves. We won't be a resistance force until there is a meeting of the minds regarding ideologies and strategies.
You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.
It makes a semiautomatic fire like an automatic. Those are highly restricted and basically not for general civilian use. If you have an attachment that makes it look like a duck, quack like a duck and swim like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Ban it. Since not many people own/use them, what skin is it off your nose if they are banned? One of the easiest things to agree on in gun control, I would think.

I have no intention on wasting time legislating something rarely used in criminal activity. I am sure somewhere a baseball bat was used to kill another human being, I oppose a ban on baseball bats. Your argument is disingenuous as it does not take into account that the killer, and lets be clear here, he was a millionaire, had the resources to do far more destruction if bump stocks and AR rifles were not available to him. Speculating that he might have killed far more had he ran into a ban on these items is just as valid as speculating the death toll would have been less. And neither should be used when creating good law.
The way I look at it, bump stocks should have never been legal. DOJ or whoever let us down on that from the beginning. They passed the buck and it fell on the floor. No one picked it up until that a-hole in Vegas used one.
So to me it 's more like house cleaning.
No, it won't prevent mass shootings, but it's a by-the-way thing that needs to be done, now that we are aware of it.

You're opposed to outlawing bump stocks? LOL
Use your rubber band and be still about it.

What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.

If you read my posting carefully, the issue is NOT the bump stock. Let me explain how the law works:

In the United States Constitution, Article I Section 9 states:

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Notice what I said about ex post facto law is in bold. An ex post facto law is one where what was legal today can be become illegal tomorrow. EXAMPLE: In the Assault Weapons Ban, they could not make you give up or modify your firearms that you already owned. That would have been a violation of the ex post facto prohibition.

Jeff Sessions will change that with his bump stock ban. That means if you own one today, it can be illegal to own tomorrow. So, we think we can run down and buy some semi autos and mags - and presto, we're good to go.

Then the government outlaws high capacity magazines. We're thinking, so what. They're grandfathered in - just like the AR and the AK was during the Assault Weapon Ban. Not true. If Jeff Sessions makes ONE thing illegal (and it don't matter what it is) and it was legally owned before he issued his ban, then anything can be criminalized.

Anyway, if Sessions does what he says he's going to do and you owned say ten high cap magazines for your rifle. The government says they are now illegal. If you don't surrender them, each magazine you own becomes a separate felony count. Just ten high capacity magazines, in that scenario, would cost you the rest of your life in prison.

I understand completely, it is death by a thousand cuts.

This is all being done in such a speculative nature as to be laughable.

As I pointed out, the argument about bump stocks are disingenuous as there is not evidence that the death toll would not have been greater had bump stocks never been invented. It is insane to believe that a Mad Man, one with incredible wealth, could not have come up with the capability of a greater number of deaths if bump stocks and AR style rifles been unavailable.

We may actually been lucky that the idiot took a lazy path to mass destruction, the alternative could have been far worth.
The Muslim who shot up the Gay night club didn't use a bump stock yet killed more and wounded plenty. But instead of going after the bad guy, it was the guns again.

Let me play the devil's advocate here:

I have tried, for years, to get people to give alternatives to gun control. My alternatives would get bogged down in legislative debates and never be passed, but as long as they were on the board, gun control would not be possible.

NOBODY wants to get involved in the strategy. They're happy thinking majority opinion will always favor gun rights - even as they are stripping us of our guns on an incremental basis.

Most mass shootings could be prevented without gun control. But, gun owners would rather lose their guns than to clog the legislature with alternatives to the gun bans, registration, etc.

I'm not the type that likes alternatives to problems that don't exist in the first place, or solutions that create even larger problems.
last time.. Without the second amendment, Obama would of FORCED upon US much more than just a healthcare system that is broken...And you would of bent over with your head up your butt, and taken his jizzim up there too.
Do you really believe the 2nd amendment was the only thing stopping Obama? That has to be the most absurd thing I've seen on USMB in a long time. And we all know where the USMB bar is. :laughing0301:
people like US have kept your stupid liberal ass free, shame that happened, because you sure do want to be a slave of the government...
Got any examples how people like you have kept someone free?

Really kind of waiting to see how your astute observations could possibly suggest removing someone's freedom is a protection of that person's freedoms.


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