What are you prepared to do?

You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

AR normal = 5 rounds per second and accurate
AR with bump stock = 7 rounds per second and not accurate
Fully auto = 15 rounds per second

And this by an expert, I would expect a slower rate in all but the fully auto by a non expert.

The bump stock is no where near the fully auto, not even close.

500 rpm

Max, with a bump stock would actually be 420, but that is if you had a magazine that held that many rounds, and if the barrel didn't melt down, or a bullet jam.
Really kind of waiting to see how your astute observations could possibly suggest removing someone's freedom is a protection of that person's freedoms.

The Patriot Act , totally orwellian in name, totalitarian and tyrannical in practice

All that's needed is a 'national emergency' for any sitting potus to essentially blow off the judicial and legislative branches

As well as throw our constitution under the bus

But you knew this....

insert Clint's iconic line as needed Mr. BlackSand....



It's all about the psychology of words.

That's why the Left calls their government programs to empower government as positive rights and those that the Founding Fathers gave us in the Bill of Rights to restrict government as negative rights.

Who wants to be negative.

Or even better, if you are a democrat you are "Progressive" but if you are a conservative you are "Regressive"
Enter the bump-fire stock: While semi-automatic rifles can only fire one round with a single trigger pull, fully-automatic rifles fire multiple rounds in quick succession. A bump-fire stock bridges that gap without losing significant accuracy.

The accessory replaces the normal fixed stock with a sliding shoulder rest and a "trigger step." A shooter can achieve something close to automatic fire by "pulling apart" the rifle.

A bump-firing stock "allows you to shoot as fast as you want to", explains Jeremiah Cottle, inventor of the name brand Slide Fire stock. "You hold your finger on the trigger rest and push forward to fire the gun," Cottle said in 2011 interview, adding that, while not technically automatic, the device makes it possible to "shoot one round, two rounds, three rounds, 15 rounds or a full magazine."

Can a 'bump stock' make a AR-15 fire full-auto like a machine gun? (Yes. And it's relatively cheap, pretty easy, and completely legal)
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?

Defy the laws?

Why not just run for Congress?

I can’t. I have scruples, principles, and a conscience.
You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

It’s easy to mimic the action of a bump stock. There are at least two videos on YouTube showing how.
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

You misunderstand, it is not my intention to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

They are not essential, nor is the banning of them.
Our 2nd A. right is in reality a privilege. While the wording in the 2nd is "shall not infringe", you an I and everyone knows/admits that some people have that right infringed/denied. The problem to be solved is how do we identify those too irresponsible to own, possess or have in their custody and control a firearm?

That is the first and most difficult problem which needs to be addressed.

That has already been addressed, and this discussion is drifting off topic.

My comments are spot on to the issue, the OP infers violence and no discussion; I prefer discussion and if people control is necessary, the author of the OP would be one of those to have his privilege revoked based on this thread.
Speaking his mind is his right, not his privilege.

Not true. The 1st A. is not sacrosanct, if he boarded a commercial airline and said I have a gun and my right shall not be infringed, he would have his right infringed, if not his life if he brandished it.
Such brilliant logic.

Now come to my house and take my guns.

F. U. Come to my house and challenge me to arm wrestle. If you are sane, questionable; sober and have never been arrested and convicted of a crime of violence, IMO you have the right to own, possess and have in your custody and control a legal firearm. Not an RPG, a SAM, an anti tank gun or a frag grenade, and not when you post thinly veiled threats on the Internet..
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

It’s easy to mimic the action of a bump stock. There are at least two videos on YouTube showing how.
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

You misunderstand, it is not my intention to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

They are not essential, nor is the banning of them.
We'll have to disagree. So are you going to come shoot me?
What would a bump stock ban accomplish?

The only guy I ever heard of that used one is dead, and unless you have the ability to raise him from the grave, there really isn't any more punishment you can dole out to the dude.
It makes a semiautomatic fire like an automatic. Those are highly restricted and basically not for general civilian use. If you have an attachment that makes it look like a duck, quack like a duck and swim like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Ban it. Since not many people own/use them, what skin is it off your nose if they are banned? One of the easiest things to agree on in gun control, I would think.

I have no intention on wasting time legislating something rarely used in criminal activity. I am sure somewhere a baseball bat was used to kill another human being, I oppose a ban on baseball bats. Your argument is disingenuous as it does not take into account that the killer, and lets be clear here, he was a millionaire, had the resources to do far more destruction if bump stocks and AR rifles were not available to him. Speculating that he might have killed far more had he ran into a ban on these items is just as valid as speculating the death toll would have been less. And neither should be used when creating good law.
The way I look at it, bump stocks should have never been legal. DOJ or whoever let us down on that from the beginning. They passed the buck and it fell on the floor. No one picked it up until that a-hole in Vegas used one.
So to me it 's more like house cleaning.
No, it won't prevent mass shootings, but it's a by-the-way thing that needs to be done, now that we are aware of it.

You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

You do NOT know anything about firearms.

The bump stock only simulates full auto fire
Bump stocks do not fire as rapidly as full auto fire in an M16
Bump stocks are far less accurate on full auto than the real thing
The Bump stock was evaluate by BATFE and it met the mechanical requirements for retail purchasers because it in no way, shape, fashion, or form fire like a fully automatic rifle.

The inherent lack of accurate fire probably saved lives in Las Vegas
Enter the bump-fire stock: While semi-automatic rifles can only fire one round with a single trigger pull, fully-automatic rifles fire multiple rounds in quick succession. A bump-fire stock bridges that gap without losing significant accuracy.

The accessory replaces the normal fixed stock with a sliding shoulder rest and a "trigger step." A shooter can achieve something close to automatic fire by "pulling apart" the rifle.

A bump-firing stock "allows you to shoot as fast as you want to", explains Jeremiah Cottle, inventor of the name brand Slide Fire stock. "You hold your finger on the trigger rest and push forward to fire the gun," Cottle said in 2011 interview, adding that, while not technically automatic, the device makes it possible to "shoot one round, two rounds, three rounds, 15 rounds or a full magazine."

Can a 'bump stock' make a AR-15 fire full-auto like a machine gun? (Yes. And it's relatively cheap, pretty easy, and completely legal)

See, this is just disingenuous.

You are expressing such deep concern over a rifle accessory used one time in a criminal act.

OK, if this causes sooooooo much heartburn that it needs to be criminalized and banned, then I guess we just need to ban Smart Phones that..........

Study: Texting and driving top cause in teen driving deaths

"The number of teens who are dying or being injured as a result of texting while driving has skyrocketed as mobile device technology has advanced. Researchers at Cohen Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park estimate more than 3,000 annual teen deaths nationwide from texting and 300,000 injuries.

The habit now surpasses the number of teens who drink and drive -- a hazard that has been on a dramatic decline in recent years, researchers say."

So, we could ban something that kills 3000 kids a year, 30,000 per decade, or something that was used once and killed less than 60.

If you really cared about saving large numbers of life's, 1.) which one would it be, and 2.) where should our focus be?

Honestly, I sleep OK at night knowing both are legal. Bump stocks and smart phones.
Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

It’s easy to mimic the action of a bump stock. There are at least two videos on YouTube showing how.
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

You misunderstand, it is not my intention to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

They are not essential, nor is the banning of them.
We'll have to disagree. So are you going to come shoot me?

He might. I often wonder if these obsessive and compulsive defenders of their assumed right to own or possess a gun have dreams of killing someone and being hailed as a hero (aka, the Zimmerman Syndrome).
I have no intention on wasting time legislating something rarely used in criminal activity. I am sure somewhere a baseball bat was used to kill another human being, I oppose a ban on baseball bats. Your argument is disingenuous as it does not take into account that the killer, and lets be clear here, he was a millionaire, had the resources to do far more destruction if bump stocks and AR rifles were not available to him. Speculating that he might have killed far more had he ran into a ban on these items is just as valid as speculating the death toll would have been less. And neither should be used when creating good law.
The way I look at it, bump stocks should have never been legal. DOJ or whoever let us down on that from the beginning. They passed the buck and it fell on the floor. No one picked it up until that a-hole in Vegas used one.
So to me it 's more like house cleaning.
No, it won't prevent mass shootings, but it's a by-the-way thing that needs to be done, now that we are aware of it.

You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.


Guess you were wrong after all

What difference what people are willing to pay for any item?
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

It’s easy to mimic the action of a bump stock. There are at least two videos on YouTube showing how.
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

You misunderstand, it is not my intention to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

They are not essential, nor is the banning of them.
We'll have to disagree. So are you going to come shoot me?

He might. I often wonder if these obsessive and compulsive defenders of their assumed right to own or possess a gun have dreams of killing someone and being hailed as a hero (aka, the Zimmerman Syndrome).

So, because you own a smartphone you want to kill someone texting while driving? Is that what your implying? Hope you don't own a toasted and obsess over it while in the tub.
Okay, guys. No one has said anything new in a few pages, and I've said all I plan to. We COULD keep repeating ourselves all day, but that's the job of you gun nutters.
You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

It’s easy to mimic the action of a bump stock. There are at least two videos on YouTube showing how.
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

That decision is up to the individual gun owner. The Supreme Court of Georgia ruled as follows:

"The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed." The right of the whole people, old and young, men, women and boys, and not militia only, to keep and bear arms of every description, not such merely as are used by the militia, shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broken in upon, in the smallest degree; and all this for the important end to be attained: the rearing up and qualifying a well-regulated militia, so vitally necessary to the security of a free State. Our opinion is, that any law, State or Federal, is repugnant to the Constitution, and void, which contravenes this right,..." Nunn v State
Okay, guys. No one has said anything new in a few pages, and I've said all I plan to. We COULD keep repeating ourselves all day, but that's the job of you gun nutters.

When you enter a debate you can expect to be required to provide proof. When that debate is one that is about the removal of property from another you should often use sound reasoning, not speculation.

A semi auto requires that the trigger be compressed each and every time to expel a round. Even with a bump stock, this remains true.

A fully automatic requires only one trigger pull to expel multiple rounds.

your argument failed on that basis, whether you knew it or not.
Last edited:
It’s easy to mimic the action of a bump stock. There are at least two videos on YouTube showing how.
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

You misunderstand, it is not my intention to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

They are not essential, nor is the banning of them.
We'll have to disagree. So are you going to come shoot me?

He might. I often wonder if these obsessive and compulsive defenders of their assumed right to own or possess a gun have dreams of killing someone and being hailed as a hero (aka, the Zimmerman Syndrome).

So, because you own a smartphone you want to kill someone texting while driving? Is that what your implying? Hope you don't own a toasted and obsess over it while in the tub.

Did you plan to write ^^^ word salad, or does it come to you unnaturally?
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

You misunderstand, it is not my intention to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

They are not essential, nor is the banning of them.
We'll have to disagree. So are you going to come shoot me?

He might. I often wonder if these obsessive and compulsive defenders of their assumed right to own or possess a gun have dreams of killing someone and being hailed as a hero (aka, the Zimmerman Syndrome).

So, because you own a smartphone you want to kill someone texting while driving? Is that what your implying? Hope you don't own a toasted and obsess over it while in the tub.

Did you plan to write ^^^ word salad, or does it come to you unnaturally?

LOL, this guy doesn't even recognize his own argument!

Okay, guys. No one has said anything new in a few pages, and I've said all I plan to. We COULD keep repeating ourselves all day, but that's the job of you gun nutters.

When you enter a debate you can expect to be required to provide proof. When that debate is one that is about the removal of property from another you should often use sound reasoning, not speculation.

A semi auto requires that the trigger be compressed each and every time to expel a round. Even with a bump stock, this remains true.

A fully automatic requires only one trigger pull to expel multiple rounds.

your argument failed on that basis, whether you knew it or not.

You forgot to add something:

Her source was the manufacturer of the Bump Stock - an advertisement.

She probably believes that Flex Seal will allow you to cut a boat down the middle and it will stay together and operate normally or those fancy copper skillets won't scratch.
Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

It’s easy to mimic the action of a bump stock. There are at least two videos on YouTube showing how.
It doesn't really make me feel all warm and fuzzy that you are watching those, but since the alternatives are out there and are apparently easy and accessible, bump stocks are definitely not essential to the gun owner's arsenal, are they?

You misunderstand, it is not my intention to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

They are not essential, nor is the banning of them.
We'll have to disagree. So are you going to come shoot me?

You can quit shaking in your boots and pissing your panties. I have no intention of paying you a visit.
This is awesome! The OP, who is afraid of his own shadow, is prepared to become an outlaw!

Let's see. What is the breaking point?

If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?

If you are ordered to secure your weapons and told that you will be held accountable for any accidental shootings that result from your negligence, will you storm city hall?

If you are required to buy insurance for your firearms, will you refuse and start shooting people?
If you are forced to register your firearms, will you revolt?
If the government FORCED everyone to purchase a firearm would you revolt? Seems that you leftards love to FORCE your will upon everyone else...Talk about bullies.......

Hmmmm. Pass the legislation. You'll get no revolt from me. Dummy.
So, hypothetically, the Congress passes a law stating that you MUST purchase an AR-15 style weapon and you MUST pay $20,500 for it, because now that it is law, the arms manufacturers can jack up their prices, and if you don't, you are fined $3,500 a year until you comply, would you revolt?
Hmm....sounds a lot like Obamacare.

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