What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
MAN'S CHOICE TO REJECT GOD AND GOD'S LAWS AND TO LIVE IN SIN=IS the cause innocent children to endure the pain of having full blown aids. MAN'S CHOICE!!! THINK!
AGAIN!!! IT IS MANKIND'S CHOICE TO LIVE IN SIN THAT RESULTS IN Thousands of innocent children dieing every year of AIDS. your sin hurts you and those around you too. WISE UP!!

What kind of god allows innocent children to endure the pain of having full blown aids?

GOD GAVE MAN RULE ON EARTH,THEN TYPICAL little man wants to try to turn and blame GOD for the results of man's choice to live in sin and rejecy GOD'S LOVE!!

Seems to me if God knows you are going to live in sin before hand you would never be born in the first place. Who am I supposed to blame if god makes the decisions on who dies or not?
I don't know what this means

It means you aren't James Otto's sweetheart because you turned him into a homosexual. Its probably had something to do with you being a short, fat, ugly ass retarded bitch :)

God bless you always!!!


Homosexuals can not reproduce period

Wtf. As someone else said, a homosexual is not sterile. They can stil fuck someone of the opposite sex and get pregnant/ impregnate.
This just goes to show how well you do not know my favorite singer. I've heard him say "No queer eye for the Otto guy." :) :) :)

Also what I mean about homosexuals not being able to reproduce naturally is that they can not reproduce with those that they wish that they could reproduce with naturally, those of their gender that they can not get enough of.

God bless you and my favorite singer always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Oh and one more thing. I am proud to say that I choose to sleep alone until I am married. :) :) :)
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What kind of god allows innocent children to endure the pain of having full blown aids?

GOD GAVE MAN RULE ON EARTH,THEN TYPICAL little man wants to try to turn and blame GOD for the results of man's choice to live in sin and rejecy GOD'S LOVE!!

Seems to me if God knows you are going to live in sin before hand you would never be born in the first place. Who am I supposed to blame if god makes the decisions on who dies or not?

LOL!!! SO NOW YOU little guy think you are smarter,more moral,more loving than GOD!!! what next??? think! === IT IS MANKIND'S CHOICE TO LIVE IN SIN THAT BRINGS DEATH AND RUIN TO ALL CREATION!!
Why did you avoid my question? Why didnt god atone for all of our sins or start over with a set of more obedient people?

Automatons? God gave us free will, and conscience. God did not create robots. Beyond that, we await the answer.

That answer always bothered me as a kid. If god gave us free will then why would he get mad if we lived the way we chose to? Why not just make us compliant to his wishes if there was an issue or stop giving us free will?

We would then be no more than machines. Perhaps the universe is more complex than our minds can understand. The universe always got my attention in school & in church, where does it end? What is there after reaching the end of the universe?
I'm not currently a theist, so I have no specific "god" per say... But the sins of fathers follow and fall upon thier children according to the bible, Id even go so far to say it's evident that is usually right on the money.
There are some that beat the sins of their fathers.

They're not being punished by God so much as they're dealing with the consequences of the decisions made by their ancestors...in my opinion.

Want to make sure people know when I am stating opinion and when I am stating facts.

So now your not a theist but you can elaborate on something as if you are? So if the sins of the father follow the children what was all that about free choice? Seems kind of pointless if your father sinned right? Does that really make sense to you?

I grew up in a devout Christian household. Sue me.

I did too. Its not too late to think for yourself. I know you can do it. There is a god or some higher power but its not the one specified in the christian religion. I can respect people believing in their faith but trying to keep others from having their rights by using that religion is silly and highly dangerous.
""others from having their rights"" has cost over 40 million deaths from aids and another 40,000,000 HIV POSITIVE AND COUNTLESS MILLIONS MORE RUINED LIVES OF SHAME AND GUILT!!! WHSAT FUN!! HUH??
Automatons? God gave us free will, and conscience. God did not create robots. Beyond that, we await the answer.

That answer always bothered me as a kid. If god gave us free will then why would he get mad if we lived the way we chose to? Why not just make us compliant to his wishes if there was an issue or stop giving us free will?

We would then be no more than machines. Perhaps the universe is more complex than our minds can understand. The universe always got my attention in school & in church, where does it end? What is there after reaching the end of the universe?

I take back every insult I ever leveled at you. You're still wrong about there being a genetic reason for homosexuality mind you, but I apologize for losing my patience & insulting you.

You don't have to accept the apology, but I DO sincerely aologize. Good post, Peach. I figured you wrong.
Automatons? God gave us free will, and conscience. God did not create robots. Beyond that, we await the answer.

That answer always bothered me as a kid. If god gave us free will then why would he get mad if we lived the way we chose to? Why not just make us compliant to his wishes if there was an issue or stop giving us free will?

We would then be no more than machines. Perhaps the universe is more complex than our minds can understand. The universe always got my attention in school & in church, where does it end? What is there after reaching the end of the universe?

Isnt that what we are (machines) if the only way we can get into heaven is to choose to play along with the rules? Seems like the christian god is insecure if we have to continually prove ourselves to get into heaven. If your spouse required that of you would you stay with him/her?
I just told you that some beat out the sins of their fathers, Asclepias.

Why are you being redundant?

Because that doesnt make sense if the fathers sins follow the children. Why do some beat out the sins of their father and others dont? Is that just a great mystery?

Human life is comprised of mysteries we cannot yet understand. Thus, faith & wonder are part of our existence.
I just told you that some beat out the sins of their fathers, Asclepias.

Why are you being redundant?

Because that doesnt make sense if the fathers sins follow the children. Why do some beat out the sins of their father and others dont? Is that just a great mystery?

Human life is comprised of mysteries we cannot yet understand. Thus, faith & wonder are part of our existence.

So should we be denying people rights based on things we dont understand?
What kind of god allows innocent children to endure the pain of having full blown aids?

The kind that just sits back and allows the story to unfold :)

Or the kind that will reincarnate them as happier humans in a future life :)

Or the kind that is punishing them for something they did in a past life :)

Or the kind who abandoned us :-(

Or the kind who is dead but dreaming :)

Or the kind who is just dead :-(

Or the kind who is asleep :)

Or the kind who has a reason that only he/she/it/they know :)

Or the kind that is empowered by human emotion :)

Or the kind that doesn't give a fuck :-(

Or the kind that enjoys watching them suffer :-(

Or the kind that doesn't exist :-(

Or the kind that has organized a divine system where all humans can fully experience pain and happiness at some point during their experiences of life, in this life or the next, or the last :)


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