What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
JOSweetheart, I know the answer to the first question. Because Nature, along with everyone else who tells them what they're doing is unnatural, is just a big bigot. We need to enact legislation right away to force nature to treat their couplings as natural! Force Nature To Make It Possible For Two People Of The Same Sex To Be Able to Reproduce Naturally!

We cannot allow this bigotry from nature to continue...

Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?
Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

So you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?
If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


So the infertile, or those unable to engage in sexual relations due to disability should not be allowed to marry? How authoritarian.
I don't see any mention of marriage in that post. You want to address the point of my post?
JOSweetheart, I know the answer to the first question. Because Nature, along with everyone else who tells them what they're doing is unnatural, is just a big bigot. We need to enact legislation right away to force nature to treat their couplings as natural! Force Nature To Make It Possible For Two People Of The Same Sex To Be Able to Reproduce Naturally!

We cannot allow this bigotry from nature to continue...

Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


So the infertile, or those unable to engage in sexual relations due to disability should not be allowed to marry? How authoritarian.
But God created Satan knowing he would become evil, and also created him with the capacity to do evil. By that act, God thus created evil.

Or you could say that God didn't create evil, that evil is a part of this all-encompassing God and as such is as old as God himself. Interesting thought. By that, God did not create evil or good, and God is both.

Just curious, can anybody show me a Bible verse that says God created Satan?
SATAN'S CHOICE WAS EVIL. HE chose to live in sin and reject GOD!!! EVIL IS SATAN'S AND MAN'S CREATION, WE sinners create evil many times each day,we all need JESUS as our LORD AND SAVIOR!!

I'm just being hypothetical here, but if God didn't create evil by creating Satan with the ability to do so, then evil existed before then. Which means God is either partially evil, or that evil existed before or with God. Or, if God did not make Satan, then evil is not with God, and is with Satan, but then Satan has to be as old as God. But that would mean some things are not God's creation.
God created Satan by providing his creations with free will (his angels and mankind). Some interpret Satan as a fallen angel who betrayed god (though omnipotence means that God knew he would be betrayed). There has to be good and evil basically for people to make a choice between eternal salvation and damnation.
SATAN'S CHOICE WAS EVIL. HE chose to live in sin and reject GOD!!! EVIL IS SATAN'S AND MAN'S CREATION, WE sinners create evil many times each day,we all need JESUS as our LORD AND SAVIOR!!

I'm just being hypothetical here, but if God didn't create evil by creating Satan with the ability to do so, then evil existed before then. Which means God is either partially evil, or that evil existed before or with God. Or, if God did not make Satan, then evil is not with God, and is with Satan, but then Satan has to be as old as God. But that would mean some things are not God's creation.
God created Satan by providing his creations with free will (his angels and mankind). Some interpret Satan as a fallen angel who betrayed god (though omnipotence means that God knew he would be betrayed). There has to be good and evil basically for people to make a choice between eternal salvation and damnation.

To be "omnipotent" all powerful, all knowing - basically infinitely wise - such an entity would have to have a negative and positive side. To attain Omnipotence, this entity would have to have had infinite experiences - To have had infinite experiences it must exist outside of time itself ,so as far as evil pre-existing God - you can't preceed the infinite - so apparently Satan must be another aspect of God. Just as we all are, on his infinite route to infinite knowledge. Exception being - at our stages of spiritual development we are still trapped within the constraints of linear time. I think I just passed myself on the road to infinity. :eusa_shifty:
My god shits in the mouth of your god every day. Your god is too weak to stop my god from doing this.
Gays are not a race, they are a group that exhibits a certain type of sexual behavior. To me, that makes the whole situation completely different than the civil rights struggle for black folks. Just because you may be able to draw some parralells between some of the things blacks went through with gays does not mean it is the equivelant to the black civil rights struggle.

It really doesn't matter what you believe, case-law has already been established. (Romer v Evans).

Discrimination is discrimination and civil rights are civil rights, period.
I never said they were. But they should be free not to cater to satan's minions because it violates their 1st amendment rights which is my original claim.

ie. if he doesn't want to make cakes for homo's nobody should have the right to make him.

If nobody wants to cater to cripples, blacks or Christians they "shouldn't have to"...have you asked your legislator to repeal the civil rights act yet?
If it violates their religion yes.

What you believe is not supported by precedent and case-law. Churches can discriminate, private clubs can discriminate, businesses cannot.
Gays are not a race, they are a group that exhibits a certain type of sexual behavior. To me, that makes the whole situation completely different than the civil rights struggle for black folks. Just because you may be able to draw some parralells between some of the things blacks went through with gays does not mean it is the equivelant to the black civil rights struggle.

It really doesn't matter what you believe, case-law has already been established. (Romer v Evans).

Discrimination is discrimination and civil rights are civil rights, period.

Other issues before the courts have swung with the pendelum of societal change -at one time Dred Scott was the law of the land - Over time the Gay revivalism wil dwindle , people are coming totheir senses - and your sorry queer asses will either be re-eductaed via conversion therapy or forced back into your pathetic litlle closets - just pulllease - clean the stains off the closet walls- that shit attracts vermin !
Homosexuals can not reproduce period and if men wrote the Lord's word, what they wanted in it would have been put in there, but what they want in there is obviously not in there, is it?

Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?
Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

So you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?
If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


GAYS CAN REPRODUCE. We do reproduce. We ARE parents, legally and emotionally. Our children have two parents, me and my spouse. They also have a "Dunkle" (Donor Uncle). Lucky kids!

Evolutionally, gays don't reproduce because a portion of the population is designed not to...for population control and to be caretakers of the children left behind by straight parents through death or desertion. Science messes with evolution.
If it violates their religion yes.

Christians aren't covered under the civil rights act.

They are covered under the 1st amendment.

Pop, as usual, would be incorrect:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Title II - Public Accommodation


SEC. 201. (a) All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

So, as long as I can't discriminate against Christians in public accommodation, they shouldn't be able to discriminate against me.
Gays are not a race, they are a group that exhibits a certain type of sexual behavior. To me, that makes the whole situation completely different than the civil rights struggle for black folks. Just because you may be able to draw some parralells between some of the things blacks went through with gays does not mean it is the equivelant to the black civil rights struggle.

It really doesn't matter what you believe, case-law has already been established. (Romer v Evans).

Discrimination is discrimination and civil rights are civil rights, period.

Not so fast Wytch. Case law can be reversed. Especially when higher courts determine that LGBT is an incomplete grouping of sexually deviant behaviors.

Who determines which behavioral groupings get to have a minority overrule the majority? Which one's don't? Why? Don't tell me that if a majority determines their behaviors aren't legal or socially acceptable that determines why.

See your catch-22? Yes, I know you do..

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Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?
Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

So you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?
If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


GAYS CAN REPRODUCE. We do reproduce. We ARE parents, legally and emotionally. Our children have two parents, me and my spouse. They also have a "Dunkle" (Donor Uncle). Lucky kids!

Evolutionally, gays don't reproduce because a portion of the population is designed not to...for population control and to be caretakers of the children left behind by straight parents through death or desertion. Science messes with evolution.

I don't think evolution (nature)would be so kind. For population control, nature would simply have the child die. Evolution could care less about those unable to procreate for care giving or any reason. Nature wouldn't really care.
JOSweetheart, I know the answer to the first question. Because Nature, along with everyone else who tells them what they're doing is unnatural, is just a big bigot. We need to enact legislation right away to force nature to treat their couplings as natural! Force Nature To Make It Possible For Two People Of The Same Sex To Be Able to Reproduce Naturally!

We cannot allow this bigotry from nature to continue...

Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


So the infertile, or those unable to engage in sexual relations due to disability should not be allowed to marry? How authoritarian.

Not the point at all.

We are dealing with two person unions. I will remind you again.

Some opposite sex couples cannot procreate due to disability or fertility.

NO same sex couples can, or ever will procreate within the couple. Disability and fertility play NO role in this inability.

Same sex coupling has never created a single human being to ever walk the face of the planet. Opposite sex couples have created ALL human life.

Very few absolute truths exist. ^^^^^this is one^^^^^

The two groups are absolutely different in the most crucial of ways.

Deal with it and move on from this stupidity
I'm talking more about the aspect of anti-discrimination laws and the unconstitutionality of it all. The most recent examples have been gays trying to force businesses to cater to them, so yeah....still talking about queers, but Id feel the same way if it were any other group trying to force businesses to cater to them when they clearly do not wish to.

It's that libertarian streak in me I guess...

I agree. If a business owner doesn't want to serve someone because they stink, or dress improperly, or use bad language, or are a queer, it should be up to that owner.

Not just being a queer, but flaunting it by kissing in public or dressing wild should especially give the owner a valid reason for refusing service.

And you've, of course, demanded that the Civil Rights Act be repealed by your elected representative, right?

It's a double-edged sword as far as I'm concerned. I know what you are saying, but service should be denied not just because they are a queer, but because of their actions as a queer.
The moonbats are howling tonight!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50wB_6wG8cE&feature=youtube_gdata_player]far side of the moon (a chill out song) - YouTube[/ame]

Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?
Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

So you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?
If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


GAYS CAN REPRODUCE. We do reproduce. We ARE parents, legally and emotionally. Our children have two parents, me and my spouse. They also have a "Dunkle" (Donor Uncle). Lucky kids!

Evolutionally, gays don't reproduce because a portion of the population is designed not to...for population control and to be caretakers of the children left behind by straight parents through death or desertion. Science messes with evolution.
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I am sure that you're a decent parent, Seawench. But you're family is still not the same as a true marriage. I'll tell you what... You can have your union and call it "gay marriage" & traditional families keep the word "marriage"? If you are taking care of children, you do deserve the benefits, but homosexual couples should never be at the top of the lists for adoption. If you use some alternative to produce children...fine, same benefits. The proper place to raise children is in a home with a male father figure & a female mother figure. Period. And you know this.

Stop trying to confuse the children. There are no gay genes, whatever put the thought that lead to you becoming a lesbian is your business. But seriously, you folks need to knock off the bullcrap. You remember the first day you had lesbian sex, when you took the plunge, if you will. Yes, you had the thought, then you acted on it.

All we want is for you to not confuse the children, is that too much to ask? Or is your communitie's selfish need to be accepted insatiable?

Im being as sincere as possible.
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