What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Joe thinks being an uncompromising moron wins debates.

Sorry bud, you won nothing. You flooded us with so much stupidity and exposed yourself for the bitch ass thug that you are. That's it.

All your fellow idiot friends can pat you on the back & tell you otherwise...but when any reasonable person comes to this thread....you blew it for your side of the argument.

You couldn't reason your way out of a paper bag. Your arguments are weak.

So, this is my last response to your asinine bullshit.

Go ahead and claim you won something.
You and everyone else here knows you did no such thing.
Glad your dumb ass will be catching HIV here any day now, Ashtara. I hope you're poor too, so that you cannot afford the meds. You deserve what you ask for.
Glad your dumb ass will be catching HIV here any day now, Ashtara. I hope you're poor too, so that you cannot afford the meds. You deserve what you ask for.

Thanks for exposing yourself as a troll. I can now ignore you without guilt.

Oh shut up Seawench. That friend of yours praised Hitler yesterday, praised the 12 year olds that did the skinnyman stabbing, and is a bisexual slut that has unprotected sex with multiple partners & then talks about how worried she was to get her HIV test results.

You have horrible taste in friends, but that's to be expected from liberals.
Now that's a tad more believable, Lesbians are not the same monsters as Male queers. The sex drive differs and is not all consuming. But as Lockejaw stated ... the Math just doesn't add up - not at all - so I think you need to refine youir story a little more. Maybe have a conference with some of your co-conspirators and see what you can pull ou of the Dunkles butt.

blah blah blah

AS well, the kids were not entirely raised by the two dikes, there were fathers involved .
[Yes -I know, this is the part where your going to claim , the dads were irresponsible shitheads yada yada yada...]

blah blah blah and blah blah

Frankly, dude, it seems to me that you are horrified that some of us just aren't fully indoctrinated by "Big Brother" like you are.

yada yada yada.

Okay, guy, thanks for exposing your real problem is your own sexual insecurity. You live in mortal terror a dude might hit on you.

Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend -someone who thinks for himself -unrealisn'tJoe someone who's not part of the Politically Correct Pack of useful Idiots... LMAO ...

Actually your response is part of a tactic you've been trained to use - it's called "JAMMING"

See: Gay* Brainwashing Techniques

No, what horrifies me is that you are a rube and you don't even know it.

If you say so Joe .... would you like some cookies with that poison kool aid ?

Let's take the Wayback Machine back to 2004. George W. Bush was trying to win the Presidency honestly for a change, but he had a problem. He had pretty much fucked up everything.


Then a court in Massachusetts allowed gay marriage. Suddenly, he had himself an issue, he was going to save marriage with an amendment that defined marriage as one man and one woman! And don't you dare mention Cheney's daughter is a lesbian, you creep.

Irrelevent , wipe your mouth Joe - your foaming again.

Well, her husband was cheating on her and did walk out on her and the kids.

Gee - I wonder why he gave up on a Dike bitch whore who was cheating on him with another dike biitch whore - befuddling isn't it ? {Now here's the part where you tell me she wasn't a cheating dike bitch whore but was wholesome and pure till she discovered her inner whore and love of Sushi} . If you had a hammer you'd hammer in the morning ... keep crafting the scenario - we know you can make it suit your argument ! :lol:

But you do bring up an interesting point. It seems to me if you wingnuts really cared about kids and their well-being, you'd be on all these outstanding straight men who walk out on their kids or dump their wife for a younger trophy wife. - You know, like Reagan, Dole, McCain, Rudy Guiliani, Gingrich.

Or they could just screw anything tha came along - like the Kennedys, or maybe not engage in realsex at all like slick Willy Clinton, you know, "Define Sex" - hell all he did was pass out Cigars .
Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend is an example of the far right contard confusion.

The poster of the bolded above can't even define "socio-fascist."

Not one poster on the Board has even attempted to show how marriage equality injures their personal civil liberties and rights.
Hahaha! "discovered her inner whore and love for sushi". Priceless my friend! Joe is a real moron. The only subject he really wanted to argue about is over the word "marriage". He is a filth mongering liberal piece of shit of the lowest order. He had no comeback to my assertion that he WANTS 10% of the US population to be gay & that is why he favors homosexual adoption.

He knows it's true. We know it's true. The gig is up! Seawench couldn't come up with anything other than one liner retorts. They've been beaten and they know it.

My compromise was pretty fair, they didn't want to take it, instead they reveal their demonic, evil,anti-REAL family, anti-reality desire to totally fuck society off as we know it.

Look @ that faggot JoeB...admitting to it all and thinking he won something.

I'll tell you what Joe, you guys have a backlash coming that will spin that chicken neck of yours around 360. You keep this up and you libs will be the ones marching into the mental institutions you've needed to be in since the founding of the prog-left ideology, at gun point if neccessary. I'll gladly lead you through the entrance on down to your cell, you sick fuck. Don't worry, we will feed you & keep you as drugged up as you need to be. You'll just never infect the body politic again, Joe.

So I lied...had to address that slack jawed queermobile one last time.

Now that's a tad more believable, Lesbians are not the same monsters as Male queers. The sex drive differs and is not all consuming. But as Lockejaw stated ... the Math just doesn't add up - not at all - so I think you need to refine youir story a little more. Maybe have a conference with some of your co-conspirators and see what you can pull ou of the Dunkles butt.

blah blah blah

blah blah blah and blah blah

yada yada yada.

Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend -someone who thinks for himself -unrealisn'tJoe someone who's not part of the Politically Correct Pack of useful Idiots... LMAO ...

Actually your response is part of a tactic you've been trained to use - it's called "JAMMING"

See: Gay* Brainwashing Techniques

If you say so Joe .... would you like some cookies with that poison kool aid ?


Irrelevent , wipe your mouth Joe - your foaming again.

Well, her husband was cheating on her and did walk out on her and the kids.

Gee - I wonder why he gave up on a Dike bitch whore who was cheating on him with another dike biitch whore - befuddling isn't it ? {Now here's the part where you tell me she wasn't a cheating dike bitch whore but was wholesome and pure till she discovered her inner whore and love of Sushi} . If you had a hammer you'd hammer in the morning ... keep crafting the scenario - we know you can make it suit your argument ! :lol:

But you do bring up an interesting point. It seems to me if you wingnuts really cared about kids and their well-being, you'd be on all these outstanding straight men who walk out on their kids or dump their wife for a younger trophy wife. - You know, like Reagan, Dole, McCain, Rudy Guiliani, Gingrich.

Or they could just screw anything tha came along - like the Kennedys, or maybe not engage in realsex at all like slick Willy Clinton, you know, "Define Sex" - hell all he did was pass out Cigars .
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Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend is an example of the far right contard confusion.

The poster of the bolded above can't even define "socio-fascist."

Not one poster on the Board has even attempted to show how marriage equality injures their personal civil liberties and rights.

But this poster can show how gay marriage [there is no such thing as "marriage equality" else minors, polygamists and incestuous groups would be in "LGBT"] hurts the American legal system when they try to use the 14th to force states to recognize a behavior "as race"...


Jake hopes that if you focus on "how gay marriage doesn't hurt individuals or hetero marriage" then you won't notice how parading it as a social virtue will damage society over time..
That is Jake's problem...He doesn't recognize we are talking about defending society from the negative impact normalizing homosexuality would have on it.

He is either too stupid to understand that there could be negative impact from normalizing it or he is all for turning society upside down.

I think he is for turning our society upside down.

Like most pro-gay normalization folks, he's a bonafide sociopath.

Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend is an example of the far right contard confusion.

The poster of the bolded above can't even define "socio-fascist."

Not one poster on the Board has even attempted to show how marriage equality injures their personal civil liberties and rights.

But this poster can show how gay marriage [there is no such thing as "marriage equality" else minors, polygamists and incestuous groups would be in "LGBT"] hurts the American legal system when they try to use the 14th to force states to recognize a behavior "as race"...


Jake hopes that if you focus on "how gay marriage doesn't hurt individuals or hetero marriage" then you won't notice how parading it as a social virtue will damage society over time..
Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend is an example of the far right contard confusion.

The poster of the bolded above can't even define "socio-fascist."

Not one poster on the Board has even attempted to show how marriage equality injures their personal civil liberties and rights.

But this poster can show how gay marriage [there is no such thing as "marriage equality" else minors, polygamists and incestuous groups would be in "LGBT"] hurts the American legal system when they try to use the 14th to force states to recognize a behavior "as race"...


Jake hopes that if you focus on "how gay marriage doesn't hurt individuals or hetero marriage" then you won't notice how parading it as a social virtue will damage society over time..

Yes , looks like they done runned off and hid their sorry asses again -
Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend is an example of the far right contard confusion.

The poster of the bolded above can't even define "socio-fascist."

Not one poster on the Board has even attempted to show how marriage equality injures their personal civil liberties and rights.

The poster of the bolded above can't even define "socio-fascist."

Well not in a context that you wouldbe capable of comprehending :cuckoo:

Yup they're all a bunch of cowards. I have a question for any pro-gay normalization poster here.

Prove that normalizing homosexuality & giving them first dibs in adoption would not have a negative impact on society?

I don't need to argue it on whether it hurts my civil liberties personally, My concern is for the future of our nation's children & society.

Tell me, gay enablers or homos themselves, how you can assure it will not lead to children being molested or brainwashed into thinking they are gay.

I will not entertain any gay genes "born that way" arguments, there is no proof of any of that, that's well established on plenty of threads including this one.

The whole point of gay adoption is to convert children and increase the gay population. We know it. You know it. Enough of the bullshit.
Classic textbook socio-fascist response to something they can'tcomprehend is an example of the far right contard confusion.

The poster of the bolded above can't even define "socio-fascist."

Not one poster on the Board has even attempted to show how marriage equality injures their personal civil liberties and rights.

But this poster can show how gay marriage [there is no such thing as "marriage equality" else minors, polygamists and incestuous groups would be in "LGBT"] hurts the American legal system when they try to use the 14th to force states to recognize a behavior "as race"...


Jake hopes that if you focus on "how gay marriage doesn't hurt individuals or hetero marriage" then you won't notice how parading it as a social virtue will damage society over time..

Yes , looks like they done runned off and hid their sorry asses again -
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Oh shut up Seawench. That friend of yours praised Hitler yesterday, praised the 12 year olds that did the skinnyman stabbing, and is a bisexual slut that has unprotected sex with multiple partners & then talks about how worried she was to get her HIV test results.

You have horrible taste in friends, but that's to be expected from liberals.

1. I'm not "friends" with anyone on USMB
2. Yes I praised the Fuhrer and will continue to do so. Adolf Hitler left far more of an impression on history than you ever will. Over 99% of humans will never achieve that level of greatness.
3. Yes I was impressed that some 12 year olds lured a child into the woods to offer up a human sacrifice in attempt to summon what they viewed as an evil phantom from beyond. If only they'd found the right coven for that instead!
4. Yes I'm bisexual. So what. I get the best of both worlds.
5. Yes I can be promiscuous but I am extremely selective of my partners. I don't consider myself a "slut" lol.
6. My partners always use condoms when we fuck.
7. Hey at least I get tested right. Alot of people don't.
8. What's with you and homosexuality???
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Oh shut up Seawench. That friend of yours praised Hitler yesterday, praised the 12 year olds that did the skinnyman stabbing, and is a bisexual slut that has unprotected sex with multiple partners & then talks about how worried she was to get her HIV test results.

You have horrible taste in friends, but that's to be expected from liberals.

1. I'm not "friends" with anyone on USMB
2. Yes I praised the Fuhrer and will continue to do so. Adolf Hitler left far more of an impression on history than you ever will. Over 99% of humans will never achieve that level of greatness.
3. Yes I was impressed that some 12 year olds lured a child into the woods to offer up a human sacrifice in attempt to summon what they viewed as an evil phantom from beyond. If only they'd found the right coven for that instead!
4. Yes I'm bisexual. So what. I get the best of both worlds.
5. Yes I can be promiscuous but I am extremely selective of my partners. I don't consider myself a "slut" lol.
6. My partners always use condoms when we fuck.
7. Hey at least I get tested right. Alot of people don't.
8. What with you and homosexuality???

Women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.Romans 1:26 DO YOU REALLY WANT TO RECEIVE IN YOURSELF THE PENALITY OF YOUR ERROR?? YOUR CHOICE!
Oh shut up Seawench. That friend of yours praised Hitler yesterday, praised the 12 year olds that did the skinnyman stabbing, and is a bisexual slut that has unprotected sex with multiple partners & then talks about how worried she was to get her HIV test results.

You have horrible taste in friends, but that's to be expected from liberals.

1. I'm not "friends" with anyone on USMB
2. Yes I praised the Fuhrer and will continue to do so. Adolf Hitler left far more of an impression on history than you ever will. Over 99% of humans will never achieve that level of greatness.
3. Yes I was impressed that some 12 year olds lured a child into the woods to offer up a human sacrifice in attempt to summon what they viewed as an evil phantom from beyond. If only they'd found the right coven for that instead!
4. Yes I'm bisexual. So what. I get the best of both worlds.
5. Yes I can be promiscuous but I am extremely selective of my partners. I don't consider myself a "slut" lol.
6. My partners always use condoms when we fuck.
7. Hey at least I get tested right. Alot of people don't.
8. What with you and homosexuality???

So you praise Hitler ...berry interesting ..... berry berry interesting, at least you are capable of independent thought, no ,matter how warped and depraved your conclusions may be, at least they are own .

Do you consider yourself a socialist ?
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All you keep doing is proving you're a worthless piece of human offel & the only redeeming quality your filthy, disgusting, disturbed self has is that you get tested..and that's only a redeeming quality if I forget that unless you're testing yourself after ever time you have sex...you could still be spreading disease to both women & men.

You are scum. Not anything near a goddess. If you change someday, maybe you'll be worthy of more than a fat loogee in your face, but for now.

Women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.Romans 1:26 DO YOU REALLY WANT TO RECEIVE IN YOURSELF THE PENALITY OF YOUR ERROR?? YOUR CHOICE!

We both worship the same God, GISMYS. We just worship differently :) My fate in this life lies neither in Heaven nor Hell.

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