What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
1. I'm not "friends" with anyone on USMB
2. Yes I praised the Fuhrer and will continue to do so. Adolf Hitler left far more of an impression on history than you ever will. Over 99% of humans will never achieve that level of greatness.
3. Yes I was impressed that some 12 year olds lured a child into the woods to offer up a human sacrifice in attempt to summon what they viewed as an evil phantom from beyond. If only they'd found the right coven for that instead!
4. Yes I'm bisexual. So what. I get the best of both worlds.
5. Yes I can be promiscuous but I am extremely selective of my partners. I don't consider myself a "slut" lol.
6. My partners always use condoms when we fuck.
7. Hey at least I get tested right. Alot of people don't.
8. What with you and homosexuality???

Women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.Romans 1:26 DO YOU REALLY WANT TO RECEIVE IN YOURSELF THE PENALITY OF YOUR ERROR?? YOUR CHOICE!
GYS, remember "Let he is who is without sin cast the first stone"?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIaORknS1Dk]Stoning - Monty Python's Life of Brian - YouTube[/ame]
Oh shut up Seawench. That friend of yours praised Hitler yesterday, praised the 12 year olds that did the skinnyman stabbing, and is a bisexual slut that has unprotected sex with multiple partners & then talks about how worried she was to get her HIV test results.

You have horrible taste in friends, but that's to be expected from liberals.

1. I'm not "friends" with anyone on USMB
2. Yes I praised the Fuhrer and will continue to do so. Adolf Hitler left far more of an impression on history than you ever will. Over 99% of humans will never achieve that level of greatness.
3. Yes I was impressed that some 12 year olds lured a child into the woods to offer up a human sacrifice in attempt to summon what they viewed as an evil phantom from beyond. If only they'd found the right coven for that instead!
4. Yes I'm bisexual. So what. I get the best of both worlds.
5. Yes I can be promiscuous but I am extremely selective of my partners. I don't consider myself a "slut" lol.
6. My partners always use condoms when we fuck.
7. Hey at least I get tested right. Alot of people don't.
8. What's with you and homosexuality???
"The Fuhrer", as you refer to Hitler, died stark, raving mad in an underground bunker, rather young. Mao lived to a ripe old age. Don't fret, next month is "20th Century Dictators Awareness Month", you will learn lots. :D
Jake qualify your statement or STFU. Thanks.
Yup they're all a bunch of cowards. I have a question for any pro-gay normalization poster here.

Prove that normalizing homosexuality & giving them first dibs in adoption would not have a negative impact on society?

I don't need to argue it on whether it hurts my civil liberties personally, My concern is for the future of our nation's children & society.

Tell me, gay enablers or homos themselves, how you can assure it will not lead to children being molested or brainwashed into thinking they are gay.

I will not entertain any gay genes "born that way" arguments, there is no proof of any of that, that's well established on plenty of threads including this one.

The whole point of gay adoption is to convert children and increase the gay population. We know it. You know it. Enough of the bullshit.
Yes , looks like they done runned off and hid their sorry asses again -

Only the weird far right suggest that either hetero or homosexuality is a "social virtue."

True Americans recognize that marriage equality is an American virtue.
Not as hard as I will laugh when you stop posting & I realize your dead from AIDS, ****.
I'm responding, only ONCE. ShootSpeeders posted a thread "showing" that those with African heritage cannot learn.

I don't care what a dude named "shoot speeders" says...his name alone tells me he is not a conservative, he is a wackjob. I saw what he said & almost responded to it. Then when I thought about it, I knew it'd be a waste of time.

I'm not wasting my time arguing against margenalized racists that do not reflect the mainstream. These people are chumps & losers....they post to get a rise out of you. Don't let them. I sure as hell can think, I have a degree, I own my own business, I worked within the California DOC for 5 years as a consultant on gang intelligence, I have a wife & kids..I have a ranch & I have dignity & anyone I talk to in person, respects me.

So they can take a flying fuck. I am a black man who made it so I don't give a shit what they say. My kids could run circles around that redneck asshole trying to make racism a staple in conservatism.

I bet I have more money than him too, because Im smarter than him.

Yes, I hold myself in high esteem. If you came as far as I did as with virtually nothing but hard work....you would too.

So fuck 'um as we said in LA where I grew up.

I laughed
Laugh all you want; no one will even notice.

Not as hard as I will laugh when you stop posting & I realize your dead from AIDS, ****.
I don't care what a dude named "shoot speeders" says...his name alone tells me he is not a conservative, he is a wackjob. I saw what he said & almost responded to it. Then when I thought about it, I knew it'd be a waste of time.

I'm not wasting my time arguing against margenalized racists that do not reflect the mainstream. These people are chumps & losers....they post to get a rise out of you. Don't let them. I sure as hell can think, I have a degree, I own my own business, I worked within the California DOC for 5 years as a consultant on gang intelligence, I have a wife & kids..I have a ranch & I have dignity & anyone I talk to in person, respects me.

So they can take a flying fuck. I am a black man who made it so I don't give a shit what they say. My kids could run circles around that redneck asshole trying to make racism a staple in conservatism.

I bet I have more money than him too, because Im smarter than him.

Yes, I hold myself in high esteem. If you came as far as I did as with virtually nothing but hard work....you would too.

So fuck 'um as we said in LA where I grew up.

I laughed
Hahaha! That's funny considering your reputation points. The only reason you're here is because you pay to be here. How about I offer to buy the site and kick your bitch ass off for life?
:lol: Son, you are the least powerful individual on the Board. Tell us how marriage equality injures your personal or civil liberty.

Jake qualify your statement or STFU. Thanks.
Only the weird far right suggest that either hetero or homosexuality is a "social virtue."
True Americans recognize that marriage equality is an American virtue.
Not as hard as I will laugh when you stop posting & I realize your dead from AIDS, ****.
I don't care what a dude named "shoot speeders" says...his name alone tells me he is not a conservative, he is a wackjob. I saw what he said & almost responded to it. Then when I thought about it, I knew it'd be a waste of time.

I'm not wasting my time arguing against margenalized racists that do not reflect the mainstream. These people are chumps & losers....they post to get a rise out of you. Don't let them. I sure as hell can think, I have a degree, I own my own business, I worked within the California DOC for 5 years as a consultant on gang intelligence, I have a wife & kids..I have a ranch & I have dignity & anyone I talk to in person, respects me.

So they can take a flying fuck. I am a black man who made it so I don't give a shit what they say. My kids could run circles around that redneck asshole trying to make racism a staple in conservatism.

I bet I have more money than him too, because Im smarter than him.

Yes, I hold myself in high esteem. If you came as far as I did as with virtually nothing but hard work....you would too.

So fuck 'um as we said in LA where I grew up.

I laughed

Insulting people by calling them "*****" and misusing "your" do nothing to show that your position is that of the educated and intelligent.
Women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.Romans 1:26 DO YOU REALLY WANT TO RECEIVE IN YOURSELF THE PENALITY OF YOUR ERROR?? YOUR CHOICE!
GYS, remember "Let he is who is without sin cast the first stone"?

Why didn't we just start this "discussion" with that?:lol:

I wanted to read paraphrased, and poorly edited, parts of the Bible, GIS was available....:eusa_whistle:
That is the best you got? You have no power, period.

Hahaha! That's funny considering your reputation points. The only reason you're here is because you pay to be here. How about I offer to buy the site and kick your bitch ass off for life?
Laugh all you want; no one will even notice.

Not as hard as I will laugh when you stop posting & I realize your dead from AIDS, ****.
I laughed

I'll toy with you a bit, then I will offer to buy this site out for a year..see what they say. I'd be fair about it...i'd just ask all the RWers to vote o. Whether to ban you for life. You want that? I have enough to make it happen. What do you donate? $2 a month? Haha
Laugh all you want; no one will even notice.

Not as hard as I will laugh when you stop posting & I realize your dead from AIDS, ****.

I'll toy with you a bit, then I will offer to buy this site out for a year..see what they say. I'd be fair about it...i'd just ask all the RWers to vote o. Whether to ban you for life. You want that? I have enough to make it happen. What do you donate? $2 a month? Haha

Sure you do. :lol:
So you praise Hitler ...berry interesting ..... berry berry interesting, at least you are capable of independent thought, no ,matter how warped and depraved your conclusions may be, at least they are own .

Do you consider yourself a socialist ?

I do not identify/ affiliate with any political mindset.
That is the best you got? You have no power, period.

Hahaha! That's funny considering your reputation points. The only reason you're here is because you pay to be here. How about I offer to buy the site and kick your bitch ass off for life?

Hahahahahahahaha! You're such a fag!

:lol: $$$ is not free speech, and how has marriage equality injured your personal and civil liberties.

Son, you are no better intrinsically than anyone else here.
That is the best you got? You have no power, period.

Hahaha! That's funny considering your reputation points. The only reason you're here is because you pay to be here. How about I offer to buy the site and kick your bitch ass off for life?

Hahahahahahahaha! You're such a fag!

:lol: $$$ is not free speech, and how has marriage equality injured your personal and civil liberties.

Son, you are no better intrinsically than anyone else here.

You have no data to support that opinion.
So you praise Hitler ...berry interesting ..... berry berry interesting, at least you are capable of independent thought, no ,matter how warped and depraved your conclusions may be, at least they are own .

Do you consider yourself a socialist ?

I do not identify/ affiliate with any political mindset.

Nazism is a "political mindset"? That makes studying 20th century world history a lot quicker.....:doubt:
Jake, money talks...bullshit walks. I am seriously thinking about offering a deal to the site. Keep talking faggot, I'll keep you around, have people update your rep and BOOM! Your ip will be blocked. Your posting style will be banned, and I already know if I offer enough..you're gone. Shouldn't have talked about who has power, bitch. You're going to be my bitch.

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